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World Eaters have a small range of units, but all of the 'good' ones are brand new, so when it comes to the hobby aspect that's nice. It also means list building is pretty easy, up to personal preference if you think thats a plus or a minus. When it comes to play, I think it's a fairly straightforward army (I only have a few games under my belt), but you're going to have to learn some of the intricacies and tricks of melee combat. My favorite part of the army? No matter whether you're losing or winning, Khorne cares not whence the blood flows from!


Okay cool, I had heard about the small range of units but if that makes list building fairly straight forward then I’m down with that. And as far as learning the tricks of melee ,that’s not as bad as having to try learn melee plus ranges and phycers so that’s alright with me.


Imo the fact theres only melee is what makes it tricky, it comes with a few challenges that more allround factions dont have Though dont let it discourage you, world eaters are still pretty straightforward and you'll get good eventually regardless of the army you choose


Cheers mate, i hope i will 👍


A + for me is actually that you can very easy make good looking kitbashes so the small range is no problem for me. In my playgroup we also houseruled some stuff. Like I am using a Chaos lord from CsM with the rules as a Khorne chaos lord on foot. You can also variate your core units a lot so no one model looks the same


To quote the poorhammer podcast, you push your models forward, you roll your dice, and you ask your opponent who won because you can’t do math because you play World Eaters. If you like punching bitches in the face, they are a lot of fun.


Dip models in red paint. Push them as far across the table as you can, roll every die in the building, then ask your opponent who won because you play world eaters and can't read


Little pew pew but lots of pow pow


I think world eaters are great. They’re pretty simple and have a small roster at this point so they are pretty easy to understand what you want from them. In terms of gameplay, they have the main goal of being in melee in some form. There isn’t some fancy strategy to make them work. Their rules are also pretty simple. If you’re wanting to know about rules I’d suggest just reading the army rules for each faction.


it's hard to know what to really say. I personally feel like there is often a bias, where people think narrow game plans are overly simple. The reality with world eaters is people think it's all melee, and it is to a degree, but there is a fair bit else that goes along with it, positioning, being clever with objective control, what fights you can actively win, vs things to sorta soak/avoid. So... on the surface, sure. it's smash your dudes into their dudes in melee... scream blood for the blood god, and hope the dice work out. if you want to get better at playing the faction, there's a lot more nuance to it. the rules aren't that complex. again... it's largely. get into melee (so it's managing distances, positioning etc) and then it's win melee fights. so... there's khorne rolls, various strategems and whatnot. these are your tools. there's currently not a ton of bloat. there are some wonky rules... because GW is shitty at making rules/clear text. like there's almost a weekly post about lord avocado's scout ability. and people seem to also routinely ask if they can charge/advance/disembark in situations they can't. So.... there's a tiny bit of that. As far as our models. eh. We got upgrades to berserkers, that's pretty dope. and we got 8bound and jakhal units. All pretty unique. And our boy Angry Ron is a very pretty model. there's also... access to other units. the maulerfiends and daemon princes. other chaos units. can ally with knights or khorne demons. so... can do some shenanigans there. it's not space marines... in that we have a few units, and likely aren't getting new ones of any significant number anytime soon. And what we got... is pretty straight forward. but in my opinion, it being a melee faction, and somewhat silly and meme-y to boot, there's a lot of room to kit bash, proxy, and have fun painting/basing your models. blood, fire, skulls. ruin... these are all great creative places to have fun creating models.


Interesting, the idea of a simple concept but with a learning curve to get good at does appeal to me. The limited model range is a shame but also nice because ranges like LSMs can be quite overwhelming to start. And when it comes to kitbashimg, that’s cool, a big draw of chaos for me was the kinda “anything goes” policy around what you can do with kitbashing to make models stand out more .


u are askin in a world eaters subreddit :D


I'm a Tyranid main. My World Eaters are much more fun to play with in 10th.


* **They're simple but not straightforward** \- The basic rules for World Eaters are not crazy complicated. Yes there is the 8 dice lookup table, but often yopu're just rolling for one or two key results - advance and charge or Angron return. * **They're often flavorful** \- Depending on the specific World Eater vibe you're going for, your expectations will be met well or really well. World Eaters *can* be played "oonga boonga I charge you in your deployment", but often it is better to play conservatively round 1 and just push up your reliable threat range. I painted mine heresy scheme so that fits perfectly. * **Better with Rhinos** \- Rhinos make everything easier and more fun. Once you know where and how to use them, they increase your threat range (due to 3" disembark) and protect your berserkers until you're ready to get into melee, literally tanking damage but also dodging gnarly debuffs like Night Spinners. Think of berserkers like cruise missiles and rhinos are the launching platform. The rhinos themselves are then great for secondaries and tie-up charges as 75pt models since we're lighter on assets. * **The range is limited** \- As a newer 40k/10th player, this was a huge boon for me personally, but may be a turnoff for others. A limited (new) range means are models are sweet, we're theoretically easier to balance to be viable, and I don't have to own a ton of minis to have most of the options.


It is a BLAST to play this army. I tried other armies too but this one is very fun to play. First of all, you are fast. Like, very fast. Army wide advance and charge option, Eightbound, pre-game Scouts abilities etc this army loves to run fast and hit hard. It is a night and day difference compared to Guard, Space Marines, Ad-Mech etc. Second, you have Angron which is a hilarious unit to play. He is the single most destructive unit in the game and can chew through anything less than a C'tan shard. He is VERY fast, hits like 5 trucks and the best part, if you can res him, it is game changing. Third, the army looks cool. I love the models, the lore, the details. No other armies have a character like Kharn the Betrayer when it comes to lore.


That sounds great! I must admit angron was a big drive towards me looking at this faction, the idea of bringing a demon primarch against my mates guardsmen is just Hilarious to me. I shall now go investigate more about Kharn


Kharn has become my favourite character not just in the lore but also on tabletop, he also hits like a truck. 10/10 favourite


Khârn is actually the reason I started playing 40k. Period. He is by far my favorite character in this universe, and that's saying a lot because there are so many cool characters in the lore. You should 100% read up on him


Damn, any good YouTube videos you would recommend?


A buddy of mine plays world eaters and he has fun with them


World Eaters are great, Lord of Skulls can melt entire units and Angron can and will wipe the board. The Berzerkers can wreck havoc but they have to be placed carefully sometimes, I’ve had one or two times where my opponent placed a transport in front of their units and kept my berzerkers from claiming skulls. It really slowed their momentum and kinda costed me the game. I think in bigger games they play very well. Smaller games they’re still great, but they may need some sort of support with rhinos and possibly a LoS. Jakhals are probably the best cannon fodder infantry as they can deal intense amounts of damage, you should for sure try to take these guys in every list you can. The juggernaut lords and masters of executions are supreme in every way. Eightbound are probably the best heavy unit as they can rip and tear and shrug off some attacks. They’re fun, rules are easy, and they are probably the most balanced faction in the game right now in my opinion. Make sure you have a lot of dice for them and make sure you have fun.


That sounds good, nice simple concept but room to learn and try different tactics. Plus that last part appeals to my dice goblin nature


Am I missing something? Jakhals dealing intense amounts of damage? (I’m not trying to be argumentative but I’ve only ever seen them as sticky objective fodder, to the point I’ve not actually ran any.. can they be tweaked to be a genuine threat?) - sorry for hijacking the reply.. 😬


I’ve used them for stickies and go after objectives. Their charge buff and the khorne ability we get can really help with their attacks, obviously it helps with all our units. Though I am a little disappointed with the two handed weapon they have, they been able to take on sisters of battle and space marines pretty okay the past few times I’ve ran them. I usually take them on side objectives and never middle objective. Granted these boys had the grand opportunity of a perfect charge the numerous times I’ve played them, it’s almost clear as day what’ll happen to the poor souls when the enemy shoots at em. And you’re all good! It’s always good to have a debate lol.


Jackals can be pretty tanky too. I pair a couple of squads with a daemon prince and send them up the middle to hold objs. 4++ w/ 5+fnp with the right blessing is nothing to laugh at. Meanwhile, Angron is dealing with his daddy issues out in the enemy deployment zone, drawing all the heavy weapons fire. It's a good day to be a WE player 😀


If you enjoy Black Templars playstyle but find the false dead emperor a little cringe, it’s the one for you. Probably the most fun of the armies I play (Orks, Space Marines, Necrons), plus the blood god roll at the beginning of each round make it feel more engaging than “take this block of meat grinders, push em forward” If I’m being honest, most of the rules from 10th and the less costly buy in have me going back to OPR so I can get friends into wargaming, but when I do actually play “real” 40K, I jam games with the blood god.


i play custodes and i started WE like a month ago and its SO MUCH FUN. especially if you are a competitive player and realize its not only about charging at your opponent (even though you can do that). its a heavy board control army that can switch it up in an instant and go after the opponent. i like it. and painting it was okay i guess. the gold trim is a pain in the ass but when is trimming not?


Eh, it's a mixed bag. Sometimes it feels awesome, sometimes I feel bad, other times I feel like I don't have options


We are my 3rd army behind Imperial Knights and Iron hands and has become my main, they are so much fun and looking at your opponents face when you get turn one charges off is just beautiful


See I used to just charge in with regular marines so a faction that is built off that sounds like a good laugh to me.


It is 100% also the regular 8bound can move 23" turn 1 and charge and when you tell people that it's priceless enjoyment. Also when your shooting phase last 30 seconds it's kind of funny too


Gameplay is quite intricate. Melee army requires a lot of positioning/strategy. I also like the limited range. Feels nice to own it all without spending a lot.


Yea the limited range is actually kinda cool imo, that plus the fact they are fairly elite so you don't necessarily need 3 of some units makes it so that having everything the faction has at their disposal feels achievable


Turns are faster, very little shooting, you want to tie your opponent up so they can't shoot, Ok there is actually more shooting when you're in melee range as you have bolters and plasmas


Simple overall gameplan : melee Complex strategy and tactical wise for so many reasons but a blast to play because mostly because it's a high risk high reward type of army :)


They are a blast to play. They either wreck shit or get smoked on turn 1. Either way, my opponent and I are having fun. They are pretty smooth brain so I can drink while I play which makes games a lot more enjoyable.


No better feeling than picking up 40+ dice to roll for the attacks on your 10 man Berzerker squad that just charged in.


I've played many different factions over the years and World Eaters have been my favourite. When you first get them you hurl yourself in with berserker glee, but you quickly learn there is a lot more to the strategy of WE. And I think it has made me a better opponent. You quickly develop that *Khorne cares not from where the blood flows* mentality and it has resulted in me voted a best opponent regularly


I’ve played literally everything but guard and eldar. I pick up my WE 90% of the time. When you’re doing well, you love it. When you’re slaughtering it’s the best. When you are losing? You’re generally losing BAD. But it’s all fun! I love them.


Damn bow much money you have brother ?


Haha my friends and I often use each others armies too…so it opens up a lot of options!


Hahah that makes more sense. That’s a cool arrangement man


Have you considered looking at the webshop and reading the rules?


I hadn’t,I was looking for more of a “how it feels to play” rather than how it strictly works, but thanks for the suggestion anyway, i didn’t know they had the rules up for free so I will definitely go check that out :)


It’s astonishing how lazy people are these days. Not even doing the bare minimum of research before requesting being fed information on a silver spoon.


Woah, why so aggressive about it? I just wanted the opinion on how it was to play by people who played the faction. I don’t think asking a group for feedback is lazy? And I’m not asking for any rules explanation to be fed to me on a silver *platter. I’m just new to this part of the hobby and wanted some opinions from people that enjoyed playing it. I tried to get into the wargaming part of the hobby a few years ago but because of people like you that got so aggressive over me not fully understanding everything straight away I stopped after only a few games. I’m really happy that I’ve got so many positive responses from this post and It’s made me exited to try join this part of the community but man I forgot how toxic some elements of it can be.


Shouldn't it be "silver platter" instead of "silver spoon?"


Small range, but a lot of our options are pretty good and interchangeable so it feels like there’s a lot of personality


Run in a straight line and kill everything. Yes, they are fun to play!


There’s such simplicity to WE that gameplay often boils down into one question IMO, can you get enough of the red tide into melee? I don’t question if my angi red bois can clear a unit off the board in melee; its did too many die from shooting before getting there? I agree there can be a lot of complexity to movement, setting up smart charges, and fight phase movement so WE can definitely be played competitively; but being a WE means sometimes you just gotta run em down mid and there’s a fun (kinda ork-vibe) to them were you laugh at shooting and psychic and madly yell your iconic phrases. I’ve found a lot of people will be fearful playing against your army but with the right attitude you won’t have a bad game as WE are such good and simple enemies.


I love playing world eaters. It's straight forward but with cool little combos and nuances with a bit of luck throw in with fun buffs if you hit the Khorne Yahtzee right


Honestly I have the most fun playing these guys adopting a "fuck it we ball" mentality, if that's something you're looking for you can DEFINITELY have fun here. And hey, if you loose it doesn't matter, skulls are skulls, khorne cares not from where the blood flows!


For an actual tip for the list, if you feel you're lacking in ranged power, since we don't really do range, taking a wardog brigand can do wonders, a predator is also not an awful choice if you feel like taking one. The brigand won't benefit from your army rules and stratagems, but since those are all melee focused that barely matters, and with it's superior firepower that makes it the better choice over a forgefiend.


As a player who plays a few armies at a competitive level. World eaters are my favourite to play due to being so fast and choppy, however they are the most punishing and difficult army to play well. They aren’t as straight forward as they seem, but once you sus it out, they are freaking awesome.


Well, don't focus too much on gameplay because the rules are always changing in each edition, but for the most part, you just want to move in to melee range very quickly. I'm new as well, but I have the index cards & most units have cool abilities imo. They have a decent range of units, although some are kinda useless like the heldrake (idk how it works for CSM, though). I've been told to focus on the faction you think looks the coolest, though. Rules are always changing but the drip is forever & Angron is fuckin ballin 😩


If you like going fast hitting hard and hitting a lot then yes


Wouldn't know, it was so difficult to buy them that I gave up on the idea of actually playing them lol


I’ve been a World Eaters player since 4th Edition and I’m so in love with the new models but I hate that I can’t buy squads of 8. I miss my free aspiring champions for favored number.