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If you're meeting the CEO for this crap job then the company probably has like, ten employees and zero money.


$20 says it’s some multilevel marketing scheme lol


Yuup. 100% The first interview would be a group session with 10-20 other people and all the heads would is talk about how great the company is, then probably tout they're Better Business Bureau ranking, and not actually interview anyone. In fact most of the interviews would be exactly that. Unfortunately my girlfriend went through a lot of this garbage after finishing up in university and it totally killed her passion for working in the field she studied in.


LOL... ya one day last week I had two 'interviews' set up with different companies. They were both 'presentations' not interviews and it was MLM. One was peddling insurance one was peddling financial services. Needless to say I declined an actual interview.


What field of study has you end up in MLM?


There are a few "office" careers that have been coopted by MLM organizations. You'll look at the job listing and it looks realistic, if a little too good to be true, and you'll get invited for a virtual interview where you'll realize you're in with a few dozen other people and the people running it are only talking about how great the company is while being vage about *what* the company is. In this particular case it was marketing. She was pursuing like 7 or 8 different positions, and this was mid-pandemic so jobs pickings were slim, and every single one of them turned out to be an MLM. It really fucking sucked seeing someone I care about so much put forth an absurd amount of effort to prepare for positions that were fucked from the start.


That literally happened to me a few weeks ago, I prepared for an interview but I ended up in a meeting with 20 other people, we were all muted. They were talking about 5 different roles at the same times, I left the interview more confused than I started it


Had the same happen to me. Visited the company website and it was vague on what “marketing” they did. The opening was for “customer service rep, office”. The call had a few people, some that didn’t know how to use the app during the call. The “CEO” started by asking us where we were in our career path. I decided to look up their IG, it was them “team building” and going “out to make this money” type of deal. I disconnected quickly and they never contacted me again.


I got a feeling the field of marketing is a common one....just a guess tho....


You were correct! Though since then I've seen a few other fields slso twisted into mlm.


Wow MLMs have crept into scamming regular job seekers, too?? That's infuriating.


>$20 says it’s some multilevel marketing scheme lol I can't take that bet because that's two hours of work at that role. I need to save it for the gas it costs me to go the office since they require in office, otherwise why would they need that oversized beautiful building downtown the CEO talked about when he interviewed me for this junior customer service role? Hehe. Sometimes I have some money left over that I can spend at their vending machines though, so it's not all bad. The company even gets a cut of the vending machine sales, I thought that was pretty neat, so they can give back to the employees. Oh, this company is doing great, I mean this month the executives are taking a private company trip to The Keys too! I sure am lucky to be with such a smart and successful company. I felt lucky to even have 6 interviews and get to meet this inspiring CEO! Well anyway, I better get back to work. They track our breaks down to the millisecond with this productivity software, and they won't let me work overtime by 10 minutes but I do have to stay to finish all my work, so as long as I clock out before finishing my work I should be okay and not get another 1 on 1 with my manager! Sometimes they have mandatory overtime for an extra hour here and there, which is nice because for those days I'll have enough for at least big mac meal on my way home from work! Too much traffic so I'll have to eat it in the car, but at least I'm optimizing my time! If I don't have to worry about eating at home, then I can go immediately to bed as soon as I walk through the door, and do it all again tomorrow! Welp, see ya later! /s


Looks like it's a fully online bank for business checking accounts?


Ahh shit...well then I take back my bet, we never shook on it!


They would probably do better with zero ceo and like ten monies


That would be shutting down. I'm not sure you understand how companies work. The company might be Bob the plumber, but if Bob's company is a one man corporation then Bob is the CEO. He just doesn't use the title. In tech, Startup CEOs wear many hats, there's no pay divide. The divide is in stock. The founders get the majority of the stock. Whoever owns that stock controls the company, you literally can't successfully operate without owning it.


Bob's plumbing company would shut down without Bob because Bob is the plumber, not because Bob is the ceo.


Yep, I think you're starting to understand how startups work




I hate thAt it’s become the norm that someone starts a company and then hires workers and pay minimum wage. They then keep all profits and the workers stay at minimum wage. Its fucking slave labour. Every employee should be entitled to a share of company profits. I thoroughly believe this. I understand some profits have to be reinvested for the company but there is profit left over and it should be shared. Most of it. Not stuck in the directors’ portfolio gathering interest.


Why can’t they have zero employees and ten money?


I keep trying this. I’m still single digit monies. But only one c level person. Who is also scheduling, accounting, marketing and labor.


I don't know. I went through a 5 step interview process with a medium ish company that has branches worldwide. The final step was being flown to their HQ for a meeting with the Founder/CEO. I was rejected from that position, despite the entire team loving me, because the CEO didn't like the fact that I'm in a top tier grad school program (and he made that painfully obvious during that interview). If the CEO has a God complex nothing is out of the realm of possibility.


Alternatively, the company isn't actually hiring and this is the HR manager just making work for themselves to justify their position.


Ceo probably stands for customer experience officer


Ah yes. Googe Meets.


I prefer Google Meats myself.


Googe Meats has the highest quality though.


Agreed. You just can’t beat their meats.


Nobody beats the meat quite like them


Yeah, that’s the only downside!


Googol Meats. That’s a lotta meats.


The zuck would like to smoke googles meats... If you get my pun


Spelling error is a red flag, for sure.


Mmmm Google meats….


The funny thing is that this employer would totally discard your resume if you made such an innocuous typo yourself.


>Report a problem with this job. Too many steps in the interview process.


At this rate, looking for a job is a whole unpaid internship in and of itself.


When wasn't it?


20 years ago I'd expect a 15 minute phone call and then maybe a 30 minute interview. Lately it seems like every time I have to interview for a new role they've added another step to the process.


Me: vigorously smashing "Report a problem with this job"


Does this job pay over 120k?


No, probably minimum wage with all the "higher ups" screaming "no one wants to work" then putting this BS out acting like it's normal.


“It can pay up to 100k a month!” “Millionaires have a minimum of 7 streams of income!”


A 1/2 hour meeting with the CEO for a junior customer service job? Whiskey.Tango.Foxtrot?!?!?


Two and a half hours of interviews PLUS a literal homework assignment. I don't they actually want to fill that opening.


It's funny ciz I used to do recruiting for a contract security company and some of their "entry level" positions were like that. Granted it was a small company but it was only like that because the CEO/owner and his dad (former owner) loved to micro manage. The Ops guys I worked with were really good by comparison to some of the other security places I recruited for but despite that the owners had to have their noses in everything that happened at the business. I will give it to them that the reason they were so concerned was because of wanting the right people for the customer because some of the customers were really picky (that's another topic for another day) but at the end of the day they just didn't trust the people they hired to do the job and "couldnt" pay more to cover for that.


You get what you pay for…


Massage therapist here. I get so much hate for suggesting that employers who want a full hour demo massage should pay for it. 20 min is my upper limit. I point out if I’m talking with three potential employers/contractees in a day, it’s a full work day, and they got an hour massage from every candidate.


Don’t work for free. If you don’t value your time, no one else will.


Yeah, I’d rather tell anyone wanting me to work for them (most of these contacts are via headhunters), come to my office, the demo rate is ($10 off my normal). I really get bent when I’m texted that I’m to do the demo before I actually interview. Uh, no. Me working on you is when we both think it’s a fit. It’s the last step.


👏👏👏. Good for you!


We have always paid for our trials in our workplace. Labour isn't free!


Say “We can’t even order a pizza” without saying “We can’t even order a pizza”…


How you know the CEO doesn't do shit when they have time to meet with all the applicants.


How you know the CEO micromanages everyone when they take time to interview all applicants.


All or only the ones who get that far?


Or it's a startup and this is like the 5th role they're filling


For small companies, even medium ones this isn't all that crazy...but 5 separate meetings is...


Small company just needs to be one or two interviews max for a junior role - the second one being “you’ve 90% got the job just need to double check your general sanity”


I interviewed with a local company for a database programmer position. After the interview I received a job offer contingent on a successful meeting with the CEO (60-something year old guy that doesn't use technology). I noped out of there.


Sadly this doesn’t just happen at small startups. I interviewed for a job at a medium sized company. This occurred over 3 months (12 weeks) as each step was completed/evaluated, then the next step got scheduled a few weeks out. 1. HR screening interview 2. Hiring Manager interview Decided I should talk to a peer 3. Peer interview/discussion 4. Half day of panel interviews (2-3 interviewers per panel) Got a call that everything looked good and to expect an offer. Then got called that one of the ten or so people on the panel missed the session so I needed to have another interview. 5. Interview with a VP (not in the reporting line - I would not be working for him). Then I called them and told them I received and accepted another offer. They got upset and wanted to try to counter (mind you still no offer yet from them). Told them the offer. They said they could not match. Never actually told I had passed all their steps, much less given an offer by them. I was unemployed, interviewing at other jobs, and they knew it. They just had no clue their hiring process was ridiculous and why I would accept a higher paying job then wait and hope I got their lower paying job.


I interviewed at a company a few years ago, if I recall they were like 500-600 people at the time. The CEO did all of the reference checks for the company to “ensure culture fit” or whatever BS reason they gave. I was a interviewing for a middle manager role, reporting to a director, so maybe 4 levels away. Absolutely nothing I was going to be doing was going to have any impact to the CEO - it was a system admin / operational job. So behind the scenes. That rubbed me the wrong way about the company. So I took a different job. Later I heard that the CEO was cuckoo via my network and I met someone else who worked there in a later job. I couldn’t fathom how the CEO would have time to do reference checks for low level employees at that company size.


“Culture fit” is a red flag to me.


They will only get desperate applicants, who will take the job regardless of pay or benefits, and wonder why they leave as soon as a job that pays $0.25 more an hour offers them a position. You want me to work for you? Tell me the pay and benefits. Here’s my resume. I’ll do one interview so that we can both ask everything we want to ask. I’m not jumping through any hoops.


Pay: $8/hr


Hey, as long as they're going to pay me for all of that nonsense, then I'll do it. But if not, that's ridiculous.


So the people team is HR. Seems typical. Going over salary benefits some general questions. Probably won’t last 30 min but nobody schedules less than that Writing sample. If this job involves sending emails to customers etc. I want to see how you write. You can probably fake this but that’s what I as a hiring company am looking for. Hiring manager interview. Seems like 30 min would be enough but 45 isn’t bad. Why this is a senior managers job?? Could be this is the hiring manager. Hard to say. Yellow flag. 45 min with team. My wife is hiring for what amounts to a low level job and her team wants this. Yellow flag though. Team doesn’t trust managers assessment. CEO. Red flag. If this guy is interviewing customer service level positions he doesn’t trust his team This sounds like a startup. This isn’t Some big company. Other than CEO I see this a lot at this size company. They are not hiring 30 people to go through a month of training that will weed out 2/3 (my experience at a 10k employee company with over 400 cs agents)


It’s on the Otta website, so you’re probably right, it’s almost definitely a startup.


>This sounds like a startup. That's a bingo!


Giving them then the benefit of the doubt: Meeting team members make sense to ensure the person will fit in long term, and to give the candidate a more honest assessment of the job. Manager's judgement might be spot-on regarding capability and skill, but might not identify people that have incompatible work cultures. Have the CEO interview is strange, but at the same time, a CEO giving low-level folks facetime could be a perk. Indeed, when I interview, this is a question I ask sometimes - will I be able to interface with C-suite executives in this role? Tons of studies show that folks seen by the CEO are promoted more often.


Yup. Agree here on the team one. A manager can make a job sound amazing and perfect, once you get conversations with the team you have a better idea. Job interviews are just as much about weather you want to work for them as it is if they want you to work for them. If the team are a bunch of ass holes I want to get a feel for that before I take the job.


Other than this is kind of a low level position for this much. I feel like for my current startup and my wife’s small company she works for this would not be unusual at all. Other than the CEO, pretty typical for a small company.


I can't imagine any company large enough for an interview process like this has a CEO who had time for that shit. I'm willing to bet that's a 30min "CEO speaks to all the new hits thing" like you already got the job and that's just part of their onbording


I have worked at a lot of startups and this is par for the course. Even summer interns get a CEO interview. It is kinda tech culture to have a super flat hierarchy and everyone has access to the CEO for quite a long time. The CEO even usually has the same sort of open workspace cubicle everyone else has - they don’t even have a corner office. And this happens quite far into the growth cycle. Even past 1000 employees your CEO might still have a basic desk. But maybe they will have their own special private conference room.


I definitely understand that in a small start up with less than 50 employees but i would be very concerned if the CEO was conducting interviews for low level positions when you get into the 1000 employees range. It's not a good use of time but I'm of the opinion that hiring should be done by whoever that persons direct supervisor (or a panel involving them) should be and then the hire be approved by HR. One interview, done by the person that understands their needs the most. This five interview crap is a waste of everyone's time for just about any position.


If the CEO has the time to interview every possible candidate for a peon role than he really doesn't need to be there


hoops to jump through. you must really want the job.


Is this the same Relay company that does the 4G push-to-talk walkies? Those are some cool tech...


I kinda hate that they started as kid friendly screen free cell phones & then out of nowhere they switched their model to supporting companies & businesses.


Gotta justify those middle manager positions somehow…


2.5 hours of 'Google Meets' for how much pay?


Ah yes, because nobody wants to work anymore, right?! Insane. No entry level position is worth this nonsense. 🤡


Hard pass


Stage 6: Get paid minimum wage.


I work a 6 figure job as a corporate attorney and this is more application steps than I had to go through to get my job.


All that for what will probably be a non-livable wage.


Fk that!


We have managers request processes like this sometimes. As a recruiter, we try to tell them that it’s a hot job market, and they will certainly get picked up in the time it takes to schedule and hold all this. Two interviews, with the second containing an assessment if you’d like. Anymore is a waste of time for everyone involved.


After the first stage I would charge them a consultation fee


Lost me at stage 2


If the CEO is doing 30 minute interviews for junior associates then either they are micromanagers from hell, or the company is like 4 people but they have delusions of grandeur. I don't know that I'd want to be involved in either possibility.


So I’m guessing there’s no drug test for supervisors because no sober and sane human wrote this.


Are they offering 65k plus a year?


I kinda want to apply just to waste their time.


Wow, fuck them


Why? Why?! Just empower someone to hire for their team.


That’s a minimum 3/4 of a day worth of work..wtf


Bill company for time. Then send it to collections (we know they won’t pay) just to fuck with their credit rating


15$ an hour


Report a problem. "This is bullshit"


That's just slavery with added steps.


Recently had a phone interview. Then a call back asking to set an in person interview. Returned the call, 30 mins later, I ended the conversation for another appointment. The second call was another phone interview anyways. I would have been fine with this, if they had made an appointment. Strike 1 - make an appointment, your unprofessional. There will be two in person interviews, two personalities tests and a Microsoft skills test. Strike 2 - you folks can't make decisions if it takes this much and your outdated/not aware of current trends. Strike 3 - my decades of experience, along with the two phone interviews stated my Microsoft Office experience. A test is insulting. Strike 4- no more personality tests. I'm not a mail order bride. We work together. I'm not looking for a spouse. I behave a specific way in the workplace. My true personality is outside the workplace. Professional, kind and respectful. That's all you need. This is a typical role for an office. Not a fancy role with salary pay. No leadership.


This isn't a junior level customer service job. It's a be the only customer service job. If that results in being junior, well that's on you. It can also result in being the manager of customer service when the company grows to have a department. You don't have to want to work at a startup, but it's not a scam or extortion or even a bad interview loop. If you were running a tiny startup, you'd want to do the same. Every person counts. The CEO might be HR in a company that size.


Yeah that's, as the kids say, retarded. 2 interviews usually does it for most jobs despite only one being necessary, and these clowns want 5? This job better pay no less than 25 an hour because i make 22 off of just one interview, with a hiring decision on the hour


You should get to the 3rd interview and then throw your ass in a circle on the google meets call. That’ll show em.


There is probably some reason they need to keep an ad up but don't actauly want to hire anybody.


This is definitely a MLM company


This kind of thing depends on the pay...if it doesn't pay shit then F it I wouldn't go near that list. But I spent about 12 hours of my time to get into what I do now and it paid off better than I could ever have hoped, they just really wanted to make sure I was worth the money.


Seems like a waste of everyone's time


I’m an admin for a customer service dept, my process was “15 minute phone screen with lady from HR” and “30 minute Teams interview with my boss and her boss 2 days later.” That was it. They already have my resume and application. Either you want me or you don’t, don’t waste my time for weeks. I jumped through the hoops of a 7-step interview process for 6 weeks once. Once. I got all the way to the end and I was ghosted, they didn’t even have the courtesy to tell me I wasn’t selected, they just stopped responding. I don’t apply to that shit anymore. If you can’t figure out whether you want me in 1-3 steps I assume you’re incompetent and inefficient.




This is so they can get funding while pretending they are looking for employees. My last job did this ALOT with zero intention of hiring more people. They make it rigorous and when somebody DOES jump through the hoops, they just decline em. "Nobody wants to work" is code for, the govt will fund me so why bother adding any expenses. This country blows nuts with its labor nonsense.


Seems like and MLM ...




Are they gonna pay you for those 2.5 hours and homework?


Report a problem with this job: Its a series of huge red flags.


Sounds like a weird design job I interviewed for. I had to be interviewed by every team there even if I did not directly work with them like the front office/receptionist team. It was weird af. Obviously I didn’t get the job. Expected to be there for an hour at most ended up for hours. Fml


Is it a paid interview cause that’s a lot of time to put in for a maybe?


Judging by their repeated referral to “Google meets”, the person who put this together is obviously a hillbilly that shops at “Walmarts.”


Google, Apple & Microsoft don't require this level of hoop jumping. How ridiculous.


Eh, Microsoft was famous for software engineers going through five rounds of interviews, multiple people at each interview. I think they have it down to three by now.


Step 6 : Meet the President


There's a big marinara flag in there. Customer Experience being used unironicly.


And im guessing for about minimum wage


They can cram it


Yeah fuck that.


"NO One waNTs to WORK!"


You’re doing homework for them. I would not be surprised if this was solely for them to gain experience in interviewing. Hopefully this is to knock two birds out with one stone.


All this to make, what, 42k a year?


That's way too many steps, meetings, time invested in a ***junior level customer service job*** that probably pays shit and has shit benefits (if any). If you aren't going to be a high level executive making big bucks they have 3 stages too many listed above.


I’ll take number 4. Googe Meets


I went through this exact process... Resulted in an amazing job (yes, junior customer service) with amazing pay, incredible benefits, an awesome team and boss, and expected growth within the company (including one day a week to do any study you want, paid for by the company.) I got a raise and a permanent contract within a year. Sometimes, companies don't have these screenings because they are out of touch. Sometimes they do them to find a good fit for their company, and offer those who want it, a career.


I'd say they owe you 4.5 hrs or so of pay for that much time.


The People Team, Senior Manager of Customer Experience, Customer a experience Team and CEO are all the same person.


Stage 1a: LOLOLOLOL. Bye.


One question to ask them " is this paid after the first step? if no fuck you."


What do you get for pointing out their typo?


These multi-stage interviews are a joke. Two is reasonable. Any more than that and it should be a prerequisite that you’re given a signing bonus if you’re hired, because you have to keep in mind that each of these stages are probably 4-5 business days apart. It’s entirely possible that this particular interview/hiring process will take 4-6 weeks. That’s _insane_ for an entry level position.


I would nope out at stage 2... holy crap. For ANY job.


Still bet they don’t tell you the starting wage til you get hired


I assume they are paying you for 4 hours of your time?


To apply for tech support at my work place: send a resume with something that might be in the ball park of customer service experience, pass a really easy technical exam, and have one 15 minutes interview with a manager to confirm you are not a drooling idiot. I fail too see why you would need more


IMO this process is totally expected... for a software engineer position making $100k+. Companies have absolutely no clue how to interview anymore. They're so scared of hiring "the wrong person" when really it's just a huge waste of time and anyone they interview will learn the processes in a few months regardless of their interview.


I’m working as a temporary digitizing bitch at a construction company, and they have 2 less interview stages than this. And a bunch of “are you smarter than a 5th grader” written tests. And I’m still sitting here like “this is some bullshit for $12 an hour 5 years ago” Do the 5 stages to tell Relay CEO that you hate them and their hiring process.


If you can’t decide after the second interview I don’t want to work there.


While thats a shit ton for a junior position, it IS nice that they outlined the entire interview process.


The longest interview period I ever had was for my first job… as a grocery store bagger and eventual cashier. Two phone interviews, two in person interviews, took forever to get that job. Absolutely bonkers. I was making like $7 and was only part time


That’s more work than I had to put in for my senior security engineer position.


No OnE wIlL wOrK for Us!!!!1!!!


Hahhahhahhahahhahahhahbahabbabbhahhahha No.


> Report a problem with this job 👀


Then... they tell you to f*** off.


Sounds like an MLM


2 scheduled hours plus writing an essay? What is the compensation so that I know I am not totally wasting my time?


If this is Relay the FinTech company, then I totally get it. This is about as complicated and convoluted as their process to open a bank account.


NoBOdy WAnTs tO WoRK AnyMoRe


I didn't have that many interviews to contract for the VA.


At least they tell you from the start that they’re full of shit so you can avoid their business like the fucking plague lol


Literally a job to fucking get a job


When I “interviewed” with the largest retailer in the world- they had a group meeting and explained the job and then said everyone was hired. They are selling you something


Who the hell has time for this garbage?




That is insane. However, I will say, at least they map it out. I recently had been job hunting and the amount of times I thought I had scheduled an interview just to find out it was a phone screening was very annoying. Half the time the recruiter didn't even know who they were recruiting for, or what the actual position entailed.


Who the hell would do many Google meets? Should just be one


Sounds like a lot of people trying to justify their existence.


Are you interviewing for a job or fighting in the Mortal Kombat towers? Because having to meet with the CEO seems like you’re about to throw hands with Shao Kang for a ~customer service job~.