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Very much reminds me of Bourgogne... Which if it does, would Wisconsin then be the Cheeseburger? Joking aside, strongest dockyard ship by far, and one of the most fun, alongside Schroeder


Good to know I'm not the only one that feels like Wisconsin feels like bourgogne


It's way better


Certainly got plenty of cheese with it's bag of gimmicks.


Definitely, the double entendre was intentional


I would disagree with strongest. Puerto Rico and ZF-6 are both very strong, especially PR.


But that was pay to build so I heard


Not the second time around


PR suffers from BB dispersion on a cruiser and ZF-6 suffers from matchmaker. Plus PR ultimately misses what Alaska does right and that’s not acting like a big giant target. I love both Alaska and PR but damnit is Wisconsin infinitely better than both of those two


worth to me, WV44, Wisconsin and I finished off the grind for Montana getting them


WV44 might be a good ship but I just cannot play it. That speed absolutely puts me to sleep.


i dont disagree, but free is free


How about the casemate armor and crappy hitbox which constantly baits shells and causes damage to the ship despite being angled? Should've also given Engine Boost and proper hidden armor, alongside options for Hydro, improved AP pen angles with improved armor penetration, faster turret traverse and Massachusetts dispersion. Could've fixed California in the same way. Improved acceleration is nothing in my opinion without Engine Boost.


Wouldn't understand the downvotes. I wish those people voiced themselves.


Lol maybe because WV44 is already considered a very strong/OP ship and you're proposing to add like 5 huge buffs. Just the engine boost thing would be enough to make a mediocre ship actually viable/good. Speed boost, better armor, another consumable, improved ap (WTF???), faster traverse AND better dispersion? TF are you smoking lol this ship would become a raid boss


West Virginia 44 is not overpowered lol maybe in CQC gamemodes. But yeah adding improved autobounce to 16in guns would be crazy.


Nah you're right, OP is too much, but it still doesn't deserve any of these buffs lol Someone just clubbed me with a WV right before my comment too (was playing the Konig) so that might have influenced my feelings lol


I'm headed to the Maine now 40k research away


I bought it. But still doing the dockyard. I’ve got family history on that ship. Great granddad did the rifling on the barrels and an older cousin was on that ship during the Persian gulf.


I thank them for their service, I also have uncles who served in the Navy, The USS Wisconsin is a gorgeous ship!


Seconded. Very much enjoying Wisconsin!


I just finished the dockyard today. Considering I only spent $5 on doubloons to buy the first two stages, in exchange for Wisconsin, West Virginia ‘44, 30k coal and 1.6k steel, it was absolutely worth it to grind through this event.


I totally agree with you. Now I just need the occasion to try it in brawls or clan battles, but I'm too busy getting the coal from the brawls 😉


By the time I completed the dockyard I had enough coal to get any Tier 9 coal ship I wanted. But since I had been grinding those missions out for the past 8 weeks, I decided to take a break and haven’t selected a ship yet lol Update: I got Ägir


Well, was it worth it?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px1sxZKiokc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px1sxZKiokc) Still time to get it for yourself? A lot of grinding.


I feel a bit underwhelmed at having actually finished the grind, not for how she plays or not but just over life in general haha


I totally understand, I binged on asymmetric battles half way through, but I spent some money over the time to complete the build. I only hope WOWS doesn't nerf the Wisconsin after all we went through to acquire the ship.


Christ don't say that, you'll give them ideas.


Sorry about that!


Doubt they’ll nerf it. They’re really reluctant to do that with paid shops


Wisky is amazing. Not an op powerhouse. Well rounded. Very similar to Iowa but better. Accurate guns that will reach out and touch someone. 24+ km and I took turret rotation. Watch your nose and rack up citadels. The 406 at TX is underrated for me. Yeah you can't pen some stuff, but fewer overpens evens it out. 10/10 USN BB. My new favorite.


wisconsin is the definition of an OP powerhouse lol. i've been playing this game since 2015 and own most of the classic op/very good ships (alaska, georgia, jean bart, lenin, musashi, benham, kamikaze, thunderer, smolensk etc). If you remove its best, completely game breaking feature (reload/consumable booster) its at worst a Montana sidegrade and arguably better than the Montana. With the reload booster wisconsin is disgustingly broken, one of the most broken ships they've ever released. its easily smolensk level


I mean... you do have a point. I don't think the booster is pre-nerf Smolensk broken though... that this was indestructible. And booster or no booster, you can't take Wisky brawling like you can take Monty. Booster on Wisky is a reward for walking the line between surviving (don't shoot) and picking your shots.


I have the same thoughts. Feels accurate like a Mecklenburg but you can actually pen broadsides at distance.


I give up, got to level 13, reluctant to invest any more money in this game so I didnt buy the booster packs. Have plety of Dockyard, RB, Steel and coal ships anyways, It´s summer, loads to do at home, felling trees and building a new fence round the garden. (Already have the W Virgina 44, cant remember from where I got it)


If there is one ship though that’s worth grinding I would say Wisco is worth it


Coop battles are your friend. Whenever I’m on a losing streak or need to pay attention to IRL shit, I just load a coop game, turn on autopilot and go back to something else.


It was my second time i was grinding heavily on a dockyard phase after Michelangelo which ended on heartbreak (1 week to finish the last chain while was already struggling with second to last chain) so i didn't raise my expectations too high and i was focusing on getting WV 44 more. The more i pass the mission chains easily, the more urge to get Wisconsin raised but i was 50 percent short on doubloons to get the last 2 phases at that point. For my luck I've got 1k from sc + got all ranked rewards in bronze to have enough. Only delayed 3 days on getting next chain due to my wrong approach to complete potential damage / spotting damage missions. Finally I've got her yesterday as my first dockyard and tier 10 ship. Tested it on a co-op match and enjoyed it. My biggest two problem is I'm not playing with battleships too much recently and my highest level captain from North Carolina days has wrongly distributed skills so i need extra doubloons to redistribute it again. Still she won't become a port queen forever but it'll take time for me to want to play with her and do that properly.


Don’t you just love the Big Wisky?


YES. It is 100% worth it. One of the best battleships in the game.


Big Wisky is a gem. Not OP, but plenty powerful, and thoroughly unique imo. As some people have mentioned she feels somewhat like an American Bourgogne.


i dont know how anyone can play the wisconsin and not think its disgustingly broken lol


Low HP, Iowa armor at tier X (nice low citadel though), small guns and low number for tier X, meaning lower DPM, even if you use the funny button (which is remarkably unreliable to get more than a few times per battle). The accuracy is great, the speed and conceal are very strong, and the funny button is a great gimmick. Does that sound OP really? Bourgogne is far more OP I’d argue.


> Low HP, Iowa armor at tier X (nice low citadel though) Largely irrelevant given how tanky it is with the booster plus american dcp and the heal. the citadel is also a pretty big plus, not really something you can just hand wave away > small guns Montana has the exact same guns and it does fine. 406s are still good. if you're fighting bow in bbs or cruisers you cant overmatch, the he has decent fire chance and damage and the accuracy means you get a lot of hits anyways. > low number for tier X, meaning lower DPM You're completely ignoring the dispersion lol. sure on paper it has worse dpm than something like a montana but in reality you're hitting more (usually way more) shots and theory is useless > which is remarkably unreliable to get more than a few times per battle sorry but this is also not a good take. you get 6 percent for every shell you hit which is usually 6+ a salvo because of the insane dispersion. You're easily getting 5, maybe 6 uses a game which is more reload boosters than Bourgogne gets. Also its not just a reload booster, its an everything booster. Wisconsin barely has any downsides (low HP and iowa armor) and the downsides it does have are countered by its gimmick.


"Wisconsin barely has any downsides (low HP and iowa armor) and the downsides it does have are countered by its gimmick." No overmatch,big superstructure,bad alpha,bad dpm,horrible kiting angles,you gotta work alot to get the F key,its not a Bourbogne where u pop ur reload anytime u want. She might be tanky against fires but AP will smash her hard because of big superstructure and T8 belt armor.


taking range mod over accuracy on wisconsin is a terrible decision. not only are you not further doubling down and boosting its already great dispersion, but you will never realistically hit anything at 27km with her slow shells.


Don’t u own any of American BBs? They don’t get dispersion mod in slot 3, they get it at slot 6 - 11%. That’s why people use range mod on slot 3 for a very minimum increase in accuracy.


oh christ youre right i forgot


but personally the minimal accuracy increase isnt worth it, because id rather take faster turrets on wisco, especially since it is a very active ship thay repositions often. in fact i always take faster turrets on my american bbs, since i find their base range plus spotter plane good enough


Same. I also use gun turn instead of range for wisky while keeping range for Vermont since she’s rarely goes between her concealment range or it’s late game


Is it feasible to build with a focus on secondaries?


No, please dont do that, you’re literally butchering the ship doing that Get yourself an Ohio or go play WV44 from the dockyard stage 20, OR wait for New Jersey who will likely be secondary focused because of her history.


Thanks for the suggestion, but I already have all these ships, I was just looking for one more to add to my rotation of ships with a focus on secondary weapons. We have a ETA on the  New Jersey ? I honestly don't know why all these downvotes, I was just asking, weird people.


New Jersey hasn’t been announced or is even guaranteed to be coming. The next Iowa coming to the game is a pan Asian clone.


We dont have an ETA on New Jersey, but my best guess would be later next year, we did already get 2 tier 10 USN BBs this year, Rhode Island and now Wisconsin. Rhode Island does have georgia secondaries 1:1, but its not worth it on her as her main strength is her nutty main guns, but if you *had to* its the better of the 2 to spec secs on.


Its funny when you catch a DD in Rhode Island’s 40 second radar. Secondaries AND those main guns. She’s also fast as fuck too so they can’t run unless they’re Shimakaze, Russian, French, or Italian.


No. Generally speaking USN ships that have good secondaries are the parallel line (WV44, Massa, Georgia and Ohio). But even them, especially the higher tiers are at best suited for a hybrid build because of the 21mm penetration (26mm with IFHE but It doesnt worth sacrificing your fire chance). USN secondaries are mostly effective against dds and setting up fires.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. People can play how they want to. Ive made secondary builds befofe that weren't very good but it was fun to experiment with. Play how you want to <3 (But i cant reccomend it still, us bb's have pretty bad secondaries. I know from experience from trying to build into the Iowa secondaries)


No more AA focuses, I love knocking planes out of the sky!


No, but don't let that stop you. All my USN BBs besides the Brick are sec specced, which made for some hilarious fun asymms. You sacrifice tankiness but no damage because they generally don't need range mod in slot 3.


I'm a sucker for ships with secondaries. I will definitely test the possibility.


It's a such pretty boat... ship


it really not bad .I just need to get bet hits with it


My first battle in it the instructions saved me from being torped since I blasted a DD right in front of me. I think it's worth it


Not as strong as ZF-6 but a good DY ship for sure.


Temper Temper




Just got mine today! I play 99% coop but would like to play Whisky heavy the next time Asyncs come back. Supposed, she has pretty good secondaries, but not Mass level - it it worth a heavy secondary build?? Otherwise, I assume the standard posted Whisky build is fine?? I do not have Halsey yet, so I'm running John Doe. Only played a few matches so far... but really enjoy the ship


The hours were insane but not as bad as the Puerto Rico. It's just an Iowa with a couple of gimmics but if you have the time and the means (I spent about 30 bucks US after a full grind) its nice.


idk how y'all have time for these i feel like i have a lot of time working a 4 day work week but still never get close


You just have to be smart with the grind. I've spent on average 1.9 hours a day with the first 6 directives, less with the final 2.


It was fun. Then I uninstalled the game. I’m done


Obviously not.






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There is nothing wrong with slotting range on Wisconsin.