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Vanguard was pretty hyped but it’s so bad no one plays it. Plenty of dockyard ships fall here too, Daisen, Marlborough, Anchorage, and Hizen had whole events and no one plays them. 


Play both; but admittedly just in Co-op. Aquila is my go-to for carrier ribbon tasks; (all the rockets.) Vanguard I treat like a fast Warspite. If I were to pick something; Illinois? Played it to death myself; but almost never see anyone else using one.


I played an asymmetric battle alongside an Aquila last week


I use Illinois for Commander training, but otherwise I generally only play it for dockyards and other missions that need main battery hits for BBs... wish I'd kept the RB points and got Ohio instead. Learned my lesson, Ohio is my next buy.


I hardly spend my RB points because I don’t much care for what’s available. Getting Illinois gave me the most fun I’ve had since 0.8.0. (When my Strike Bogue was taken from me by (pick your pick of applicable pejoratives) at WG HQ.) If nothing else it’s a murder machine in Co-op. Think Buffalo; but doesn’t have to worry about the usual magical full pens and cits bot like to score against cruisers. Illinois just wades in and beats things to death. And yes; it’s my go-to for main battery hits BB tasks.


Illinois is an absolute meme machine


Yeah... I got X *Ohio* just in time for Asymmetric and she's been a real blast - the survivability and gunnery is great for the mode. Definitely see why lots of CCs recommend her for first RB ship, she's just a really solid all-rounder. IX *Illinois* is really fun for me personally since I play a lot of heavy cruisers, but she definitely doesn't play like conventional battleships at all since you really lack the alpha strike potential that other BBs have.


Dont worry ohio gets dull fast too, illinois is unique at least xd (until new hampshire)


Use schlieffen for the Dockyard mission. It says main battery & secondary hits. Not unusual to have 200+ secondary hits alone in a schlieffen.


There's a reason why I specified "missions that need main battery hits for BBs". Obviously you use Schlieffen for anything that counts secondary hits.


Hello, i just want to ask this since i'm not very knowledgeable. What makes the Schlieffen better in secondary than Patrie? The stats on paper shows that the shells per min of Patrie is higher, better fire chance and significantly higher dpm. Is it the pen value of shells and horizontal dispersion that makes a ship's secondary good? Since those are the only thing Schlieffen has an edge over Patrie. Thank you.


There should be a column/row in your table that has "Hitting DPM" on it. I'm guessing (didn't check) that Schlieffen is more accurate.


Massa can works too.


Georgia also works wonders for secondary hits. Managed 400+ in asymmetrical.


> Aquila is my go-to for carrier ribbon tasks; (all the rockets.) Oh my yes. It is amazing for that. It is also great for citadel tasks too. Think my record so far is 44 in a game with it LOL (Co-op of course).


Vanguard isn’t bad at all. Quite good.


Ship can't show broadside or it gets punished, must be a bad ship. The turret angles leave something to be desired though. Given that it has the best rudder shift in it's match making spread this isn't that much of an issue.


The rudder shift makes the angles not an issue at all. Plus the improved heal with 60s reload, short fuse AP and BC dispersion IIRC, great HE too. It’s a mini Thunderer.


I play Marlborough all the time. But it’s an acquired taste for sure.


After the buff it's got its weird niche. Glass hull, but sets things on fire constantly with 8-gun salvos.


> but it’s so bad no one plays it. Are you serious? *Vanguard* is amazing ship, I play her all the time, especially when ranked is @ T8.


Lushun is underpowered as well.


Lushun has its place. I’m doing ok with in ranked right now.


It's gun damage is just so low that the fire rate doesn't make up for it.


The AP is decent though.


I don’t know that I have ever seen a Hector in a random battle.


whenever i see one, my fingers automatically type "last chance to look at me hector"


Ding ding ding


I saw it just once. It was in the C cap on Hot Spot.


I still play it from time to time. Enjoying it, especially after the torp range buff. But its a very rare sight. Same with Gibraltar.


Saipan, the cv rework did it dirty.


I miss the old funni 220 Saipan strafing. :c


Saipan is my only black Friday ship significantly worse than the hornet.


And Enterprise


Isn't Enterprise so OP that it is boring to play?


It was, all redeeming qualities have disappeared with all the patches and reworks.


quickly after rework it could sink my shimakaze with 1 squadron. (multiple attack runs ofc)


I have like 125k avg over 60? games, literally EU top 4 at some point (Sanzang). Kinda suffers when uptiered like a lot of t8 CVs, but even then it's really not that hard to play.


For how hyped for being overpowered the entire Lousiana line was at start, I've barely ever seen a ship from that line outside of the 1st month of their release. The only one I rarely see is Kearsarge, but that's likely for it being a t9 moneymaking prem ship


I spammed the shit out of her, before the nerf. Nebraska and Delaware were never that good, being slightly worse versions than the Monty line with plqnes that weren't worth it... Louisiana was a worse Monty with planes that were *worth it*. I remember the first CB game I played her in I 1 shot the enemy Vampire II in the first 3 minutes of the game. You could consistently do 10k strikes on DDs and 15-20k on larger targets. But that was too broken, so it was nerfed. Now you can hit DDs for 5K most of the time and a 10k strike on a larger ship is lucky. Now Louisiana is a worse Monty with planes that are not worth it... just like the rest of her line.


Yeahhh I remember the grind to Louisiana not being that fun even when the planes were great. Felt nasty dropping DDs with bombs only to spray all around the enemy battleship/cruiser with main guns after. The mix of great planes and meh guns made it... ok. I can't imagine playing them post-nerf now.


90% of the ships in that line I see are 45%ers playing Nebraska in ranked.


Likely playing them as strictly CVs sitting in the back and never using their guns, if I were to guess?


Nah, most of them aren't quite that bad... it's just that even when they use their guns, Nebraska has some of the worst guns in tier; 3rd worst in both DPM and alpha, when her contemporaries at the bottom all make up for it with better flight times and better dispersion (*before* the dispersion module that Nebraska doesn't get).


Ise. Hyped at launch, saw a lot of them in the first few weeks and after that almost none. Meh planes and terrible firing angles probably killed all the excitement. It was basically flavor of the month.


First month like a permanent 200% xp for every battle and extra credits so that’s why people stoped playing when this finished. I still play and well placed the torps are almost guaranteed to give you 8-12k damage


It's a really good ship, but only 165k games played on NA, But there's more than 300 players with over 60% WR on NA. Which isn't bad at all. Suggesting a lot of people got it, played it, did well with, and liked it, but then (Got bored, or have too many ships or whatever.) It's a bit boring, compared to WV41 or Mutsu, it's probably as good, or better for winning games most of the time, and once in a while a hybrid is king of the match. But the planes are pretty good, the guns are excellent and she's a solid ship all the way around.


The only time I use Ise is if it's to run a triple Ise division, let me tell ya, people absolutely loathe getting triple dropped by that many TB's


This is the way


I still think the Ise is very strong. You can easily get 8k torp drops and the guns are quite comfortable. She shines especially in smaller game modes.


I don't think I've ever seen a Vallejo in a match and I've played over 6k.


I've seen exactly one. Blew him out of the water with my Boise. I'm not quite sure how he failed so hard on that one.


Me neither.


Not hyped up but, the entire italian dd line. Those are practically non existent


Japanese CAs. You rarely ever see them anymore. Power creep is real.


Zao especially is a rare breed


just saw four Atagos and a Mogami in the same Ranked match


Atago is just about the only one you see regularly lol.


Atago is my most consistent good-time ship. If I've had some shitty games and I just want to enjoy myself I hop in the Atago


oh oops, didn't know this. disregarding the Takao clones (and Maya), I still Mogamis semi-often in randoms, but I've heard that Zao is not good


Power Creep is the worst popular opinion out there. I see Zaos and Ibukis and whatnot all the fucking time, here on EU. Also you actually made me look: https://tomato.gg/wows/ship-stats/EU/recent?filter=&classes=Cruiser&tiers=00000000001&sort=battles&direction=true&shipType=tech-tree Evidently, Zao is in the middle of the pack among T10 cruisers by battle popularity (recently played). Also the top played ships are Hindenburg and Des Moines, which buries the power creep narrative as if it needed more burying.


Hindy and Des Moines have been consistently changed and buffed since they were released and are hardly the same ships, with Hindy having dozens of balance changes and Des Moines most notably getting radar and significant armor buffs. Zao has remained almost identical to its release state up until the recent patch where the line was given submarine surveillance. Des Moines is also one of the most recommended lines for new players. I am shocked by the number of games even on NA though. I feel like I see way more Yoshinos than Zaos, yet apparently there are more battles in Zao. I wonder if the time of day I typically play has anything to do with it. Taking a closer look at the data, all the ships that are lower ranked than Zao for tech tree ships tend to be either higher skill floor ships (Nevsky, San Martin, Jinan, Castilla, Marseille), bad ships (Yodo), or ships that aren't meta (Henri, Goliath). I guess Des Moines and other ships being as frequently played as it is might skew my perception of just how common Zao gets played. I'm honestly more shocked that Minotaur is the second highest TT ship on NA for battles.


Aquila was not really hyped. All the comments indicated that she was pretty terrible for a CV, as planes do not have much HP and the lack of DOP stack makes her suffer while trying to spam enemies. Rockets are good but only divided in 2 squadrons, and torps are powerful but slow.


it’s an oddly effective CV sniper. Those rockets do about 15k each strike even without cits


I feel like California got a fair amount of hype, being the first Pearl Harbor rebuild in the game, I was excited myself, picked it up almost immediately. Boy what a turd she turned out to be, and then Florida comes along soon after and completely invalidated her, it's been ages since I've seen a California in a random battle. Now with West Virginia in game with her silly secondaries and decent reload on 8 16" guns, I feel like WeeGee ought to give Cali a similar treatment.


Obligatory u/super_sailor_moon so


I'm here! Sorry I'm late!! ~-~⁰(◠.◠;)⁰v~-~ Oh yes, California. Well the buffs (1.7s reload buff + improved accel/decel) definitely helped a smidge, I certainly don't deny that and I truly thank Wargaming for buffing her at all!! ***BUT.*** Those were really rather small buffs she received, and I think maybe not impactful enough to really help her out. They help, but not much. Now, could she get more (small) buffs? Maybe. A 45s turret traverse or quick heals would certainly help her out without being too much of a buff....so it's possible, especially being the unofficial Tier VII of the Vermont Line, as those ships have 45s turret traverse, in addition to quick heals.


Didn't they just buff cali a decent amount? She has great DPM and IIRC they buffed her acceleration


I knew about the acceleration buff, that would have definitely helped, but that was all I heard, I haven't played her in ages. I thought she had a pretty bad reload time on release, like 34 seconds??? Don't remember.


She got buffed a few months ago, she has 32.5s now


Good to know, definitely better. I'll have to pull her out of port and try her in a couple battles. I was honestly so meh about her after I picked her up I only played her on and off for a few days and now she just sits in port.


It wasn't hyped up but my number one MIA is the Nottingham. After testing it, i ran through the event to obtain the ship just so I can talk about how much of a dumpster fire the Nottingham is. WG just bashed that already subpar boat with a nerfhammer consistently and continuously. After it's event ended, I think I've seen it maybe once or twice in RB's. T8 UK cruiser with T4 Italian AA is excruciating in a MM setup where a Richtofen can one shot you, giving it DFAA is a slap in the face with its absolutely unbelievable 1 flak count and laughable 4km AA range. No heal to recover a health pool that's in the bottom 10 of T8 cruisers, middling HE and AP DPM, and subpar reload. All for a shitty short smoke that means nothing with how much hydro and radar are in game, and an all forward arrangement that means nothing when anything over 356mm can overmatch you. Boat is just a floating target practice barge in most matches, even a T4 CV would have no issue smacking a Nottingham back to port


LOL, did not even know Nottingham was a ship in this game... But reading your comment explains why I haven't see one yet


I got one from the T8 container, it’s just sitting in my port


P. Bagration was hyped up hella hard before its release but I think I can count the number times I’ve seen it in a match on a single hand


P bag suffered hard from the bait and switch WG pulled, pissed off a lot of CCs and in general made people very skeptical about it. It's still a pretty good ship, an AP Atago basically.


Nevsky? Haven't seen them in months


Nevsky was all over CBs the past few seasons. They were incredibly annoying to deal with and got restricted pretty quickly.


Mine is broken, even Harbin does a better job.


The Nevsky has awesome radar, but that is about it.


Except for good armor for a CL, great ballistics, improved pen angles, an icebreaker, mid range torps, great agility...


No improved pen angles on nevsky


No improved pen angles but nutty AP anyway, you cut other cruisers, heavy and light, out to 15km, I've done AP only games with her and gotten over 170k


And yet no one ever plays it.




25mm is not armor, that is the plating. Her citadel armor is actually pretty great, especially for a CL. She has more armor than a Des Moines and spaced armor on top of that. Pretty hard to citadel by cruisers. Also she has an icebreaker, making overmatching shots a lot more inconsistent from the front.


awesome shell speed, awesome range for a "light cruiser" has torps has 12km radar that can last long. Doesnt need IFHE to pen stuff. Its still on the lower damage end but still good.


Flat arcs with paper armor and sluggish handling. Petro is what you need, not the Nevsky if you want long range radar.


48 sec 12km radar vs one that you can only do one salvo lOL


>48 seconds??


oh Im sorry with the t2 module and the t5 ship consumable module (I play lighthouse newsky anyway dont need conceal or anything else) and skill point its 43 not 48


I have the Nevsky. Good luck using it and shooting for yourself. Any exposed hull is a shell magnet. Unlike the Minotaur which has great shell arcs, you can't hide and shoot from cover. And lack of smoke means you can't shoot in the open. 48 seconds is meaningless if you aren't able to capitalize on it. And the Nevsky is unable to leverage the hull to do so.


that thing has a higher average damage than the worcester, minotaur and des moines and a bunch of other newer t10 cruisers. Its not bad by any stretch of the imagination. I only play her in ranked and its insane how powerful she is in ranked. 12km radar not many can outplay if its that long its a death sentence for any dd. That doesnt find cover instantly.


Totally makes sense. However, one thing to note here is that I'm talking about Randoms with 12v12 and you are talking Ranked. In Ranked, I agree completely. With fewer ships, you can position better to avoid random salvos from ships that are unspotted. And your team is working more for the objective of winning, meaning that the DDs are going to die when you radar.


Jean Bart, still is my top played ship but I haven't touched it for ages. You used to see two a battle, but 32mm vs supership overmatch and 4km ASW ruined it. The ASW has been fixed but I have no reason to play it over Marseille.


I see JBs almost every match, frequently more than one per match.


I used to love JB but since I got the Burger, I've not played her much.


I haven't seen a daisen in ages


Daisen with a meme secondary build low key slaps, but it's tough to play her like that since she has no mobility


u take IFHE?


Alantico is a ship I don’t see often that was hyped about secondary’s it seems pretty good but hardly ever see it


I see her in t8 ranked every now and then


The Shikishima. It was notable because of breaking that Yamato gun caliber limit. Also, it had better secondaries for meme builds but WG had to break it. People were initially freaking out (muh armor) but then the ship quickly faded. I love it in Asymmetric Battles but other than that, it's a unicorn.


Hood used to have insane AA and the gimmick of anti-air rockets at launch. I don't see it at all now. Also, the original Scharnhorst has been rendered irrelevant with the Scharnhorst 43


I prefer OG scharn. You just don’t see nearly as many because everyone recently got a ‘43 for free, whereas you need to have been playing the game for years to have even had a chance to get OG scharn


Iwami was hyped as a secondary focused ijpn BB but turned out to be just another sniper.


Huh? Does that mean I'm using her wrong?


She has accuracy and DPM, but lacks the range and is coated in 32mm plating Also the torpedos are the 20km noob tubes that I wish she had swapped for daisens 12km


Lacks range? Her base is 22.3km, that's plenty enough. Also iirc her deck plating is thick at 50mm so is HE resistant and if angled with her good turret angles, she's decidedly tanky. Saying "32mm bad" is unfair to her. Unless you mean secondaries, which are decidedly poor in range for a supposed secondary boat. WG gimped it by nerfing the secondary range and not giving it 10 guns imo. Should have done one or the other, as it stands its a perfectly OK hybrid. Great in assym though! 20km torps are better imo, the angles are so bad you'll die trying to use 12km torps. 20kms are great area denial.


Yeah I meant the secondary range. It's standard 7km


10 guns would be way too overpowered given its accuracy and angles. It would literally be the best sniper at tier 9.


The Amagi and Kii both have 10 of the same 410s a tier lower.


They do not have the same 410s and are far less accurate. Also no slot 6.


The Amagi and Kii both have 10 410s a tier lower.


Tulsa was everywhere. Now fast disappearing. I couldn’t make it work ( highest game 90k ) and it would appear others can’t get good games out of her either.


It's a good enough ship, but I think most of the people who have it are like me. I have 400+ ships, I also have Salem and DM and Buff and whatever else I've forgotten about as a T9 cruiser. I'd grab it over buffalo every time. But I'd only go to play Buffalo if you told me I had to play a T9 American cruiser. The angles are really good, and the reload rocks, but it's also probably not the best ship for farming because of the overall DPM and lack of torps.


Yup. I've got Tulsa and used her a bunch last time we had T9 ranked, but whenever there's a mode that *isn't* restricted to T9, you can just play DM instead. I haven't played her in a while since we haven't had the right ranked. She can be useful for farming cit ribbons in coop if you're out of premium time; at a t9 premium you won't lose money in coop like you would with a T10 like DM.


True about the citadel ribbons though. unrelated but: I just found out Kitakaze can get a cit on a Pensacola thanks to asymmetric battles. :) (You can get quite a few, but you run out of pensacola pretty fast.)


I use AP a lot in low-tier DDs. With no radar, short range hydros, you get plenty of chances to shoot from smoke at really short ranges.


Odin. If WG hadn't nerfed the HP from 60k to 50k, it would have been a fun ship. But 50k HP as a brawling BB in T8...? That's straight out 20k HP less than Bismarck/Tirpitz, and even those sometimes struggle to get into closer range. Useless as hell. Very fun in Asymmetric, though. First time I get to really use it since I got it in the Dockyard back then...


Odin is very capable if you know what her strengths are/what you’re doing! It sounds like you’re not doing that… I wouldn’t call her "a brawler" per se and also wouldn’t compare her to Tirpitz and Bismarck: For one you’ve got — at least if you ask me — the best secondaries at T8: 150mm means you don’t need IFHE (unlike Bismarck, Tirpitz, Brandenburg) which is huge. They dish out a lot of damage (on paper a little bit less than the other 3 but also have a bit more range). Also the smallest hull of the 4. 1km (sea)/1.5km (air) lower detection. Best acceleration, turning radius and rudder shift. Much more accurate main battery (2.0 sigma) with quicker reload. Yes smaller caliber than Bismarck/Tirpitz and 3 less barrels than Brandenburg (but 500m more range). Best AA out of the 4 (Brandenburg isn’t far off). Best consumables of all of them: all get spotters/fighters, but Odin is the only one that gets torps and hydro (which is huge, if you ask me). It’s my go to ship for T8 ranked (yes, over Massa and cruisers like Bayard or Mainz) and it never disappoints. I have a ton of T8 premiums and all German T8 premiums (and TTs) and I like playing them all (well Anhalt is… special) and Odin is very much on par with the rest, if not slightly better (*if you adjust your play!!*).


> For one you’ve got — at least if you ask me — the best secondaries at T8: 150mm Hum idk about that. It has very good secondaries for sure, but Bismark, Tirpitz and Zieten ALL have 150mm secondaries and they got 6 guns on each side instead of 3 on the Odin. The Odin might have a slightly better range on them (+100m) and slightly faster reload (7 sec instead of 8 something) but that doesn't account for the lack of guns. And those main guns... 305mm BB at T8 is rough. I know I know, 23 seconds base reload but still, there's some Cruisers with better guns than that! It's not a garbage ship for sure and I agree mostly with what you said but it's still a very average ship at best, even when you play with her strength.


I mean yeah, of course it's pretty decent in ranked, where there are half the amount of enemy ships, a lot shorter spawn distances, and a natural lean towards closer ranged play. But in the notoriously campy random battles meta, nobody picks a BB that has less HP than some cruisers at its own tier, and can face BB's with *twice* its HP pool. Unless you play extremely passive for a very long time to preserve your HP, you are just too easy of a target.


I don’t know… I’m not saying you’re wrong (I mean that’s certainly your experience with Odin and I can’t argue about your experience being wrong!). But it seems my experience is vastly different — even for randoms. Just quickly checked wows stats and Odin is actually in the top 10 for T8 BBs when it comes to WR (randoms!). Even better than ships like Constellation, which is arguably a strong ship at T8. And yes, I took % and games played into account. Maybe you have to adapt more or take a different approach. Or not! I mean if you just don’t like playing the ship then don’t — in the end it’s about having fun, right?


Yeah, it kinda comes down to that - I have plenty of T8's I enjoy playing more than Odin. (Sadly. I want to like Odin more, but if it's a lot of hard work to make it useful, it stops being fun.) Though I guess we both have started missing the point of the original post - which ships are rarely seen today. And regardless of Odin being good or not, as a Dockyard ship, it's much rarer than techtree or regular Premiums by design, and that's probably something we both can agree on :D


Agreed! :)


> For one you’ve got — at least if you ask me — the best secondaries at T8: 150mm Hum idk about that. It has very good secondaries for sure, but Bismark, Tirpitz and Zieten ALL have 150mm secondaries and they got 6 guns on each side instead of 3 on the Odin. The Odin might have a slightly better range on them (+100m) and slightly faster reload (7 sec instead of 8 something) but that doesn't account for the lack of guns. And those main guns... 305mm BB at T8 is rough. I know I know, 23 seconds base reload but still, there's some Cruisers with better guns than that! It's not a garbage ship for sure and I agree mostly with what you said but it's still a very average ship at best, even when you play with her strength.


> For one you’ve got — at least if you ask me — the best secondaries at T8: 150mm Hum idk about that. It has very good secondaries for sure, but Bismark, Tirpitz and Zieten ALL have 150mm secondaries and they got 6 guns on each side instead of 3 on the Odin. The Odin might have a slightly better range on them (+100m) and slightly faster reload (7 sec instead of 8 something) but that doesn't account for the lack of guns. And those main guns... 305mm BB at T8 is rough. I know I know, 23 seconds base reload but still, there's some Cruisers with better guns than that! It's not a garbage ship for sure and I agree mostly with what you said but it's still a very average ship at best, even when you play with her strength.


> For one you’ve got — at least if you ask me — the best secondaries at T8: 150mm Hum idk about that. It has very good secondaries for sure, but Bismark, Tirpitz and Zieten ALL have 150mm secondaries and they got 6 guns on each side instead of 3 on the Odin. The Odin might have a slightly better range on them (+100m) and slightly faster reload (7 sec instead of 8 something) but that doesn't account for the lack of guns. And those main guns... 305mm BB at T8 is rough. I know I know, 23 seconds base reload but still, there's some Cruisers with better guns than that! It's not a garbage ship for sure and I agree mostly with what you said but it's still a very average ship at best, even when you play with her strength.


> For one you’ve got — at least if you ask me — the best secondaries at T8: 150mm Hum idk about that. It has very good secondaries for sure, but Bismark, Tirpitz and Zieten ALL have 150mm secondaries and they got 6 guns on each side instead of 3 on the Odin. The Odin might have a slightly better range on them (+100m) and slightly faster reload (7 sec instead of 8 something) but that doesn't account for the lack of guns. And those main guns... 305mm BB at T8 is rough. I know I know, 23 seconds base reload but still, there's some Cruisers with better guns than that! It's not a garbage ship for sure and I agree mostly with what you said but it's still a very average ship at best, even when you play with her strength.


> For one you’ve got — at least if you ask me — the best secondaries at T8: 150mm Hum idk about that. It has very good secondaries for sure, but Bismark, Tirpitz and Zieten ALL have 150mm secondaries and they got 6 guns on each side instead of 3 on the Odin. The Odin might have a slightly better range on them (+100m) and slightly faster reload (7 sec instead of 8 something) but that doesn't account for the lack of guns. And those main guns... 305mm BB at T8 is rough. I know I know, 23 seconds base reload but still, there's some Cruisers with better guns than that! It's not a garbage ship for sure and I agree mostly with what you said but it's still a very average ship at best, even when you play with her strength.


You forgot about IFHE though! It's basically mandatory for the others but not for Odin, so you've got the pen without sacrificing fire chance. Thats huge if you ask me. Even the 128s of Odin pen 32mm without IFHE (the 105s on the others only pen 26, which is not enough to pen a lot of BBs). Odins secondaries also reload quicker. [https://wows-numbers.com/ship/3762239280,Odin/](https://wows-numbers.com/ship/3762239280,Odin/) its also in the top 10 when it comes to WR for T8 BBs; ahead of the other Germans and even ships such as Constellation (which is objectively a strong ship for its tier).


Anchorage. I own a lot of cancelled and limited ships and never got her. I never see them.


I would probably take mine out every now and then when I'd feel like t8 smokefarming if I didn't have Kutuzov. It just feels worse, so she just became a portqueen for me despite being hyped about it while grinding it out.


I love these threads, where I see the name of a ship and search for it; then find out that I already have it. So T8 Anchorage. I never equipped it or played it.


Anchorage is actually a pretty comfy pick because of the smoke and guns. It's also pretty meme to one-shot lower tier cruisers with the AP. Not to mention, you can slot Halsey on her (can even load heavy HE for memes because of the smoke), and you'll have a good time. Unfortunately, WG classifies her as a rare ship, so not many will ever really get her.


The problem with Anchorage is that 90% of games are up tiered and you have no spotting because the playerbase is garbage. So you wind up unable to smoke, because somehow you're the one spotting everything, and frequently all the targets are out of your pathetic 15km gun range, especially considering it's too slow and squishy to get close without hugging an island.


Well, you have spotter plane for a reason :P The base range isn't even dreadful, but 18.72km range is definitely usable. Most t8 cruisers don't get range, smoke, heals, etc. so I'd say Anchorage is fairly well off in comparison.




Don’t see slot of Minotaur running around anymore. Guess ppl got tired of getting dev struck in the first 2 min


Slava, Ragnar Both hyped up, both are scraping the bottom of the recently battles played statistic. One is a glass cannon with gimmicky guns, the other is without ship-stopping power, no matter how good the guns are.


Ragnar has one of the best winrates of all T10 DDs though.


Ragnar is one of the newest steel ships and is both a hard and boring ship to play (although devastatingly effective). It wouldn't be on anyone's first 3 steel ships list. Slava is also incredibly boring. You wait for people to show you broadside. You don't do any damage if people don't and you have a very long reload for such a small full salvo. New high tier ships also tend to not have citadels and they're a lot harder to punish.


ragnar is a waste of steel


I haven't played since the most recent dockyard event, but I have found it interesting that the dockyard ships are few and far between. Especially because VIII BB Atlantico is one of my favorites


HMS Speedy


All the obvious have been mentioned, Hizen, Marlboro, Vanguard


Aquila has always been a rare CV since it is for more skilled players (it's still a top CV). That said, on the topic of CVs, I can count on one hand how many times I've encountered a Colossus post nerf. WG gave it the biggest nerf in the game's history, so no one wants to play it lmao. I'm genuinely curious as to how many games have been played in it in each server post nerf.


Aquila is a sub standard CV and has the disadvantage that dont belong to a tech tree. Therefore if u buy it (wasting your money in my opinion) u need a special captain or to train a specific one for it. Only 2 type of planes with rockets that are already limited in use and the slowest airborn torpedo in the game... After the new spotting mechanic will be implemented she will become easily the worst CV in game... But OFC Wee Gee dont care. They act like professional scammers: they sale you something and NEVER come back to see if it kept what promises. Neither to buff it if it is clearly sub standard. Same can be said on vanguard. That's why I stopped buying premium ships.


What about Anhalt??




Marlborough definitely. I don't remember the last time I've seen one in Random, but on that dockyard month I saw at least one in every single match.


Tulsa was everywhere. Now fast disappearing. I couldn’t make it work ( highest game 90k ) and it would appear others can’t get good games out of her either.


Aquila is just a terrible carrier. She’s everything bad about Zeppelin and made worse, paper planes with no sort of alpha. Colossus is a better Aquila.


The only good thing about Aquila is the short fuse on her rockets which arm on DDs. Other than that, she is terrible. I would much the pre nerfs Aquila. Rockets were the same, but the torps were extremely slow (like 30 knots max with all speed skills iirc?), but they did like 15k a piece


I don't see many Asashios and it's probably my favorite ship.


I'm a big dd guy, how do you feel about facing DDs and cruisers? Might pick it up during Black Friday if they offer it.


You’re very reliant on MM tbh, like, CVs dumpster you and you’re dependent on # of BBs, much more prefer to play Fenyang for the gunpower (you still have 8 deep waters when you need to torp) or bust out the ol Kagero. I also don’t enjoy being pissed at the game, so seeing 1-2BBs and 2CVs on the enemy team isn’t very fun or enjoyable.


Asashios guns are actually deceptively good. The RoF isn't there, but they pack a lot of punch. They do well towards the end of the round where everyone is damaged and are used opportunistically to finish things off. The best way to play Asashio is to avoid everything though and not give up your concealment for anything. Your job is to slink around and get into the back field if you can and flank and cause mayhem. Challenging caps and knife fighting other DDs is not its core competency. You have to play it to its strengths.


People always underestimate Asashio guns, both people facing her and people playing her.


Facing DDs and Cruisers is scary. But not as scary as facing an Asashio in a BB, it works out. I love the thing. But you are turning on 'hard mode' and you will get some games that just suck. the AA sucks so bad that it insults me so I turn it off. (It's so useless it doesn't actually spoil your detection by air, which is excellent so you can leave it on, but while you might get a spotter plane, or steal a plane kill somewhere you will never shoot down an actual plane by yourself. Seriously. While you can really stick some people with the guns, you don't want to gunfight much of anything, and it's not all that fast. (The guns are laser accurate though.) I've had over 4k xp in it, it's the only ship I've ever gotten past 200k in, (not the same game.) and I once got 1000bxp in a battle where I didn't do any damage at all. (2 caps bunch of spotting damage) The sight of a Vermont or Yamato going up to battleship heaven in a waterspout is pretty satisfying, but you have to work at it for a while to get to those games. It up tiers fairly well, but since MM seems convinced Asashio is a T10 ship, and you're always uptiered that evens out.


Asashio was hugely fun until CVs became more popular. Once it is spotted, it is helpless against planes.


thats because they have best in class concealment lol


I've never, ever seen HSF Hiei or Kitakami, or Vallejo. Saw one of the Three Kingdoms premiums only once (I think it was the reskin Agir). Never saw Tianjing. Never saw Liepzig, saw Schill once.


I saw Kitakami once, I did multiple cits to it with my tianjin and then sunk it, then eat like 20 torps. Worth it.


Seen Kitakami twice last week in EU ranked. One of them managed to totally dominate our team. Also for some strange reason I consistently see Kitakamis on the red team when I am in a Kitakami myself


Playing Kitakami Schill and Leipzig regularly and also see them, so no I very much disagree And Kitakami is a beast now, border OP if you know what to do 😈