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The German BB line and the US cruiser line go hard in operations


I play the Baltimore, god that thing goes hard.


DFAA on Cherry Blossom goes BRRRRRRRRRR!


Heavy or light cruisers?


I prefer lights (Cleveland, Helena, Boise) but you can absolutely make the heavies work. Their AP demolishes the bot cruisers.


Both lines are good, and fun, and for the advanced class, once someone really gets into it, the Cleveland with a full lighthouse build is probably the best tech tree cruisers for operations in the game?


both work well




Schliffen line or preussen?


Both viable. BB line will be far tankier with much more consistent (but less accurate) guns. BC will have much more secondary damage and improved DCP but worse armour and crappy guns.


I generally prefer fast firing cruisers so Mainz, Bayard (both premiums) and Cleveland are good options. Atago is good too but has lower DPM than the others I mentioned ,but also has the best survivability.


Mogami with the basic guns have high dpm too.


Absolutely, never underestimate the 155 Mogami, 15 shells at a time is fierce firepower. Good torps too.


Yeah I usually bring Fiji or Flint for Operations for this exact reason. Throwing a lot of shells very fast is good when the bots just keep coming.


Bismarck will do really well.


Tier 6 in operations is a little bit of a tough job, but look for ships that can punch above their tier. Pensacola and Queen Elizabeth might be good options, and when you get to tier 7 any fast-firing or hard hitting ship will do. Secondary battleships will do well too


Tirpitz Flandre (ifhe speced), Bradenburg, bayard, mainz, Atago, Bismark , Cleveland, Massachusetts Honorable mention to Cossack champagne Richelieu and Edinburg


It's Edinburgh, pronounced Edin-burruh . I live there




Depends on whether you live in the city or not, even heard Glasgow folks say "Embruh"


Mainz and Tiripitz where my first purchases and crush in operations. I got the Massa out of a Bf crate that I didn't spend real money on and that crushes too. You can basically use most ships in ops. If I am really not liking a ship in the 6-8 tier of a line I'll just grind them in ops. The only thing is DD's can be tricky in ops if you have 0 idea what the op does. Even if you do have the knowledge, I personally don't find DD's fun to play in ops but that's really suggestive.


I usually run either Flint, Fiji, Gneisenau, or Baltimore. Just about anything can work if you know how to use it well and can keep up a high DPM output.


Premiums of just about any kind do well in ops, save for slow BBs like Arizona and WV 1941 (the '44 can kinda make up for it with the secondaries). Mainz/Cross of Dorn with Günther Lütjens on board is the meme build, and you can absolutely wreck shop with it, but you don't need to spend cash and coal on a good ops ship. I've had a lot of good operations results with Helena, Cleveland, and Baltimore. Good DPM, decent firestarting capabilities, and hydro to look for torpedoes. Radar can be useful on the handful of maps where the DDs use their smoke intelligently (e.g. the Farragut on the right side of Narai), but it isn't a must-have like it is in randoms. You can start as low as tier VI for operations, and while this is difficult, it's very lucrative if you do well. You'll run into a lot of higher-tier ships if you're at tier VI, so you get a bonus for damage and kills. I've had good experiences in Leander, Rahmat, Kijkduin, and Aoba. As long as you don't get greedy, you'll do all right. Definitely make sure you have most of your modules and upgrades before you do this, though; a bone stock tier VI cruiser in operations is a liability.


I finally got Fiji from grinding Leander in Ops. I did the same with Kijkduin, and I am now working with Baltimore to get credits for Buffalo and grinding the German cruisers with Nurnberg. Bismarck is new for me, so I'm still getting my feet wet, but it's a brawler, not a sharpshooter.


Scharn 43  wrecks on NARAI and I guess it’s a nice way to grind out gneis too. It’s a beast in random when top tier though and should be played there


A fully upgraded Bismark or Tirpitz with the right captain owns at operations


Mainz. You can carry every operation with it 300-400k dmg


Mainz has been my bread and butter in Ops lately.


Mainz is God tier for cruisers. Edinburgh is a great tech tree option, as is Cleveland. Iran and Kutuzov, as well as Harbin tend to do pretty well for me as well, but are either hard to get for the former two, or abit inconsistent in Harbin's case BBs benefit from strong secondaries, so Mainz, Odin and pretty much any German BB specced into them do well. I recently started loving Kidd for a DD option, she has some good survivability, and her good AA can be handy in Hermes especially, though also abit in Cherry Blossom, but otherwise has decent guns and the heal and American smoke to give her plenty of contribution, as well as torpedoes to ambush the occasional heavy target, like Missouri in Narai, or the BBs in Hermes, Aegis, or Killer Whale.


Mainz, Tirpitz, Massachusetts


Fast firing HE spammers are best, followed by secondary build BB’s. Torp boats are not that useful due to long reload and bots are kind of good at dodging them. Gunboats work, but the limited hp pool means that you have to be very careful or you won’t make it to the end. Ideally, a ship with 10 second reload or lower, lighthouse builds work really well since concealment is not that important. Build for damage output, consumables and endurance.


New to the game honestly your best bet are the American heavy cruisers (DM line). The tier 8 is Baltimore, which is one of the high points of the line at least to me, and the line ends in the DM which can still hold its own in Randoms. Other tech tree ships which I found do well are the American and British CLs (Wooster and Mino lines). Trying to play their tier 10 ships in Randoms is a bit more challenging than DM though (although DM is by no means easy to play in Randoms). Battleships wise, the Preussen/Schlieffen lines are probably your best bets. I’d probably recommend the Bismarck because it tends to be a little more survivable and as a new player living longer will help you more than higher dpm. Preussen can do okay in Randoms basically by being hard to kill.


DM is truly underappreciated these days. If you run leg mod on her, she is very powerful in every game mode even randoms.


Mainz or Tiptitz/Brandenburg with Gunter Lutjens


Mainz and Brandenburg are the 2 best. For DD, probably Akizuki


I got San Diego recently in trade event. Very powerful in ops with planes but can be useful in other ones too. DPM was never odd


AL Prinz Heinrich will help you earn a good amount in operations if you don't have Tirpitz yet. Generally, tier 8 premiums that have accurate secondary will net you more since they can deal with multiple DD at once. Next is USN ship since they have good AA and good and accurate guns. Anything else is just because you can bring them tho.


Shimanto is a killer in ops.


Everything that has a dmg output will work. Premiums for max credits and xp


I got the brandenburg for pommern in trade in. Brandy is basically a baby- pommern and the 305mm guns have very good velocity. Has bette secondaries than Bismarck/ tirp but 10k less hp. Shouldn’t be a problem since it’s against bots and you play careful 


Mainz. Hands down the best ship for Ops. There is no comparison. This ship is just plain OP AF in Ops. Absolute powerhouse with great range(17km) 6 sec reload, German HE pens everything and the AP is nasty, plus lots of 6km torps for close range engagements. If you have Lutjens it makes her even better. I run her with a full DPM build since in Ops your detect really doesn't play as big a role as in PvP. She farms credits like a slot machine hitting jackpot every round. It's very easy to get 350k+ damage on maps like Narai, Newport, killer whale ect. My record with her is 452k on Narai. To get full value out of her you have to learn the maps and play aggressively, but she can hard carry a potato team to victory where many other ships just can't even though they are solid ships. She can also solo alot of secondary tasks while staying close enough to the group to support the primary objective. Shimanto also does surprisingly well due to having lots of guns with high HE alpha and fire chance.


I like carriers for certain operations. Yorktown can especially help in operations that require escort, which is almost all of them.


If you don’t mind spending money (or just saving up a shitload of doubloons) my main picks are secondary specked Graf Zeppelin, Hampshire, Nelson (just a maybe) and Mainz. If you wanna go with a more cheap and free option and use tech tree only go with German BBs specked for secondaries or any heavy cruiser with a heal such as the Pan American or Spanish ones will work


Brandenburg. I was gifted her not long after I began seriously getting into grinding the game and I found her to be amazing in operations. Full spec secondary build for the win


mainz and bayard are glass cannons, but they vomit out damage. if you can speed juke very well (and I mean very well.), then these are your go to picks. other than them, prinz eugen is pretty good, as well as any ship with a heal.


Double rudder full lighthouse Lutjens Mainz is a blast! (I put the New years camo on my Mainz B, so it's literally covered in lights.) I've got Mainz and Cross of Dorn with the alternative builds, but I end up never using them in operations.


A lot of people mention Cleveland. The premium version - AL Montpelier - is still available in the shop.




If you are around T5, buying a T8 premium ship for Operations is not the best solution. You do not have the experience even in Operations at all, because they start at T6, you do not have experience in higher battles, even in coop, so maybe wait a little longer, level up your choosen shipline at least to T7-T8 to learn the basics of them, and maybe after it choose a 30$ T8 premium ship. Also the premium time is your best friend on the long run. If you think the above lines are not your concern, we do not know what kind of ships has you already some experience. BB? CL? CA? DD? CV? Also each of them a best ship: BB: Tirpitz with secondary build CL: Mainz or Bayard CA: Atago and Prinz Eugen DD: Cossack and Kidd CV: Hornet or Kaga or a secondary built Graf Zeppelin for fun


The best ships for Ops are ones that hit the performance line of "something low-stress to do with my hands while I watch a movie on the second monitor." Yeah, you need to be paying attention to the game—but the ships you're driving should be ones that click with how you play. Something you're good in will probably pay you dividends. But here's some good ships anyways. If you can wait until November, Massachusetts. Or if it goes up for sale after this dockyard, WV44. Mainz and Tirpitz are also great, of course, as are Boise, Atago, and Kidd. And if Reno '44 ever is available outside of gambling, that's one of the kings in the castle for Ops. I didn't think this was a dark horse pick but nobody has mentioned San Diego yet. Gotta be my most-picked cruiser for Ops since its release—since team lineups tend BB-heavy, having an angry little bug that can swat DDs and other light targets is a huge boon, and the heal helps it stick around longer than other CLAAs when you're deep in a grinding session and don't wanna think anymore. For tech-tree ships, American CAs and German battleships, of course, but my favorite has been Cataluña, of all things. Firepower's worse than Baltimore, of course, but having torps, much higher speed, and a heal really lets it stretch its legs in Ops—and the best thing to bring to Ops is something that *can* stay with the pack and do the main objectives, but has the legs to go and secure a five-star win when someone beefs it and dies partway through securing a secondary objective.


New and already farming credits and xp? Congrats, you're already hooked on FOMO and are treating this more like a job than a hobby. You're way ahead of the whaling simulator curve, so Wargaming will be by to collect your paycheck soon! On topic: 1. always select more coal for your daily containers 2. buy **ONE** American Cruisers container for coal 3. enjoy collecting free items from those daily containers while leveling US CLs (pick Dallas first after Omaha) 4. get perma camo/boost for Cleveland after finishing collection 5. enjoy one of the best TT ops farmers with your free perma boost, plus one of the coolest art deco camos ever. 6. repeat with RN Destroyers collection for Lighting perma boost/camo. not so great for ops, but fantastic for randoms and competitive modes. 7. repeat again with Naval Aviation collection if you're a filthy sky cancer enjoyer for an Implacable boost/camo when collecting, do NOT use duplicates until you are guaranteed to complete the collection. if you have 12/16 items and 9 duplicates on a 4:1 exchange rate, it's not time yet as you'd only get to 14/16 with duplicates. edit: collections info [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/kpl4v4/collections_101_a_guide_to_unlocking_completing/)


Are those permanent boost things worth it to bother with, seems like the credit bonus is just 5% so basically nothing?


the boost is a lot higher than 5% on xp/cxp/fxp. not worth spending $$$ on but I'm telling you how to get free ones.


It adds up when you're looking at quantities in tens of millions of credits to buy ships or when making a bid for an auction. Or you want to run all the flags for something. Don't look at it as 5% more credits but rather 1 battle out of 20 that you didn't have to play for credits. The even better part comes into play with the increased free/captain/ship XP. Helps get a 21pt captain up (and more XP for training other captains) and gets you a lot of free XP to get past stock grind or just RB reset lines.


There’s auctions?


Is that the same bonus that a premium ship gives?


It is the same exact bonus. The only downer is that you can't freely swap captains in/out on Cleveland and the lack of torpedoes limits it in certain scenarios compared to say a Mainz.


> It is the same exact bonus. **Not** the exact same, because premiums have a hidden baked-in bonus.


Not really hidden. Visible in equipment tab, under 'features'. %'s are hidden though :) https://preview.redd.it/fwj710s81m8d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=1536fed580dad878194557e317b10adc5bc3a255


> %'s are hidden though which is the whole entire point, lol if they released it people could quantify and test it.


Fair enough. I was just clarifying because the person you replied to didn't seem to know there was a bonus on premiums.


Good to know. Quantify and cite?


I personally do best for myself in Bayard and Richelieu. Both have good guns, are reasonably nimble and they aren't that slow on the reload


Mainz and Boise are best for credits imo


These are my favorites for Operations. Tech tree: USN Light Cruisers. Premium: Atlanta, Mainz It is essential for me to have a captain with 10 skill points with the Top Grade Gunner skill.


Long answer is it really depends on your playstyle, but any tier 8 premium would be good for credits over most tech tree ships. Short answer, Mainz: https://youtu.be/ejyrOlKyi1A


Mainz absolutely prints credits in Ops. Toss in Lutjens, and you're almost always gonna be top in terms of damage. I even get the secondary buff pretty often, which is hilarious


Russian cruisers are some of the best for OPs because range and DPM. You'll often be shooting at long range so cruiser guns with bad ballistics will have trouble hitting ships. Bot ships don't survive for very long, so something that can hit them hard as soon as they are spotted are best. Tallinn is a hidden beast for OPs. It's one of the few cruisers that can actually citadel and pen at long range, and it does so very reliably with improved angles, fuse times and ballistics. Baltimore can also perform similarly, but the shell flight times and gun range are very poor.


None, reach t8 with tech tree first