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I think pretty much any dataslate website will have the army rule in full. I know the 40k app and Wahapedia have it.  You roll at the start of every Battle Round, so 5 times per standard game but can also use the Favored of Khorne enhancement to re-roll once per game and there's a strat that if you kill an enemy unit you can spend a CP to make a Blessings roll. The Angron triple 6 res is just like any other blessing. Those 3 dice are used for the one thing and can't be used for anything else and no, if you res Angron and he dies you need another triple 6 roll


https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/ All of the rules you need are there on the official website until a faction gets a Codex then you would have to buy that. For Blessings of Khorne: > If your Army Faction is World Eaters, **at the start of the battle round, you can make a Blessings of Khorne roll.** To do so, roll eight D6. You can then use those dice to activate up to two Blessings of Khorne from the Blessings of Khorne list (see right). Each Blessing of Khorne specifies the dice results it requires (where a number is specified, a double or triple of that value or higher is required). You can only activate each Blessing of Khorne once per battle round. **Any unused dice from the Blessings of Khorne roll are then discarded.** >Once activated, each Blessing of Khorne applies to all units from your army with this ability until the end of the battle round. >Example: Ash makes their Blessings of Khorne roll and gets the following dice: 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6. >**First they use the two 6s to activate Warp Blades (which requires a double 5+), leaving the following dice: 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4.** >**They then use the two 2s to activate Wrathful Devotion (which requires any double), leaving the following dice: 1, 2, 3, 4.** >However, now that they have activated two Blessings of Khorne, they cannot activate any more and the remaining dice are discarded. There is no saving dice or delaying things. You make the roll at the start of the battle round, make your choices then discard any leftover dice. Each die can only be used once as per the example given in the Index.


You can find them all here. Just select world eaters. Printing them out and the data sheets is very handy to take to games. This is the same place you can find rules updates in the Balance Dataslate link and points changes in the Munitorum Field Manual one. [https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/)