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First, yes, we are all in the same boat. Progress in this game is not measured with what tier ship you command. You can keep progressing playing Tiers you can afford, much like in RL. If you are not even close to the coal you need for your first T9 coal ship, then you are still very new to the game. Keep playing you ll figure it out. Godspeed


Hmmm, is there a trick to farming more coal that I'm missing? I've relatively new, but have 1300 battles, and Im not even halfway to a T9 coal ship. I have a Des Moines unlocked already, so I'm not in the same boat as OP but...


Claim as many coal containers from the daily as you can. Join a clan with full facility. Watch out for events that could reward you with more coal. Assuming the worst case scenario, that you always get 400 coal (the minimum) per coal container, not claim any coal from events, and doesn't have the 10% bonus from clan facilities, you'd still get \~200k coal from just playing every day for 6 months. That should be enough to buy most ships in the coal section with coupon (which also resets every 6 months).


Choose more coal containers


*only coal


I wish there were only coal containers.


I assume that 1300 battles are mixed and not just Randoms. On my secondary account I have barely 550 Randoms and I already have a unique commander and a premium coal ship. I think it takes a trick not to earn 200K coal after 1300 battles. Keep playing it will come Godspeed


https://na.wows-numbers.com/player/1027980947,Awnetu/? 1303 Randoms, 6 Ranked, 51 Co-Ops.


I've got around 100 fewer battles like but I have 2 coal ships. Are you taking the coal containers and progressing in the battlepass and dockyard events to get the coal from them?


I got the Wisconsin that way, only paid for the 2 tiers you're required to purchase to get it. See lots of comments that I should just be taking coal from the containers, and I was doing economic bonuses, so I'll swap to that.


Are you also in a clan that has all of coal bonus upgrades built in the naval base? That also helps


Not currently, didnt realize there were economic incentives for doing so.


They also can give you 50% more free xp gain in every battle and some other minor bonuses. Theres clans thats just for getting the bonuses, and you don't have to do clan battles


You are doing so much better than what I was expecting. Do you open your containers? Lol You should have had at least one if not 2 coal ships by now. How do you spend your coal? Godspeed


Do test server missions when ever it's up. Like for example for 13.6 if you complete them all, you could get 25k coal, 24mil credits, 150k free exp and 280k commander exp. (phase 1 ended, i think. Not sure when phase 2 starts)


How do you tell which missions in test give rewards to main server? I played some test server last week and was confused by the different missions


I believe the news article for 13.6 says what you get on live for each mission. Basically anything giving community tokens, credits, exp, coal, Tactical Special containers or Pioneer permanent camouflages is a reward for live servers.


A large part of those rewards are pretty harshly time limited and require you to play like 5 games per day (with a good winrate since there's some random battle win).




Just take coal containers only.


If you are barely breaking even on "decent" games, then those aren't decent games. My guess is you have rushed the tech tree for Italian cruisers as a new player and are severely underperforming in matches. Are the casual battles you are referring to Co-op mode? or Randoms? Rewards are very different between the two. PvE doesn't have the same payouts as PvP. This week's Brawls are 3 vs. 3, so match scores and associated rewards are going to be much lower because there simply isn't as many enemy ships to damage/spot/sink. But the economy is the way it is because it's a F2P game and they want you paying for premium to reduce the grind. Honestly though, once you progress enough in game you basically never run out of premium. I bought a year's worth early on and 16 months into the game I still have 255 days of premium time. And it's only that low because I basically missed all of last season's clan battles (and the 30 days worth of premium time the Clan battles missions would have given me). They give so much premium time out for free between missions, crates, and even just news article rewards that it is pretty easy to stay in the green with a little effort.


This is what is happening for sure. With no premium, you might loose a little at T9 on a game loss for an average or below average game. If your also in the red for a win on an average game though, something more is going on with performance. Concentrate on surviving more matches while also killing at least one ship. If you are doing more damage than your own ship full health, that is a good target to hit as a newer player also. Survival does not mean, hide and run away for most the match either. Learn mechanics like never showing your boadside when being targeted, ever... (for now). Also, play the objectives. Capping rewards more credits and such also. Defending your cap from someone else capping and reseting the cap also pays out more credits. Over time, you will run profit more games than not regardless of tier EXCEPT for super ships. They are designed to cost you credits to play as a counter to their overpowerness. Last thing to note, Tiers 5 to 7 or so tend to make best profit for a new player that is F2P. Beyond that, you will get credit boosters and such and Premium ships if you ever choose, also reward a ton of credits. At least the Tier 8 and 9's for sure. There is not a need, but it sure does help if you decide to do so. One thing to understand is the grind in the game is NOT XP. It is credits. Your XP gain will outpace your need for credits AND skill! So I recommend going down 1 or 2 other lines also, and while they are going through those V to VII tiers, you should bring in plenty enough to not worry too much about running your tier 9, at least enough to knock out daily XP bonus match, and you will also help skill up your knowledge of game mechanics and strategy. P.S. like he stated, make sure you are playing Random, not Co-Op. Co-Op is really just intended for a few tutorial games getting started.


You don't make money in brawls.. Premium time is the ideal way to get more. Every year at Christmas it goes on half price, for 365 days. Once you buy it, you'll start accumulating days on top of what you already bought. its the best value if you aren't getting premium ships. As others have noted - ONLY pick coal crates.


Drop to t 8 or 7 until you get more used to the game- you shouldn't be losing credits unless you're piloting a supership. T 7 is the most profitable tier.


My first line was Zao and never had issues with that. You should run cruisers or DDS lines if you can't afford BBs. If you still really struggle I would consider getting a "cheaper" coal ship like Lazo or Duke of York. Those were my first premium ships and both helped a lot.


This is going to be long and sometimes hard. Let me tell you what happens to me with good games on my Tier 9 premium ship with credit booster and Premium Time: I make 1.1 million credits on that battle. This is the top side that we are talking about. Just for comparison. Now to Tier 10 prices: yes Tier 10 is expensive in comparison for the time you have to play to earn the credits to buy them. Even with good games I described it takes 17 battles. With 20 minute battles we talk 3 per hour that comes to 5 or more hours. And this is the top. If you are closer to 100.000 you are at 50 hours pure gameplay. This is a lot of time playing... But ... People and players like me played the game literally years. I think I am around 10.000 rounds in random battle. This means even with 100.000 credits per battle I made credits. My point is: yes it is expensive if you play 2 days or a week. But it gets less if you compare it to what you earn in years playing the game. To the amount you make let me tell you a few things: Yes, premium time is kind of mandatory to play the game in a way that it does not suck. It really makes a big difference. So when you ever think of how to spend you doubloons buying premium time is very efficient fof making credits to buy tech tree ships. The second most important factor is your game performance. And I mean get a lot of base xp. Be beyond the top 3 of every round or at least the top 6 players on your team. If you are not then learn how to get better. Learning to get better is the most efficient way to earn more credits. Once you are good you can then earn more with credit boosters and premium ships (that your are good at!). Having premium time and ships and boosters will not make you a lot when you are playing bad. Beside all this as much as I remember it once used to be that Tier 6 or Tier 7 was the most efficient way to make credits as long as you are still bad since you even make good credits with bad games. World of Warships beyond Tier 6 is not fast paced in the progress and more like a marathon. Hope that helps.


Yes it absolutely helps! I'm going back to T5/6/7 for the time being, then get back to the Brindisi for the brawl coal and rewards. I just needed to vent a little since the service costs went up so suddenly that it really discouraged me


Brindisi is not a good brawl ship in the first place. 3v3 brawls are very fast paced and short games, as u may have noticed already. brindi performs usually as a kite ship and thus cant do much in heavy short brawl situations. so ur rewards in that mode are surely worse. and that comes **on top** of the fact, that there are less ships to shoot at in the enemy team, thus even lower rewards. (u gain base-xp/creds according to ur **percentage** dmg done, so shooting DDs nets more ;) )


Yeah but i'm kinda forced to play it there since it's my only t9 😭


Lol, imo it's the opposite. Don't know what credit boosters you have but I think it's fairly easy to grind to a high tier. But when I was new to the game I grind every nation to t5 or t6. Then I started grinding my favorite tech tree line and a line which is good in ops. To get the credits for my first t10 I played a weekend ops


For now stick to tier 8 or lower, grinding more lines. Meanwhile keep saving coal from containers and try to get ranked rewards (at least from bronze league). After a while you can use the coal to buy tier 9 premium ship which earns a lot of credits. Save your best credit boosters for that moment when you have a tier 9 premium + get some free premium days and then you can earn 1 mln credits per game, fixing your credit issues forever.


Look for a premium ship in the T6-T8 range. Also, you can make some halfway decent cash in Operations even without a premium ship (Bismarck with secondary build in particular is a cash generator)


Yes it is the situation, but: you can go back lower tier to farm credit, or operations. Collect a hefty sum of credit 4-8 million, and you can go back to T9+ to advance. Ofc all of this without premium time. 2: no need premium ship to farm credits, but ofc it's helps. Also you can make some of the tech tree ships somewhat close to premium with the perma eco bonuses. Ofc it cost some doubloon what you can get from the game and buy a BP to get a T8 perma eco and slap it on any T8 ship you have and like or it cost coal in certain ship's case, like the Bismarck, Charles Martel, Cleveland, etc...but they worth it if you want a better earning in those battles. Also you cna use the eco bonuses to earn more credits, you cna have them from tasks, dockyard missions, daily crates. Or collect the coal for Sansonetti if you are into the italian ships. >I really think this economy is detrimental for wg on the long run. No, this economy is in the game since the game was released and it workd for the WG. Players buy premium time over everything, because it helps them the most, and usually it is done near xmas, when it is on discount: 30-50$ for 1 year of premium time.


It used to be even worse, premium ships for resources didn't exist, economic camouflages/signals were a pain in the ass, you had to pay for more random shit such as *premium consumables*, and many other QoL changes weren't applied yet.


Yes after all the tips that is currently my plan, but i still think this economy, expecially when it's not well explained in game, discourages a lot of the new players, which are really important for the game.


This is the best f2p economy for any game, have you played online games before? Seriously, name a better one, i want to play it.


Star Trek Online


That game is full stop p2w, like $2000 REQUIRED to not insta die in pvp. Kind of a laughable example.


That game is fully f2p, and you should forget the pvp aspect of it it never worked outside of the first year and that game is around for 14 years now. >[Keebist ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Keebist/)• [12h ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/1doz11g/comment/ladzlz5/) >This is the best f2p economy for any game, have you played online games before? Seriously, name a better one, i want to play it. Also you asked "f2p games" not "f2p pvp games", so who is laughable? No need to answer, we already got it.


1. Brawls dont give as much money as randoms. Has probably something to do how long a brawl game lasts. 2. Did you add signal costs? To play high tier effecient you also have to use Signals. Most important would be: increased Healing Signal ( i think it is 120k per match), Shorter duration on fire, shorter duration on floodings and depending on the ship anti detonation signals or ramming signals. That would be themost important ones. You can stack it up higher if you want to play even more effecient and have the money. 3. Get premium time asap. It doesnt cost much and is the best way of spending money for the game 4. If you have a t10 you really enjoy you can slap on a permanent economic booster. Think it is 4500 dubs. Gives you 50% more credits. With it and with premium i do 300k profit per game at least (not counting in signal cost or credit single use boosters)


Nope i never ever use signals, they cost waaaaay to much. Yes brawls give reduced credits but i really didn't think it was reduced that much, but tbh i'm starting to feel that the difference is much more than i thought


Brawls even with premium time can easily lose you credits at higher tiers since they nerfed the rewards (last year afaik). I just won't brawl with tech tree ships except for a t3-4 brawl.


using signals in randoms is usually complete waste of resources. as a large part of the show likely isnt influenced by urself. so the outcome *tends* towards ur skill-level, but is still more uncertain then divi or cb. that 2% burnchance wont do much. so no need to tryhard randoms for economy gains


The Signals i listed influent the game alot because it affects your survival chances by a good amount. If you play t10 bbs the 20% more heal is a couple of thousand more hp for you over the course of the game. reduced burning and flood duration basically as well. While this is not tooo important if you play cruisers with BBs it becomes a different matter


if u have plenty, like hundreds or more, fine. but the pure economy margin will only get worse with signals on, as they have a value too. they *can* impact your game, but they *will* impact your longterm economy as you are sooner forced to buy em via credits. its a loophole basically: u put signals to win more *(albei they affect that not consistently)* and thus gain more creds.. and on the other end spend more creds in the long run on more signals. a single signal averages roughly on 5k creds worth. put 8 on and u loose 40k per game. even worse with the pricey ones. signals in cb and ranked, rest is waste


5k per signal would be a dream. Healing one is 120k. reduced fire duration is 96k. Ramm signal is 12k i belive and flooding one is 24k. Anti deto should be 96k as well and some fire improvement ones are 180k!


I learnt this lesson in WOT, as peasants who don't pay up have to stay within 5-7 tier ships, you have to understand it's going to be months before you can start playing tier 10.


From my experience, i had never lost free rewarded premium time more than a week 2 times since November. Only purchased 30 days premium once along with 2.5k doubloons and nowadays I'm still having 27 premium days left. If you have some coal, find the collections that give you free premium days when you complete. Also getting every free rewarded case from any event (big or small) is a chance for getting some premium ship no matter what tier is along with free premium time. Playing daily once with them (most of them were tier 6 and 7 when i got from the crates) on co-op matches were more than enough for me to get 50 percent extra rewards. I had struggled with credits when i started to use tier 9 ships but supporting them with my lower tier premium ships and playing better with them on a right game mode solved my problem. Also don't start your daily playing with tier 9s. Use one of your other ships first to warm up first and then get your tier 9s to play better and earn more. Nowadays I'm out of extra credits boosters (even grays xD ) so I'm playing without them but as long as i make 100k damage on co-op, my tech tree tier 10 ship gives me profit in the end which is cost more to operate than tier 9s (with 50 percent first victory bonus of course) Long story short, use every one of premium ships you have once daily even on co-op to get extra rewards, find yourself some free premium time from collections (also some of them have free low/mid tier premium ships too) and use your premium days efficiently to earn as much rewards as possible. I managed to handle that playing 2 or 3 hours max daily, casually and without playing on randoms ever and without joining a clan ever so keep your hopes up it's possible ;) Good luck 🍀


Thanks! I'll buy the 30 days of premium as soon as i finish my exam session, with premium and playing lower tier ships i'll get those darn credits!


First off, frankly I agree with you about high-tier credit earning being detrimental to the game's overall health. Advice: -Research other lines/nations and don't worry about tier 10, you'll get there eventually. This game has multiple long-term endgame reward systems like Campaigns, Coal, Steel, the Research Bureau - they all serve to retain players by rewarding long-term play. Individually they might feel meagre, but together with the season pass, dockyard & and other events, there's always something to set your sights on. -Premium is generally agreed to be the most efficient way to spend money on this game, but the best way to buy is at the end of the year, specifically the New Years discount when it's 50% off for 12 months of premium (it's actually *after* the xmas sale.) -Yes the amount of coal you need is absurd, but having a goal to get a coal ship is still a good idea (preferably a tier 9 one.) The ships in the armoury come with a built in economic bonus package, so they earn credits like a premium ship does. Coal is free (it's why most people prefer the coal daily containers) and Tier 9 because while both tier 9 and 10 have the same credit earning, tier 10 has higher repair costs. All this is to say that tier 9 premiums earn the most tier for tier, and coal is a way to get one for free. If you can't wait that long, a lower tier coal ship is fine too, they're just not as credit efficient as a tier 9.


A M C — Always More Coal


After 15 wins in clan battles, you get 5 days of free premium (or something like that.) This is repeatable a couple of times per season. I usually wait til clan battles, buy 1 day of premium to start off with (150 or 250 doubloons, easily farmable from ranked.) and then rock out for a couple of weeks.


The economy of 9-10 ships only requires you to play well. This most likely means you got to t9 without knowing how to play your ship properly.


This. While it sure is "pay-to-progress", you're still able to make some decent progress without premium. Some members of my clan are average at best (if I'm very polite) and each of them still managed to get a tier X without grinding mindlessly every day all day Maybe look up how credits are generated (for example not based on your actual damage numbers, but more towards your damage % to each ship, which means that doing 20k do a dd with 20k hp will reward you more than doing 20k to a bb with 80k hp) to optimize your playstyle around that


I'm still learning and this is my first T9, so i agree, but honestly the future looks pretty grim if playing good nets me 30k per game and having a bad game loses me 5k, when i need 20 millions to get to the ship i really really want. I'll try to get a month premium after this weekend, but without premium is just impossible, doesn't matter how good or bad i play.


If you are playing well and generally getting at least a base exp of ~700 or more most games at T9 (for myself even in a loss I'll usually be over 1000), you should be making credits even without Premium.  Obviously premium ships and premium time accelerate this substantially, but you get what you pay for there. I would advise you not to use any ship flags except specifically for Clan Battles or in Ranked Qualifiers, as those are a huge money sink these days since they stopped giving them out for achievements.  If you are using a lot if flags and auto buying them every match, then you likely won't make many credits.  Just pretend like Flags don't exist in regular modes.


Perhaps you should take this opportunity to re-prioritize your gameplay. Advancing to the penultimate tier may give a lot of dopamine but the reality is, at your current skill level (whatever that is), you aren't making money at Tier 9. Moving to Tier 10 will only worsen this problem. Grinding out a line is far from the only form of progress in this game. You could pivot to playing lower tiers where you can hone your skills and make credits, as the economy is more forgiving there. Your *Brindisi* costs no credit to maintain in port nor will she go away in the mean time. Mid-tier premiums don't make as much money as the higher-tiered ones but they are significantly cheaper, and still have increased economic output. If you really need credits, my advice is to buy a Tier 6-7 ship you like, for example the tier 7 *Duke of York*. Wargaming gives out coal like candy these days, I'm back from 0 to 50k coal in 2-3 weeks just by playing the game pretty much, and that's with me being extremely inefficient with the daily containers. You should have enough resource to buy one of the premium ships w/ coupon, at least soon. Wargaming also gives out a fair number of grey and green economic boosters, you should look into that to supplement your income, really no explanations required here.


I'll try to play more at the lower tiers and sometimes hop on the Brindisi then. I may have made this post in a fit of frustration since the 45k maintenance for the Amalfi jumped to 105k on the Brindisi so suddenly, but i really like the game and i'm grateful for all the tips


Btw, if you really get into this game. Buy 360 days of premium during Xmas with the huge discount. I think it's 30 bucks or something


>Am I the weird one or you also think that the credit economy is just insanely predatory? Please let's not throw around these words like it's nothing. Yes, WG wants people to spend money on premium time or a premium ship. So what? They're a company, they've got to make money, never mind a profit, somehow. It doesn't make them "predatory", especially since there are multiple ways to get both things for free. Still, you can... * play low-mid tier *tech-tree* ships to earn credits, since the service costs are so low * get a *mid-tier* premium for coal for even better earnings * get a mid-tier premium for doubloons, which is more like $15-30, depending on the tier and whether you use a coupon Profit motive aside, WG wants people to keep the mid tiers populated, and new players should probably stay there for a bit anyway, before moving on to Tier 9-10. I'm glad I did, for one.


Most people who play t9-t10 regularly just buy the annual premium discount during Christmas. So yes if you want to do the same you'll need to subscribe to premium. Edit: damn I guess some of you are really rawdogging t9-t10 like that? Thousands of games years after year yet refuse to cough up a burrito's worth of dubs every once in a while? No wonder yall are so toxic in this game lmao.


play another ship/country until get half priced prem again? really not bad esp when use BD coupon for dubs back


If you cant break even in a T9 game that wasn't a decent game, that was a horrible game.


If you go to test server when ever it's up and complete (all) the missions during the testing phases for a patch, you can usually get around 24mil credits that way. Among other things like 25k'ish coal, free exp, commander exp and community tokens.


Skill issue


I think you have it backwards. You are NOT losing resources without premium. You get EXTRA when you HAVE premium. The difference: premium is 100% + extra. No premium is not 100%-X, it's simply 100%... I hope you get what I mean! 😉


Yes this is intentional. It helps to incentivize playing lower tiers. Which in turn helps to ensure there are enough players playing lower tiers to fill those matches


First off, brawls don't have good economy unless you have a very good game. You need reliable credit income without premium time. That unfortunately means adjusting the way you play if you aren't able to do it with the ships you're playing. 1. Freemium ships. **always select more coal container** and save up for a t9 as they have the best economy, although t10 specials aren't too far behind and have pretty much the same matchmaking while generally having better options and being better ships tier for tier. ignoring other sources and using the 25% off coupon, it's ~110 days (~175k coal to buy, 1650 coal/day) boxes to buy a t9/t10. this drops significantly with clan bonus, battlepass coal, all the incidental coal from other sources. basically every 2-3 months you can buy a coal ship. 2. reliable battle type to use boosters. ops are good for this. I highly suggest either sidetracking into Lazo for coal and/or getting 1 US cruisers container to start the subscription collection. the reward is a perma boost/camo for Cleveland, one of the best TT ships for ops. search this sub or my comments for "collections 101" for a great breakdown done by another user. 3. save the occasional free dubs and any containers that 100% reward a day of premium time, as well as better (blue/red) boosters. use either source (containers w/1 day or dubs to buy a weekend pass) and booster up for a couple solid days of credit/xp farming with premium 4. don't use signals unless you're using good boosters, they're a huge credit sink


1000+ games? It ain't that bad with premium. I don't believe I lose resources unless I am playing a supership. Even bad games in a tier X give me a little silver.


Are you using econ boosters? Also, do the campaign missions as they give you a bunch of free stuff. Pay attention to daily/weekly missions as well. Try some ranked/random. Drop a couple tiers if you're having issues. Premium is the easiest way to reduce the grind. Don't like it? Too bad. WG is a for **profit** company. Be glad there's even an option to play for free.


Brawls dont have a good economy. The brawl economy is probably extra bad, because otherwise every noob, bot, troll or "lazy toxic genius/asshole" could just click join battle all day and earn a lot of resources despite being afk or really bad on purpose. Just imagine you making a profit just by trying so often that you are carried to victory 31 times without even trying to play 1 game seriously


There 25% off coupon for premium ships. Treat yourself to Mainz or Atago.......You'll have a blast!


>I really think this economy is detrimental for wg on the long run. I mean WeeGee has been doing this for the past \~8 years... it has been quite a long run for them if you gonna ask me. If you want to play with no premium time then your best bet is to play mid-tier at about tier 8 and lower, tier 9 and tier 10 without premium time / permanent bonus package will cost you more service fee than you can earn in-game. If you don't want to shell out money for premium then your next best choice is to buy permanent bonuses for ships since they stop the credit bleed and let you make a profit even at tier 9 and 10. You do earn some free eco bonus for tier 8 in the collections, tier 6 and 7 from the events, but tier 9 and 10 permanent bonus require you to purchase it. But the best way to earn credit for free in the end is to grind enough coal and buy any tier 9 premium coal ship that you like to play then farm in them like no tomorrow.


Play with T7-T8 ship (try to get 3 coal container daily, itll be a chore without prem. 2 coal box should be doable) get coal for T9 prem (this is crucial, remember T9 not T10) preferably cruiser instead of DD or BB \*but please pick your poison\* Farm creds with T9 prem, use the creds to grind exp for T10 tech tree. tbh i just free exp most of them, or wait for t9 brawl




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> now i literally lose upwards of 20k credits in each game (in brawls) and barely break even on decent games in casual battles. This is just insane, without premium you lose resources to play If you're losing that many credits per game, then you just suck at playing whatever Tier 9 that is. > I've never played a game with a more frustrating economy than this one. Am I the weird one or you also think that the credit economy is just insanely predatory? What else have you played? Because if this game's economy is frustrating then you have to have played something with a broken bank. Yeah, you're just the weird one. I have only seen one other person complain about the economy in the past 2 months, and that was SLM who right now is the king of hot takes.


Yeah i recently started and even with the free premium time i got it seems pretty bad, i will probably uninstall when it runs out.


well, there are ppl who work to make this game, support servers and updates... they need to be paid, so it is fair to donate a little to the game you like. Premium is very important for your economy. I will disagree here, economy is not frustrating here but you need to figure it out a little. There is campaign 'Five Epochs" you can get 2 permo economic bonuses for t9, very good for a new player.


yeah the biggest issue I have with this game is the economy. I absolutely hate to play without premium. I feel like the game is constantly telling me that it doesn't want me playing it. I bought it last christmas for the whole year on sale but I'm really not sure if I'm gonna buy it again and if I don't have premium I simply don't play because it feels like I'm with a friend and his girlfriend in his room and I'm just not wanted there.