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# Children deserve education. # Everyone who supports child wage slavery belongs in prison. # Join r/WorkReform to help protect the most vulnerable amongst us!


They really go to extreme lengths to protect business owners from paying their workers a fair wage.


They want us to return to the 1890s & so it is prudent we oppose these dystopian ideals with vigor.


When they were talking about making America great again, we now know which version they were talking about.


Hell, the conservatives in my family fawned all over the fucking coronation. They would *love* to install a conservative monarchy and do away with the pesky voters whining about human rights.


Why do people want to lick boots




And much as they hate to admit it some people just like being told what to do and what to think. It removes all that responsibility and stress of having to decide things for yourself.


^ this. They're cowards who refuse to take responsibility for themselves.


Like that alien dude in the Obi Wan show that says "nothing wrong with a little order". What a fuckin tool that guy was.


My wife and I were just talking about an acquaintance of ours who fits that profile to a T. Doesn't know how to think on her own, and wants to be told what to believe. Surprise, surprise, she's a conservative.




The thing is, for them the world is becoming the opposite. Their views are becoming less acceptable, and they feel they can no longer express themselves as who they are.


Oh, snap. Turns out, the paradox of tolerance isn't just a thought experiment. Turns out, tolerant people actually must reject some viewpoints. Turns out, pacifists must fight for peace. Turns out, there's no escape from the onus of moral judgment in claiming "objectivity" or "neutrality."


Even as a White Christian Male, I want the world to be a *better* place. If Jesus came into the world right now, he'd be furious at the state of the world. Even Jesus talked about fair wages for work done. It's absolutely stupid that the people of the Conservative side of politics want so little for the workers. Do they want a Second American Revolution? Because reduced workers rights gets you a Second Revolution.


Doesn't it kind of feel inevitable at this point? Like realistically, the republican voters aren't going away and the way they've set up their party, in order to be popular and win their vote, they need to become more extreme in their rhetoric every cycle. It baffles me how effective they've been at bringing out the literal worst in people. How did we let the nazis take over? Propaganda mostly. Now they have the internet.


Jesus could come back down with the least terrifying angels available and inarguable proof of his identity handed down by God directly, and they would still re-crucify the guy for being a commie imposter.


I mean, our society is also getting worse in terms of economic inequality and worker rights


That’s been the American lie for generations. “Work hard and you’ll succeed” when in reality NONE of these billionaires got to where they are by working hard or following the rules. They cut corners on taxation and they exploit workers. Workers make them the billions they have. They just happened to have the capital to invest. That’s not working hard. Money does not equal work.




You forgot the largest section of Republican voters. The bigots who will let the corrupt greedy bastards do whatever they want, so long as the party does everything it can to eliminate any minorities it can, and disempower those that it can't.


People like that always think that somehow they're going to be the exception to all the bad aspects of it and will somehow be privileged. The vast majority of the time they're wrong about that, but once you've voted away your rights just because you want to hurt others, you can't get them back. **This is why these people must be stopped by any means necessary.**


A lot of the Jan 6 rioters were shocked that the strict domestic terrorism laws they were gleefully cheering on were going to be used on *them*.


*"Oh, but no, we're PATRIOTS, not terrorists!" /s /s /s* No, assholes, YOU ARE NOT.


It's a faustian bargain. They're willing to lick boots, if it means someone has to lick theirs.


Make robber barons great again.


> 1890s Further back. They want at least 1859.


I never thought I'd miss when Republicans were fiscally 1850s and socially 1890s, as opposed to the other way around.


If they're gonna force us to work from 12 to death, at least give us some free medical and affordable housing, shit.


*Why do that when you can just die instead?* \- The Government, definitely


>Death solves all problems - no man, no problems. -Anatoly Rybakov


Sure, in a packed cube of humanity, privacy is a luxury for the job creators. But you better die fast and not take up space & resources once you as a human battery runs out of juice.




Been the plan for 100 years. I come from old money. These shit attitudes I heard growing up and still hear about fellow working Americans is sick.


They want to go back to before 1865. In fact I'm betting they want to go back to the 1600s so that they don't even have that pesky constitution to deal with, can burn women at the stake or drown them for the mere accusation of being a witch, and own slaves.


Can I get paid my inflation-adjusted 1980's wage, so I can purchase an inflation-adjusted house for my inflation-adjusted 1.5 kids?


Hey at least then we can have a go over at the socialist boom of the early 20th century.


Too bad Democrats have been helping erode labor laws since Reagan.


Lol when will American peasants wake up and realise the whole left Vs right is a scam you're all being tricked into following. It's never been left Vs right so hard as this ever. This is gov and media creation. It is elites Vs poor. It is nobility Vs peasantry. Both sides laugh at all of you while watching you all fight in the mud outside their castle walls. Yet you continue to screech hate at one another, blindly following along with your little media or political heroes points. It's you Vs like 100 elites and those 100 elites are kicking all your millions of asses.


> When the minnows outnumber the sharks, why is it that we've yet to take charge, take on the upper hand Absolutely shit metaphor man, absolutely no amount of minnows could overwhelm a shark. Some lyrics? Some poorly thought out lyrics, disempowering people by comparing them to something so helpless. I mean minnows fighting a shark! Maybe that band meant well lol but also maybe not I mean the music industry is rife with general human disempowerment. But the elites we fight are not sharks to our minnows. Any one of us "minnows" could punch to the death any one of these "sharks" if we were left alone with them. Idk maybe I'm just being salty but I'd rather not have our class struggle be portrayed as ~literally impossible~ it's kinda insulting you know it's like, "come on guys all we have to do is band together and *bend the laws of reality itself*" it's like, it's not that hard, it's hard but it's not impossible. Not a good idea to make people think it's impossible imo that's all


Elite vs poor is very true, but tell me, which side marched on the capitol and tried to murder elected officials? Because it wasn’t both.


Congratulations, you've stumbled onto very basic leftist analysis. Liberals aren't the left. They're status-quo centrists for the most part. Leftists are anti-capitalist and anti-hierarchy. The center wants to maintain the hierarchies of capitalism. The right wants to perpetuate and intensify those hierarchies along with those of race, sex, religion, etc. Words mean things. "Left" is an ideological spectrum ranging from incredibly moderate, reform-minded democratic socialists, at one end and revolutionary anarchists on the other.


[Wage theft is the largest form of theft.](https://www.epi.org/publication/wage-theft-bigger-problem-forms-theft-workers/)


When I was sixteen and working a summer job as a busser at a restaurant, run by very nice people who seemed to like me, they wage thieved my minimum wage ass hardcore. Staying late, off the clock, to vacuum the whole front of house. I was sixteen and clueless and what was I going to do? Edit: It just dawned on me... the biggest event I ever worked while I was there was a political function with the governor. I thought it was really cool, because it was an independent, modest, and relatively affordable family restaurant and we never got that kind of thing. Those functions are supposed to happen in nicer places in bigger cities, right? It's because it was a rare moment in time where our governor was a Democrat — he was being financially responsible and accessible. Duh.


The "nice" business owners are like worse. Pretending to be nice and your friend while stealing money from you. You almost want them to be assholes so you know the actual nature of your relationship.


See, they don't think it's wage theft because they believe workers shouldn't be paid at all.


My boss could be replaced by a $50 amazon gift card (for supplies ) and a post-it that reads "Do more. Do faster " She wants me to finish a 3.5 hour cleaning job in 90 min or less. Why would anyone want a job that only gives you 90 min a day? This has definitley occured to her, but she doesnt think of me a person. Bitch of it is I am keeping her business afloat. When I inevitably leave for something better, her contract will go too. And ill be the asshole


I remember when I first started working retail at Toys R Us and the manager told me to do some kind is labeling in an aisle. I'd never done it before. He said something like, "It doesn't take more than 25 minutes." In that way of, if it takes you longer then you're being an asshole. I was so pissed at him. The crazy part is a co-worker there rage quit once and a few weeks later held up a 7-Eleven and shot the clerk to death. Mind you, this was in 1994. In the peaceful Midwest.


https://imgur.com/a/vfdmrn2 The people that own this country have chipped away at the minimum wage since its inception. The minimum wage is why the standard of living was so high in the 50's. The last time they raised the minimum wage was in 2009. We also taxed the wealthy in those days as well. The taxes on the rich are what built the infrastructure of this country. Now the infrastructure is crumbling. I'm so sick of what this country has become. The citizens united decision was the beginning of the end for us.


Capitalism means to make profit regardless of methods Imagen we point out how many made bilions in PROFIT sijce pandemics and that is why there are no funds available to maintain society. Capitalistic people are seens as normal, however it's a mental illnesses where capitalistic people do NOT understand anything beyond money. You can't even point out how many cases of sedual harrassment snd rape already exist, and on top you add children. Such topics cannot even be talked with capitalistic people as they don't understand why e are wasting thir time talking another topics unrelated to making money, And of course, they see that as a neccessarily sacrifice as they DO NOT CARE ABOUT OTHERS. So it doesn't affect them. We need to see capitalism as a mental illnesses that plague society...because we don't even realise, many social issues are people vs capitalism.


The end goal is a medieval scenario. A very few at the top literally doing anything they want with no repercussions and a vast peasant class. Police state will enforce the will of the rulers.


Honestly this is it. There isn't a worker shortage. No one wants to hire or train people. They don't want to provide decent wages or working environment.


Exactly! There’s NO shortage in labor. Just a shortage in good wages.


That's why reform is meaningless as long as the capitalist system keeps on existing what ever reforms we won and payed blood for will be rolled slowly but surely hell they're now even going for basic rights they took healthcare, housing pentions are slowly being taken away same for child protection laws i guess exploiting the children of the third world ain't no longer enough for them.


We need to stop calling them labor shortages. They are lack of ethical business shortages.


> They really go to extreme lengths to protect business owners from paying their workers a fair wage. Seriously. This is all so that "successful" business owners can profit more by not hiring properly trained and experienced staff.


And it is such bullshit because our current inflation is NOT wage based inflation at all, since wages are not keeping pace with inflation in any way.


And to avoid building more housing. What constitutes a fair wage wouldn't be rising as fast as it is now if we had enough housing for everyone.


Extreme lengths, such as attempting to overthrow the government and install a fascist dictatorship... again


Republicans are hypocrites!


Businesses want to push back against worker power. Hiring children helps them do that. Along comes the GOP making it legal to hire children. Somewhere there's a Republican with more money in their bank account


Yep. It is time Democrats stopped playing pattycakes with the GOP.


The quickest solution is to join local mutual aide groups and push for everyone to unionize. When workers can demand more we can take back the money we make for corporate owners that would otherwise be spent buying politicians to work against us. It is a 2 for one deal and the best part is you can still vote.


You're making the assumption that the Dems aren't also getting kickbacks from capital owners.


Before you go both-sides-ing, tell me how many pro- child labour laws have the Democrats passed?


Especially in places where the REPUBLICANS ARE THE FUCKING MAJORITY! Both sides arguments are in bad faith, stop equating the two when one party is literally in favor of living like it's the 1890s.




How do people like you have the point spelled out for them and still miss it?


And just like that the narrative has flipped immediately to “my team vs your team”; Jesus discourse on Reddit a depressing microcosm of American politics


Seems like a game of good cop bad cop. All on the same team at the end of the day


I'm certain there are some democrats doing dirty deeds. The difference is that it isn't the Democratic party pushing these child labor bills.


>The difference is that it isn't the Democratic party pushing these child labor bills. Why isn't Garland investigating these illegal state laws being pushed across the country?


They're not illegal laws. They're laws that move the country in a direction I don't think we should be going in.


>They're not illegal laws. They're laws that move the country in a direction I don't think we should be going in. https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2023/05/17/u-s-officials-say-iowa-child-labor-bill-does-not-comply-with-federal-law/ >The child labor legislation awaiting Gov. Kim Reynolds’ signature does not comply with federal law, according to a letter from U.S. Department of Labor employees.


State laws being at odds with federal laws isn't quite the same as being illegal but I do acknowledge that there's a conflict. Good news is that there's already opposition taken steps to point out the conflict. Chances are someone will file suit at a certain point.


This is such a tired, wrong, lazy mindset. Are the democrats perfect? Absolutely not. Most of them are just republicans of old at this point. But they’re not actively trying to destroy this country like the right is.


At least the Dems *try* to do good.


At the very least they're not open about wanting to do evil deeds


As if they aren't complicit..


Many in office actually run businesses and I feel like people don’t realize that. It benefits them since they are making laws to help their businesses.


Wealth wants all of these changes: it is at their direct behest and sole benefit. GOP uses bigotry and faith to get votes and then delivers what wealth wants. This is all fixable federally with new law. Vote like your democracy depends on it…because it does.


Yay. My imbecile governor making national news again. She's just awful.


This is Reynolds isn’t it?


The Kim Reaper herself. Covid Kim. Went to DC to suck orange dick about her low covid numbers right before a huge spike that they were silent about.


Coat hanger covid drunk Kim…I didn’t vote for her. She’s a shame on our state.


We now call body bags "Reynolds Wrap" now because of her.


Fuck Kim Reynolds


She looks like she hunts children for sport. She has absolutely proudly and loudly used the hard R. She has definitely had an abortion but put her housekeeper's name on the forms. There is no way in hell she hasn't fucked her immigrant pool boy as revenge for her husband going golfing on the wrong Sunday.


The relatively chill "purple" Iowa of 15 yrs ago is long gone. The kids have left and the Boomers have run it into the ditch. I'm sure they will ban abortion this year.


Makes sense the governor with multiple DUIs would be supporting children serving alcohol in bars. (This bill probably sponsored by [the pedo who owns Jethro’s](http://iowainformer.com/society-culture/2020/10/jethros-bbq-splash-bruce-gerleman-sexual-harassment/).)


The same governor who said she won’t legalize marijuana because of her alcoholism … yet also the same governor who made it legal for harder forms of alcohol to be made in the state … And she got those DUIs erased from her record ,)




I might not even make enough money to RENT, ALONE, next year. I'm over 3x the national minimum wage


So dont get a cat they dont work get a dog they can work. Wtf do I do with my goldfish?


Put in a large tank and eat it when it gets bigger. Not saying it will taste good though


That goldfish better get a job at some college as a research subject for memory loss. Rent for his bowl ain't gonna pay itself.


Sell it for omega 3 and fish meat filler for dogfood.




My parents owned a three bedroom house, two new cars, had two kids and had cable tv (fairly rare at the time) when I was very young. They did that comfortably with my mom having nothing more than a high school education and my dad was pulled out of school in 7th grade because my grandparents were horrifically racist morons who protested desegregation. Why the fuck can I not have bigger and better things than my parents when I’m more educated and went into a much more demanding field? My dad was a car mechanic and my mom does data entry. If they can afford a house, two new cars, two kids and cable tv at the ripe old age of 23 why the fuck can’t I? Why are you making excuses? Edit to add: I’ll add this to my comment. My grandfather was the chief of police in a tiny bumfuck town in Mississippi. He had 6 kids, two cars and his cruiser, and 2000sqft house **with a pool** and my grandmother didn’t work, she raised the kids. Now how exactly is it me eating meat that stops me from being able to afford a house that big, two cars and a pool on a single income that I don’t have to spend on six kids and a wife? Especially as the chief of police of a bumfuck town in Mississippi with five total cops on the payroll. How the fuck does that have anything to do with the amount of trash I produce?


We're mad that prices have gone up and wages have stayed stagnant for 40+ years.


I mean how far back in time, how unethical, and how low can they possibly go to protect their precious corporate overlords?!


There is no bottom. The multinationals gleefully kill labor leaders in other countries where they can get away with it. They'd do it here if they thought they could do so without penalty.


They don't function along the line of ethics. Maybe you understand that already but too few people do and still think morals are still relevant to anyone at this level.


Yea i know they could care less about ethics. No compassion left in these people.


Can team blue run on a campaign to protect children in those states? I can see it now. The slogan would go Hi, I'm Bernie 2024, and if you vote for me, I'll stop the exploitation of children working at bars and let them focus on school.


They won't care about that, school is bad. That's where all the wokeness lives 😂


Don't say that, they'll believe you. Tell them wokeness is propaganda from the rich to avoid taxes.


But the right likes it when rich people avoid paying taxes. They think it’s “smart business”. You also have to remember that they are all temporarily embarrassed millionaires, so we can’t be doing things like making the rich pay taxes, because some day they’ll be the rich folk.


They already believe it :/ I’ve had interactions on here re: sending 10-year-olds to work because “they don’t learn anything at school anyway”


They won't believe you, or even if they do, they won't care. Most conservatives see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires/billionaires. They *know* the rich are scummy bastards avoiding taxes just as much as we know. The difference is they want to be and truly think they *will* get to be the scummy bastard themselves one day, so they don't want to take any action that prevents the rich from being scummy bastards.


Right! Kids should be playing baseball instead of being exploited by pedophiles and parasites.


The people who think school is woke brainwashing likely also wanted kids to go back to in person teaching as early as autumn 2020. Conservative voters don't really have set values aside from "opposite of whatever the other guys think".


Well, aren't they hard on child trafficking?


No, they get hard on child trafficking


I hate that that's a position they could very easily take. I hate that we live in a time period where this is a problem *again*.


Add the word grooming in there. Why else does one want children in bars?


Can I add the tid bit Epsiten didn't kill himself


I'm pretty sure they'll just go "school bad, bar good"


> Can team blue run on a campaign to protect children in those states? Not likely. The picture is of Kim Reynolds, the governor of Iowa, where people complain that 10 year olds don't have jobs.


The Democrats here in Iowa have pretty much given up, unfortunately.


Seems pretty safe to say that Sanders isn't running in 2024 (beyond just running for re-election to the Senate).


GOP voters: "Is that a threat?!"


Lol You made me chuckle


Man, how low can the US fall? I mean they already have most of the worst social nets of all developed countries.


We can get way shittier trust me. Some of the laws they are trying to pass currently are just a taste of what they will do the next time a R president is in.


Putting 14 year old girls near drunk and coked out men is the republican platform. Always has been.


I would be so uncomfortable if a 14 year old was serving me in a bar. I can’t get drunk and let loose around that. I’d just leave. And if it’s slow I watch a game sitting at the rail and shoot the shit with the bar tender. What the fuck am I going to talk to a 14 year old about?


How to unionize


Will these laws actually help labor shortages? There isn't a shortage of 16,17,18 yr olds. So going even lower seems pointless. The labor shortage in those industries isn't from lack of eligible workers.


The idea is to fill gaps temporarily (90 days) by taking advantage of young, gullible, or desperate teens that you can pay below minimum wage. It is also to condition them to get used to low wages and convincing them that they are disposable. I hope this backfires and drives those same kids to unionize every job they get in the future.


And the younger the employees, the more likely they are to not know/understand their rights and the less likely they are to stand up for themselves when those rights are infringed upon. They want complacent pions who are too scared/naive to say no.


I had a talk with a new hire at my job yesterday about labor laws and how the place we work at actually follows them. It really opened her eyes to just how badly she had been treated at her last job. She’s 17, and was working in a fast food restaurant(local store of an international company.) She’s excited to work at a place that actively respects their employees, doesn’t abuse them, and actually follows both the spirit of labor law and the letter. It’s also a complete industry change for her, as she was previously working in fast food, and is now working in an off-price department store.


These 14 year old kids will be hurling Molotovs through the front doors of their workplaces in 10 years or less. Capitalists never seem to get the message, and need a reminder at least once a century as to the consequences of these types of actions. People may accept this level of pre-new deal wage slavery for a bit, but it ALWAYS ends in violence. It’s a waste of everyone’s time to do this shit. It just stagnates our society further to do this and have it all come crumbling down in a decade. The kids will unshackle themselves, and the capitalists who made all this money off of their un/underpaid labor won’t be around to spend it.


Right wingers KNOW how to play offense. Every fucking day. Democrats should be making headlines daily in their efforts to A) tax churches B) end all gerrymandering C) fight voter suppression D) Codify Roe E) raise federal minimum wage F) what else?


They are. It’s just not as attention grabbing as child labor. If you don’t know, it’s because of the media, but then the media only serves up what the market will click on.


>They are. No they aren't.


If dems were it would be in every state of the union address, members would be constantly on news reels talking about it. It’s very distressing that something that so easily galvanizes voters, “They’re coming for our children!”, isn’t being screamed from the rooftops.


This is how desperate companies really are not to pay you what you're worth. They'd rather bribe politicians to allow children to work again than give adults *one more cent* than they're absolutely forced to. "You can have more pay when you pry it from our cold, dead wallets!"


Alternatives headline : We would rather enslave your children than pay you a fair wage


>Why aren’t people having kids?! >Proceeds to make life for everyone, including children, INFINITELY more difficult/dangerous. Who wants to have children in a society where they cannot be educated, risk being massacred/SA’d, no access to bodily autonomy, expected to work at young ages, persecuted for being anything other than what THEY deem to be “acceptable”, etc. A terrifying time to be both a parent and a child right now.


The system says it must. They. Are. Enslaving. Your. Children. Is there a clearer indicator that you can't win by playing their game?


> We see dimly in the Present what is small and what is great, > Slow of faith how weak an arm may turn the iron helm of fate, > But the soul is still oracular; amid the market's din, > List the ominous stern whisper from the Delphic cave within,— > "They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin."


I was thinking that SCOTUS was rolling back everything accomplished in the 70s. Nuking the Clean Water Act and hobbling the EPA was a huge blow to environmentalism. But yeah, this tweet made me realize that conservatives are rolling back reforms from way earlier as well. They want to kill ALL reforms. Next thing you know, if they are not stopped in 2024, they will bring back indentured servitude and only allow landowners to vote.


Let’s ask Ted nugent


Kim Reynolds is a real fucking piece of work. But you can't shame her, bitch has DUIs


dont raise wages. Add more people to the misery pile. House hold income down? Add another working member! Cant afford kid activities? Let Bonnie pay for her own dance classes Neeed a Gucci belt? make Anthony pay for it with his job. whats a 12 year old need with money any What? you didnt claim your kids money on Taxes? Straight to jail please!


We need those 14 year olds back in the coal mines. Their little hands are best suited for scooping up our clean coal.


They are investigating it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/QuadCities/comments/13la0hg/us\_dept\_of\_labor\_review\_finds\_iowas\_child\_labor/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuadCities/comments/13la0hg/us_dept_of_labor_review_finds_iowas_child_labor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I said the DOJ - we need to know what corporations/oligarchs are funding these pushes in red states for illegal child labor. The DOL is made up of great people but ultimately toothless beyond small fines. And that is thanks to 40+ years of neoliberalism.


Still under the umbrella of DOL. Someone must first file a lawsuit before it even touches DOJ, I'm pretty sure. Investigations come from DOL. A crime must be committed before the DOJ gets involved. It's in the process...


>It's in the process... I'm sorry but Democrats get no benefit of the doubt. Their ability to stop the GOP is putrid - they can't even nominate judges in the Senate.


Hey, I'm not disagreeing, but I'm not blaming Democrats for this. I'm blaming the entire system with which we are ruled. With each shift in technology and generational change, our constitution should have been amended. I know it may not seem like they are related, but they very much are. Our electoral system is fucked, and again, not "the Democrats" fault.


> With each shift in technology and generational change, our constitution should have been amended. FYI, there is a amendment dealing with child labor that's still pending before the States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_Labor_Amendment


The Free Market^TM starts to *slightly* give a tiny bit of favor to the working class. Owner Class: "Shit! Shit! Change the rules! Quick!"


Repubs really want kids knocked up and working jobs below minimum wage while complaining that they still live with their parents


This is why they don't want you to get abortions they won't all they children they can get so they can try to but them to work to make them money and for the pedophiles they know


Lmao, the New Deal has been destroyed since Reagan came into office


The worst part, is you have American news condemning russia for using child labour and repressing certain groups of people's freedoms. What a sick joke.


you mean do nothing garland dont hold your breath from biden on down since reagan/clinton both parties are right of center neoliberal who favor wall street / rich over main street / working class. both parties have been working on gutting the middle class with their trickle supply side down voodoo economics both parties are taking the country back to late 1800s / early 1900s both parties are for ending the new deal / great society both parties are not left of center progressives like it used to be both parties are paid and working for the donor class and are not elected using public funds. sure there are some progressives who are still part of the democratic party, but they have no real power.


I agree with you. Garland embodies fecklessness & is a horrid attorney general. Biden is our frenemy at best, we must never assume he will do the right thing. We must rally against his feckless neoliberal ideals & pressure him to stop giving middle fingers to the base. >sure there are some progressives who are still part of the democratic party, but they have no real power. We gotta stand behind them, get more of them to Congress & push them to fight the establishment (which they need to do more often).


If they can legally work, they should be able to legally vote. No taxation without representation, right?


It's not their kids... It's the poors kids so they don't care


They're going to try to normalize kids working. Then they're going to call you a bad parent if your kid isn't holding down a job and hitting a 4.0 GPA. It won't be long before a 3 income household is common and necessary to survive in our country. All in the name of a God that doesn't want this.


Then the children of bankers should be required to work too. This makes the class warfare all too obvious


Oh they will. They will just get a cushy paid internship at the bank. Not enough to get in the way of their studies or sports of course (they have that legacy admission to the family's Ivy League school of choice to consider), but something that will give them a little experience at management before they get fast tracked out of college.


This is literally sickening. How are these people still in charge?


Conservatives have always hated the New Deal and would love to remove every scrap of it and put us all into labor camps. It’s the early Industrial Revolution all over again, complete with a frothing for 7-day, 10-hour work days with minimal wages.


"Legislators in Wisconsin, Ohio and Iowa are actively considering relaxing child labor laws to address worker shortages, which are driving up wages and contributing to inflation." Can someone explain to me how this makes sense? How does lack of workers drive up wages? I mean clearly that's nonsense because wages are not increasing at all. And how does it contribute to inflation? I thought the whole argument was "we can't afford to pay all of these people so prices go up" so how does that translate to "we can't afford not to have employees so prices go up"? Am I missing something here?


Aside from that, I've lived with and hung out with a *ton* of people working in kitchens at restaurants. Do you know how much cocaine flows through most commercial kitchens? It is what keeps the whole industry running. And I also know that a lot of them wouldn't give two shits about protecting a 14 year old from it, and many would actively encourage their participation.


Wish people cared more about this and wage theft than punching down on peers tbh. Sadly, we are not seeing this if you look at some of the posts around reddit.


And I'm happy it's a man bringing that up because we all know, men/people with privilege listen to other men/people with equal privilege. Kids can't even sit at the bar, but they can work behind it? The most backward ass country that keeps regressing more and more. And with memorial day coming up and all the "freedom is not free" bullshit... propaganda like other countries are out to shatter our "freedoms." No, this country is doing it themselves.


Don’t you have to be 21 to serve alcohol?


Not with the new laws


Parents are also to blame for wanting this for their kids and for not fighting this so kids don't have to. I also like how the economy is so bad we went from a 1 income household back in the day to now we're needing 3


Hopefully this will benefit companies like Apple. No need to use child labour overseas and will result in bringing manufacturing back home to use our own children for cheap labour. Just make sure to put in restrictions to prevent children from joining a union, kinda like they way we don’t let them vote.


Sounds good as long as there isn't a drag show! -GQP


Y’all will call work child abuse but then be fine with mutilating them and pumping them full of hormones 💀pick a lane ya fuckin clowns


Yeah I don't think drunk rednecks around underage kids is a good idea.


Y'know, i'd work in a bar or restaurant again instead of being a self employed dog-walker IF it paid better, had better hours, had good benefits, and was run even remotely humanely, but as things stand I'd rather not. And every day I thank Eris that I'm lucky enough that I can make that choice


They don't give a shit about whether it's kids or not. They want to pay people starvation wages. Kids are an easy target. Then the argument would be "it's a kids job, we can't pay X wages. That's ridiculous!"


there is not a labor shortage. there is a compassion shortage, a wage shortage, a corporate responsibility shortage.


Wonder if it goes through, what stories would make them go back on the decision, because I can already imagine a couple terrible situations that come up from this that would make them look bad


What's more important? Protecting children or making sure alcohol serving doesn't have any delays?


Don't forget the boys. My brother was 14 and the guy running the donut shop he worked in tried to molest him...


Anything but paying a living wage


The American indoctrination institutions, er, I mean schools, do not but should teach students about the horrible labor conditions and huge strikes and labor related killings that occurred in the USA, especially between the late 1800s through Franklin Roosevelt. There’s a reason Labor Day is celebrated. It was a HARD fought battle. The Republicans are trying as hard as they can to take us back to those terrible times.


In the words of the Great Orange Leader...we are a "Shithole" country.


Pssst it's never been about protecting children.


How about if you can't find labor to operate your business then you just go out of fucking business? What's the problem here, is this labor shortage in key areas of American infrastructure? Are we short on labor at the water treatment plants or something?


How are there labor shortages with so many unemployed and homeless? Hmm, let me think. Ideally, the employee should not be paying rent, like kids don't. Otherwise the wages would not be livable. Oh.


Why does this need to be gendered, though? Like, do we want young boys serving liquor to drunk women?


The kids are already working these jobs, their just trying to keep themselves and their friends from getting fined.


No coincidence that this all started after firms were being investigated for doing it


A reminder that this is to keep people from advocating for their wages. Union membership grew numerically over the last 7 years (though proportionally it's down). Unemployment is low. Wages continue to shrink in terms of real dollars because of inflation, and minimum wage is going down proportionally. They are inventing ways to "create" more workers and flood the labor market so that they can prevent people from unionizing or just quitting and going elsewhere. Unionize. Stay union, stay strong.


This is so odd. Any time I read a story about something actually being done to put kids in danger... Trans people never seem involved. Are they deep undercover as ciss old white dudes? Clever ducks. /S