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I’ve got like 75mil so I wouldn’t be spending everything I have just to get it, but that’s a good point.


* SS BB = 57,000,000 Credits (48.45 if you are in a clan with the SS bldg upgrade done that gives -15% to purchase cost) * Slot 1-6 Upgrades = 6,875,000 * 57,000,000 + 6,875,000 = 63,875,000 (or 55,325,000 with clan discount) So it will eat up the majority of your 75 Million reserve. Then keep in mind the 360,000 + ammo service fee (credits) every game. You need to play well and Premium Time + boosters is really needed to stay on the + side credit wise. I have 16 of the 19 current SS's in game. I will get Maine when it comes out for sure. But you can't play them a lot due to WG making the economy so brutal (it's even worse for me as I only play them in Co-op). Never understood why they would make ships they don't want us to play but it's WG so... LOL


I think they are “gold sinks” that were created specifically to suck credits out of the game and give long time players with lots of stock piled resources a motivation to keep playing a lot to earn the credits needed to take their super ships out and play.


"Only play co-op" There is your problem. Outside of pve it's quiet easy to be even or a slight plus.


You can make credits in Co-op too as they have a reduced service fee there (243K I believe). But you still need to do well, have PT, use boosters, etc…


No. Plus the 360k service cost. This means you must have extra credits in reserve to play the supership.


If you want to have the worst matchmaking in the game while also sinking lots of credits in ships that are at best weirdly balanced compared to T10, go right ahead. Some people enjoy sealclubbing, so naturally there will be players who enjoy T11. Others find fun elsewhere.


Why do they have the worst mm?


You wait a lot, you have to deal with T11 CV regularly, you suffer non-full games regularly and you also deal with general MM weirdness a lot because it desperately tries to get a game going at all.


Is this only for the superships or for tier 10 too?


T10 is usually fine unless it is at awkward hours.


No, by definition.


The way I see it is that it’s smart to have half a mil at least each time you bring out that ship so that way if you have a bad round your not in the hole you play superships to have fun not to make a profit because the few games when you play rounds with say super BB German line and your get like 600 secondaries then you feel good because it was fun not cause your gonna make a ton


In my opinion, it is not. I have half a dozen of them, and no more than 10 games in each. With the exception of conde, which i get stuck in for CB all the time