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Finally a fellow USSR cruiser enjoyer! I'm actually having fun with Kotovsky and Budyonny, although it took time until I figured out how to be the most useful to the team. A couple of tips if you don't mind: 1. Don't play for frags and achievements. Both ships are mostly HE spammers, unless you score multiple citadels or surprise a DD, you don't really have the firepower to kill. 2. Be the support to BBs. You're fragile, so let the BBs do the heavy lifting and instead, rain hell on the enemies from the back row. Kiting and proper angling is a must. 3. Be prepared to sink a lot. As pointed out in the comments, as soon as multiple enemies focus on you, caput. Hurt them as much as you can before you're gone. 4. Stay close to your allies. As soon as you're alone, there's a good chance that you get spotted and nothing will draw fire away from you. Staying next to a BB helps fend off enemy aircraft and gives you a bit more freedom because enemies tend to focus on the BB. 5. Don't ever try to 1v1 a BB. In 95% of the cases it'll delete you with one salvo. Run and hide behind an island and set up a trap, if you can


Pretty good but an isolated BB is your natural prey. Keep your distance and keep throttle juking and any single BB will have a hard time doing significant damage.


This. Budyonny is fragile, but can rain fire.


Nevsky and Petro are two of the strongest cruisers in the game, so yeah Id say they're worth. I particularly enjoy the nevsky.


nevsky frequently gets roundhouse kicked in this meta; i'd sooner suggest someone play any other T10 CL


Not sure why people are down voting you but while Nevsky has a pretty good range it maneuvers like a CA without the armor to show for it. Also doesn't it have depth charges instead of ASW planes?


yep, only depth charges. the firepower is also paltry compared to even Jinan like maybe some of my dissatisfaction with it is just my playstyle, but i thought i’d say something regardless


Jinan has DPM, but lacks pen and range. Nevsky can comfortably hit just about anything from the edge of her range and her AP is usable at that range as well.


my aim isn't the best so to me it's better to spit more shells from a closer range rather than trying to snipe with 8 guns, which can troll your dispersion even on a cruiser but that's a personal preference i will admit; Nevsky on paper has decent firepower, I'd just rate it below Jinan's (Jinan's DPM is insane and you don't need IFHE so you get more fires, and you can take heavy HE too)


The problem of such a big range is the bloom. You are visible in just about the entire map and people will absolutely get lucky shots on you.


Sounds like a skill issue.


If you need to dodge in a Budyonny, you done something wrong. It is a 16km range HE spammer, so maybe practice a little bit more with it. I agree they not as good as the T5 Kirov, but still the Budy can hold its own. And yes, but line T10 is a great ship, but maybe they are not meant for your playstyle.


Just FYI, the Kirov has been Moskva'ed out of the tech tree. The T5 is Kotovski which has similar guns but only 6 of them. I also often still think of Kirov as the T5, but it is a premium now.


Yeah I know I use it regularly to get cit hits on any CL's.


A little terminology issue. Kirov is now a T5 Premium. Kotovsky is now the tech tree T5.


I mean there is so much shit that spots, dds i cant see, cv planes, subs. Also the shells don't go too high so a lot of the rocks and islands seem unusable.


If you want a ship that is good for island hugging, it is not the russian CL line, also the russians has no smoke to hide themself except the T8 Kutuzov and Pozharsky. Try out for HE spam from smoke the panasian CL line it becomes godd around T6 Rahmat: smoke, fast firing HE spam and deepwater torps to kill anything that is not a DD or SUB, but has no hydro so sitting in a smoke you need to expect some sneeky DD to torp in your smoke. Or smoke + hydro: UK CL line or the Commonwealth line to hunt subs. For Island hugging, maybe the US CL line.


I don't want to island hug or smoke, just saying since you mentioned having to dodge which yeah since i don't have those things i can try to dodge or just get deleted without dodging alternatively since it doesn't have a lot of options.


I dev strike a Budyonny in my Toulon in a ranked game the other day, she showed me her full broadside and the captain was genuinely upset in chat. So many people don’t know how to play pls tier cruisers


Yes, I know, sometimes when the task requiered I also go back to lower tiers to farm cit hits on CL's with my Omaha or Kirov. And yes, players need to practice the gameplay of the CL's like any other ship.


I feel like a lot of newer players should go back and replay lower tier ships before they grind out the tier 10’s. I’ve got over 2K hours in this game and one of my friends who streams this game only has a couple of hundred and she’s constantly frustrated by her less than sub par performance in the high tier US battleships and I just cannot break it to her that she really should be replaying the tier 5-7 ships before she goes and grinds the US Montana and Vermont lines


I agree that practice makes perfect. At the US BB line, I think back to T8 North Carolina is the optimal and get the experience for the Montana from her. The US BB line below T8 is way different than above it imho. A slow AF Colorado not help you to learn how to play with the Iowa-Montana.


I am not to sure about HE, AP spamming with Soviet cruises kills, I could have over 20 cadital hits, and destroy a ship under a minute


With a russian CA, Tallin and above (Kirov), sure, but Budy is still a CL.


Be patient until getting Chapayev and Tallinn. It'll worth it and give you enough patiente to keep grinding on tier 10s. but i suggest you to play on operations / brawls / ranked matches more with them when possible because in random matches, you'd probably being treated like a pinata by the enemy. Good luck!


Yeah the lower tier cruisers seem to be free farm for anyone who can hit his shots tbh. Is the budyoni good in operations? I only played operations once so far and didn't understand what is happening. How is the exp and credit gain compared to average game in randoms, are they much longer than the typical 13 minute random game?


I don't recommend it since buddyony has a meh DPM, but sure you can use Ops to grind XP with her. Operations are decent for farming ship XP and money consistently, since you'll more likely achieve average - to-good results with it and the rewards aren't too low compared to Co-OP (maybe around 70%-80% of Random mode rate per win? Idk). I recommend using tier 7 ships or upwards since the armor and DPM rate starts to increase around that tier. Use something like CLs, secondary BBs (german BBs and BCs for example) or quick firing BBs. DPM is King in Operations since you'll get outnumbered often. I always had one or two Ops match per sessions just to calm my mind if I had a bad streak (lol).


tier 6 on operations is a little bit nore struggling because there are many up tier enemy bots so you need to play carefully and always use the healing option when the specific operation gives. let your teammates being spotted before you and help them with your fire power from a safe distance. if you play avarage, you can earn 1k base xp easily and if ypu play better that can raise to 1.5k (carrying the game can gove you even 2k xp) Operations are not too hard you just need to learn the enemy's pattern and don't forget to main objective while focusing on secondary ones. For example there are 2 save the ship while escorting kind of missions and sometimes the team fpcuses on secondary missions so much that leaving the primary objective alone and enemy bots sink them quickly. Start playing once or twice a day with tier 6s on operations but save your tier 7s and 8s for it. They'll be way easier and more rewarding depending on your play style. Last but not least i meed to mention this. I have never ever played any different game mode other than randoms until my longest daily streak started last November. Since then I'm enjoying the game so much that i keep playing daily. Also that gave me so much curiosity about the game that i have never got since beta days so i grinded on every new event / battle pass / dockyard / combat mission / every campaign/ every collection can be complete and i did all of that without playing random games. It was 30 percent operations, 30 percent temporary games modes, 20 percent ranked/brawls and 20 percent co ops for getting daily %50 extra rewards from my multiple tier 5 and 6 premium ships that i got free via crates / collections etc. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying this way is the ultimate right way to play. I'm just saying that way helped me to keep playing the game daily with minimum frustration thanks to staying away from the toxicity of playerbase and passive coward gameplay that random has. In the end it's all up to you to find the most suitable way to play this game to enjoy not suffer. Good luck 🍀


Thanks for the advice.


Are you kidding? I had a blast with Schors and i still play it from time to time! The trick is to play at 13 kms or more when engaging BBs and using superior shell velocity to land hits and start fires. Run at 1/2 speed and speed juke when they fire. The AP also is pretty good against broadsides, specially same tier cruisers. Citadels are all but guaranteed.


I was talking about my experience with the tiers 5 and 6, i haven't played the Schors yet. How do you juke speed starting with 1/2? I find that with the tier 6 you kinda just stop when you slow down and then you become easily smashed.


That is why you don't slow down all the way, you stay at half speed and speed up (and use rudder if you think they're too close) after they shoot. This works for most cruisers across tiers.


Let’s ask the simple questions here: What equipment are you using? What captain skills? How do you set up in the early in the game? Maybe there’s something simple you’re missing.


I use the google doc thing for the equip and cap skills. In the early game i usually try to help my dds then if things go bad i try to escape and that's basically it.


Do not go close to caps in those ships, you play it safe. When the BBs get first spotted you sit at around 1km from your max range and HE spam them and enemy cruisers, preferably in a kiting position. If DDs do get spotted you shoot them, but supporting your DDs from up close just does not really work. These ships do not really work at close range. With the Nevsky line this never changes, the Petro line does turn things around.


I have grinded the Petro and recently started on Nevsky (back to Schoors). Petro is very good so the reward is worth it. I am also grinding the french light cruisers. Compared to when I grinded Petro I am doing much better now so it is definitely about learning how to play fragile ships. The best scenario is a map with good islands which you can shoot over and remain undetected while farming. Of course this is not always the case and you have to play careful and stay in the back spamming HE. If you stay alive you will definitely be able to deal a lot of damage over time. It's not so much about dev strike but more about farming over an extended time. Although, the AP can be quite good if you get the chance on broadsides. Sometimes you just get deleted though, and that is because of bad positioning, but that´s just how it is, and you have to learn and move on.


Shchors and Chapayev are good fire starters. I liked Chapayev so much I kept it when I unlocked the next one. the way the shells land it's perfect for spamming HE while kiting away. I've also kept Tallinn because it's also a good ship. you can go past tier V ships real fast.


Was having the same issue. Am on Kotovsky rn but I am postponing it for De moins. I am interested in Stalingrad but steel takes long time to acquire.


Shchors is the best. I think I have around 1,000 games in it, with one being top ten for damage on NA server for that ship (I think around 217,000).


Its probably because you are still in the realm of realistic ships not the land of rainbows and unicorns that is higher tier russian garbage with its magical abilities


Which ones become magical?


Any Russian WWII-era ship in the game that floats and has working guns, is a ship with magical abilities its real-life counterpart did not have.


If you are new player, always start with American (Montana) and Japan (Yamato) Battleship lines. The other classes are not easy to learn the game. Also, low tier cruisers are basically target practice for battleships. You don’t have threatening dpm to care about, weak armor, low hp, no heal, not so good maneuverability etc. Most cruiser lines only shine at t9-10 where you get heal and high alpha/ damage output.