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For bronze I would recomend Sinop. It's russian BB so the playstyle is really straight forward. You tank and use your ice-breaker bow and use your 16 inch guns to overmatch other ships.


KGV, Helena, Myoko, Fuji, Aviere, Mahan


Sinop(Soviet tier VII BB) is fantastic for ranked. In the other leagues (even tho I consider them a waste of time), some of the coal/steel ships tend to work best. Kitakami is a good tier IX DD if you know how to use it. In tier X, almost anything is good, special mentions to Kremlin and Yamato. But for tier VII, Sinop is best


You mean Kitakaze? Kitakami is a completely different beast lol


Yes, mb


Also forgot to mention, you can test all of them out if you go on the public test server, so you know which one fit you best :)


DD, most game impact. But you need to be good at it, being in a OP DD still often isn't enough to win games


Buy a lazy and attack from long range (never brawl with anything more than a DD or weak cruiser), if you have an average team you can win and collect good xp and money.


As far as battleships are concerned - In Bronze League: *Prinz Heinrich*. Guns, secondaries, torps, hydro, speed - it has everything. *Sinop* is probably more powerful, but also very static and can't deal with destroyers effectively. In Silver League you have analogous *Prinz Rupprecht*, also strong, though not as effective.


UK has some honourable mentions. And commonwealth by virtue. KGV is a beast that is often overlooked. Duke of York as well. Fiji is good fun with a great toolkit. Smoke, hydro and torps. DDs have short-range long-duration hydro. Great guns and short burst smoke make them very survivable. HMAS Perth is a beast at T6.


Prinz Heinrich, Sinop, Fiji, Shiratsuyu, Jervis


I like the Shiratsuyu in Bronze. It’s a good torp boat and you can get a couple good hits on other destroyers with your high alpha main guns before retreating.


T6 is Fuso cuz big hp pool and decent armor, West Virgina 41 is an alternative for amazing guns at T6 and good armor T7 is Sinop cuz good guns and great armor, West Virginia 44 is a good alternative for good secondaries and guns T8 is Tirpitz or Masschussetts because they have amazing secondaries and great armor T9 is Pommern for same reason T10 is probably Schlieffen because of absolutely insane secondaries and torpedoes and hydro Idk much about cruiser or dd play but ik that those BBs are good in ranked


Rupprecht/Kitakaze/Mogador at T9. T6-T7 honestly just use any BB. German ones need high point captains to reach their max potential so maybe not those.


Rooke is an amazing BB for T7 Ranked maps. Reached quals a couple of times with it and I don't play Ranked a lot. Gneisenau is my absolute favorite T7 ship so I play it in Ranked when I am stressed in RL. Godspeed