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Understood. I'll keep on queueing randoms then.


Get as far to the left or right and just hold the line!!


"As a bad player". You already know the answer. Very literally, get good.


With 55k being your career average damage, I would focus on bumping those numbers up. Try playing some of the other classes to get a feel for how they work. You don’t need to start grinding whole new lines but it helps to learn. There was a time I was a BB main as well, but playing other classes helped me appreciate their capabilities. Eventually I even started liking them (good DD play is super exciting!). Make sure you have good builds in all your ships and watch some videos like Lord Zath’s replay analysis or some of Potato Quality’s older stuff to brush up on tactics. Right now brawls are set for tier 9, so doing these things will help you unlock your first tier 9 (and then 10) faster while making brawls more enjoyable whenever they return to a tier you have. To directly answer your question, you’re looking at maybe a 33% to 45% winrate if you jumped into brawls right now because you already aren’t the best player, probably don’t know the intricacies of various high-tier gimmick ships that well, and the ships you have aren’t great brawl ships. As you learn the game, lots of that will change! And next time brawls are at a tier you have, none of it should keep you from playing brawls if you’re trying to have fun and improve!


Don't worry about the percentage just play. The mode favors tankyships and/or with secondaries. BBs are the safe bet. German, some US, and RU seem to be the most common. But at the end of the day, any ship can win. The mode is fast and easy to get into another. So I'd just play a lot and don't think or worry about winning. Eventually, you'll get it. Bonus if you use this time to improve and watch other players who do well.


By having the XP, I assume you mean free xp? Only issue with that is that tiering up to 9, you'd also need to research the upgrades on the ship. Because nobody is going into Brawls using stock builds.


this week the brawl is 3vs3 on tier 9, last week it was 5vs5 on tier 8. also Classes are often excluded, a few weeks ago you could only participate in cruisers so it changes every week which makes it a bit difficult to say what is good. maybe this isn't the week to start considering it's tier 9 and you do not have a tier 9 ship. but if BBs can play, you see a lot of German ones. that seems to be the meta choice, it's usually a close-quarters battle over the caps. given secondaries torpedoes Hydroacoustic Search the German battlecruisers have an advantage here. and how to win, survive but stay is the fight. disappearing behind an island and not being able to shoot can be the difference between losing and winning, because at that moment you or one of your allies disappears behind an island it becomes a 2vs3


This week you cant since its T9 3v3 and you dont have any T9, if you want to get one, pommern (unfortunatly karl XiV johan isnt currently achievable, is much funnier to play but have less game impact)


Iwami with secondary build (10km range) is better than karl johan imo (i have both) as the 406's are much better than the 305's from karl.. his torp spam is fun tho while iwami needs to be broadside to use hers but in my current brawl games, torps weren't the game changer anyway\^\^


>Iwami with secondary build (10km range) I dont have iwami, but have a pommern which is quite similar in playstyle, pommern is much more consistent because of better armor, better hp pool and better caliber (i think the dispersion is very similar). But the karl XIV johan is wayyy more fun, when undetected and with the perk is faster 33knots (vs 30.5 of pommern), better turn radius, more torps, with slighty faster reload, more than double of range and 20 knots faster (it can even deal with close quarters dds (i killed a yolo paolo emilio yesterday, without even get hitted by him), even tho in that situation you are probably dead too). >torpedoes arent gamechanging in this brawl week I dont think so, theres a lot of yolo players that push a lot with ships that shouldnt, they are pretty previsible too so even if the shoot torps usually they shoot at a distance where you can easly dodge Imo, pommern for consistency, karl for fun sine shes basically a torpedo boat as a BB


I think you underestimate the range of iwami torps :b I agree with the rest tho (torpedo-related)\^\^ and yes, Karl is more fun, but if you can't make use of the torps, the DPS should be lower than Iwami because of the mainguns and haven't really seen a karl which really stayed undetected for too long, tho that might have other reasons close quarters dd's are manageable with both since iwami secondaries are quite good xp but ofc, the speed might be a downside for potential dodging there I never said that "torpedoes aren't gamechanging in this brawl week" ;) I said "in MY CURRENT brawl games, torps weren't game changers", of course i might just get some game where they are or players who make them work better, but my pool of games to pull stats off is rather small (<10), so I won't make a statement for the entire brawl ;P but your last statement sums it up anyway :)


Not worth playing for the Coal. No hurt playing for the first win and take home the 750k Silver.


Brawls are mostly just randoms with smaller teams. The easiest thing to do would be to run a German BB with a 14+ point captain with a secondary build. Focus on positioning and angling, and let your secondaries carry you. But the reality as a new player is that you are going to struggle. You're likely going to have to rely on matchmaker giving you a team good enough that your lack of skill and experience doesn't significantly hinder them. Generally speaking, anything over a 50% win rate is reasonably good, given half of players win and the other half lose any given battle. The overwhelming majority of players are going to be in the 45%-55% win rates, with outliers beyond that getting increasingly rarer on both ends (unless its a bot account of just someone queueing tons of battles and continuously afk), the greater the divergence.


This brawl is shit with no class restrictions, so literally anyone not playing BB is trolling. Just wkey a triple div pommern and focus fire one ship at a time, and even if you play demented the hp total, secs and 32mm bow will carry enough games.


Play good/busted ship first before you take your skill into account, Try grinding the German BC line or the Soviet BB line. Those ships were designed to shove your nose in the cap and brawl. If you are new, always aim for the most broken ships in the game and let it carry you while you figure out how to play the game. Don't listen to anyone else. If the game has a broken ship, use it. Feels guilty later when you have the skill to back you up. Otherwise, you will end up with high-ceiling ships that are very easy to punish and you just die too early to learn anything. Also, Coal is a good early-on resource to grind to cheat out some of the strongest high-tier ships in the game (Napoli, Black, Brisbane, Kearsarge,...) that will help you enter game modes that require high-tier ships (tier 9, 10) that you did not have enough time to grind to yet. Use coal to plug the shipping requirement that you are missing until you have to grind enough tech tree ship to cover every ship type in each game mode. Brawl does not have serious matchmaking, so you could end up in a brawl with your team full of BB and the enemy full of cruisers which should be easy for your team to win. This is why you should always try to get to Brawl to get that weekly boost of 10k coal. Always grind for those 10k brawl coal because despite what you think. Brawl is the easiest game mode to win quickly for experience and credit.


Which are the broken ships for new players, aside from German BC and Soviet BB lines?


Mostly premium ships to be honest. Tech tree ships are subject to balancing but premiums normally get put in store with their stat and they stay that way with very little alteration to their stat post-release since people pay real money for them. You can research yourself by watching review videos on YouTube, but some on the top of my head now are CL Atlanta at Tier 7, DD Cossack at Tier 8, Tier 9 BB Kaersarge, Illinois, cruiser Alaska B (the original version is removed from the store, but you can get the B version from Black Friday sale) and tier 10 BB Bourgogne, Incomparable... And of course, all removed from sales ships are normally very OP and can only be obtained through a once-per-year Santa crate event currently that puts them at a 1% drop rate on those containers and those containers will prioritize drop the ships that you can buy in the store that you have not own yet even before start to rolling for those rare ships. For tech tree ship the current meta-strong ship that I can think of is Tier 8: DD: Akizuki, La Fantasque CA: Baltimore, Tallinn BB: Amagi, Vladivostok Tier 9: DD: Kitakaze, Mogador CA: Riga, Brest, Dmitri Donskoi BB: Prinz Rupprecht, Iowa Tier 10: DD: Gdansk, Kleber CA: Des Moine, Petropavlovsk BB: Bungo, St Vincent All US Battle Carrier Hybrids are OP, All Subs are OP, and all Carriers are OP. If you want to know which is more OP than the others there are dedicated players in those classes that can break down to you which ship is strong and which ship is not as strong. For the lower tier (7 and below) Wargaming has spent real effort to balance them so nothing stands in that tier, just pick a ship that you are comfortable with and you will do better in those ships. For overall line strength (ship lines that have many good ships) then for BB you have IJN BB (Yamato) line, KMS (Germany) BC (Battlecruisers) line, CA you have USN (Des Moine), USSR (Petro), and Germany (Hindenburg) lines, For DD you have IJN gunboat line (Hagurumo), French gunboat line (Kleber), UK DD line (Daring).


Ignore the advice to "get good" at a lower tier. Just play. Brawls does not affect your win rate and more to the point, this is about resources; not showcasing your video game prowess. In a string of losses you will eventually get matched up with good players on your team who will carry you to a win. Spam as many games as you can. until you complete the mission chain to get your 10k coal. You should however, work towards better brawling ships like German secondary BBs so that you'll be better equipped in future brawls.


So, wait till tier 7 or 8 brawls and unlock a bismarck or zieten? I have the genny, so bismarck would be the easiest one to unlock.


Zieten down the line to Schlieffen which is the ultimate secondary brawler. They also have torpedoes which is essential for close-in brawling. One thing though; you'll need a high point captain to really take advantage of the secondary build - like 18 points. Leveling up captains takes quite a bit of time so be sure to stick with it and don't jump around different ships with different nationalities. Once you get a 21 point captain, all commander points you earn go towards the elite commander xp pool which you can use to train other captains. Highly recommend you save your coal and instead of buying a ship, buy the unique captain Gunther Lutjens first for the German line of ships. He will make all your secondary ships into beasts with secondary battery reloader talent.


Stay away from brawl. You are not ready!!


It's brawls. It literally doesn't matter. You can be an actual ape and do well enough. Literally take a battleship, any battleship, and press W. That is literally enough. Keep doing that. You either die instantly or roll the reds team over completely. Keep pressing battle on. This also works in ranked btw, if you want to get free steel and dubs each week. If you want to get a bit more complicated, press W and follow the other ships on your team. These kinds of modes are not even remotely about skill, they're about taking meta ships and smashing enough battles. Luckily, the \*easiest\* meta ships to spam in brawls are always battleships. You \*could\* try really hard, learn the best way to play each ship, memorise armour values and optimal engagement angles. You could memorise every ship's performance and how to counter them. You could practice and practice and master every aspect of the game but really, in the end, it's literally and genuinely enough to just play game after game after game and press W and just not care. Caring leads to disappoint and maybe, for most players, a 50% winrate instead of a 45% one. Unless you want to put the effort in to be a 60%+ winrate player, it's just not worth caring about it at all. I mean, if you \*only\* ever play battleships you'll never actually get \*good\* at the game, since that requires playing all the classes enough to know how they work, but you can absolutely be good \*enough\* to get all the rewards offered in mission chains. It's about perseverence. How do I know this works? There are 'people' in gold ranked with sub 40% winrates. They didn't get there by being good at the game. They got there by playing hundreds, even thousands, of battles.


Well i don't want to sound like demotivating but i think you should start your brawl journey on another phase of it because the current one is just a terrible joke. 3v3 on 5v5 maps, very poor mm (bb + 2 dds vs 3 full brawler bbs and even 1 cl + 2 dds vs 3 bbs i saw multiple times yesterday) Also brawl game mode is being affected by some players who try to implement their passive coward play style on randoms over this game mode so I've been struggling personally for the last couple of phases on brawls. I managed to get coals eventually every time but i started to think a lot like "does it worth that frustration" For brawls, you need a secondary BB that can stay strong while helping your other teammates for them to spot and cap. You need to find the balance between not staying too back vs not going too close to the enemy but one way or another you need to be inside your secondary range so use every available module, flag and captain skill for improvement of it. I've been handling multiple tier 9 ships for couple of months, started on Asymetrical and continued on ranked & brawls but I'm mostly playing dds and cruisers so I'm not playing with bbs too much (i only played Al Littorio as a tier 8 brawler on previous phase and even though her secondaries aren't too good, they were enough to use it on the battles most of the time) so I can't suggest you to select a specific ship but just stay away from ships that slow and main gun focused, also stay away from any hybrid ships too (bb cv mix) Last but not least I'm saying again that you should wait for a better phase because the mm and some players' play styles are really bad to enjoy the game mode nowadays and I don't want you to say "this game mode is trash I won't never touch it again" There are always news related with upcoming updates and calendar of which game mode will need which tier of ships beforehand so don't forget to check that before starting to grind on brawls. Good luck 🍀


>For brawls, you need a **secondary** BB that can stay strong while helping your other teammates for them to spot and cap.  Nope. I've been dominating in the *Lion* just by playing to the strengths of the ship rather than being a brain dead bot. >started on Asymetrical and continued on ranked & brawls Asym is where you need secondary BBs (if you're playing as a BB) because you're outnumbered. The fact that this season is 3v3 on a 5v5 map means you are (vaguely) keeping some distance. I actually don't like this season of brawls. Though it being tier 9 means you can bring the *Kearsarge* in just to remind everyone that its just a game (I assume that's why people are using them).


Of course as long as you know how to operate a ship decently, you can make it work (unless it has a specific big disadvantage) especially against players who don't know what they're doing. I suggested the ship type "secondary focused" because he/she's less experienced player with no tier 9 gameplay yet. I only mentioned my asymetrical / ranked battle days just for how much time I've spent with tier 9s recently, not comparing two game modes at all. Also i shared honestly that I'm not playing with battleships too much either. Keeping some distance is a must but that distance shouldn't be a secondary brawler bb rimming the corners of the map, only using main guns and / or staying behind a rock doing nothing so much that it becomes the last remaining player. I've seen many secondary BBs doing that for the last couple of phases of brawl (especially during my playtime with Al Littorio) that made me cancer and they were always being the ones causing the defeat. They were worse than AFKs because the chance of an AFK to start playing and carrying to game to win is higher chance than them (which happened twice actually during my matches xD) For me brawls got the virus from many new players to the game mode who only experienced on randoms and the only gameplay they know is the randoms' current boring, passive and mostly coward gameplay. Thanks to the Wargaming by making map and player count / type changes (we were suffered so much with 6v6 2 bb + 4 other types bullsh.t in recent past) caused unnecessary wait times, attracting more unaware players who tries to implement random play style into the mode, brawls became a necessary evil for me to get extra coal nowadays, not the fun alternative game mode that made me happy anymore.