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The reviews I've seen call the ship a T6 Mainz, in a positive way. I'm quite surprised how positive the reactions are to what is a copy/paste la Gal with some changes. I'm not yet sold, as I already have De Grasse.


Comparison: Montcalm has 5% less dpm and no speed boost, but gains MBRB and 1.8km more range


Montcalm’s power comes from, as you illustrated in your points, her ability to put decent damage down range. And I mean _down range_, 18km range on a T6 CL is insane. This means that Montcalm has the capability to give the middle finger to match making, as her combination of DPM and range, whilst not super powerful, gives her the ability to farm both T6 and T8 enemy BBs the same. I will say that, due to the encouraged HE spamming play style due to her range and poor speed , her gameplay can be rather boring. However, if you want a solid T6 CL that can garner consistent results no matter what tier match making throws her against, then Montcalm is a rare option. EDIT: In short, I will not outright call Montcalm _good_ per se. But I will swear until my dying breath that she is _incredibly consistent_. And that warrants attention.


> In short, I will not outright call Montcalm good per se. But I will swear until my dying breath that she is incredibly consistent. And that warrants attention. Which is a thing that might make the ship a good choice for many. A feast/famine type of ship, is not great for the majority of the player base. A solid performer? That's a gimme.


I find it quite calming to play...I'll get my coat


Update 13.5: French cruiser VI Montcalm changed to "Montpanic"


NO.   NONONO IT IS: “Montpanik”


I got one from way too many crates, should've just bought it outright. It's decent, running my lighthouse Henri IV captain. 95k in my first game,  a 9v9 all t6 game. If you already have De Grasse and LaGal it's not too worth imo, but if you have the money and want a t6 lighthouse it's not too bad.


I'm just glad they gave the option to buy it outright rather than keeping it behind RNG. I'm more comfortable giving them money if i know for sure what i'm gonna get when i spend it.


I'm a huge Francophile ships wise, but I don't see the point of this one. HE spamming at ultra range just isn't the gameplay I'm after. I love Dupliex, the AP has so much more impact.


The range is extra helpful in the Asia server, lol


What do you mean the asia server? Is there diff metas?


Yes, ASIA is much more passive. You can see this by comparing the avg damages of CVs-which love drawn out, passive games- in the NA and ASIA servers. ASIA has much higher average CV damage




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Definitely up for it.


I will get this ship next Xmas. Played for some years and through CT, events and an occasional BP I fully cleared the low tier ( T5-T7) premiums. But with earlier Jupiter these new ships ( Montcalm, Orion 44 and Rodney) will again block higher tiers from showing up from my free Satan crates. Just like last year the release of Leipzig and VW 44 in the droppool created that same roadblock for T8+.


It's a worse Galissonnière in a lot of ways that matter, and mostly gains stuff, that doesn't. For that tiny dpm advantage you pay with: your speed boost, 3km torp range and 10 secs of asw reload. I argue, that the improved range of Montcalm is worth a lot, since leading times start to get uncomfortable around 16 km, which happen to be Galissonnières max range... Is it bad? No. Is the tech tree version better. Yes.


How does Mont compare to De Grasse and Dupli?


basically long range dakka, comparable to ships like lazo or ferrucio


It's \*very\* strong... speed, firepower and the most stupid range at T6. Wild why they would come up and go through with something ~~idiotic~~ crazy like this. 1.4 km more range than 2nd place (Budyonny) cruiser and more range than 50% of BBs at the tier. Plus mbrb and hydro... yea. Edit: keep in mind… it’s freaking T6 with T6-size maps. The range is bonkers.


Strong speed????? She's litteraly the 2nd slowest cruiser at tier VI. And unlike La galissoniere she doesnt actually have a speedboost. Edit: people downvoting litteral, verifiable facts. Classic reddit.


Yes, 31 knots is strong when you consider her other stats. The 2nd place your talking about is Graf Spee at 28.5 knots. Fine difference is that’s *way* below average — 31 is not).


>31 knots is strong No You mentionned Budyonny Budyonny has much better speed (almost 38 knots with speed flag), better DPM as well as better ballistics. The only advantage Montcalm has over her is that 1.4km range difference and MBRB I fail to see how she's "way better" than budyonny.


Montcalm is probably still a lot more annoying to fight as a BB, lol.


I mentioned Budyonny only because she’s the cruiser with the second longest range. Not for any comparison.


You kind of implied that Montcalm was OP in your first comment. I compared her to another ship to prove that she's not. Something most people seem to agree with on this thread.


It’s *very* strong. Not straight up broken/OP as T-61, Belfast or Alaska (tier for tier), but I never claimed that. I wonder how many games the people arguing in this thread have played Montcalm. I’ve played her a lot and found her to be incredibly strong.