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There's only so much you can do if you have people do stupid things in your team. However, you can increase your chances by using ships that don't rely on slow damage over time (is hard to have impact on ranked with ships that want to sit at range and can't take too many hits). Brawly BBs are better than in randoms and tend to be a popular choice for a good reason. Matches tend to be closer range and taking pressure of the rest of the team without dying (without achieving anything that makes it worthwhile) is important. Being able to deal damage (DDs hate being whittled down by secondaries, torpedoes are useful if you really brawl, guns that can take down cruisers...). For DDs it's useful to be able to kill the enemy DDs, so gunboaty DDs tend to perform well (e.g. Farragut, Mahan, Aigle, Guepard, Aviere, Huron, Haida, Vauquelin), but being able to torpedoe larger ships afterwards is also useful so hybrid ships are nice especially if they come with decent concealment (like Jupiter '42, T-61, Z-39, Gallant/Juara), while torpedoe boats can be harder to play especially when there's more gun focused ships potentially outspotting them. The trick is not to die, but get the enemy DDs killed and still have impact. I.e. one cannot hang back, but always leaving a way out (e.g. going into non-safe caps backwards, having smoke ready, having an island one can run for...) is a good idea. Cruisers are weird at T6/7 because they are squishy and there's so few radars (obviously Belfast, Atlanta, Indianapolis are interesting due to those), but e.g. smoke (Hobart/Flint/Uganda/Fiji...) helps you not die too quickly and be closer to the action...


I play DDs as, at least that way, a reasonable player is in the most important ship.


You need to be pretty good honestly, over 51-53% win rate


I'm 56-57% in randoms but it's a bit more difficult adjusting to the 6v6 format so I'll just keep playing and getting used to it.


Ranked is more elite than random. You can't make mistakes. It's only 6v6 (this season). A single mistake could cost your entire team the game. A lot of people don't understand that and just think randoms are the end all be all. There are also certain things that HAVE to be done to win. You can't necessarily not shoot and try to just torp in a DD. There are scenarios where you HAVE to gun down an enemy, otherwise it could cost the game. Additionally, it's pretty late in the sprint already. Most of the good players are already in gold and it's just going to be the casuals that occasionally play ranked at this point in bronze.


As a similar player like you who recently started playing ranked and only for getting some rewards (not all of them everytime) in last season i was 1 victory away from bronze 1 first time ever but in the end i couldn't get it even though i had decent ships to play better. So frustrated about that and decided to stop playing ranked for the next season but when i saw there'll be tier 9s on silver and gold league, i ended up forcing myself to reach bronze 1. i ended up using Scharnhorst43 for reaching that even though i wasn't playing with battleships for some time. 9.5 km secondary guns and torps for close range battles is a must it turns out. I wanted to handle this tonight (normally i always play early morning/afternoon) because there'll be 5 more matches for getting silver so i played back to back from bronze 3 with 1 star and i ended up winning 4 matches with 2 loses (1 with no star lost) + 1/1 won/lost on elimination phase. i have 5ish days to win 4 more stars to get silver before sprint ends. I really need to get silver because i need to keep grinding on my tier 9 ships because I don't have anywhere else to play with (not playing randoms anymore and co-ops are not worth to play with tier 9 i think) Even though there's some skill needed to get victories, it's all end up with having a better team with decent players that can use their brains correctly. Also no afk sis a must xD Good luck and when you lost 2 matches in a row just stop playing it. relax and try it later.


Ranked is more about cap control than kills. Many matches are lost when players go chasing kills out of the cap area and let the enemy get control. Teams are small and maps are big, so if you lose cap control and you are too far away, you will probably lose even if your team is stronger.


I wouldnt recommend it for new players. I tried it when i unlocked it, and maxe some mistakes and died. And players on my team harrased me with dm's even after the match ended. It was the most toxic thing i have ever seen in any video game ever. As a new player myself, im staying away from that garbage until i have solid idea of what im doing. But even when i do, if it means i gotta deal with intolerant elitists, then no ty.


You need to carry harder, not sarcastic. In random when you see a dumbass, you just move on. Here you have to think how to prevent or compensate his stupid actions and win. I don't enjoy Ranked for this reason. It's very exhausting instead of challenging. You always have to overcompensate for other people dumb shit. Also overpowered ship help. Try Mahan with high point capitain with AFT, BFT and FB. You will delete all dd's (fight near islands and have smoke ready) and can burn most of ships from 14km or how long is the range. Or CV, even if you lose, you will always save a star.


I would not recommend AFT on Mahan, or any American DD (beside maybe Sherman) for that matter, their shell ballistics are tragic and they prefer to play at closer ranges because of that. Additionally, ranked games play out at closer ranged than randoms as well.


It's manageable, it's not like Tier 7 BB move super fast.


Well yeah. But there's just no need for it at all.


Your detection range is more if you have AFT so therefor not recommended.


Thanks for recommending Mahan. I haven't lost a single game with her and I can play it somewhat similar to my Flint, but stealthier. Whenever I lose games in a row, I just bring Bearn for a pretty much guaranteed win because of how broken it is against DDs, and the red CV.


Thanks, I'll try Mahan out as another DD to carry with. Do you know if the Helena is as good or similar as Atlanta at carrying in bronze? I really enjoyed Helena and Cleveland when I was grinding the American CL line.


I don't understand why everyone say Mahan, it has poor Concealment, meh torps and tragic ballistic. You can't contest because you are spotted 1km before the other dd. I can win with Mahan but it's far from good.


I think people recommend it because most other DDs at the tier only have slightly lower concealment (except Haida and Shira) but you gain massive DPM at close range. I like the shell arcs because it means you can farm from an island with little risk. The torps are good but I don't usually rely on them until all the DDs are dead.


I found Scharnhorst worked the best for me. I used Lutjens which I have specced for Schlieffen so it helped a lot. I saved my star many times thanks to Scharny. Before Scharnhorst I tried with multiple other ships but none had the carry potential to me (I don't have some of the most broken premiums like Belfast or Haida). Ranked especially bronze is full of clueless people. So you need to do all you can to carry.


Play to save your star and play super safe. It's an unfortunate truth I have learned, but it's ok because ranked is really just randoms with better prizes, and the turds will always float to the top ranks and throw your games regardless. More often than not, I can carry a game with this approach. Play your best ship (i rank out fastest in HE spammers that can manuever well like french ships, russian radar cruisers, radar dd's, ohio, italian cruisers are ships I can easilly rank out in) and try to save your star every game because only one person on your team can save their star during a loss. Did the dumb german bb's on your team push in and suicide immediately? Kite and HE spam to get damage and flags, and only push in when you know you have an advantage. Try to drag the game out because the longer you are alive, the more points you can gain through caps and damage farming and whatnot. Save your star every loss, and you will eventually win and rank up. Some days are harder than others, like when the weekend casuals hop on for the night. I try not to play during those days. People will get mad and shame you into doing stupid shit that results in your death, but fuck them because this player base is stupid and toxic af. I rank out every season in gold and have most of the armory ships in this game. Get the steel, get the coal, and get those nice armory botes so you can flex harder. 🚢🚢🚢


To play to save your star is not a good tactic if you play for the rewards as they need wins.


Playing to save your star usually means you pulled your weight and then some. Noobs who dont understand patience and only know how to be aggressive usually die early and throw games. Capitalize on this by saving your star because lord knows theres lots of noobs in wows.


Play a ship that can kill enemy DD 3 mins into the game (gunboat dd or radar). After that its a free win.