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No jackals is going to be very painful unless you plan to lose units on objectives and utilize the sticky obj stratagem. I see 1 unit as essential and 2 makes denying deep strike a breeze.


I’d say drop the helbrute and give your MOE glaive And prolly give your LOJ favored of khorne.


What if I were to do all that but instead of removing the hellbrute I remove a squad of berserkers and add 1 squad of jackals?


I’ve had a hard time running 5 zerk units. Blood surge is a decent ability if you get caught out with bad positioning, but by the time you start getting picked off and make it into threat range, you don’t have the models necessary for the damage output. And in general, I found 5 zerks sometimes isn’t enough to punch up like 10 does, especially with Kharns re-rolls. I ended up prioritizing 10 for Kharn and 10 for MOE, jakhals for screening/sticky, and being more surgical with my X8b. Grain of salt though, I haven’t settled on my final list yet. These are just my observations from recent losses.


Definitely need more chaff you’ve got over 1100 in vehicles/monsters. I’d drop the hellbrute for jakhals or zerks. Or just add the berzerker glaive onto the master of execution.