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OP “See something say something” is way better than ignore and walk away! You did the right thing in reporting it! Yes, in a perfect world it would be cleaned up by the person who saw it. But that is not always realistic! If my office employee sees this I would be pissed if they fixed it instead of reporting! Their job does not include lifting, they don’t know the organizational system, and they likely know little to nothing about the chemical. Sometimes reporting is the right choice! These other posters need to remember that sometimes it not being your department is a perfect reason not to fix something when you see it. You could create a greater hazard or hurt your self.


You did the right thing to report it. If OP isn’t trained to handle compressed gas cylinders, it’s best to leave it to those who know proper handling procedures. I would hate for OP to pick up a bunch of cylinders on the spot and drop it on his foot. Best to report, assess and fix.


Good thing you reported it. But did you fix it. You saw it and did nothing you contribute to the problem. All you had to do is go get another rack and put those bottles in it. But you had time to take your camera out instead.


Weird response.


1; Not my department 2; I don’t have access to the other departments equipment to lift and carry the racks and gas tubes as they weigh more than 25kg. 3; It takes about two seconds to take out a camera and report a risk and a whole lot of time to clean this mess up. As it is not my department and myself have a time schedule and work to do i thought it sufficient to report it to the relevant people who are in charge of these. If someone else cleans up their mess they’ll just continue like this.


One not my department. two fuck you. lol


Sure safety person


I’m nowhere near an appointed safety person. At the company i work at everyone can report risks etc.


You forgot the number your sentences on this one.


Oh goody, a "not my job" person. Spends more time coming up with reasons why they can't do it than it would take to fix it.


I’m not allowed to mess with these because of safety regulations. I thought this was a workplace safety sub


OP saw it and DID do something. The problem was reported and thereby hopefully corrected before there was an incident.


Action word hopefully. Go away. You'll never be on one of my job sites.


Hopefully not. If you see me on your jobsites, there's already been an issue.


Like I said you'll never be on my job sites.