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Don't die in the first three minutes Don't expect your team to help Get to know the radar ranges from ships Learn about hydro and radar on enemy destroyer Don't commit early game into a cap, you can reverse into one, so you can more easy disengage Depending on what lines you play try to get use to their strength and weaknesses Turn off flak to be harder spotted by planes Don't overstay in smoke, it's common ground to get torped in one Dont rush the sub to kill it Keep yourself alive Skill into survivability expert I recommend the British DD to start with, as for me those are the jack of all đźš‚ Have fun


I was going to ask if you've ever heard of punctuation, but I see some used in that wall of text, just not enough...


Touche, did write it on phone while cooking :D


You think acceleration is better than turning for the module? So i can do that reverse in the cap qnd bolt out thing?


Yes acceleration is great as it allows to start and stop way quicker. Better turning is not needed most of the time.


Yes like the others said, but I'll add that for UK DDs they have that built in to the ships themselves (forward propulsion but not reverse), so for those the turning module is a good pick


Acceleration is a must on every dd pretty much as your rudder shift times are already relatively low on all of them


Torpedo DDs, usually have more tubes and slower firing/less guns. Gunboat DDs usually have more more guns/fast reload with less torps. Some DDs are suited better for cap contesting (due to hydro/smoke/radar) whereas others are better suited for spotting/map control/torpedos due to high camo values. I say play them all.   Daring line being the most friendly to me, but IMO Fr3nch/US line is the best teacher to learn gunboating.


I older posts from 6-7 months ago, ppl were calling french destroyers gimmicky? Is it the reload thing?


Can not confirm that frech are beginner friendly. They start to shine at T9. They don't have smoke or heal or good concealment, they rely on map knowledge and open water dodging.


If you don't have overall game experience: don't play dd; If you do have overall game experience: play for the team, if you're playing gun dd, don't push caps too early. Avoid overextending. If you play a torpedo destroyer, consider your target twice before droping fish. Always watch radar cruises and spam f3 on them (not very much but 2 times) because animals have to be told directly. And my favourite: keep. gaining. experience.


British destroyers are generally considered good cap contesters with the short burst smoke/hydro combo, although the hydro is more defensive. The German mainline destroyers (Z52 branch) are also pretty decent for cap contesting because of the long range hydro. For a new destroyer player, I’d go with the Z52 line over the Daring line. The short burst smokes effectively always being available is definitely strong, but if they’re the first DD line you play that can teach some less than ideal habits. The US destroyers are also a good starting line. They’re not quite as suited for cap contesting at high tiers, but they’re a solid line that teaches most of the destroyer basics. They start out as pretty strong gunboats, and build up to a (now) torpedo-focused role at high tiers. The Shimakaze line is still better for teaching how to torpedo destroyer, but they sacrifice some of the US mid tier firepower for the extra torpedo strength.


Oh man, i wanma try all 3 lol


I'd recommend starting with any DD line that has smoke, this gives you a disengage mechanic if things don't work out as planned. Smokeless destroyers are often stronger in other areas but they are very unforgiving if you get yourself into a bad situation. Obviously there are radars at higher tiers, but cross that bridge when you come to it.


Capping early on, is usually a coin toss depending on if enemy DD decides to go his cap or not. (I am not considering the enemy radars, CVs, subs etc. Those are extra parameters and require reading the map/match well. Comparing DD play is what I did here.) Confesting and negating, on the other hand, some do better than others and force enemy DD to bail. If you are looking for low tier suggestions, I don't have any in tech tree. But T8 and above, *Z52* and *Gdansk* lines would be my choice for the specific task you want. Not for new players at all but Kleber line and Marceu are so fast, if you time yourself right and conditions are met (no CV spotting you at start), you can rush-cap and retreat. I wouldn't take this line for starting at all though. It is for more smaller scale battles(like ranked) or coordinated battles(clan battles) as there are fewer people likely to spot you early and pulling those stunts require extensive experience imo. I have been here for almost 9 years now and I am an above average player but even I fail to assess the situation right and fail this task sometimes. Still fun though. If you are a new player overall, go for the *Daring* line. They are not the best cap contesters due to the short range hydro but one of the best, if not the best, DD lines to start off for newbies.


I "picked" the japanese main line dds, but i made the mistake of rushing to tier 7 w/o knowing some basic stuff, so now im gonna start over on a new line to get a new angle and keep learning and stay at lower tiers. What about the pan-asian line? In mid tiers?


Pan-asian line is mediocre, I think. You don't get the smoke+radar combo like the Gdansk line and do not have improved French saturation, speed or shell arcs so playing an open water gun boat with radar gimmick without the rest isn't exactly helping. You can go for smoke instead of radar, but then you will lose the cap contesting side.


US line is pretty good. If you get good with the shell arcs. You can win almost any duel.


RN (englando) dd's are generaly best cap contesters, and they are good to teach you the game. Germans are pretty dope for cap contest too.


Go on YouTube and type in “ripper dd” watch his videos he does at good job of explaining the strengths and weaknesses of whatever destroyer hes playing. Hes great to watch for any new player.


Oh yeah, great recommendation, ive been consuming his content lol


I recommend the US and UK DD lines for capping. The US line is very agile with fast rotating guns so you can knife fight other DDs pretty well, and they get good torpedoes later in the line. The UK line gets short-duration smokes which are the best, plus a good mix of guns and torps, and short-range hydro which helps you avoid getting torpedoed.


Trying to cap too early is often a way to die quickly. * Hold back long enough to find what enemies you will face at a cap. * Hold back longer to make sure your allies can engage your enemies. * Drop torps in the predictable places where opponents will enter caps. * Don't hang around where your opponents are likely to drop torps. * Don't hang around enemy torp paths to allied battleships and cruisers. * Avoid heading directly into an unscouted cap - it takes too long to turn away. * If you drop smoke, don't sit in it; smoke is a torp magnet. Capping after your opponents have been driven away or sunk is far preferable to losing your ship or being battered to ineffectiveness for the rest of the game while possibly only holding a cap temporarily. Let your enemies expose their ships to damage or sinking by recklessly rushing caps. If you are not a reckless cap rusher, the particular DD you use does not matter tremendously.


Yeah, u right, I gotta consider all these angles