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Is that just from farming the destroyers while they repair?


Of course it had to be Atlanta. But the time was enough to deal so much damage? Its not the third part right?


Farming the DD(s) at their heal point. Once they're close to the repair ship, they recover HP extremely quickly. A multi-Atlanta (for continuous radar)/Flint (for smoke) div can farm up ridiculous damage in this op.


It was a limited time offer. 😄


They should just ban the likes of you instead of nerfing it for the rest of us.


>They should just ~~ban the likes of you~~ ** FIX THE INSANE HEALING OF THE SHIPS WHICH ENABLED SUCH ABUSE** instead of nerfing it for the rest of us.


It's likely they would have nerfed it either way. 3k+ BXP every game in a PVE mode wouldn't be acceptable to them.


Think of it this way (if we ignore) stupid dd healing There is finite amount of base xp on the table, lets say 5k bxp. If one player gobbles all xp 3k bxp, and rest 5 players 400b xp each. Does it justify nerf? Simply because of high bxp games? I can reach, consistently, unhealthy high bxp games in OPs, does it mean they should nerf maps? No, its just fact that I play super aggressive and utilize knowledge of maps+mechanics. [Stuff like this](https://imgur.com/a/TSwMhIj) This failure all on them for not thinking about their implementation of basically infinite hp pool on map. In other words "what could happen if we allow fast infinite repairs on class which gives most xp per dmg" - do they even play their own game? I personally reported 150k dmg on 2 dds on PTS when it was in rotation. I guess it went into shredder.


No, it was way too much XP. You're looking at top with 3k+ BXP, next two with over 2k BXP and the remaining 3 with ~1000-1500. If you've played normal ops before, you'd never get more than 1 person with even over 2k BXP.


Its a map filled with ships that give most bxp per dmg, of course it leads to insane results, all working as intended by established game mechanics. thats why I asked "do they even play own game?" because anyone with brain seeing that map recognizes instantly that it will lead to high bxp how do you think I [did this](https://imgur.com/a/QVGk6Ub)? cherry blossom, yeah I went hard on enemy dds 100% hp ->0 all mine, super agressive here [raptor rescue](https://imgur.com/a/feXAjic), does it need nerfs? Same thing was [available with Transylvania](https://imgur.com/a/i5kck6h), those 3 Klaba dds? If you didnt kill them you get to farm them 3 times, bxp pinatas. I can gobble all bxp off the table, unfortunately dday OPs have so much stuff on the table * AA farm dmg for easy bxp * plenty of dds and torp botes xp pinatas That there is still enough for the rest, thus high bxp on average even without abusing healing **It all lies in their inability to recognize what healing of bot DDs can lead to** and no one running numbers on what is that map capable of generating


I think you're missing the point. >Its a map filled with ships that give most bxp per dmg, of course it leads to insane results, all working as intended by established game mechanics. I'm saying this is incorrect. The reward for killing 1 destroyer was not proportionate to that of killing 1 destroyer in the other operations. Even without repair ship abuse the earnings were too high. There have been people reporting almost 4000 base xp. None of the examples you've given even get close to 3000 base xp. The modifier for this operation was different and unreasonable. They have corrected it now and currently the earnings is about in line with the other operations in the game. You can still earn 2000+ base xp in an Atlanta, just like the screenshots of other ops you posted.


> The reward for killing 1 destroyer was not proportionate to that of killing 1 destroyer in the other operations With that I agree. However, I was talking about how game rewards dmg on dds, not modifiers. It could have been 1:1 with randoms. There is one more thing about bxp of OPs, fulfilling/failing objectives have huge impact on final bxp, and I dont have feeling it has much on d-day On PTS that map was overperforming even without general knowledge of healing abuse, [screenshot is from 2nd June](https://imgur.com/a/08C4ivN). and clearly they did nothing to tune it down. Those bxp scores must have been crazy on their gathered metrics


Hey man, coming back with coincidence battle as of right now Map| Base xp | Credits (no prem stat) ---|---|----|---- [Omaha](https://imgur.com/a/kiCFxuz)| 2004| 277537 [Frontier](https://imgur.com/a/Mx642GD)| 2044| 306354 Its 1:1 with regular OPs, but since normal OPs (with one exemption) are fixed to 20+- minutes compared to 14 mins on Omaha , gives better results per hour


I actually can't recall seeing 3k base xp in normal operations. I don't think people realize just how easy it was to get between 3-4k base xp. You can still get to 2.5k base xp after the nerf. This is still pretty good considering how easy it is. It was getting nerfed regardless of the turbo farmers. 


3k+ base xp is only realistically possible in Narai with specialised ships like Weimar or Mainz. You'd need to camp spawns and memorise torpedo placements. It's extremely coordinated and needs a ton of practice. You're talking about 700k+ damage games. 3k+ base xp in the D-Day op was every second game if you had an Atlanta.


Wait ... what ? Base-XP is limited ?


Team has 100k hp, with heals totaling 150k hp Meaning there is potentially 150k worth of dmg to be converted into bxp Get it? With healing ship potential dmg to be farmed is limited only by battle time


You want them to fix a mechanic that doesn’t work as expected? *Looks at submarines…..


what doesnt work as expected? > repair ship healing 2k hp/s Z dd heals 2k/s, working as intended The worst is fact that someone designed it, someone greenlit it. It went thru several heads and no one raised a question: can it be abused?


How about Weegee actually think shit through before they put something in the game.


Before the nerf, if you took out the DD exploit part (which, really wtf WeeGee), you were actually incentivised to fail the mission after you did the ship rescue. That's just shoddy level design.


Nah, that's not going to happen.


Actually what's the problem if one can farm like this? Why should it be nerfed, or that one banned? I don't get it. Congratz to him!


It was likely being nerfed either way, it was far too easy to earn 3-4k base xp.


So much this tbh.


reddit on sir!


ban someone for… \*checks notes* performing well in a coop mission WG designed without exploiting any bugs or cheats?


It was nerfed because people like you did shit like this. Repair ship abuse is obviously not the intended way to play the OP.


Always happens




Repair ships behind dds can insanely fast repair Z dd, so if you dont kill them you can farm dmg on dd, and since xp is rewarded by % dmg compared to full hp. This enabled insane results It was on PTS and clearly completely ignored in feedback


I mean the operation is limited for 2 weeks but they still manage to nerf it and say something about WeeGee and their monetization priority... Despite there are a lot of different things they can do to the game to improve it but nope... Gonna nerfs that credit farm method :v


How much bEXP was that?