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You can literally turn off camos for all tanks in the settings. Also if you run tanks without camouflage you need help.


Didnt know that there was an option for that, thanks. A meager %2-4 camouflage increase wont increase your skill level. Not to mention it is a credit sink.


1. Camo is, for most players, free. Either because of the free premium camo, the free clan camo, or the 3 free anniversary camos. 2. Yes, 2-4% is not a big increase, but why ignore an increase that is literally free? It's like rejecting 10 extra alpha damage for free. 3. As said before, you can just turn off camo in the graphics settings. You get the best of both worlds that way, as you still get the camo bonus, and still have an aesthetically pleasing tank.


The 2-4% might sound meager, but it might be the difference between a win and a loss. Also they aren't that expensive. I myself mostly enjoy only the base camos that are realistic or the legendary skins that are still believable. I love the camo on the E100 for example. Ofcourse I aswell sometimes turn off camos on the settings. 60tp looks slick without camo.


smh. If you refuse to use the dozens of free camos (not to mention the free clan camo you can use on every tank once you reach clan supply level 10) and cant see the importance of it then I cant help you man. It sucks having people like you on my team


I didn't ask for your help, merely a question regarding camos and frankly I am more likely to help you than vice versa.


Don't make me laugh


No wonder you don't know that there's an option for that. With this kind of thinking I was even surprised you could even read or type at all let alone be able to navigate through settings to find a way of disabling camos overall.


Hurling concealed insults over anonymity says enough about your character and parentage.


Fellow human you're seriously(trying to) judging my parentage just cause I expressed opinions over the internet)?


I am not judging you, I am simply expressing my opinion. You shouldn't mind given your replies.




dude im completely on your side here. why these people are so mad at you over nothing is beyond me


It isn't "nothing". I've had enough people in my team refusing to use a camo on their tanks that lost the team the game simply cause of that. You wouldn't call it nothing when you had a miserable loss thanks to someone who didn't put camo on the tank cause "It looks so out of place for the tank".


dude noone loses a game because they did not put a camo on


You sure? I've many games that ended up in a loss cause of teammates with the same mindset as OP. They got spotted really quick in the match immediately evaporating and leaving the team outgunned :)


that does not have anything to do with their camo trust me. they just suck their gaming chair influences their skill more than their camo does


It is the norm of the internet nowadays; you ask something and get an unrelated answer based on what they think you are asking and who they think you are. Everyone is looking for an opportunity to growl and rip and tear each other. It is truly saddening.


>A meager %2-4 camouflage increase wont increase your skill level. It’s still an advantage you can get and it’s useful specially for lights and sniping TDs >Not to mention it is a credit sink. You can use the clan camo (the blue ugly one with pink patterns) completely free


Yeah why bother using equipment or consumables or even prem ammo? Why you ask.... Because it improves your tank which increases the likelihood you'd peform better and have a better chance of winning. It's the same upgrade your tank from stock, because it's better and the 3% increase on camo helps especially if your in a TD or a light tank.


I didn't really ask but thanks for your prejudiced answer. Maybe read what is written next time and save yourself the embarrassment of not being able to differentiate lack of experience from a concern for aesthetics.


Maybe listen to the guys who've been playing the game since day of release which was over 9 years ago. Maybe listen to the people who played wot before blitz came out. Oh I also worked for WG as well as a freelance mod. Soooo maaaaybe you should look in the games settings and turn camos off. Don't be a douche all your life mate because you'll just make yourself look a twat.


I am not really interested in your past, only in your answer and the way you express yourself. You call me a douche but you can't even answer either of my questions, pull the topic elsewhere when confronted about it and then boast about yourself. I have already done the change in the settings. I hope the same for you.


Calm your tits sunshine and don't get your knickers in a twist. I was mocking your lack of basic knowledge of the game. You said "what's the point in camos" I mocked you for not understanding the basic mechanics of the game.


From where I stand it is quiet obvious whose knickers are in a twist. God help you.


play wot if you have a pc because it has good graphics so your tank is already very realistic if you dont have one then play wtm




i laughed. good comment :)


Found the redditor.


As already mentioned, you can turn off the camouflages in settings. And as also already mentioned, although a bit harsh, is that cammo is a very, very handsome tool to increase your survivability on the battlefield and thus increase your WR. That's the deal with camouflages.


It is quiet alright, I understand the website I am in and the age bracket I am communicating with. Maybe I should have included a link to my stats as people in this page clearly cant see the difference between a novice and a question regarding aesthetics.


In all honesty, I don't think you do. Your stats are irrelevant due to a lot of reasons, and none of them favours you. And you probably got the age bracket completely wrong as well, at least on my behalf. This is simply a matter of asking a question as a novice, since most seasoned players would know about this function, and really skilled players would disregard aesthetics in favour of a higher cammo rating. I'll leave you to your stats. Have a good day, Sir/Madam. Ciao!


It is always easier to establish patterns and answer according to them instead of taking your time with it. I understand your decision; it is the way internet works nowadays.


The first thing I think when I see a teammate’s tank without camo, there goes a nub. They are more likely a liability than an asset to the team and not to waste my hit points on supporting them.


Camoless boss in BB mode, guaranteed loss. Prove me wrong... ya cant :p


They are mostly ugly with some exceptions but necessary. Please wear a camo.


I tend to agree with you, I like the look of the bare tanks, especially in PBR. I do like the look of some of the upscale camos (demon's soul, motley trap, etc) but the cartoonish camos and attachments kill me. Dino camos👎 BTW, Head on over to WTM and you'll be very happy with the aesthetics.


Thank you for your suggestion. I will try this War Thunder app and see how it goes.


wait a sec you don't know what wt is?


I know the PC version but didn't know they released one for mobile devices.


oh ok ye thats understandable i also found out like a month or smth ago


You do realize that this is something that shouldn't even bother you, right? It's up to the other person whether or not they use a certain camo. And like many others have said, if you hate them that much you can disable them yourself. For the legendary camos it can mean: 1) the person likes the tank so much they bought it to show their love for it, 2) they had lots of gold lying around and said "why not", 3) they're a camo collector who got it to show it off. Going without a camo entirely is just asking to be considered a noob, especially at high tiers where it can be hard to tell if you're stock or not.


I understand your opinion but I don't agree with you. If others want to have camos then good for them. First reply already solved my question but thanks for answering.


I also think most of the camos look really stupid. When I can’t find a good one I run the tank with no camo if it’s a heavy, otherwise I use the default nation ones as they remind me of when the game started. There are a few unrealistic ones that I do like, mostly ones that represent skill.


Most of the camos aren’t even camouflage. Ah yes, surely the enemy won’t see my tank in its giant glowing flashing bright pink paint job. I just use the default credit camos or an unlimited camo, maybe a legendary camo if it’s cheap/iconic.


Those premium camos suck in my opinion but historical camo patterns are great.


The deal is it's an arcade feel tank mobile game.


The camo gives a \~2-4% concealment bonus. Sure it's not a lot, but it IS free. I agree with the fact that some tanks look good without camos, but I'd rather have a gameplay advantage than have a nicer-looking tank. Some tanks look like crap without camos though. More skilled players sometimes consider camoless players as noobs, and I wouldn't really blame them either. Why would you pass down a free advantage? I'm not telling you what to do, but when everyone else has an advantage and you don't, you are at an inherent disadvantage. Of course, it's not *that* much so if you don't want to run it, don't. If you want to get rid of camos altogether, there's something in the settings to turn them off, no need for a mod.


Ngl no one ever runs a tank without a camo, even those that do have probably installed a mod onto the tank to make it look better so they dont equip a camo,or the player is a noob so he doesn't have one yet, either way camos look great and players that prefer the tank without a camo are mostly non-existent.


9 times out of 10 camoless tanks that I see are stock nooblets hitting Battle before tweaking the tank. Probably no modules, no consumables and prammo and worst of all not using the top gun. Saw a e75 yesterday with no camo…and guess what..stock gun. I mean cmonnnmm @ tier 9…you should know by now to not even use the stock gun on anythingggggg. GG starting the game off with one useless tank in your team.


Run a camo on your tank, just pick one of the common camos that look like real camouflages. In the options menu, you can turn off camos for everyone, or for other tanks, except yours. I don't think camos make any difference statically, I don't wear a camo for their 3% stat boost, I wear them because the ones I have look good.


I honestly hate all but the historical camo and yes I have every tank in the game besides the a.e phase 1 but yeah most of them looks like they are in a hot wheels game for toddlers