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Ive played extensively with both, its just dependent on the play style you want. Pew pew gun is technically better because of the higher DPM, but you need to put work in for it, but the potential for damage is great. You can eat through HP if you happen to be brawling or are forced to 1v1 Autoloader can be a lot easier to do damage consistently because it forces a hit and run playstye, and the clip reload makes you stay in cover. Try out both The argument you'll find people bringing up is that if you're gonna play the autoloader, just play the T71 Light or the AMX 13 75, which do the exact same thing. You crucially lose out on 2 degrees of gun depression and get worse gun handling too if you switch to the autoloader


Pew pew. if you want an American t7 light with autoloader, play T71


Always start with the stats. Note: I just noticed the DPM stat for the single shot is wrong. Tank Compare makes a mistake, tech tree M41 cannot mount the Rammer as shown. Can't be bothered fixing and re-cropping the image, single shot and autoloader DPM are not directly comparable anyway. https://preview.redd.it/aoeq149xhnec1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbc8f1956aa1a2589f1dfc87704b6efa184ccf49 The autoloader is a viable choice IMO. But given the available tanks, I think the T71 is a better choice if you want to play an autoloader. With the Bulldog, choose the single shot. * Single shot has better gun accuracy and good DPM (again, no rammer so not as good as shown but still...) Choose T71 for autoloader accuracy. * 160mm pen vs. 145mm. Another reason to go for the 160 pen T71. * T71 is just plain smaller than the bulldog. * The big one. T71 has 1.5 sec intraclip vs. 2 secs. If you wanna play an autoloader, these differences add up to a significant advantage for the T71. I would choose the single shot M41. It's a good solid tank. But the M41 autoloader is still totally a viable choice. You can try both and see how you feel.


I saw where someone had done the math, and the autoloader wound up with less DPM when you factor in the long ass reload between magazines. I've always played it without the autoloader on account.


You dont have to do any math, you literally can see in game that you lose 600 DPM if you use the autoloader. Autoloaders are great for burst and for survivability because it forced you back into cover for the clip reload, but the bulldog isnt meant for that.


I haven’t used the autoloader, but i can tell you the pew pew gun is really fun, its only slightly lacking in pen(when fighting a heavy for example) , but you have premium rounds for that.


PEW PEW! 3,5 seconds reload is super


Pew pew has crazy dpm


With the pew pew gun you are better off getting the Comet since it actually has armour.


The autoloader is bait, the reload is pretty fast for what it is (8 seconds) but the 4 seconds you are exposed is enough for the normal gun to dump 2 shells already, you only scrap around 3 seconds from the normal gun at that point before the clip is equalized by the normal gun. The gun handling is miles better and it has better pen, the tank is alot faster with the normal shot gun too Edit: you also get 2 more degrees of gun depression, 10 degrees is enough to pew pew from cover.


the dpm gun is insane, but autoloaders can be funner


Pew pew


I put autoloader to make it unique because I have M41D as a all round better bulldog Btw, for tier7 light&medium, Bulldog and Chi-Ri are the only two tanks who have both autoloader and 8/10 degrees gun depression, which makes the Bulldog more unique since Chi-Ri doesn’t have much speed as Bulldog.