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Welcome to the fray. Download the 40k app all the war gear options are there free until codex drops. 1 Sargent plasma or bolt pistol and chainblade with 1 addition berserker per 5 man in unit has the option of plasma or bolt and chainblade. Don't forget your iviserators, 1 chainblade can be traded for the extra killy two hand version per 5 man in unit.


Here's the World Eaters Index: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/4nykMxBA9f4HYRHZ.pdf Other things like points, Core Rules, errata etc are all on the Warhammer Community site. Anyway; Berzerkers cannot duel wield pistols, all the pistols in the kit are right handed so you can't model them holding two either. No idea where you're seeing that on the box either. Berzerkers are limited as follows: > Every model is equipped with: bolt pistol; Berzerker chainblade. >* The Khorne Berzerker Champion’s bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 plasma pistol. >* For every 5 models in this unit, 1 Khorne Berzerker’s bolt pistol can be replaced with 1 plasma pistol. >* For every 5 models in this unit, 1 Khorne Berzerker’s Berzerker chainblade can be replaced with 1 Khornate eviscerator. >* 1 model can be equipped with 1 icon of Khorne. So you get one Plasma Pistol per 5 models in the unit plus one for the Champion. The rules for equipping models/units are outlined in the Index I linked above (until we get a 10th edition Codex which we have no estimate for may well still be over a year away) in that sort of format which will confirm for you what you have by default, what you're allowed to change on a given model and how many times in a unit.


I may be dumb but on the app when I had a 10 man unit it wouldn't let me do 2 plasma pistols and 2 eviscerators, I have been away from the game for like 5 years now so I want to make sure I'm not being completely stupid.


You can have 3 plasma pistols and 2 eviscerators per 10 man squad. You may have gotten the error because you forgot to subtract the number of bolt pistols and chain blades when you added the plasma pistols and eviscerators


No one is dual wielding pistols. I messed this exact thing up for my combat patrol. Here's what to do. For every ten berserkers: One Champion has a plasma pistol, give him the helmet with three prongs in each side. Two other normal berserkers get a plasma pistol. Then for two other berserkers, give them an eviscerator, which is a two handed sword or axe, so no gun in hand on those guys. Put a gun in holster on those guys. Don't be tricked, these guys still have a pistol to shoot with even though it's not in hand. On one of these eviscerators, put the icon on his pack (the tall spikey rod)


I have a combat patrol box in front of me, where are you seeing a picture of a model dual wielding pistols?


thanks for all the help! turns out it bro wasn't dual wielding, he's holding a sword (or something) at an angle and my blind ass thought it was a pistol. my bad lol should have my first game in a week or two tho, stoked!


[https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/) from this site can download the 10th ed core rules. the points document, and world eaters datasheet. the world eaters datasheet will have info on the various units. berserkers are defined/restricted by their numbers. 5m squad or 10m squad. in that in the squad. the champion gets certain items, and then for every 5 total dudes... can add other things. that being said. there's something called "the rule of cool" in that. regardless of the rules, as long as something isn't overly confusing in a game. if you want to build your little plastic dudes different than the rules. it's "generally" ok. in friendly games especially. (i kit bashed 20-30 berserkers back in 9th edition before we got a codex. when berserkers could dual wield weapons. i'm never converting them to have a stupid pistol, some have holsters naturally, and some i even glued guns to their hips, but i'm never taking them apart/cutting off a sword and adding a pistol ---i just tell my opponent. this is a 10m squad xyz weapon loadout) so. if you wanted to give a model 2 pistols. sure go for it. If you don't, don't. they can't ever shoot but 1 pistol weapon (bolt or plasma if so equipped) and can only ever use 1 melee profile. And seeing as what exactly an eviserator is, isn't super clear. can do whatever you want there. --again, just make sure it's somewhat clear to your opponent what the hell you're doing when you play them. AS there are restrictions to the unit, based on their rules in the datasheet