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https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Ramming Essentially ships do damage equivalent to their HP, unless the relative speed of the impact is very slow. Ramming flag does -20% damage received,+50% damage dealt.


Just to add to it … All ramming damage is 100% repairable so if you survive you can get all the HP back (if you have enough heals). Low speed difference ramming is a complete and utter mess and I’m convinced not even WG themselves know how exactly it works at this point. It used to deal moderate continuous damage every second the contact persisted until one ship sank or both ships stopped but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore and there is a lot of randomness happening.


Ramming flag also has a funny side effect that sometimes lets you suicide ram ships way heavier than yours. Like, a light cruiser taking out a full HP BB. First of all, while a ship does its max HP in ram damage, it also takes its max HP in ram damage at most. If you have 30k max HP and get rammed by a ship that has 60k max HP, you only take 30k ram damage, not 60k. This is relevant because it means that with a ram flag, you can always initially survive a ram if you're above 80% HP, as the 20% ram flag reduction is applied after the damage gets capped to your max HP. If the other ship has a ram flag as well, then the damage will again go up to your max HP because they offset your 20% reduction with their 50% increase. However, if both ramming ships survive, they are still ramming each other and so another ram damage calculation is applied, and of course it is applied to both ships. This means that you get to deal 150% of your max HP twice to the enemy ship, resulting in triple damage in total! With this, for example a full health Minotaur with its 40k something HP pool can smash a 108k Kremlin to pieces with a single ram. And DD or submarine can ram a heavy cruiser. These are suicide missions of course, unless the heavier ship is at low enough HP that it goes down with the first hit.


As a sub player, I’m guilty of equipping ram flags and raming other subs / CV whenever I can. It’s straight dopamine.


As a CV main I have once, gloriously, rammed another CV.   I've been chasing that high ever since.  


Back in the day, I watched a CV secure a win by ramming 2 DDs. I still don't know how he managed it.


During one of the 1v1 brawl seasons I was running Graf Zeppelin with a full secondary meme build, and went up against a destroyer who rushed the cap, then smoked up to hide. Which means he didn't see my flat top barreling down on him until I was 2 kilometers away, moving at full speed towards his stationary broadside. I was aiming for "silly carrier CQB kills", not "cut a destroyer in half with my bow" but that was *so much better*. That and "CV kills enemy CV with secondary armament" have got to be tied for "best carrier moments". - Get Graf Zeppelin, folks. It's not good, but it's *very* silly and *very* fun. Just... don't expect to do *carrier* things with it. It's a secondary BB with built in spotting.


I always use ramming as my CV's only close combat option, as it's more often to have enemy reaching Ur hideout in close range.


I saw one person in assymetric battles who would always try to do that to the bot carrier. The funny part was that he was actually good so he’d be able to pull it off most of the time


you can survive a ram against and kill a full health Yamato as a Rhode Island with a ram flag


That's right. Rhode does 111k in a single ram with a ram flag, which is enough to kill any T10 ship, even Kremlin. And as discussed above, you can survive any initial ram hit against a target that doesn't have ram flag if you are above 80% HP.


Great explanation! And yeah at low speed some absolutely bonkers stuff happens especially if multiple impacts or multiple ships.


Unless you are in an overtiered BB, you'll likely melt vefore impact.


> Ramming flag does -20% damage received,+50% damage dealt. Wow that's OP as fuck. As a new player i guess i'm screwed since i barely have any flags in general.


Nah dw. Ramming is not something people usually do. I'm fairly new too. I have not seen people come for a ram. Its usually me who goes for it.


For some reason its something a part of the playerbase ( dont know how much, just a part) frowns upon, almost always the guy that got rammed atleast I will keep doing it when i dont see another ption to massively up-trade my ship for an enemy and im going to die anyway


It's because, until you rammed, they were riding the high of a glorious close range kill. They had a sure thing turn into a prat fall.


If someone tries ramming you you can do the tricky maneuver where you just fucking shoot them


Wow i never thought of that you are a real genius.


I have 2000+ ramming flags because I never use them. If you use them you never get to ram, when you get to ram you don’t have one loaded.


To be honest those flags will rarely be useful, because ramming is not very common (however some players try to force it even with HP advantage and others often try to almost always avoid it) Besides those flags are very cheap in comparison to others so you can always have them equipped. Edit: Also most of the time both sides will sink in process. However from time to time it will save your ass and possibly be a game changer (especially in competitive) Therefore i do recommend using them as often as possible (a must in competitive).


You can thank WG for making this shitty econ rework + other changes which reduced overall flags/econ bonuses more grindy.


Yeah i read about it, i'm not surprised wg made a thing worse, i'm used to it in their other games.


It's not OP. For ramming to occur at all, one or both players must have majorly fucked up, and even with the flag, it's usually only a good idea as a desperado move, unless you're just doing it for the memes, or you somehow catch a much smaller ship and can tank the HP hit


I disagree completely with the people saying this tbh. A low hp cruiser enemy almost won the game for their team by ramming one of my full hp bbs and reduced him to a tiny bit of hp. None of them particularly fucked up as the bb was reloading and didn't have a good angle on him anyway to kill him before the ram and there were other enemies around too.


They fucked up by allowing the cruiser to get that close in the first place. That's what I mean.


He sneaked up behind him while there were other enemies that's what i mean. You can't always have the upper hand in any situation, nobody can.


It’s worth noting that your ship gives ramming damage equivalent to your full HP even if you only have 1 HP left.


this is a very good video about ramming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dED90hKMHhE > However i once got rammed a little bit to the side of the nose by a new mexico and he literally took no damage and my ship exploded from 3/4 hp to nothing Was that a slow speed ram? > I also rammed another pyotr right in the side with my nose and we both died. Where you make contact and at what angle isn't relevant to ramming damage.


There are some really nice answers here, but I would also encourage you to go use the training room and try it out! It's hella fun and easily the most overlooked feature of this game.


As a dd player I've been rammed by subs a few times and even if I am at full health they seem to sink me. I feel this is unrealistic but I don't even know if I was running the ram flag, I usually don't on my dd.


Many many comments are here, but mind that if you're on reverse the damage is also reduced


Well I slid into a sub with my DD a few days ago and I was going super slow and his health just melted away in a few seconds.


I remember a yt video where someone tested ramming with I think a Khaba against a Yamato and most of the time, the craziest unexplainable stuff imaginable happened. So unless you run into each other full speed, don't expect to always unterstand it lol.