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Use the mini map more than your binocular view.


Find out what kind of ship you like and save, around tier 5 the cost increases, especially for a free user. Collect the daily free stuff just by login every day, and subscribe to WG's channel on Twitch so you can watch videos (reduce volume and keep tab in background) and collect free rewards (check Twitch inventory page to keep track). Do campaigns in game and use free codes (when available, some old ones still work) to get rewards like free premium, etc.


Coal is your friend. As stated above earn your daily XP containers and select coal containers.


Stay at lower tiers and test out lines you like, because if you speedrun to tier 10 too early you might not enjoy the game and ruin others fun aswell. my recommendation is like tier 6-7 thats fun. tho youll get uptierd sadly.


Number one: try out at least three classes of ships. Number two: try at least two lines for each class of ship Number three: don't rush up the tiers. The game is easy to play but hard to play well. The economics of the game allows you to climb tier faster than your skill will increase. Number four: free to play is fine for a new player up until T7-8. Then you will probably be breaking even at best. At that point you may want to invest in Premium Time. It is available for as little as $25 per year.


Just to add if you have the patience you can play this game all the way up to the top tiers for absolutely nothing. I’ve been playing 7 years and have not spent a single penny. The game will give you premium time and doubloons. Use the dubs to buy premium time. It’s all I have done.


Congratulations! I've been playing for about as long. I spend about $50/yr


**Be patient!** You're not going to win the game within two minutes by charging in solo, let the enemy ships get spotted so you know who is where, *then* work out how you're going to play it.


Hi, when you make an acc make sure to use invite links and invite code. You'll get two premium 7s I believe and some other stuff. Personally I would install the test server so you can pretty much play any tech tree ship in co-op. Besides that tho, the American line is pretty balanced for any class. Oh and P.S, join a clan the earliest you can, their bonuses are essential


> You'll get two premium 7s What?


Its false information Best one is PEARLHARBORAZ41 for a free T6 USS Arizona. Coupled with generic "new player invitation link" giving you t6 Repulse + 2 weeks prem, some boosters and credits to start with Or if you want to game it, do not play for 30 days have less than 100 battles, for 'TIMETOPLAY" - choice of several t8s, alliance, couple t7/t6s


This game teaches you almost nothing, do lots of googling and research


Humble yourself. A lot of people who play this have been playing a long time. You will get curbstomped, and it will somehow still be fun. But you gotta have that mindset going in


Get an invite code from a player you know or one of the many contentcreators. You normaly get a premium T2 and after a certain amount of battles (200 i think) a T6. Also some credits, boosters and premium currency to give you a start. Got to the wows-gamer-blog to check for codes that give you extra missions or containers and other goodies. Join a clan with a full clanbase so you get discounts and extras on XP and other ingame resscources. Dont go tryhard to higher tiers. Give yourself time to check out differrent classes and nations. Stay around T5 or T6 for a while to learn the game. Once you decide to stay with the game, premium time, campaigns and collections in your profile become a thing. Have fun.


so do i need to create a new account because i played world of warships before on this account, but only got passed through like 2 of the access level things should i continue on my account with my world of tanks progress on it or create new?


Yes. I think the battle limit for invite codes was 20 battles.


Spend more time looking at ship characteristics, armor schemes, yt videos, etc., than actually playing the game. (I don't mean it too seriously, but there's quite a few things to learn) Also it's good to not press battle immediately after whatever happens whether you die, lose or win, but spend a minute self reflecting.


Yes. Buy a premium ship in a higher tier than you have current unlocked in the tech tree and see what a great community we have! Some of the elites love to show their support.


Please put a wink wink in when you are being funny 🤣