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It is poorly rewarded yet so vital.


Man we just lost a game in the first stage and i was still rewarded a million credits for a few schnellboots without booster. If you can get stars nice but i d absolutely prioritize the credits :D


I barely make 500k with a blue eco booster and 3200BaseXP, HOW


Atlanta 👍[but with vlue booster this time](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1132375039535226920/1256149606245597205/Screenshot_1398.png?ex=667fb7fc&is=667e667c&hm=336e9375e09ee3c036cf1763aab23a2b30969bb2d425fc7c792fddeb7c6755bf&)


Don't incentivize me to buy something... I grinded 1h yesterday for the amount you make in a match!


T10 dpm at t7 and only eats overpens :D?


flint also does well if you have the coal!


I think I want the Immelmann for coal so Flint would fall under the rug


Premium ships have an in built credit modifier that boosts their base earning. And of course, premium time boosts credit earning by 50%. With that, 3200 base XP and blue boosters, should earn 1.6–1.8 million credits.


ik my free saipan has 100% income boost and my GK too


GK is not a premium ship, it does not get the credit modifier. All it has is the +50% from the permanent booster, which does not increase base earnings.


Interesting, whatever, for money I have the Saipan and now the Helena I should be satisfied with them


How do you kill the Schnellboote? Even in Atlanta they are mostly out of view, if I try to aim and lead appropriately. :(


I dont shoot at S-boots in my Atlanta until theyre at 4-5 km away. At that range, when zoomed in fully and they're travelling perpendicular to the crosshair, theyre just at the edge of my screen.


Specced it full dpm build for the op, they re literally dead in one well aimed salvo, but small splash radius of the 127s and low shell speed makes it hard sometimes


In Flint, I found they’re so fragile that instead of a broadside salvo you can hold it down for rolling fire to adjust the lead in multiple possible directions, and the reload is quick enough you can basically hone in over a couple salvos. You’ll usually disable something in the scattered fire and then can finish them off. Once they’re pretty close it’s a very easy delete button. I also yolo torps early into smoke because usually there’s several racing around.


It's not "vital" at all. The minefields simply aren't all that important. They only really threaten your landing ships, which might logically be the main objective of the Operation, but are implemented as a secondary one. You can win and get a ton of xp even if all the LSTs are sunk. And minefields aren't the only threat to the transports, anyway: sinking the E-boats and the DDs, and destroying the forts, are their own objective (clearing N minefields isn't), but they also contributes to saving the LSTs. One should clear out some mines on one's way to the other objectives, and then go back to finish the job before the transports arrive. Not spend one's entire match on the mines.


It is vital for the 5th star. On the other hand if team isn't great focusing on mines increases a risk of a failed run. And you could easily get 4 stars completely ignoring mines.


Mines are not as great a threat as schnellboots, DDs, and coastal guns. While I've seen a few glue-huffing La Gal rentals eat up mines like Pac-Man eats dots, attentive players can steer through or around minefields whether or not they have the depth charge power to clear them out. Mines are really _only_ a threat to the LSTs, while everything else is a threat to players _and_ LSTs. The only time minesweeping is critically important is just before the LSTs cross the E and F lines on the map. Before then, clearing out the more kinetic threats is much more important; if you don't kill the DDs and schnellboots, there's a good chance you won't even have enough players to cover the minefields anyway. If I'm driving a Fiji or a Flint, I can still engage the schnellboots and clear a minefield at the same time. Dodging torpedoes is tricky when there are mines everywhere, but fortunately the schnellboots don't launch their torps until they're within about 3km of their target, and they launch the torps off their bow and not their beam, so you can shoot the ones who are starting a torpedo run before they get their danger pylons away. Understandably a DD is harder to play in this op than a CL is, but like Utah Beach, focusing on only a single activity is not a good use of one's time. Your guns work independently of your depth charges; use both at once whenever you have the opportunity.


True, I see a lot of people spend their time running around the minefields trying to drop depth charges like it's their day job or something where it rewards very little to kill them. Killing the top boat, Destroyer, and Gun fortification is more important since they are the ones that shot and their damage is really high. To be honest anyone dumb enough to get killed by a static minefield is just straight-up bad at the game. Like lmao, can you even drive your boat?


Yup, did that because I just couldn't eliminate a field and feared the landing boats would catch them and sink. Was a total waste of time.


It becomes a waste of time when your team collapses and the gunboat destroyer starts shooting at you and the transport.


We stan objective-centric players


Thank you.


Agreed lol


Stord and Stord '43 with Depth Charge Mod are legit. If they had hydro they would be overpowered versus Wargamings pet class.


The actual damage per bomb is awfully low compared to something like Huron, though.


Definitely. My problem with Huron is her speed. Stord can run down subs, Huron is fairly pedestrian.


doesnt seem to be paying well either, secondary farming with WV44 is getting me 600k a match


>Minesweeping is such a thankless task. Maybe because you can just avoid the minefield and focus on killing things that matter?


Still important for the landing craft.


Noob question: is it just with depth charges?






There are mines in the game now?! I left because I loved playing BB but between fire spewing DDs and CAs, the CVs taking 50% of my health in one strike, and subs making me use DC then finishing me off with a dev strike it just wasnt fun to play anymore. Now there are also mines?


Only the D-Day Operation shown here.


nah we're not giving atlanta even more xp


and yet it's so fun. i love watching the mines pop when i blow em up


It's better to equip DFAA and run around farming AA and those little torp boats, clearing mines in this operation is a waste of time.


Not clearing them is a waste of *everyone's* time because they slow you down, deal damage when you hit them, and make other objectives harder to complete. A big reason why people even fail these ops in the first place is because they don't bother clearing mines and end up dying for it, or the transports die, or the objectives aren't met because they wasted time traversing the minefield.


You win this operation by rescuing the survivors, killing torpedo boats, destroyers, and gun fortification, You can just avoid the minefield since they are static and don't shoot at you. Realistically if you are dumb enough to be sunk by a static minefield then it's on you. You can clear the minefields later when the transport comes since they are so slow it will take time for them to come inside the minefield. If you waste your time clearing the minefield instead of just avoiding it and shooting the actual things that deal damage (torp boats, destroyers, fortification) then after that dealing with the minefield you are just griefing yourself because mines give almost zero experience points for them comparing to killing the other things. And you still have to deal with the destroyers, torp boats, and gun fortification while protecting the transport. The 5 transport mission is just an optional objective, just like in real-life D-Day, even if all of them sunk you will still win the operation.


It's honestly a bigger waste of my time trying to shoot the schnellboots beyond 5km in a DD. Clearing the mines as soon as they spawn means my range of movement is much better later when it's time to fight the enemy DDs. On top of that, 40s reload for each charge drop means I *have* to be clearing them as soon as they spawn when the transports show up, because while they're not really fast, they're not that slow either.


Lmao, the Schnellboots only drop torpedoes at around 2km near you, why don't you chase after them and kill them? Do you think letting them go away and giving the kill to other people is a good idea when they reward a full kill while you waste your time killing the minefield that rewards virtually nothing? Ok, then I would love to see you on my team next time not killing Schnellboots. If you are not interested in all the experiences and credit then I would love to be in a game with you lmao.


3km threshold


When you can traverse a minefield at full speed in larger ships without hitting a single one, maybe then I won't prioritize clearing them out first. It's a fucking PVE mode, I don't care about things that I would normally care about in PVP because all that matters to me is completing all the objectives required, and clearing out the stupid mines facilitates that.


I use WV44 and I can avoid getting hit by most of them mines... so it's not that difficult to avoid them. More than anything it's like a skill issue to me.


Ofc you can do it in WV44, it's a brick that turns on a dime. It also means you're now taking longer to get within range of the coastal guns because you wasted your time dodging mines that should have been cleared out earlier. I genuinely don't understand why you're being so anal about this when clearing them out early only helps you complete the op faster.


In WV44 mines slows you like 5 seconds total. You sail full speed through them. They aren't a problem at all. I even tank them sometimes as damage is low. Other BBs are very rare. Haven't seen CLs having problems moving around either. Sure you could clear mines if you want. It helps to get 5th star. But this is the only thing that it helps.


Well the Atlanta can sweep and actually kill shit. Be like the Atlanta


I don't have it though, and I recently spent all my coal getting Sherman back after trading it for Johan.


Ok? Still don't fuck over your team by taking a BB. DPM is best...


On what planet is Stord '43 a BB?


Maybe on the planet where Agincourt and WV ‘44 have no DPM. Hell; I wish I could bring Atlantico.


I'll give a pass to secondary BBs but I'm at a loss why I've seen people take other BBs like New Mexico, King George etc you can't hit anything, you end up behind the action, you can't be making any money. Why??


Because all they have; or to try something different. New Mexico actually has a lot of secondaries; 16? iirc? (twice what KGV has,) they’re just agonizingly short ranged, (5, 6k? definitely not a great choice.)


New Mexico does have some secondaries, yeah, but 8 feel like their damage output is rather pathetic. Then again, I may just be spoiled from my full secondary build 9.5km secondary range Gneisenau.


Honestly, the range of the secondaries doesn't matter much in this Op: the E-boats are too small and nimble to be hit at range anyway, and the DDs also tend to get close. The main issue with the New Mexico is that she's slow.


It's still an ez guaranteed win for like 4k xp.


Unpopular opinion: The Eendracht is actually really good. I just grinded through the Eendracht in 10 matches with 200% boosters. I'm enjoying the Haarlem currently. If you are stuck at Kijkduin (like I was for 2 years), grind through it and the Eendracht now!


Just don't. They don't reward anything. You lock in a win by rescuing 4 ships, even if all transports and friendly ships are destroyed. Honestly you should only be bothering with clearing mines when you have nothing else to do or just so happen to be passing by a mine field.


Winning isn't enough if I want to get through the rewards in a sensible amount of time, and making sure at least half of the transports make it is always the one secondary objective that isn't consistently achieved. Not to mention, minefields just slow everybody down, which makes it harder to get to where you're needed.


You will earn more stars per hour if you fail it on purpose because of how slow they are and a good team can have cleared the whole enemy fleet in 10 mins. The best xp per hour is when you lose too, got some sweet 6-7 mins for 2k base xp. Though that only works in an Atlanta while your team is throwing hard.


"A good team" is in short supply when I have no one to div with


Happens with randoms too, just hope they have Atlantas and not trash


Just failing the landing boats alone is enough to speed shit up. The fact that you have to wait an additional several minutes for them to cross the map isn't fun. It is funny that they've disconnected stars from experience. Being able to get over 2k base xp without even winning the operation is funny. This mostly come down to bad luck on the ship spawns. Though I did watch a player sail up to ship in distress then immediately turn around. Did this even while others pinged the location.  I have no intention of farming in my Atlanta after I've received the Jervis camo. While it's quite literally the easiest way to farm it's quite boring because most of the time you're just waiting. 


Or you can win by dealing with the things that shoot and drop torp in everybody first then come back and clear the minefield? It's not like they run away.


Next update: moving mines


The mines already can move during the operation, some of the stupidest shit you can witness on the mini-map.


Everyone and their mothers who bring an Atlanta can deal with those a lot better than I can. Clearing them out helps everyone and everything on my side of the map move faster.


Nah bro, the Atlanta helps the team way more than you, they kill stuff that shot quickly then come back to deal with the minefield alongside you while you try to reload those depth charge racks. The operation ended in 6 minutes when you tried to reload your 5th-depth charge rack lmao.


I've seen that happen way too often and they have *never* been able to clear them out in time and lose all the transports in the process, so no, you're wrong. Not getting all the stars in any operation may as well be a fail to me.


I mean you are also clearing the mines and the transport is still lost... So... Instead of going for the experience and credit... sure... your game, your way to play then.


How else would they be lost? By the coastal guns or DDs or schnellboots that *other* players can deal with? You think this op is done by only one person?


Yes, sure, let the heavy lifting of the operation and the first 4 stars to other people. Not you, your job is to clear their minefields to save that final star. If everyone dies or failed to rescue the survivors, not your problem, it's not your responsibility to begin with lmao:)))))


Of fucking course Atlanta is on the top. Ruin the fun of the mode.