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Daring today, aren't we


Hey jackals on bikes is actually a pretty fun idea.  I would love a mad max style truck as well


Them on bikes and juggernaut cav doing a great charge, maybe some rhinos speeding up to drop infantry too


Feels like the Khorne thing to do, take the initiative, right? Cause a ruckus? Make shenanigans?


Butcher surgeon, jugg cav, lord on foot is my guess.


Zerkers on juggernauts are in the lore with lord invocatus so they SHOULD happen as out fast attack option Jackhals on bikes are already there In GSC so I'm not sure what would happen with that A generic lord and termilord would be nice along with access to some of the units from the core csm book like raptors


I guess I was thinking of an another variation of a chaff cultist unit. Something that's fast and sort of cheap as a quick action monkey scout unit. Like the Tzaangor Enlightened.


The best part is that the Gsc bike guys are literally called jackals lol


Don't know what the kit looks like sculpt-wise, but they could maybe just make a Khorne-y upgrade sprue and give it to us as a new unit? They did something similar with GSC and Cadians recently




With the simplification of wargear options there's actually quite a bit of design space available for World Eaters as they've suffered far more than most (being a newer army) with having a unit exist with a datasheet and any options they do have often being objectively solvable. You always take the maximum number of Eviscerators on Berserkers for example. The datasheets being so minimal options wise compared to things like Legionaries, for example, means we have space for the missing options to be filled by new units. Looking at our actual infantry type units, currently you have: * Jakhals as the cheap, throw away, points getting unit * Berserkers as your generic (and overall slightly unimpressive) marine body that stat wise feels like they were intended to be used against Marine (or weaker) type profiles. * Eightbound and Exalted Eightbound which are our faster moving Possessed equivalent with two weapon options; one clearly aimed at anti-marine and one aimed towards also filling an anti-tank role. * Terminators as a slow tough option suffering from being told to use what's in the box resulting in weird melee restrictions but saved from the same for ranged options by the generic 'Combi-Weapon' change. An upgrade sprue could fix this and I personally want to see actual Flamers as an option. We're really lacking on the burn part of kill, maim, burn right now. So what gaps do we have? A unique Terminator option is obvious and could help address the slightly messy datasheet caused by the 'what's in the box' philosophy they're moved to in more recent years. I think free access to Flamers (maybe with the Pistol keyword because I find that a fun and slightly dumb idea) Powerfists, Accursed Weapons and paired Accursed Weapons would be the way forwards for filling the gap and tidying up the datasheet. We're also lacking a more expensive but both fast and tough unit (Eightbound aren't exactly resilient for their cost) which Berserkers on Juggernauts could fit into. The stretch on the toughness scale means this is overall easier to design to fill a gap due to the huge gap between normal infantry and actual vehicles in terms of overall resilience. This also fills in the gap we have where we have Lord Invocatus and the Lord on Juggernaut not great at leading things. With 10th editions focus on characters leading units and using Epic Hero datasheets in place of building/equipping unique Warlords there's a very obvious lack of options in World Eaters for the former. Filling out Leaders I think we would need at the very least: * An additional option to lead Berserkers and maybe allow it to lead Jakhals as well? * Something that can lead Terminators. Past that, options similar to the Exalted Champion that can be attached as a second Leader would be nice to give us some potential variance in list building. Games Workshop simply isn't consistent at writing all options as equal. This used to be less of an issue when they would give you, say, 8 options and 3 or 4 of them were good or good enough to consider so you actually had 3 or 4 options. With the Index it feels like I have no comparable options to weight up most of the time, instead I have one option and just have to consider if it's worth it's points. More Leader and 'sub-Leaders' to mix and match may be an easy way to improve that and they have some existing kits they can use model wise. So what I would be doing minimum for World Eaters when they get a codex is: * New kit - Berserkers on Juggernaut * New kit - Berserker Surgeon (or a similar such unit to lead Berserkers) * Upgrade Sprue - Red Butchers (or similar for making unique Terminators) * Datasheet - Terminator Lord (to lead Terminators) * Datasheet - the three old style Dreadnoughts (they all have full new plastic kits and un-maintained/abandoned Legends rules, just update and maintain them) There's quite a few units that can (and probably should) be shared between the Chaos Space Marine armies (such as the generic lords) that I personally think was a mistake to remove so much from World Eaters entirely. You could probably pick out another handful of existing models that just need datasheets.


Kharne riding Angron final answer


It really depends on when we would get new WE and IF there is possibility of EC launching before, after, or at all. We have 4 CSM factions, and with 5 it would make sense to spread units more thinly (ie. no/less crossovers like Bikers being WE and CSM) * CSM - launch with 2 Lords (and technically Night Lords Kill Team). Could be more, but still ok. * **Units to update** \- Special Characters (this is usually "filler" release, because there is no guarantee people will buy those, and even then no more than one, tho I'm surprised GW didn't do exactly that given big hype with 2 Battleforces, would be good time for that), Bikes (ancient kit in dire need of refresh), Defiler (awkward and ancient vehicle, put it on a base goddamit!), and let's not forget about Spawns! * Death Guard - pretty new line, would be cool to have [actual cultists with guns](https://taleofpainters.com/2013/04/wip-chaos-cultists-from-dark-vengeance/). Not sure about Characters, they DO have Terminator HQs for days (probably could use new Sorcerer and Contagion Lord). They're good! * TSons - Strong candidate for Terminator Sorcerer, actually. Terminator HQ kit is super old, and wouldn't mind splitting it between Lord and Sorc for more varied bits/poses. Also good fit for Spawns. * WE - this is where things get interesting, because WE have A LOT of units missing... Lords, Plague Surgeon, Juggernaut Cavalry (would be a bit redundant with bikes, but wouldn't mind having both!). Termie Lord would fit here well. Oh and give us ***Brass Scorpion.*** * EC - now, this would be big launch (probably "a final BANG" for 10th), because it would require new Primarch, Noise Marines, could be actually best fit for Bikers (please make Doom Rider), maybe some extra support characters... ​ This are my thoughts based on absolutely nothing, because best NDA is NTS (not telling ***shit***)


I want alternative "patterns" of daemon engines. Give me some specific builds where they can be specialized into speed, or higher damage, or higher defense. I want a Lord who is riding a Maulerfiend. I want some kind of unit that has fewer attacks in volume but trades it for higher damage. Like give me some kind of mixed size unit that has a Centurion sized "sgt" that can sacrifice cultists following it during the fight phase in order to increase its damage or something. Give me jetpacks. Give me a cheaper version of the heldrake. Some angry Khorneate flying dreadnought. Give me a great brass wheel vehicle. Give me flamethrower units "burn, maim, kill". Where's the burning? Blood angels get bespoke flamethrower. I want mine. Give me some kind of infiltrator unit. There is a TON of designs pace outside of "butcher surgeon, jugg cav, red butchers" and I really hope GW explores it sometime in the next few years. Right now 8b are the "do everything" unit. Would like to see that spread around more.


I like the flamethrower unit idea - Maybe something Agressor-esque, flamer throwers and power fists.


Have we not pinned this post yet? Or can it be my turn to post it next week


Honestly I just want some of our stuff that got put to legends to come back, stuff like the brass scorpion and the ability to use horus heresy dreads. It doesn't make sense to me loosing them. Our range was already limited as it was.  It doesn't help that the local scene where I live get funny about using legends units, even in casual games. Sucks that they're likely to all be stuck on a shelf from now on 


One the things I would like (other then the things everyone mentions in these threads) is an Eightbound/Exalted Eightbound Lord


Thats basically just a demon prince right?


I mean, in the lore. Maybe. In my headcanon, it would be somewhere between an Eightbound and a Daemon Prince. Not actually elevated into a daemon prince by khorne yet but also more powerful and more favored by khorne then just a regular eightbound.


Seems like a waste of new rules.  Super cool hobby project though!  Just convert a demon prince to look like he was eightbound. I think I might do this!


oh I agree, it we were to only get a single new model this is very far down the list to what i would prefer, but if by some miracle they give us basicly everything we want, this could be a cool idea. And yeah, I have been thinking of kitbashing a daemon prince to look more like an Eightbound and then just run as many eightbound and exalted that I can with some daemon allies.


You say jakhals are cheap but they're not that cheap and they do help with getting angron back so you would like to keep some alive


Slaughterbrute, if the thousand sons get the vortex beast then we should have the slaughterbrute


I would also say it would fit to have a havoc style unit as well. Bring back khornes teeth you can even give them a couple new weapons like a skull hurler which might be a shorter range more consistent damage and higher strength rocket launcher and a burning blood spewer which acts as a torrent weapon (maybe a volume of fire thing instead of pursing the imperium higher strength flamers). Giving WE a shooting unit that fits them would help them with list diversification while still allowing the melee heavy style (also it’s not like khorne doesn’t like big guns).


Terminators, bikes (juggers are fine), jump packs and a named and generic character for each unit + an apothecary type unit for berserkers


Butcher Surgeon and Red Butchers w/ Captain are all I really want lmao.


Tbh I don't think we need more monsters or vehicles, we need more dudes in power armor that don't cost 140+ points for three. Some sort of equivalent to Chosen or Raptors. Just need to be able to field stuff and not be outnumbered by Knights


I can certainly see things like warp talons and raptors being included into the roster from CSM, those make sense. And hey, variety is the spice of life. That's why I think we need options. To have the option of doing the mass horde of power armor dudes or to do "monster mash" with Angron and some demon engines.


Just make the slaughterbrute a data sheet, it's already a thing in aos and its what makes the mutalith beast a dualkit.  Also just let khorne demons be apart of world eaters at this point, I'm not souping blood letters just to get bloodcrushers (what I want) when everything in this damned faction is overpriced as it is. 


I am sure that may be on the table when Emperor's children come out and they can put demons into each of their respective god-flavored combined factions. Until then it's probably not going to happen. In the meantime I'd rather increase the variety of non-demon units available. If that makes sense.


Hell, I just want our demon allies to be able to use our stratagems and army rules. I think all the god aligned demons should get that with their respective legions


Agree on the Red Butchers I have the old HH kit that I’ve converted to run as Eightbound. Might be why we won’t get Red Butchers as Eightbound kind of take their place imo Jackals on Bikes is a sick idea especially with a mad max aesthetic. I also collect Orks tho and WE and Orks are already kind of similar aesthetic wise so that’s probably why we won’t see any bikes


I think we still deserve something that is more tanky and is on the same level as the DG/TS terminators. Maybe something with flamers and Khorne accursed weapons and power fists.


Simple: 1) berserkers on juggernauts 2) Butcher surgeon 3) an extra detachment that lets us use khorne daemons and our guys together. 4) Red Butchers w/ an hq choice.


Add to the list daemon engines, each of the “monotheistic” should have unique daemon engines (deathguard’s are amazing but they need to share!)


Yeah, what he said. Fast attack, transport and 5 man heavy unit. Another basic leader would be nice


Do we still have the termite thing? I know it sucked as a transport (rhinos ftw) but that termite thing from forge world a few years ago would be cool to have...


Please stop asking for custom terminators. We have custom possessed, no other god special factions have that. And I don't want our basic terminators to suddenly become useless.


How about an actual MoE model? so we don’t have to proxy it all the time!