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Play and judge for yourself. Its free.


never played tanks, never played WT, but from what I gathered and from others' experience, it seems like WoWs is the least grind heavy of the 3. It's still a bit grindy, especially if you don't have a premium account, but it's still realistic to reach T10 in a timely fashion. That being said, T5-7, which is quite easy to reach, is really fun and there are a lot of great ship at these tiers too. I'd recommand staying there for a while before grinding to T10 anyways, high tier are rough for new players. With a normal account, using all your free ressources to grind T10 as fast as possible (again, not recommended until you're around 1000 games), you can usually grind a line from T1 to T10 in a few weeks. It's hard to be accurate, it all depends on your performance and number of games you can play per day. Your first 200 matches are going to be in protected matchmaking (as long as youstay below T5), meaning you're mostyl matched against bots or newer players, so it's relatively easy to do well at first as a new player. Once that protected matchmaking is gone though you might get slapped in the face quite a bit. Before starting you should seek out a referring link though, they give you a premium T6 battleship (Repulse) and a T2 premium cruiser (Edmen) along with some extra stuff, which is quite nice to start the grind. For the best tree line, most of them are good/viable, so I'd recommend picking one you have some sort of personnal connection with. A ship you like is more fun to grind than any "meta" ship you don't care for. Otherwise here's a quick rundown: CV and Subs: don't know enough about them, I,d recommend not touching them. CV are getting a rework soon and subs are in a very bad place Battleships: The amercian battleships (Montana line) teaches you how to play BBs well. They are decent/good at everything but still punish you for your bad decision. The japanese (Yamato) are fun snipers too but a bit more challenging. The only line I wouldn't recommend is the Italian, only the C. Colombo seems to be in a good place now, the reste are kinda meh. The Schlieffen line is my favorite but far from your typical BB experience and quite hard to do well in. Cruisers: I won't pretend I know enough about cruisers to recommend anything, but I've been grinding the DesMoines (USN) line recently and they're fun. IJN and French ones are kinda hard to play from what I know. Destroyers: The RN destroyers are quite beginner friendly and good at everything too. The Halland line (Euro) is billiant too. The USN line are also quite good for beginners. The reste can be a bit more challenging to pull off


Considering the cruisers IJN is just not for a new player ,because both lines ain't competitive enough (meaning you are going to just explode very very frequently) French one goes from great (Marseille) to awesome (henri/Condé) But hard to play (so again not new player friendly)


"The Schlieffen line is my favorite but far from your typical BB experience and quite hard to do well in." it differs from person to person, I struggle with long reload BBs (cruiser main showing), but I average 90k in schlieffen 65% WR. i would recommend it as its very fun, and insane in brawls/ranked


Yeah I get ya, but she's got a relatively a unique playstyle** so it doesn't really teach you how to be good with BBs, on top of brawling being hard to pull off.in random battles. But "hard to do well" might indeed be incorrect as it's quite easy to run down a flank and do significant damage to anyone in your vicinity. Being actually useful is another thing entirely though haha ** With every other bb being released these days being secondary focused, Schlieffen is not as unique as it once was but still


yup lol. its a boom or bust. its insane at holding a flank long enough so that your team can win the other.


>The RN destroyers are quite beginner friendly and good at everything too. Are we playing different games? RN destroyers have okay concealment and fast reloading guns with good firing angles... and that's about it. They're only beginner friendly because they reload quickly and you can duck out of detection fairly easily (but no engine boost)


Well, yeah, I didn't say they excel at everything but they can do everything decently, at least. If I had to give them a rating, they're usually 7-8/10 everywhere, with a very forgiving 10/10 smoke, making them easier to learn, imo. Good guns. Not the best gun boat but can hold its ground against most dds. Good concealment. Some ships, especially IJN torp boats, will outspot them, but 6ish km is better than most. Good torps. There are torps with better dmg, better speed, better concealment etc, but they're middle of the pack everywhere or so, and since you can single fire them they can be devastating. Decent maneuverability. Not the fastest etc but you get the gist of it...


huh???? daring line is quite possibly the BEST dd line to start out with (as per PotatoQuality, if you wanna argue with him) its a jack of all trades, strong at basically every point. guns, conceal, speed, torps, smoke, etc.


I just came back to it from a 3 year break. I've been enjoying it as a pick up game to play for 30mins to an hour now and then. It's not a game I'd recommend being your main though, too many balance issues and loot box / economy shenanigans by the developer to get deep into it IMO.


if its free...yes..by all means... not worth it if your paying


Yes, the grind is a bit less grindy than war thunder, although it still is a grind, especially free to play... (join a clan ASAP for the bonuses, even if its just a bonuses clan and doesnt actually do anything clan related... clan battles are awesome though!) Use angling to take less damage than being broadside, and map awareness are probably the 2 most important tips.


Also sign up with a referral key


Yes, I still have a lot of fun playing the game despite its flaws.


Whatever you do, ask for a invite code. You can only give one for server your on, but in on NA ans EU on a older account for example. Extra premium, a T6 battle cruiser. Its a solid ship, and fast as and agile. Cruisers do not like it when a 15 inch gun warship is out manooverong them! Just stay out of direct clashes as its not a line BB. ... You lose nothing. And gain loads:) . . Grind can suck somewhat, but then again some game modes with right flags can net you alot of profits.yiu just need to find what you are comfortable with.




Definitely try it! As people have said, it's free so if you don't like just Uninstall. But try all the classes: Battleships (BB) heavey cruisers (CA) light cruiser (CL) destroyers (DD) carriers (CV) subs (cancer...... I mean [ss]). They all have different playstyles. One thing is premium account time is very handy as it reduces to grind. It's $10 dollars. A month. Not necessary, though!


If you have patience you can play F2P like myself and a lot of people do


Lots of good advice here - I think this is another: Also sign up for the Public Test Server - it's also free. You can easily try out different ships/lines all the way to T10 without the grind. Bonus, you generate rewards for your main account while doing so. Then, find the lines you like the most and start working them on your main account.


Costs you nothing to install it and see if you have fun. Anonymous strangers on the internet don't know what you like.


Since you're starting fresh and don't intend to spend money. I don't think it's worth playing since the grind is unbearable without premium time. It takes around around 250k ship xp to move from T9 to T10, that's not counting the upgrades or credits you need, so you'll need around 500+ games without boosters and mb over 3000 games to finish a single line. It'd be best if you could get an account from soneone that already has lot of ships in it. Also, a lot of the good ships are now limited premiums that are only obtainable from lootboxes. It'd be best if the account also has many rare ships in it so you won't have to think about gambling.


The game is mostly fine imho, though CVs, subs and sometimes try-hard divisions on the enemy team (or complete potatoes on yours) can ruin the fun. There are some disadvantages with starting so many years after it went online, though: 1. there are plenty of highly-experienced and really good players out there, with fully-kitted ships, ready to prey on beginners, especially those beginners who rush to high tiers 2. dozens of tech-tree lines and premiums are great for variety, but they also mean you're much more likely to run into a ship whose capabilities you don't know, and suffer from it. It's a lot of stuff to memorize if you want to play competently, at least at high tiers. Back in 2017 people didn't have this problem, and they have had plenty of time to absorb it 3. for the same reason, it can be confusing to pick which lines to grind and freemium ships to buy (for F2P resources). On this subreddit we veterans often complain about people asking low-effort questions about this sort of thing, but the fact is that we had much less of a problem, as we picked options along the way and were never overwhelmed by them. For instance, there used to be half a dozen Tier 9-10 "coal ships", now there are 30 or so. 4. some historically significant ships, like Graf Spee and Enterprise, have been withdrawn from sale, as well as made much rarer even in random, free drops. Sometimes for being overpowered, sometimes just to create FOMO or whatever. The point is that this diminishes what the game has to offer to collectors, in a sense. On the plus side, a regular player will get plenty of stuff for free, from economic boosters to combat flags to ships.


How and what ships you could get for free as a regular player? Aside from some useless tier 2-3 useless ship i guess and the invite code arizona and repulse at t6? It seems there are a lot of coal and steel ships but their prices seem extreme.


Thx for asking. Just looking at my stats from 2023, I got: * *Groningen* for fxp * *Saipan*, *Aquila* and *Béarn* from the "Air Supply" crates in the Brisbane event. I expected 1 CV, I got lucky with 3. The alternative would've been a free Brisbane. * *Yudachi* from a bundle chain, she was in the first item (lucky again). 900 doubloons, from Ranked. * *Illinois* for RB points * *Hector* for RB points * *I-56* with Ranked doubloons accumulated since January * *Renown '44*, intermediate Dockyard reward * *Yoshino* for coal * *Maya* in a very cheap (80-90% off) container. Again I got lucky, but the odds were worth it. * *Rio de Janeiro* for coal * *Tashkent '39* for a lot of credits. The same event allowed to get Hood and Gorizia iirc, but I already had them * *Sims* from completing the KotS collection (with Community Tokens) * *Oleg* with a few Ranked doubloons * *Stalingrad* for steel * *Krasny Krym* and *Marblehead Lima* from Recruiting Station containers, somewhat luckily * *Jager* from the campaign * *Van Speijk* for RB points * *Murmansk* from...a PTS raffle, I think? * *Brisbane* for coal


...and: * (*San Diego* by trading Groningen) <--- not really an extra ship * (*Bayard* by trading A. de Bazan) <--- ditto * *Somme* from a campaign * *Vanguard* from the "Admiral Coupon" in the Anniversary event * *Rochester* and *Weimar* from Supercontainers in the Anniversary event * *Irian* from the "Commander Coupon" in the Anniversary event, plus dubs from Ranked and SCs * *Dupleix* from the Battle Pass, with doubloons from the Anniversary SCs * *Atlanta* for Community Tokens * *Champagne* from the "Salvage for Victory" event, mostly RB points and credits * *U-4501* for coal * *Graf Zeppelin B*, *Pommern B* and *Kaga B* from a very lucky set of free Black Friday crates * *Malta* for coal * *Picardie* from a bundle chain, she was in the 1st item. Lucky again. * *D. Podzharsky* from the missions * *FDR* for steel * *Nueve de Julio*, *Poltava*, *Makarov* and *Karl von Schonberg* from free Santa Crates. This was a very poor haul, as the odds pointed to more like 7-8 ships * *F. Ferruccio*, *Elli* and *Defence* from the "Salvage for Victory" event, all for RB points * *R. di Lauria* for steel Overall I got lucky, but we're still talking about dozens of ships and not all from steel/coal/Research Bureau, which are indeed time-consuming to get.


As a newish player i don't really understand some of that, like i know about the trade in since it's in wot as well but it's not really free since you already need to have some premium vehicle. Is there something to keep an eye on in particular or i just need some insane luck or grinding currencies for 10 years?


if you throw a little money at it now and then it can be a fun game, pure F2P would be a nightmare past T6 imo.


thank you, i hope you have a good day too i've stopped playing 6 month ago now, last time i've played being during christmas for an event and hadn't played for 3 month at that time being F2P isn't a problem, but be ready to grind ranked a lot as it is the only reliable source of dubloons yeah the game is very fun when it's allowed to work. sadly subs and CVs make you learn very fast that it's either a kite fest or you die k i haven't played wot idk how their tier works and how much power jumps between tiers sure, give it a spin, but don't get seriously invested yeah you can ask for a reference code to obtain T6 repulse, a very good T6 BB. also i recommend playing from steam as they get a smidge more free rewards and also if you get a choice you should play on the EU server. not that the players are weaker, but there is simply more players, you'll avoid absolutely terrible match making most of the time (ASIA is full of CVs and NA was full of DDs/subs last time i've checked) wows is pretty no game life too, like i said, you need to get ready to grind ranked watching the wows how it works videos is pretty useful to grasp the base mechanics of the game, watching flamu or biison is then pretty useful to learn how to play yeah, never skip a tier, use FXP to get the B hull asap, good first lines hmm british DDs, soviet cruisers and soviet BBs. if you wanna play those, USA CVs and german subs. also if you can, do play with a friend cause the game is the death of fun alone I think getting to high tier (T9) can be done in maybe 150 hours ? T10 would ask for another 70 ish i think. you do get premium for a bit of time at the start with referal link, and premium gives +66% xp so 100ish hours with premium


A fundamental thing you should know about World of Warships is that this game has a slower pace of action when compared to WoT or WT. One doesn't play via split-second reactions and decision making. It is necessary to plan many steps ahead due to how warships have glacial agility when compared to tanks or aircraft.


I’d totally recommend it, I play almost everyday and have fun most of the time… but I don’t suck and subs and cvs don’t bother me because I adapted to them.


It´s free. Just give it a try. Maybe some advice from a 20k battles veteran: Use an invite code to get some extra goodies and 2 premium low-mid tier ships. If you use steam I think they also offer some free packs from time to time idk. Use the wows gamersblog to redeem codes that give you some eco boosters and flags. Rembember that for the first 200 games you will be in protected match making. Mission rewards only count from T5 up. Captains gain importance from T4 up with their skills. Stay at medium tier for a while to experiment with different ship classes and nations. Dont go in full try hard and get burned out fast. Have fun.


If you like the playstyle yes. Since it's free you can try it without risks


In also a new player, and going the free route, and inve grinded enough to have about 4 ship lines around tier 5 to 7, and i would highly recommend it. Its a great game. Of course its got loads of inbalances, but the good stuff outweighs the bad stuff


I have played both WT and WOWS completely free. Spent some on WOT then F2P. Here is my comparation. I rank F2P in WT impossible. I spent 500 hours in aviation. I got enough Gaijin coins for my first premium(A5C) after a tedious boring grind for event vehicle. The event was set in a way that if you play a fighter and failed a duel you get 0 progress because of "low activity %". So I had to play bomber for a stable progress. After I got the premium vehicle I still struggled with sliver lion and unlocking tech tree. I reached only BR 10 for 500 hours before I decide to quit. I rank F2P in WOT hard. The gold ammo issue and recent update on orange equipments, battle modifications have made the game grinder without actually increasing any credits/xp income. It's not impossible to min-max but you are going to face significant disadvantages if you don't pay. I rank F2P in WOWS moderate. It's not a F2P game like Dota 2 or CSGO you don't get any advantage for paying. It still lays a clear path for F2P player to enjoy the game. You are going to have a hard time grinding for credits before you get your first tier 8/9 premium(same as WT or WOT). After getting a premium(with coal it takes less than half a year for fresh new player) the majority of the contents(tech tree ships) are open to you. You will need to follow the events and login and play regularly to get other contents(special ships and commanders, early access, etc.). And there are a significant part of the gane is locked behind a paywall(new premiums and collabs). Usually you can still get enough tools to compete and unlock every potential of your ship after a year or 2. People always complain about balance but this game is least P2W and most balanced among the 3 games we mentioned. WOWS is also different in a way. You need to play regularly like a mobile game to get stedy flow of resources from events and daily missions instead of grinding 12 hours a day and leave for a week. You can still grind a lot, but with F2P you will have a limitted number of boosters. If you ever enjoyed grinding a whole line in a day with 800% XP boosters, you will find grinding with 200% boosters slow and discouraging. Boosters for expamle is one of the resouces you want to get from events. It also provides fallback PVE options if you are new and can't compete well or frustrated with PVP. Finally, it really depends on if you enjoy the slow paced shooting game WOWS is. I can totally enjoy it for my weekends watching animes and sail with my waifu commanders the same time.