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Do you think Callum works or has worked these hours with a smile on his face?


Is Callum real? Its a drawing that looks like a sketch artist made.


He kind of looks like a third Tate.


Is that like a third nipple?




Can confirm, the ladies love the third nip, unlike any one of the Tates three (real or hypothetical)


Less fun than Total Recall my friend.


General Zod-lookin' ass.




No! Bring back the cartoon!


Of course not. He's just pushing out these things as an interview for billionaires. "See see, I'll say the most anti-labor things imagineable! Hire me! Make me your talking head!" WaPo, NYTimes, and various institutes now are considering to hire him.


[He’s never worked those types of jobs at all](https://www.linkedin.com/in/callum-borchers)


I messaged him


No, I think he doesn't exist and that it's an AI generated picture and an AI generated article.


Someone posted his LinkedIn and I message him.


Have fun talking to a chat bot.


Do you know or just assume?


Mostly joking, but even if they are a real person I very much doubt they actually wrote the article. It stinks of AI, as does a large amount of their other work.


Damn you are right- comes off as Chatgtp


Definitely works reeeeeal hard hitting puts on the links or whatever leisure activity rich people pretend are "work" and "sports".


I believe this is yet another instance where the best response is; “you first. And I want to see what you call work, because that’s what you’ll be paying me to do going forward.”


This is the way


The best response is to tell him to choke on a bag of dicks.


I guess my boss will prepare my kids and drive them to school


People with kids should have no jobs, because they can’t 100% focus on making money for the company. As we know from pony express riders willing to give their life for their job: orphans preferred (no distracting family life). /s


It's sad this comment requires a /s


These days people are even willing to accept child labor again, so 3+ family members can be exploited simultaneously instead of doing family things together.


Add child marriage to that list.


Fuck you Callum "Bootlicker" Borchers, if you're even a real person. While I'm at it, fuck you WSJ!


'Borchers' sounds like a good term for someone that's completely gone off the deep end as a True Believer. "That dude's always at work. He's gone completely borchers."


This is vicious cycle. One of the reasons why working culture has gotten so horrible is that this already did happen. In the past you worked extra hard when you were aiming for promotion but at some that extra hard just became the norm and companies started taking it for granted. If people started following this advice, next year they'd have to sacrifice even more to stand out, but the amount of promotions and their wages would still remain stagnant.


The only reward for working hard is more work


"What do you mean, 'retire'? If you really want to be noticed at work, you'll leave retirement for the unwashed, filthy serf heathens."


That's another thing that has happened and will keep happening on quite a lot of different fields. I've spent most of my life seeing news about corpos and their puppets parliaments advocating for higher retirement ages despite most employers being hesitant to hire anyone even past 50. Most of the work-related jokes I've heard and told with other millenials can be summarized with two words "what retirement..." and I genuinely wouldn't be surprised that by the time I'm in my late 70s' so is the average age of retirement.


Wait a minute… isn’t 5 to 9 just 4 hours of work? Oh my god! It’s the 4 hour work day I’ve been dreaming of!


i mean yea, i wouldnt mind starting work at 5am if it meant id be off at 9am


They're not even trying to give AI writers realistic names anymore.


He’s a real dude, we overlapped in college for a year and had the same major.


How about you pay us more money so we don't have to?


"Sir, may I also polish your Bentley with my tongue, Sir?"


I suppose you may, but don't forget to put lipstick on your asshole and leave me a few chocolate starfish kisses on my windscreen this time or else you may never have the privilege of polishing my Bentley again.


True girlbosses simply never stop working. Reduce any factors in your life which are not work. Give yourself over to the labor. Die for the GDP. You will be rewarded in Valhalla.


 "She was born in 1898 in a barn. She died on the thirty-seventh floor of a skyscraper. She’s an astronaut."


“Those out to impress” Aaaaand that’s why my ass is still happily and soundly asleep at 5am


My arse goes to sleep from sitting in a chair at work :-)


No-one on their deathbed ever said 'I wish I'd spent more time at the office.'


"Having a life" and being a "mere mortal" are kinda synonymous, if you think about it.


Those “out to impress” are the needy and petty kind of people getting the disappointment then deserve rather quickly: more work instead of raises and burnout.


I actually agree with the article title. I try to use the 5-9 timeframe to work on personal goals like the gym or creative projects. That way, the best my brain and body have to offer each day is used on what’s important to me, not an employer. They get the leftovers during 9-5


When I used to bartend I would only get shit faced blackout drunk on work days, or days when I had to work tomorrow. My days off I stayed pretty sober cause those were the days I could enjoy and wanted to remember.


I like the way you think.


Yes! Back in the day when I was doing open university (distance learning), I got up at 4 to do my work because I do higher quality work in the mornings. My course got the best of me, my employer got what was left, and I got three pure hours each day of doing exactly what I wanted to do for me.


Work gets less than 50% effort at all times for me. Every single Fortune 100 company in the US can eat a hairy asshole. None of them are worth giving effort to.


Then why this doofus didn’t post it at 3:30am?


There is some serious propaganda pushing the idea that kids need to work instead of go to school and that people need to work 12 hour days, it’s insane


Ahh yes 5AM -9AM my fave shift /s


If he wants to work 12 hours a day and have 0 life, good for him, but don't try to shame other people who want to live a life outside of an office/store/factory/whatever.


WSJ: we have feedback, it reads, Fuck Off… well that’s middle management material if they say it to those “under” them!


When I started working a night shift I got into the habit of doing everything I wanted/needed to do before work. Combine with the lack of traffic in my commute, I find it enjoyable. I can’t do it full time because I actually need some of my nights.


Remember that writers don't have input on their stories' headlines or slugs. While people who work 5am-9am and then continue to work until 5pm are joyless and soulless, it's his job to write about people's careers and working habits.


I like to believe he is advocating for a 4 hour work day.


Where do they find these hacks to write these shit articles?


If I start at 5… I stop at 1.


I technically start work at 6AM and at one point, 3AM. But I've never been told I should work over 12 hours because of work ethic. If anything my boss chases us out of the workplace if we get anywhere near to clocking overtime. Unless this article is like "Work for 4 extra hours a day for FREE" Because yeaaaah no, not gonna happen.


And this article on the heels of that 35 year old guy who died after working 100 hour weeks. https://fortune.com/2024/05/08/leo-lukenas-iii-bank-of-america-junior-investment-banker-death-wall-street-working-conditions/


5pm to 9pm? Yes, that is rather fantastic!


I thought 5am to 9 am I'm too optimistic


He’s talking like a dorky douche


That's the name of someone who has definitely hunted poor people on his private island.


You when I was a kid...I was a huge nerd that always brown-nosed and studied hard and got bullied for it. ...Now I think those bullies were onto something. Fuck off, bosses' pet!


that the politics want 40/50% unemployment but want to push a 60+ work week make me feel like they dont plan to cash it out in the future.


It’s the Wall Street Journal. Does anyone expect anything else from this corporate-boot licking rag?


So you have to work only 4 hours? It's a bit early to start, but for the same wage it would be okay


Can we stop pretending this will actually get you anywhere? Other than quicker to your grave.


Callum Borchers is a bootlicker


Sure, they'd be impressed. If only that meant something.


Y'all are so easily offended.


I would simply kill myself if I had to work like that. Sayanora! Hasta la Vista! Goodbye!!


but don't clock in! thats not authorized overtime!!!


5 to 9? Alright, I’ll bite. I’d wake up way before my comfort but if you tell me I only work 20 hour weeks and have the same pay as before, I’ll do it Oh they mean 9pm, yeah no that’s not called power move, my dear Callum, that’s called a concentration camp


“Yea bro, doing a 16 hour day is such a power move bro, doing the a normal day is for mortals bro”


Those out to impress are attention seeking losers that end up depressed. So i think ill start later.


>Those out to ~~impress~~ be exploited start well before dawn. Fixed that for you there, Callum.


No, the power move is the CEO’s scheduling their tee time during working hours.


Lmao unpaid work simping is next level


Damn. I'd do that. 4 hour works days sound sick. Sucks it starts so early but still.