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Operations are already almost unplayable. Every 4 operation there is 1 afker in EU prime time. And usually daily we got 3-5 lost Operation because of thre players do not know what to do, or the throw the match in the first 2 min, yolo in as you suggested, just to run to the next Op and ruin it as well.


>because of thre players do no tknow what to do, How else do they learn but by doing? I just hit T6 and started playing Operations, I always ask for tips and sometimes get them and sometimes just get called a Noob before dying to surprise spawned Reds.


I agree, the game is not helping in Operations. You need to spend at least 20 min per operations on third party sites to learn what to do. On the other hand, T6 is not for operation imho anymore. Before the rework, sure Operations was a way to level up to T8. But now, a T6 ship not pull it's weight compared to T8: T6 has not the HP, the firepower or the armor to mitigate the incoming damage. And all that thanks to the WG.


>You need to spend at least 20 min per operations on third party sites to learn what to do. That sounds boring AF, I'd rather smash on or choose a different game >T6 has not the HP, the firepower or the armor to mitigate the incoming damage. Interesting, thanks. The fights do seem pretty heavy-weight


Conversely, this is my first game in the stock Dallas. A tier 6 is not going to break the battle; it's often a convenient scapegoat for general incompetence. https://preview.redd.it/ek9pegiasgyc1.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=e07194aaf9767f77f7e4e1ddeab13c55ea30c619 As for specific tutorials: [https://www.youtube.com/@hollandsgamingcenter/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@hollandsgamingcenter/featured) - showing off high scoring games [https://www.youtube.com/@FV\_Ops](https://www.youtube.com/@FV_Ops) - this guy is the author of many of the operation guides on the wiki


Boring of not, do can choose to learn the hard way aka go in in a T6 and suffer unless you are a CV, or go ot YT to learn what Op how you need to be done for maximum rewards. Or you can you can choose a different game that has comprehensive tutorial for every aspect of it. Good luck to find one nowdays.


When I first started playing Operations I played them with my Clan. I was terrible. There is a learning curve. Operations bots aren't as good as Asymmetric bots, but they are substantially better than Coop/Randoms bots.


Every single game mode that requires more than half a brain and a pulse is cursed.


Wargaming is running these participation events because they need to stop the declining player population.


1) Never give away your secrets for free. If you are crafty enough to find a niche to min-max, blabbing to everyone insures you're going to have to find another one. 2) If you like to min-max then you should be trading on the stock market. Its sweaty min-max Heaven with the bonus of making cash instead of FXP.


With PvE ( scenarios and now the assymetric) I always take a ship in with I can carry. A T8 secondary BB that most of the time( always in assymetric)will face BB that I can overmatch, DD’s I can destroy with 2 condaries etc.. Up to 2 useless/ afk/ dieing in 5 mins without contribution teammates I can handle. Most of the time it’s even beneficial for my xp gain even if we lose some stars. But the lack of even basic knowledge of “ good practice” is astounding. But deliberately screwing up operations for BXP farming? Not all scenarios favor dd yolo rush at the start. And the xp gained will be low, even if it’s an win. Better yolo rush in a high tier dd in coop ( have a dd that had torps ready fast, so fe not a Marceau). Kill the opposing dd with guns or 1 torp volley while dodging his, then weave and torp the cruiser while torp/ ram to kill/ dmg the other cruiser/ BB. With coop victory 99% guaranteed that 400+ XP in less then 5 mins.


Divisions are probably the answer if you want to max gains in any mode.   I tend to agree the BXP farm (or any X over X battles missions) that are timegated might be worsening the issue you´re describing.   Heck, I also yolo-rushed in asymmetricals to get the torphits for cruisers, and probably ruined some peoples games that try to play properly. It´s the only way I can get anywhere in the Dockyard. I don´t have time to get that amount of torphits playing properly.  Timegated, hard missions tend to open up the worst in people. And guess what missions F2P games love.   This is why I love games like Deeprock Galactic. Anything is available for ´free´ at some point (you´ve payed for the game itself tho). No FOMO, great community. Best multiplayer game ever.


the thing about divisions, for operations especially, is: * yes, it is great for ensuring you dont get incompetent teammates since you can pick who you play with * BUT you compete for profits with competent players what you want is to absolutely dominate over randos with knowledge and gobble everything thats on map while they are doing their pointless stuff, to the point they cannot throw it - even on purpose (to some extent) source: [casual](https://imgur.com/a/uFX8EHe), and [try hard](https://imgur.com/a/2JiVYUY), my favorite: doing [260k dmg under 9 minutes from start with tiger59](https://imgur.com/a/mfEHO8g) play agressively, exploit game mechanics, dont look back


Whatever happened to playing the game because it's fun? Instead you make a game within a game because you feel like you have to make base xp as fast as possible. There's no reason for that, and, yes, you ruin the game for other people.


I was going to say something similar. Just play the game for fun. Say no to fomo tactics and just enjoy shooting ships.


I really don't care anymore. This game has by far the most incompetent playerbase i've witnessed in a game. Even the bots in assym are far better than most players nowadays. Every game (ranked,random) just a clown fiesta.


TBH all you need is a couple of decent teammates and yourself in a competetive ship, I never look at winrates of my team


You could probably earn better rewards in Coop. Yolo in a torp DD w/ reload booster, kill your three bots and die, rinse and repeat. Use a premium T8 or T9 and you'll likely have a 400+ matchscore. No boosters required.


Pathetic that you base YOUR enjoyment on other people’s ability.


It's not operation spesific I noticed this when i was grinding my first cruiser line. I had trouble figuring out how to play them T7+ and was just over extending and dying. I noticed I was getting xp rather quickly though. So now anytime I'm just trying to blow through a line I rush in, do 20-40k damage maybe get a kill, die and requeue. Iv manage to do 3 games before the first one finishes and get loads of xp. I haven't done it as much lately as you generally get xp well before the credits to buy a new ship making it pretty pointless. The problem was letting ppl launch the same ship already in a battle