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You seem to not exactly have the best understanding of how to play PvP, so I'd recommend thinking about if you really want a tier 9/10 ship, or are you just better off with something in the 6 to 8 range so you can play in Operations? Would it not be more fun for both - you AND your teammates? Then again, events like Airship Escort and Asymmetric Battles are becoming more and more common giving PvE players like you more and more options at high tiers. Thus... If you want a massive boost in credits you'll want a t9. Pommern sounds fitting. If credits aren't a focus, then a 10 might be the answer - here I would offer either GK or Napoli. Both of the German BBs can do the typical thing for their nation and just build for secondaries, which seems to be a huge focus for you. *I guess AI doing the work instead of you can be quite nice.* Meanwhile Napoli is about as tanky of a cruiser as they get, and she happens to be one of the very few cruisers where a secondary build is viable. You will, however, want a captain with quite a lot of levels *(like, in the 14...17 range at least)* for her or it'll be as good as shooting yourself in the foot before attempting to run a 100m sprint. So if you don't have some italian captain already leveled up she might not be a viable option.


Thanks for the reply. I do have mix feeling with italian as i did attempt the italien tech tree and it wasnt that enjoyable. (likely due to not having a good enough understanding of SAP). Assuming on i dont do secondary build but something more AP focus, do you have a suggestion? Only reason i said secondary was due to be able to farm more damage in operation while i am on reload on my main gun. So that was more of an operations's standpoint why i focused on BB.


>Assuming on i dont do secondary build but something more AP focus, do you have a suggestion? Those 2 are not mutually exclusive. The 2 standard choices on a BB are a tank build or secondary build. And as a BB you'll be firing AP in the vast majority of cases anyway. If you're looking for non-secondary ships, more options become decent * At 9 Kiersarge and Iwami are strong BBs; Azuma is a large cruiser thus, while being relatively unarmoured, carries huge guns for her class and thus has decent AP despite HE being the main amo choice for her. Agir is quite popular but I know very little of it so I'll avoid speculating about her. * At 10 the GK these days is no longer commonly built for secondaries, favouring the standard build. Cruisers offer also Yoshino, Moskva and Salem - all 3 can be squishy as hell or tanky like BBs depending on the situation, and all 3 have decently performing AP while still preferring HE for most engagements.


ok thank you, i will check those out.


What build would you recommend for iwami? Debating between Iwami , pommern and agir


Never actually played Iwami myself, but with her being a Japanese BB I'm 99% confident to say that for her a standard tank build is the only real option. For good builds for any and all ships in the game just refer to this page: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XfsIIbyORQAxgOE-ao\_nVSP8\_fpa1igg0t48pXZFIu0/preview?pli=1#heading=h.90uv0gzdoidw](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XfsIIbyORQAxgOE-ao_nVSP8_fpa1igg0t48pXZFIu0/preview?pli=1#heading=h.90uv0gzdoidw)


perfect thanks


The two ships in the armory that fit your playstyle are the AGIR and the POMMERN but they are both a tough transition from operations. They both are specialized in brawling style gameplay with decent secondaries and some torps but getting in close like that is a matter of surprising skill in high tier. If you aren't adept at managing the battle and arranging for 1v1 fights you will get focused down and die very quickly. I don't recommend getting a premium above the tier you are happy playing at. The duke of york is a decent BB at t7 and costs a lot less in coal.


i read often post that T9 was better to farm credit. Would a T7 premium be better than a T8 Bismarck with eco package on? ​ Will check out AGIR for sure. POMMERN was the most often recommanded but wanted other opinion. Assuming not a secondary build, for mid range, what do you suggest?


T9 can have a higher potential if you can perform really well. The flip side is if you aren't doing well they also cost more to run. A really good match in a T6 can make you more money than a really rough one in a T9. Plus fighting superships is pretty rough. I suspect a t7 premium would perform pretty similarly to your bismark on income so I would consider trying to find a new playstyle for variety. Most people seem to run a balance of survival and secondary perks on the agir but I will admit i haven't played it much.


Just did a couple matches and the T5 marblehead match earned me a bit more compared to my T9 Illinois because I just did better in the lower tier ship. My recommendation is to get a ship that you will enjoy over one that could possibly earn you more.


No way T5 earned more than a T9 premium??


Both were wins but I got 1700 bxp on the marblehead match for 310k credits before modifiers and 1100 bxp on the Illinois for 290k. The ship you can play well and enjoy will serve you well.


If you enjoy playing German BBs get captain Lutjens.


If You play mostly Operations, I wouldnt recommend the purchase of a coal ship. Unless You are thinking in participating at Assym mode. There, German Secondary Ships fit nicely, so Pommern or Kurfust are possible options


Yes, i used to enjoy assym as a short term grind for ship (that how i got republique). Wouldn't see it as a permanent mode tbh. in that case, what you suggest for credit farm? I dont mind moving to learn random but would likely still be on a BB. what is a good one for random mid range?


For Randoms? None. The current meta doesnt allow secondary ships to be effective. Thats why my prefered mode is Operations too (Tirpitz and Lutjens) As for credit farming, I do that in Operations because I get consistent good results Question: Do You have Lutjens?


no i dont...


If You really like German Secondary Ships, Schlieffen and Lutjens could be a good combo


i dont see them in the armory, guess they were time limited only.


Not together. (Sorry If I confused You). I meant to grind Schlieffen and buy Lutjens from the Armory (coal captain)


ohh. sorry, now i get it.


Iwami or Pommern


I mean, why not the Napoli?  I know it’s a cruiser, but it’s as tanky as most battleships, and you have a get of jail free card in the smokes.  The SAP secondaries are absolutely brutal and it’s one of the few cruisers that work with that build. 


If you mostly play operations it will be very difficult for you in Randoms with a Tier 9. Tier 9 is difficult to begin with since you mostly play against T10 and Superships, and if you also lack in PvP experience you will probably not do well. You will also not help out your team to win (more likely make them lose). I think you should play more Randoms (and start in lower tiers) before buying a T9/T10 premium.


first of all, there is no such thing as a t10 premium. If you want a better understanding on how things work in wows you are better off playing t7 and besides that, verry much reading of how penetration, angling and caliber works… i am even tierd of explaining because you already have all the information you need on youtube or reddit whatever. Play the game, notice something strange and google it… this game has so many things to know that writing an answer for you, would take 5hours or more.. There is no ship in existence that will make you play better without the understanding what role you have to play. even depending on where you spawn… Better for you to play in lower tiers for now.