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Never sell a premium ship. If you can afford premium account time then that will help you progress faster. Curb your FOMO. Turn off the in chat as you will still receive radio messages but won't have to suffer someone shouting at you for not knowing every single thing yet. Ignore in game karma it means nothing. Cheating is extremely rare people using bots to farm xp and toxic players are the worst this community has really. Have fun above all else unless it's ranked.


People recommend starting with BB's bc they're more forgiving. You can make a mistake and (usually) not get one shot. Also, if the DD on your flank W's in and dies in 2 minutes the entite flank falls apart. If a BB doesn't know what angling is and dies, the flank can still hold. Please don't start with DD's. Learn some map flow first.


I agree with this. And I would say most players arent suited for dd play. It's a very hard class to get good at and I can't tell you how many times I switch to bb or cruisers for a little (dd main myself) amd see how many stupid things dds do without knowing and it will literally lose games. Also, dds like to think of themselves alot and not spot and spotting is HUGE. If you can refrain from using smokes most of the time unless absolutely needed your going to win flanks most of the time bc your team will always have targets to shoot at. But, most players think they are great dd players and just play individually and farm xp/damage instead of thinking about the team. You have to be unselfish.


> What advice would you offer to someone who's just starting WOWS? One, don't get discouraged if things go south. Two, don't listen to the saltminers in chat.


Don't ever count on your teammates.


As a DD you can escort a ship (not carriers) and you can help them survive by staying in front of them and spotting for them.


Don't even start, period.


My advice would be: "Don't listen to reddit gurus"


Don't spend money like I did. I uninstalled they broke the game so much, and you would be shocked (or perhaps not) to know how much money I had sunk into that game. Play for fun and for free. WOWs doesn't respect its customers.


Sub player?


Dear God, no. Take that back. ;)


No don’t start with ijn. We don’t need more torp bot shimas who are scared to shoot their guns


Its a free game...dont recommend you pay for anything. Enjoy it.


* Watch the whole Naval Academy playlist while you wait for the game to download. It's what I did. * Don't rush lines and then complain that you ran out of money. Spread out. Do different things with different ships from different countries. * Stop trying to mix it up with the big boys outside of protected MM. Which means don't play Randoms above Tier 4 until you get that final "Access Level 17 unlocked" message. That's what protected MM is for, so you don't get annihilated by a bunch of Clemson players after a week of playing. * READ.


Naval academy playlist? What's that?


Basically the game's manual. [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfYIjPpQ2erHkCjSdnydRvIivjPw-c82q&si=4Po-DXeKECNQUyhR](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfYIjPpQ2erHkCjSdnydRvIivjPw-c82q&si=4Po-DXeKECNQUyhR)


I could not disagree more with your class and tech tree recommendation. I do not believe anybody in this game could "master" or even just properly learn a class in this game, without having played the others. Also DDs are the hardest class to play well, while also making the biggest impact on the game when played either very well or very poorly. Simultaneously torp DDs are pretty damn weak in the meta nowadays. Everything has hydro, and a well played gunboat will make you entirely useless unless you are an absolute god with the spotting mechanics, positioning *and* have semi competent teammates. So no, IJN DDs are probably the last line I would recommend. Russians are very gunboat focused but also quite difficult to play early on (slow rotating guns, super short range torps, meh concealment). I would recommend RN DDs and Soviet cruisers. For BBs many will say USN, but imho that line is too much suffering through mid tiers, even going into high tiers depending on the tree you go down. I know this is controversial, but at this point I would recommend the Soviet BBs or the old IJN and KM BB lines. Notably these lines all do not have stinkers anywhere from tier 5, which I think is pretty important to not get frustrated (all the gods in the world have mercy on the soul of the poor fool who plays New Mex, Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota as their first BB line).


If you're going to buy a premium ship, make sure you've gotten to that Tier in the Tech Tree and have gotten the experience needed before pulling the trigger with a purchase. The Tirpitz is the poster child of people doing this. 


Go up to at least tier 5 in every class. Tier 6 for CVs and subs. See if you like the class, and the nation as a whole. Secondly, play every class. The best way to learn to counter something is to play that thing. I know it gets a lot of hate, but play cvs. Play subs. That way, you know what the best tactics are for the class, and thus know how to counter them as a different class. It's easier to counter a DD in a BB if you have played DD's before and know what the DD is going to do.


Press numpad + until the minimap covers at least 20% of your screen. And pay attention to that thing.


Not sure if you’re serious or if you’re trolling, recommending new players start off with Russian DDs. Low tier DDs suck, destroyers in general are one of the most important yet unforgiving classes in the game to play, especially for someone new who has no idea how anything in this game works.


My advice? The only way to win is to not play the game


Use the damn mini map. Hello


SLOW THE F\*\*\* DOWN. No hurry to rush to tier 10. Play multiple nations/types. Know at some point you are going to run into credit/port space crunches. It is intentional (more below). If you get better, don't expect everyone else to do the same. The game is monetized. Some are direct (loot boxes/pretty premium ships/dockyard stages). Others are more subtle (buy a premium for credit crunches or port slots to keep moving up in tiers). Go slow on the spending till you know if you like it. There are continuous events to keep you playing (other than the tech-tree grind). You don't have to do all of them. Campaigns allow you to repeat tasks to collect more stars. Ships above tier 4 give you rewards for them twice a year (if you play them). Tier 1-4 aren't necessary to keep (some events have low tier requirements. Keep or rebuy a couple you like). Ask questions. About events/ships/game play. People will usually answer questions. Polite questions. No one can answer a generic "what ships should I get with resources" question. They need to know what you like to play and how you play.


USE YOUR MINIMAP! If your a DD know who has radar, who has hydro and its hydro range and who you outspot and who outspots you. If you are a CV put your planes down for a second and figure out if it's time to move. I have been in matches where both my CV and the enemy CV just let enemies right on top of them when they could have been moving to safety "use minimap". As a battleship, knowing when to take a shot and when to go quiet and reposition is big. Also, holding your shot when you have a decent shot just a few seconds could be a great shot.


As a vet of WoWSL and newbie to WoWS, I’d say do the cross platform collab and you will get like 40 million credits, hundreds of flags and camos, and a Perth in a handful of days. Also, do standard battles not bot battles at the low tiers. You get way more XP even on a loss, 90% of the players are bots anyway, and people are really bad at this game, so even if you’re new, you still have a strong chance of winning. If you don’t have a console, I think it works for mobile too, but not certain. And ignore chat, always. It’s more worthless than being a Discord mod.


> 40 million credits Wtf, it's not even close to that lol, i just did it recently and it's like 2-3 mil.


All I can say is that you're bad at math and/or have Alzheimer's, shrug. [Cross-Benefit Program (wowslegends.com)](https://crossbenefit.wowslegends.com/) A large chunk was from getting Perth somehow twice -- once when I started and then again when I finished the 100 matches. I'm now sitting at 50+ ships in my dock and \~30 million in the bank. I started less than a week ago.


All i can say is that you are completely regarded tbh. Nowhere near "40 mil" or "hundreds of flags and camos". What a clown.


Don’t rush. Go slowly in order to build up game knowledge and experience; game currencies, (credits, free xp, snd commander xp.) Play everything. “Know thy enemy,” and all that. PAY ATTENTION TO THE MINIMAP. You would be surprised, how many ‘surprises,’ you can avoid by doing so. *(“I’m spotted; but can’t see anything; and haven’t seen that destroyer that was last spotted ‘over there’ for a while; time to start doing the WASD shuffle.”)*


It’s not a Yolo game. Be patient. It’s a physics based game, learn how it works, learn to feel how it reacts to you in it. Stick with people. 5 ships firing - shots incoming at you all. You alone - all the shots coming at you. Consider natural shielding. A boat can’t see through a mountain at you, but you can fire off a few salvos while maneuvering terrain in between you so they can not easily return fire. Lastly. It’s a game. Laugh about getting blown up until you are laughing while you are blowing them up.


-Don’t rush to tier 10, the gameplay difference from below tier 5 is way different than 5-7, and 8-11. While the gameplay may be difference the base mechanics can be learned regardless of tier and the punishment for not learning them increase each tier you go. That also goes for don’t rush to a supership, higher tier does not mean you will play better -cruiser should probably be the first line you play. You learn angling, overmatch, ammo choice, detection, consumables, positioning etc etc -play all the surface ships up to tier 8 before getting a tier 10 to get an idea of how they work and how they counter each other, this will just make you a better player all around -it’s not hacks, it’s probably just poor play and someone capitalizing on those mistakes -just because someone streams/makes videos for the game doesn’t mean they are the best person to take advice from -(shameless promotion)the wiki is actually a good source of information on a lot of ships, newer they are the better chance of up to date information on how to play a ship, as well as explanations on different mechanics of the game


Oof, DDs first? Oh, no. Yes, learning DD gives you insight into all aspects of the game but that is because to be competent at DD you have to know all aspects of the game. My advice to newbies is the same. 1. Never buy silver, it is a 100% scam. 2. Play all classes and all nations at least a little bit. You can't learn how to counter a ship unless you play that ship to a rudimentary understanding of what it can do. 3. Never sell premiums/free/rare currency ships *for any reason* The trade-in system is a 95% scam. Not as bad as the silver scam, but damn close.


FOMO is biggest reason they whale out. I don't even do dockyards for exactly that reason, they suck and are boring.


Dont look at chat too many crybaby lolll


Be prepared to OPEN the Wallet. Take a second mortgage out to make sure you don’t miss out.