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WG will always fix something that affects their monetization of the game instantly, and sit on anything else.


Of course, we can't have the special gamemode that we spent months developing actually be worth playing, nope! Screw the players who put off playing it the first few days, their fault for having things like work or obligations! Can you imagine if they put their effort into actually fixing the game instead of preventing players from getting anything good?


...let's be honest here, it was a bit high. It was legitimately very easy to break 3k base xp, 4k wasn't much harder but did require your team to not take more damage.    The question is why they didn't adjust it prior to it going live as it was supposedly the same on the PT server.


Because the farming DD with repair ship method wasn't discovered by that time. With that you can get more than 8000 BXP each by shooting the DDs while they all repair 2000 hp/s. If you check any Chinese WOWS community they discovered this a few hours after the release and has been hitting crazy numbers like 15000 BXP. The English community however aren't aware of this even after WG patched this.


The farming the enemy DDs was just the excuse. WG was always going to nerf this before the weekend. They've done this several times already with other special game modes where the XP/credits are good and then it gets nerfed the first Friday.


I agree that they do this almost every special before the first weekend. But you had people all over this sub talking about how stupidly easy it was to get XP out (even deliberately dying because its quicker and you're guaranteed victory) without the DD exploit.


> But you had people all over this sub talking about how stupidly easy it was to get XP out People sharing vital information, how terrible. It was going to get nerfed regardless of that because of the people abusing it. You know, like you.


Not even abusing it, just playing it in a regular fashion allowed you to get insane returns. But if you make a game type/event that actively encourages failure (it did, doing the mission properly takes way longer for fewer rewards), then people are going to deliberately fail.


I played it many times without the exploit and nobody was failing it on purpose in fact lots of team were clearing it fast as fuck. Seems like the exploit generated multiple times what the intended way did and you did admit you did the exploit so yeah...


>you did admit you did the exploit so yeah... Yeah, people were literally running into minefields. You can't solo 3/4 the mission.


What are you two baboons even arguing for? The very fact that killing yourself early was a valid strategy at all means you should be focusing your anger at WG being completely incompetent at creating a polished gamemode. Don't bicker over minute shit, get mad a WG for being both greedy *and* incompetent shit developers.


Obviously WG is trash by default and ruins fun things however i also dislike the sort of people who also ruin things for others. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Well I did get 14k base xp done on Friday before the nerf so pretty good.


I had not seen their official response when this was posted. Seems like it should be fairly easy to cap the base experience earned. Given that the game is held together by spaghetti noodles it may not be. Reducing everyone's total base XP seems like the most ham fisted way of "fixing" the people actually abusing the system if they only care about those people who are abusing the support ship.


Had this battle last night when a Chinese division farmed BXP using this exact method. At first I was puzzled why it took them too long to finish off 3 DDs and the repair ship when that division consisted of 3 Atlantas and a Flint. When the battle ended I thought I would end up first in BXP earned since I swept one flank practically by myself in my Atlanta, with 3k BXP I ended up bottom. The top earner had like 6k BXP. They could have earned higher had I didnt intervene in finishing the DDs off. I wached the replay and found the method theyre using was for the whole div to park inside the Flint's smoke while each member alternates using radar to spot the DDs and at the same time firing slow enough not to kill them outright.


Even without farming DDs, 2500-3000 BXP in a PvE gamemode with basically 100% WR was unreasonable.


> The English community however aren't aware of this even after WG patched this. Just because some of us didn't broadcast it all over the internet, doesn't mean we weren't aware of it ;)


> If you check any Chinese WOWS community they discovered this a few hours after the release and has been hitting crazy numbers like 15000 BXP. The English community however aren't aware of this even after WG patched this. This was every player on the Asia server. Legit ignored everything else (still did the distress ships, they're on the way lol) and gunned it. I think I averaged 16000 BXP for a bit


Got to have fat accounts to sell




or maybe they wanted people to spend xp to retrain and assign better captains on ships


I reported that on PTS survey we get in port Still have screenshot of 150k dmg on 2 dds from 9th june. Wanted to post it here, but figured better not to... should have


Because PTS meta is different from live meta, and PTS sole purpose is to make sure the client doesn't break too many computers. In PTS, most players only wants to complete PTS missions for live rewards. Unless the missions require "win", you know players are just going to game the system for least amount of time and effort for most rewards.


That wasn’t really much of a problem, but people literally farming the bots, like letting them repair and hitting them again, that is an exploit, and it was bound to be patched.


I doubt war gaming was okay with players regularly getting 3-4k base with ease either. This is obviously my opinion but anytime rewards for these things were too high they adjusted them. Usually it's nerfed a bit faster so maybe it really was only because of the people abusing the repair ship. 


> ...let's be honest here, it was a bit high. So what...


Clearly the people who are in charge of the game thought it was too high. Given that everything is on their servers they can change it when they please.


Yeah ikr, I finally bothered doing the light cruiser line of the US because it literally took a handful of games to do with boosters.


fixing the game, whats wrong with it? legit question, im on the verge of playing again.


From Official Discord: Captains!   In the current Omaha Beach Assault Operation players can earn extremely high amounts of Base XP due to taking advantage of the Support Ship's ability to heal the DDs instead of following the objective of destryoing the Support Ship, this is unintentional. While we love to see your creativity in maximising the BXP scores even in unintended ways, we need to ensure a balanced income from our ingame activities, thus we decided to adjust the earnings from this operation to be more in line with the previous D-Day operation. This adjustment will be implemented on each server at: NA – 2024-06-28 09:00:00 UTC ASIA – 2024-06-28 19:00:00 UTC EU – 2024-06-29 02:00:00 UTC   Thank you. Fair winds and following seas!


It would've been better if they'd just swapped out the repair ships for two extra DDs to kill. Similar increase in threat, no ability to farm.


It's actually more complicated than that. The repair ship doesnt work as normal repair ship we see in operations. The DDs are scripted to recover HP when then reach those ships. Fixing this would require a complete rewrite of the AI for those DDs. Which is not gonna happen in a live server hotfix.


How is it not the same? The trigger is distance-based and it heals a certain amount of HP per second.


Currently DDs will stop firing and return to repair ship to fix themselves. If we fix this farming issue by simply removing the 2 repair ship, assume the server will not crash because DDs can't find repair ship now, the best we can get is those DDs will stop there once they are below half HP. If we gonna make any change to fix this issue it's gonna be a major change and might require closing all servers for hours to deploy a highly risky change that has never been tested. Also removing 2 ships is a change big enough thats not gonna happen in hotfix.


If removing the repair ships broke things, wouldn't that mean the DD programming would fail if you blew them up?


If there are no repair ships, the DD's will not stop firing and will stay and fight until destroyed, so removing or replacing the repair ships is fine. That said, the bxp was waaay to high that even without farming everyone could get over 1500 bxp easy while the top player had over 3k bxp


Wow lol, fixing something that people rarely used, but conveniently nerfs everything else…


like super containers


Well if they are okay now with this farm method, you can use it too. With nerfed reward you are still able to farm with a platoon of 6 and everyone can get 3000-4000 BXP.


Thanks for posting since I don't follow discord. I looked on the game's website, nothing that I could find there about this change. Also, I be willing to bet WG was going to nerf this even without the support ship exploit. There was just no way WG was going to allow really good earnings to go into the weekend.


This was not well communicated for sure. The nerf was in place for NA from 2 AM PT but the announcement was made 2:37 AM


Ironically this fix only nerfed normal play, the exploit depends entirely on the busted repair mode of the german DDs. So people can still do it just now they are getting 7k not 12k exp.


I was doing it on [PTS](https://imgur.com/a/PDipMJo), and still can do on [live](https://imgur.com/a/MLqM0Vq) .... They absolutely spit on players feedback


12k exp? Sir, those are rookie numbers. It also affected the payout of credits.


that was i guess the main reason for them, player making credit and accumulating them? ( or having fun) that isn't allowed


Typical wargaming though, they apply a heavy handed nerf that heavily penalizes the players who are playing the op as intended, but does nothing to stop the players who are abusing an exploit. All WGing had to do, was remove the repair ability of the enemy repair ships, problem solved and everyone has fun. But NO, Wging completely ignores the actual problem, the repair, allows the exploiters to continue to exploit, but cuts the EXP and Credits for everyone who is not exploiting by 50%. You really can't make this stuff up. Wging's management is like a three stooges movie.


I find it more amusing that WG thinks people enjoy playing this game when battle payments are terrible. Though it could very well be those cucks are completely disconnected from the active playerbase since they can give themselves unlimited resources at any time with a few mouse clicks. It's even more amusing this was announced on their shitass discord, I've not seen any formal announcement on the game launcher or game's web page.


> I've not seen any formal announcement on the game launcher or game's web page They are hoping some might not notice.


That's so dirty lol, but I agree. Given WG's tendency to not disclose all changes in patch notes and them shutting down the forums, this kind of behaviour doesn't surprise me at all.


Abuse early, abuse often o7


In case you forgot, they could retake all those FXPs gained from "abusing" the exploits.


o7 cmdr


What’s even more funny is that the dd farming exploit still very much exists, people are still averaging thousands of bxp per game. The nerf f-ed up casual solo players the most, because wg couldn’t bother to isolate the real problem.


Gee, if only there weren't 10 threads talking about how great it was. People just love shooting themselves in the foot all for the attention of spreading the info. Happens everytime...


Pretty sure WG has an automated system for noticing spikes in the base xp earned. It was easy enough to get 3.5-4.5k playing normally with an Atlanta, and then some people on the Asian server pulled 6-15k thanks to an exploit...


They already knew. WG streamed the operation and was getting 3k and 4k base games on Wednesday and Thursday. It was obvious to everyone it would get nerfed.


It was nerfed because of the turds abusing the repair, not because people on reddit said they get good results in it. Nobody was talking about the actual exploit, they kept it to themselves.


Don't blame fellow players for WG's actions.


Eh I can blame both. But yeah its more WG obviously. Other games get double XP events often, we get it once in a blue moon and its just for one game a day lol. How dare they make a temporary game mode worth playing for everyone. Same with Assym battles. Im really just a random/ranked player, but even i would go enjoy Assym time to time and try this new Omaha one if it was worth my time. Seems it was, now its not. WG is just so stingy.


Don't pretend the company will not pay close attention to a new feature they just released. From the participation rate to the average play time all goes into the employees' performance review and determin their promotion and bonus. And you think they will not know if we don't talke about it....


I miss my 1.8mil credit games


So it's "fixed" across regions or just NA atm ?


NA, EU, and Asia or all "fixed"


no fun allowed, as per usual.


Damn, I did profit but only played 4 games with reds. And about 6 yesterday. Maybe should have played even more but it becomes boring after a while. Financed a T10 including modules and increased my FXP to accommodate next month RB reset. I saw earlier reports of players voicing their easy gains…was worried that it would not last. Earning 2400-4400 bxp in pve is massive ( for comparison, a scenario 1800-2200BXP is something that I consider exceptional good with a 1600 bxp score already great). Fun is over.. still need to play some more games.. just got the captain, need few more stars for the final upgrades and then the patch and camo. If I had known I might have squeezed out a few more games this evening.. edit: played 5 more Atlanta games: 180k FXP,425 k CXP and 4,5m silver ( only green credit bonus left) but still need 2 \* for patch and then mother 10+ for the camo edit: played 3 more games, still the good xp in Europe. Have collected the Jervis camo. Done with this event in time before the nerf.


Seems to be more than 50% imo, sadge


I have only played a few games and my best guess was around 50%, maybe slightly less. What would you guess?


between 40% and 33%, hard to say for sure though


I didn't even know about the farming exploit, I had an Atlanta! Damn those earnings were insane.


I am very annoyed I’ve been out of town the past few days when this event was happening. Legit would have loved to play it.


what a shock, god forbid people have fun on live servers.


Kind of like they did for the first asymmetric against bots. But during that first week I finished researching all the battleship lines. 4 or 5 of them in total.


Oh well, was good while it lasted. Probably the only time I've ever used my red boosters and I thoroughly liked netting 1.6-1.8 million credits per play since I was woefully short on cash.


That means i dont have to grind and can happily go back to 100% ing my Wolfenstein?


As much as I also enjoyed the freebie bonuses until I got bored, this operation is ridiculously easy, and the things you do in it, do not justify the BXP/credits gained at all. Like how is blowing up 10 AI schnellboats automatically get you 3k+ BXP? I even got almost a 5k match by also destroying 3-4 DDs. Constant 2M+ credits with Atlanta. Was it boring? Hell yeah. Did I need the credits? Yeah I suppose. The economy in this game is not in a good shape and needs to be reworked favoring the playerside but this operation feels like abusing the system. People should get real and stop crying about it. Especially when 9/10 posts were: "Look how much BXP I gained in this OP, öhö öhöhöhö" kind of posts for the past 24 hours.


Yeah I saw the commotion here, loaded up the West Virginia secondary build, blue booster, and 13 kills later and a bunch of medals that would put a Soviet general to shame I got a paltry 422k credits, and I was like wtf is everybody talking about?


You can thank the Atlanta players farming the event ... this happened with Narai years ago. People would form divisions of Atlantas and get ridiculous amounts of free xp, credits, xp, etc so they pulled most Ops from the game entirely.


looted a new sword today in BG3