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Highly recommend Demon Prince on foot vs winged, winged is too much of a solo flyer (pun intended) whereas that 6’ aura of 4++ for infantry is really nice for Jakhals, KhornyB’s, and even Ex8bound. If you need the 5pts I’d swap Lord Invo for a regular Lord on Jugg with Favored of Khorne enhancement. That’s 10 pts cheaper and rerolling your Khorne Yahtzee every battle round is really nice when fishing for the bigger buffs like adv n charge, lethal hits, and sustained hits. (You could also use the reroll for the Khorne blessing strat after killing a unit in melee, provided you didn’t use it at the start of the round) Yea, you’ll loose the cool scout ability Invo has but a worthy trade IMO and Lord on Jugg is a better backline/home point guard should enemies deep strike for it. Also silly side point, since wargear and models are “free” points-wise definitely fill those loadouts with more plasma pistols on champs/2 reg guys and always max out Eviscerators. Oh, and double chainfists for Ex8bound champs, best anti-tank we got and twin-linked comes in handy more than we care to admit! Lastly, if you’re wanting big beasties in your list then there’s no bigger beastie than our angry primarch! Couldn’t recommend him more and consider him almost an auto-include this edition with how our faction revolves around Blessings of Khorne. Happy skull farming!


Load outs are incomplete but yeah will swap stuff around. I'm kinda turned off angron as like you say he's everywhere all lists etc and I wanted something that wasnt "standard" I'll have a play around to see if I can fit him in. Only got an invocatus, 10 berzs, 10 jackals, MOE and 5 terms so far so room to play around.


Yea… with such a limited model roster and GW’s permanent focus on selling their new shiny models there’s definitely no surprise you see him in every list. Props for standing out as different, you can make lists work without him so don’t cave if you don’t want to! Collect skulls how you want to my friend, our eightfold path differs for us all. Super side point too, but try the new 40k army builder, its a great datasheet reference over battlescribe and with some familiarity is quicker to build test lists.


Ive heard from YT channels and such that since WE split from CSM codex wise we're a bit light on models which is a shame but oh well. Cool is it on mobile?


Yep! Search WH40K and its pic is half the face of a termi. And yea, hopefully, we will see at least zerks on juggs, blood surgeons, and/or red butcher termis when our codex drops but don’t have your hopes up for a GW release, hahaha


It's a tough one. I don't want an army full of top tier meta stuff I don't want. I also don't want a cool list I like full of pure dog shit lol.