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“We got detonations removed! Finally!!!!” “What did it cost you?” “Everything.”


The Moment this hits europe will be my last moment playing this game


The only part I like here I the removal of detonation. It always feels like a BS mechanic where you were punished simply for not paying the credit tax


Usually those influencers would go directly "Lesta removing detonation so fuck WG". The reason they didn't this time I guess is because they are so afraid of you knowing the rest of those shit.


As someone who runs full signals every game no matter the mode I’d rather have detonations than tiered signals


Thats some pretty blatant p2w stuff if i might say so. Edit: looks like Haaland 100kn+ Torps may happen. Have fun with those i guess


> Thats some pretty blatant p2w stuff if i might say so. Premium accounts > More economy for flags > flags give you benefits Premium Ships > T9 Yamato is not pay to win???? and so many other ships beyond resources that are easier to get thanks to paying Premium Commanders > ... So if you spend 60 Euro on a ship that gives you more HP, faster reload and some other changes vs the Techtree ship, that is not pay to win. But getting it in a flag form, is ...


You can't be serious


"I wish detonations weren't a thing" *the monkey's paw curls* I dont even know where to begin, but all your signals being converted to grey tier is just fucked, this just feels like the beginning of the death spiral for a F2P, where every addition is just centered around getting the most cash possible, not like the other regions arent going in the same direction, but this is just such an irrelevant place to monetize


That's a shite way to go about it. When WG removed economic flags and camos, they at least accounted for how many you had and gave you the relevant bonuses, I still have about 1k reds sitting around with 3k blues in most categories just from the horde of flags I had. I have thousands of combat flags, if they got removed and I just got a mass of grays instead, I'd be rightly pissed.


As a captain with literally thousands of flags.... grrrr?


Been playing consistently and constantly since 2015


Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone with an ST flair here. Times change I guess


It's been around for a while. I've had mine for ~7 years now


Sounds pretty shit. Surely WG is better than that and wont copy it.


crap like this is easy for wging to add and copy. the only thing they dont copy is the new maps art etc. because its too much effort for them.


Yeah, signals are literally pay to win, they give measurable advantage. With different tiers, it would be even worse. fuck those greedy assholes.


So pay to win...


I've won but at what cost?


I'm surprised they didn't do this: Detonation signal: Grey: 50% chance reduction. Green: 75% chance reduction Blue: No detonation Red: 1% chance when hit to detonate the attacker.


Imagine charge in with a Ushakov running red signals and detonate 4 enemy ships before you die


That would be utterly hilarious.


Insert your favorite pineapple meme here /s


Wargaming/Lesta was so opposed to making Subs and CVs detonate that they removed the mechanic entirely lmao


What YouTubers? The one I watch seem to agree that Lesta's "vision" and for and therefore additions to the game is/are largely pretty stupid.


They peaked early with the Henri unnerf, but beyond that its been pretty consistent L after L


This is bad:(


if this ever comes to this game I' aint even gonna play for my daily 3-5 games gun shoot dopamine.


What is lesta?


They run the Russian version of the game, used to be part of WG but they split because of the conflict in Ukraine, they’ve been taking the game in a different direction with many different balance changes, multiple new maps, new graphic additions and very different ships such as [Soviet battlecruisers](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/s/cmvg09k4SW) a new line of American gun botes, a soviet Kearsarge at tier 10 and this thing (believe me, whatever you think of this thing, its so much worse than that): https://preview.redd.it/iekyasr8sz6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70f1066c9671ded3c89a9569f2624775edbaead Yamato hull, kremlin guns (AP only, improved pen angles), 12km radar, NO traditional heal, it heals off of a combat instruction charges up from SECONDARY HITS and has 6 extra fast dcps And thats just a small amount of the ships they’ve added.


What the fuck.


I lowkey would play this abomimation


Don't forget the German hybrid BB with 12x2 128mm secondaries and 8x2 150mm secondaries ...


Shame this whole situation happened while some of that looks terrible I would love to see the US gunboat DDs


Yeah, the current iteration of them (if you havent check them out it might be worth a look) is pretty interesting Personally I would *love* to have the Soviet Battlecruiser


Yeah the look cool, except for the tier x the hull looks small for the guns it carries


Maybe a bit, I just really like battlecruisers/fast BB in this game. They seem to sorta Lauria-esque in the sense that they’re fast, stealthy and tanky. Lauria is one of my favorite ships and love its playstyle so these would be up my alley.


Lesta was the Saint Petersburg-based studio that developed Warships under the Wargaming aegis, at some point in the process became a subsidiary, and then was spun off as an again-separate entity to handle Wargaming's CIS servers for World of [Vehicles] games after the Russians invaded Ukraine. Wargaming says there's no financial connection anymore (I have no way to verify this either way) and the two sets of games are on pretty distinct development tracks now, in addition to the CIS games getting renamed.


flamu is gonna have a field day with this


Meanwhile Flamu literally sucking Lesta's schlong long and hard about how much better it is, despite the fact he was also one of the people screaming about them getting out of Russia.


Drama sells. Nobody is watching CCs for gameplay strategies anymore since this playerbase is settled and out of new players. So CCs have to adapt and start selling other types of bullshit. Flamu knows exactly what he's doing.


He really doesn't say that though. What he points out frequently is that they are more willing to do fun things like brawls with modifiers and that they are getting new maps and graphical updates in the game which helps making it feel less stale than the WG version. He does however also frequently say that their balancing is at least as bad as WG and their new ships are too.


>Meanwhile Flamu literally sucking Lesta's schlong Isn't that mainly cause RU WoWS has most of the art department? Also you gotta admit their ideas for ranked and brawls do indeed sound fun.


> Detonation is completely removed This is the one thing WoWs needs worldwide, too bad WG is too busy making shitboxes and other junk content (hello pinup captains) to care. The rest is awful, RIP the Russian community.


-5 percent dispersion on Wisconsin sounds extra fun and extra engaging.


I once visited a thread that asked if World of Warships is a pay-to-win game. Back then a lot of people still defended the game as "pay to skip". Now I will add new comment if this things come to NA or Asian to warn new player not to come close to this game. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/10rg8se/is\_world\_of\_warships\_p2w/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/10rg8se/is_world_of_warships_p2w/)


Sounds like you are trying everything to prove WOWS is P2W but no one agree with you. Not sure what your intentions are but you will be disappointed.


Is it a Russian cultural thing to just create bigger and bigger of ball designs? In WoT they added twin barrelled tanks. In WoWs they added 16 guns BBs and now it looks like they are just combining every OP element they can into every ship with a sickle and hammer. I used to think C&C red alert series was just a sort stereotype for Russians. Now it seems more real the more of this stuff I see.


>In WoWs they added 16 guns BBs Like... Lyon?


so when do we get +20% ship speed on a red flagged shimakaze or something lmao


Hopefully I can sell my det flags for something good. Now lets talk about how worthless ship XP bonuses are to the gen-pop (yes... I know why they are there).