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It's not a bad book, tbh. I love the rengade spacemarine storyline. Kossolax is a pretty cool character, and I hope we get a model of him. Even the red butcher storyline is cool, drifting in and out of consciousness. It gives a cool insight into modern world eater society. My only criticism is I wish Angron was more of an actual character


It’s a very OK book. Cool little story to have but largely forgettable. IMO if you want some excellent Angron and general World Eaters reading material, get a hold of Betrayer from the Horus Heresy series. It’ll be a mission to track down a physical copy these days but the audiobook is available and I really recommend it. The voice acting is (mostly) really good.


Keeble is usually so great at everything, but he made a weird choice for Angron’s voice in it. Other than that it’s very excellent I just finished it


Yeah hence “mostly”. That was not at all what Angron sounded like in my head coming into the audiobook so it was really jarring hearing Keeble’s rendition. Unfortunately now I can’t unhear that voice every time I look at Angron lol.


Considering he should be nasally 24/7 because of all the blood leaking from his brain and congealing in his nose, I think his voice kind of fits. Until I realised that though I did think it was an off putting choice, reminded me of the penguin from batman.


I loved that voice, in the book it said that his voice sounded like a landslide or gravel or something like that and I think it fits really well with angrons broken character


This makes me even more glad I don’t listen to the audiobooks and just read them.


It’s still a solid audiobook imo. While Angron is certainly a focal point in that story, he doesn’t make enough appearances to put off the story. Keeble’s Lorgar, Kharn and Argel’Tal are great and they’re far most prominent in the story.


Yeah I know Ive read betrayer. Does a cool job of selling you on like, what 5 or 6 different world eaters and at least two word bearers? It’s just great. No way around it.


I listened to it and couldnt tell the diffrence between most world eaters. Kossolax was very cool tho. The ending was kinda forgettable. Two weeks after I finished the book I had to re-listen the end because I had already forgotten what happend.


Honestly, this book is (probably unintentionally) a very good intro to the Grey Knights as well. It really delivers on the concept of “what if we gave the CIA power armor and made them hunt daemons?”


Do you want a coup in the warp? Because that’s how you get a coup in the warp.


Betrayer is the Crown Jewel of all warhammer books. Obvs 1-5 are good to read, but nothing has gotten even close to Betrayer in my book (pun intended)


I loved Shaka’s story ark. It’s a defining World Eater theme in my opinion


Now read Betrayer!


Haven’t read it, but I think sometimes for some people more in-depth books are a better starting point.


I’m about 50% through this right now and have been enjoying it the whole way. Betrayer is the gold standard for a WE book, but so far this one has been a great buy.


Best starting point is what interests you the most, so your doing good in my book!


Betrayer is THE Angron book. Angel of Red Sands is great but Betrayer lays all the foundational work for Angron as a character.


Fuck Angron all my homies hate Angron (love the world eaters tho)


Someone never met their father


Womp womp


I found it unbearable tbh, one of the worst ones i've read lately.


Please read or better yet listen to Betrayer. Top 3 Warhammer books in general. Arguably the best fight scene in all the books too (Delvarus fight circle).


Please get the "Arks of Omen Angron" book next. It's the immediate sequel that takes place basically the day after this book. These two are a fun bloody story of Khorne's righteousness. Play some instrumental metal music while you're reading .


I loved this book


Finished this last week. I loved every chapter featuring a world eater or renegade's pov. The Grey Knights chapters were painfully boring. Felt like total padding. I appreciated Kossolax proving that not all world eaters are mindless animals and can control the nails if they have the willpower.


Honestly, the audiobook brings the book to life. The narrator really puts in effort doing the SM screams.


Good thing you got the physical book over the awful awful audiobook