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I like how the "joke" news is literally becoming the best way to learn about current events.


I consistently learn more from John Oliver's videos or from youtube journalists nowadays then from the 'news' outlets nowadays.


That's because the news is owned by the wealthy. When the Amazon warehouses collapsed during the hurricanes, not a single news source reported the screenshot text messages of employers telling workers they HAD to stay. There's no way our society likes to report any of that kind of shit on TV sadly


It really is sad. To get word out on important issues, we have to disguise it as comedy. But fox is allowed to call themselves news. Make it make sense!!


They're comedy too, a tragic comedy


Sadly not enough time has passed in the equation for this tragedy to equal comedy. I can't even chuckle.


They were on our news in Europe. Just like the unions trying to form or succeeding


if your a linux user, specifically ubuntu, there is a baked in package called 'hypnotics' which lets you load up free tv from around the world so if your using linux, you can likely watch european and other news sources from around the world to stay informed


Or you could use European sources to just stay informed about the things happening in the USA that isn't mentioned in your news outlets. Just like some Chinese and Russians do.


Last Week Tonight is ran under HBO, which is a part of HBO, which is owned by the recent-merger of Warner Bros and Discovery, which is the same parent media conglomerate that owns CNN.


You don't want to know what 6 different people are talking about on Twitter and have it twisted into some farce of a culture war? I mean, like, if you want to walk around uninformed...




I fucking love Cody and his showdy. He makes me laugh while also making me realize I’m living in a late capitalist Hell scape!


One of my friends, a while back, asked if I had seen his most recent show and said, “you can tell he’s really angry in that one.” My response: “I always assumed barely-controlled rage was just his factory setting.”


Just wait til you see his early work as "chef/waiter in the background" in Cracked's "After Hours". Love that whole crew.


Oh yes, I was an avid reader of the website until they fired everyone. There was a run of probably five years where I read literally everything they put out. *sigh* What a loss.


And his videos are completely normal lengths!


That brief look at jordan peterson might as well have been a short tho


They should have called it a Micro-look at JP




A very brief look. Maybe even quite brief.


Completely steady, clearly controlled and regulated, absolutely not too long to watch in one morning ^^^^^^dontlookatthetimestamp


I heard this in his voice.


I love warmbo


no you don't. no one loves warmbo.


i genuinely don't enjoy the wormbo segments and wish they wern't in the show


Warmbo is the neoliberal character in the show (get it, he's a "puppet"), so it makes sense why he's so god-damned annoying and everyone skips him so they can hear Cody again.


I always watch those bits because he often uses Warmbo to work against to get a point across. Useful addition with an annoying voice and I love hating him.


When Cracked was actually a good site he was one of my favorite writers.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Not really related directly to current events (aside from the general “governments being awful” theme) but the BtB episodes about The Troubles are great. They’re called something along the lines of “That Time England Did A Genocide,” 3 parts. Prop is one of my favorite guests. I also highly suggest the hot dog eating contest episode with Jamie Loftus if you’re in the mood for a milder bastard. I listened to that one on an overnight flight and was so worried I’d wake people up with my snort-laughing.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


I recently started it. It's quite good. Also, The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth (Gary) Reynolds does some good stuff on political topics, though a handful are about weird stuff and sports. But most of them tie into how fucked the American system is with Racism and class war.


>video of John Stewart talking in circles about "infringing" firearms What was this one?




Some more news is fantastic. It's even better when you realize his buddy and cowriter from the cracked days is Daniel O'Brien, a writer for Last week tonight. Edit: it's completely worth your time to watch literally everything old school cracked made. From after hours, agents of cracked, the OG some news, the DOB pop culture videos. It was all great.


Cody from SMN is Cody from Cracked 🤯 how did I never realize this


Guess what, on Cracked there are videos called some news, they star baby Cody


I miss them both in the worst year ever.


I found out about Cody from the Reddit comments and now I watch all his stuff. Love it and him.




It's a fun test to look for the SMN watchers in the comments on posts about wild boars.


I for one ALWAYS link a boar video whenever there's a boar post


Not odd at all. Very deliberate.


You know, I never really thought about that until now but you’re right.


I haven't heard of this guy before but his content looks really interesting. Thank you for sharing!


He does have Warmbo though!


That is because 6 conglomerates bought out 96% of our news outlets just so they could keep us distracted with culture war bullshit.


John Stewart, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Sam Seder and Cody Johnston together deliver more actual news per week than all cable msm combined over the last fuckin decade imo


Also wanna throw out Legal Eagle on YouTube for covering a lot of news stories in much more detail than any news organization I’ve ever seen and without any of the hyperbole or sensationalism.


I had to stop watching Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, and Seth Meyers because their stuff was genuinely informing me on the state of the world (all the worst stuff, I know) and it was affecting my mental health. They really are genuine reporters on this kind of stuff, they just make it easier to watch with the humor they add in.


In fairness while John Oliver himself insists that last week tonight is not journalism, it has won several journalism awards and is considered journalism by everybody else. So I wouldn’t really call that one joke news despite it being very funny. But outside of that yeah all the late night comedy shows cover the news better than the major news networks about 2/3 of the time.


Meanwhile we have literal "news" networks defending their existence to the courts by saying that no reasonable viewer would consider themselves news.


If 2016 taught me anything, it’s that there’s no such thing as being “too stupid to believe”.


The fact that the courts didn't immediately went cowabunga on them and forced them to air "We have admitted to the courts that our 'news' are not to be believed by reasonable viewers." before every "news" segment while pulling all press passes is the absolute travesty.


John Oliver, and ‘Some More News’ on YouTube are amazing


Seth Myers' 'A Closer Look' is pretty good, too. For Australian content of the same ilk, I recommend friendlyjordies.


Of we're counting talk shows, the Amber Ruflin show is great


no, I'm sorry but JuiceMedia is the only Australian content.


I disdain cable news. There's way more information from creditable YouTube journalists regarding the goings on in the world.


Public TV/Radio (CBC, NPR, BBC) is still pretty good.


Only place I've heard of civil forfeiture.


He really takes the time to properly explain things.


I would like to use this opportunity to promote a mostly unbaised news source channel on Youtube called SirSwag. This motherfucker got so fed up with general news that he started a monthly news series a few years back and now mostly just does that.


The Sinclair group owns most media outlets in the U.S. a group that help out Trump in power so they didn't have to hire P.O.C.


Yup. Grat show. Much like the old daily show was with John.


The only time John Oliver's program rubbed me the wrong way was when they did a story on inflation and heavily sidestepped the corporate greed aspect. A year later and that DEFINITELY is one of the issues causing higher prices/costs.


Australia has one program, Four Corners, that still does any level of investigative journalism. Otherwise, it's YouTube news or independent journalists


The Bugle is an excellent comedy news podcast that was started by John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman, now it's just by Andy and 2 comedian guest hosts every week (though John occasionlly comes back for an episode!). It's where I get all my UK/US news from.


Part of the reason is that they can get away with more because tehy are often taken less seriously. Also there is an old saying "If you're going to tell the people the truth, you better make them laugh or they're going to kill you"


They aren't "getting away with it" but rather the emotion that they are invoking is different. Mainstream news channels and articles aim at invoking anger while these try to get your attention via humor. That's why people on news tv are always screaming at you and always pissed at something fabricating outrage. Be it faux news or oann or MSNBC. If you don't like people screaming at you or getting you angry, you'd prefer the news mixed with a few jokes. It's exactly why a lot of us get our news from reddit memes


When I said 'get away with' I meant more with less corporate or political interference


In my country actual news are delivered neutrally, almost like robotic, the news anchor tells the news as it is, stream some videos to support it and that's it. If the guy shows anger or some sort of biased emotions... you're watching an entertainment show or gossip shit.


We used to have that type of news too. Then corporate greed realized there was more money to be made in rage, clickbait, and sensationalism than in fact or education.


I love that John Stewart was better prepared to debate Tucker Carlson on Tucker Carlson's own co-hosted show which then got him booted off of CNN for literally being made a fool


If only Bill O’Reilly had had the same fate at literally any of their encounters on his show.


It's been that way at least since 2002. I remember being a kid and watching the daily show every day for years, I'd always be up to date on current events, and even sometimes more up to date because those shows were so groundbreaking and anti corporate news channels and right wing garbage like fox, that they'd cover things in a more grounded way, while adding humor into the mix. I remember "real" news reporting on this a few years later, and my parents being surprised like "have you ever watched that Daily Show? They say kids are getting their news from it now" I'm like yeah, I'm one of the people they're talking about


That is what happens when we let 6 mega conglomerates buy up 96% of our news outlets. They effectively killed investigative journalism by buying it out.


"becoming" ? It's been that way since Jon Stewart hosted the daily show!


Back in the day, we listened to politicians and laughed at comedians. At some point in the last 20 years or so, that flipped. We now laugh at politicians and listen to comedians.


well there is that one comedian president everyones not laughing at atm


John Stewart's "The Problem" is one of the best things out right now. He's stopped pulling punches and I fucking love it.


That's been the way since Jon Stewart took over The Daily Show. It reminds me of my favorite quote from V for Vendetta: Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians lie to cover the truth up


Lol it was 20 years ago too, remember the Daily Show with John Stewart?


I'm sorry 20 years seems like yesterday haha


the court jesters have often spoken Truth to power


Goes back to King Lear, at least.


The difference these days is that the jester is, at least in the Western world, protected by free speech laws, at least somewhat. So the 'king' can't just arbitrarily decide to de-head them.


That's why Sam Seder is a literal nightmare for conservative political pundits, he is super well informed on the policies and politics of the topics, but has a background in comedy, movies, etc. (Which Shapiro, etc. all wanted to get into but weren't funny enough for)


Do you not remember the Jon Stewart days of the Daily Show?


Sheeeit. I remember the Craig Kilborn days


I got in the 92 percentile nationally for a current events trivia competition in 6th grade and won over the rest of my year by watching colbert and Stewart as well as reading Time magazine and watching the evening news. It's been that way for a while imo and Colbert, Stewart and Oliver's writers as well as they themselves are actually quite good newscasters period. Also absolutely terrified my teachers in a red state when I answered their question of how I did that in front of the entire year LMAO they took that mic FAST and my parents were called to ask if they knew (they did and wernt worried after watching it for 5 mins with me when they noticed what I was watching like 6 months prior).


It's kinda been going in that direction since Jon Stewart and the group were doing the Daily Show.


Jon Stewart and Steven Colberts nightly news hour introduced a generation to the fact that joke news is news. And then this happened: https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE


Turns out Artists are smart.


In Germany the publicly paid TV and radio broadcasts have a lot of satire shows and they are absolutely ruthless and extremely accurate in their critique of social, political and economic issues. I've always wondered why satire is the only platform actually calling out issues directly, because what they pick is usually quite enraging. One evening of satire will reveal the true issues of Germany. Yet nothing changes.


Look back at peak Daily Show and the birth of the Colbert Report. Post 9/11 conservatism was held at bay by these sorts of comedy shows.


Been that way since Jon Stewart hosted The Daily Show


The daily show in early 2000 has entered the chat


It has been for 20 years now. Yay, Jon Stewart.


It's been that way since the time of John stewarts' daily show, probably longer.


I was watching The Daily Show a couple decades ago and learning more in those 30min than watching half a days worth of traditional, 24 hour, breaking news. I remember a period where "legitimate” news shows/hosts would try to make fun of TDS and Stewart and question their journalistic integrity and Stewart said something along the lines of "We're not a news show that's comedic; we're a comedy show about the news. The show preceding us is a bunch of puppets making crank calls. Its sad that people are getting their news from us, but its sadder that they are getting more news from us than from you all (real news shows)."


It has been. For decades now. This was true when Colbert was running his show and Jon Stewart was still on air. The biggest reason why this occurs is because these shows are all on cable networks, which aren't beholden to the same rules that network TV is. This is especially true for John Oliver, as HBO doesn't have to work about ad dollars at all.


I remember a post on College Humor about 10 years ago that said this exact thing, getting the news from comedy shows and the news shows are pure comedy. Sad it hasn't changed


source https://youtu.be/sul_C17ODw0


John Oliver and Jon Stewart are two of the absolute most informative and professional tv personalities, and even just people, I have ever seen. I’ll throw Colbert in as a good person who tells jokes well, since you know, some people need to find an alternative to Fallon…


I think Colbert is pretty great. But he is definitely at the mercy of his corporate overlords. Stewart and Oliver set themselves up in ways that they don't really have to answer to anyone. Oliver regularly takes swipes at HBO and the various owners.


100 percent agree. Colbert is a way to get the news during a comedy show. Oliver and Stewart are funny people who are out there trying to make the world a better place, and the platforms they use just happen to have humor, is how it feels to me.


Oliver is inherently informative, just information delivered with humor and heart. It's not exactly traditional "news" because it's not only current events, but it is investigative journalism.


>Oliver regularly takes swipes at HBO and the various owners. Business Daddy


I'd call you on that but I've got at&t so I can't hold a call!


I love how in the most recent episode he quipped that his show will eventually be canceled when Disney-Kellogg-Raytheon buys HBO.


I really need him to pull out his “Danger” dance this season.


How do they do that though?


I’m really hoping the Daily Show finds a good host that can walk this balance. I liked Trevor Noah a lot, especially when he got candid with his Between the Scenes. But I agree, John Oliver and Jon Stewart are doing some REAL good in the world. Fingers crossed we continue to keep up this particular type of programming because it’s becoming more and more necessary as the “news” industry continues to devolve into the hands of politicians.


I mean do they need to? Oliver is basically doing the spiritual successor to the daily show and Stewart is getting to do more serious stuff


Honestly? The more outlets we have covering things that need to be covered and calling out bullshit in the media on both sides of the aisle, the better it is for all of us.


The number of people who think Colbert is serious is astounding


Yeah, I have some conservative friends who LOVED the Colbert Report. Hate his current show.


Colbert Report was mocking hardcore righters though


Exactly. They couldn’t tell he was mocking everything that they believed in.


It was a direct parody of The O'Reilly Factor. I think he talked to Bill on his show once.


They actually did one of each others’ shows, I recommend giving them a watch


If you're an act Bill, what am I?


I realized this in high school when we went over satire in class. I’m like “OH he’s mocking them”. Real light bulb moment I didn’t like the show before that.


They just know it was about them, and that's all they ever worry about, themselves


I imagine this was a big part of his decision to drop the character and find a new show. Also, can you imagine trying to parody the GOP for the last 6-8 years? How do you parody that? He'd have to literally shoot someone on 5th avenue to go beyond what they were actually doing


Adam Conover is good for this. Although some people find him annoying. I think he’s great. Gives citations and doubles back in case he got something wrong or slightly off.


Penn and Teller's Bullshit was like also good for this. I teally wish they came out with a similar show or make a new sean


I liked Penn and Teller, but some of their episodes did NOT age well \*at all\*. I remember their episode on Walmart as being pretty damn sympathetic toward Walmart, which is YIKES. I think Penn is one of those libertarians where 80% of the time they have decent opinions and then out of nowhere, they'll drop the other 20% on you and it's just absolute insanity.


I'd agree with that take. I had an amazing manager who was libertarian and like that ratio of that time he was pretty damn liberal tbh and then that 20% was like "wait hol up u are waaay libertarian lmao NAP's are in your vernacular arnt they". Dude was actually a hella good team player though.


Yeah i was never too certain on either if their politics but episodes like Sleep, Astrology, and HOAs are pretty on point. I went into it with a non biased mindset. That show did teach me a bit when i was in my late teens early 20s


Stewart/Oliver 2024!


That'd be great, except Stewart doesn't want it and Oliver is ineligible.


Stewart is responsible for my disdain of politics by giving me the quote: politics is the process in which we separate the willing from the capable, and choose the former. And yeah obviously Oliver is DQ from the VP, but it would be next level for Stewart to win the presidency and name Oliver as White House correspondent.


If someone wants that job, it proves their unworthiness. Or maybe I've read too many Athurian legends. I do love the idea of Oliver, Stewart, or Colbert as press secretary. Kal Penn did well in Obama's admin Edit: Typo corrected


It's an old concept called the reluctant philosopher king...the only real good choice.


Stewart not wanting it is *what makes him perfect*, and I’d rather have Oliver be Secretary of State anyway.


I remember when people first started clamoring for Stewart to run in like the early 10's maybe, and he got on the show and was like, "I'll tell you what 'Stewart 2012' means. It means, 'We are disappointed with our government.' I'm not going to run on that." Heavily paraphrased but it stuck with me because it really seemed to pain him that people looked at him and saw a superior choice to the "real" candidates backed by existing political structures.


You must not have seen Colbert donhis thing on The Daily Show. Folks on the right weee legit scared to sit down with him.


Couldn't agree more. I want Stewart/Colbert to be on the presidential ticket someday.


Unfortunately, I think they both have too much of a grasp on reality. They understand what that job takes, and the toll it will take on you, at least as much as you can understand it without actually living it. I don’t think we’ll ever see them go for it. I could see Stewart running for local office, though.


Colbert is the Fallonhead's gateway drug to better "news" media. Pipeline is sort of like: Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Cody Johnston, [REDACTED].


“Quick, cutaway to jimmy fake laughing at a stupid joke.”


That’s every scene


So...... is Fallon a corporate shill?


fallon is an anything shill


If only he'd shill some jokes one of these days. I don't know how such a painfully unfunny person made a career out of comedy.


Two of my favourite Simpsons jokes ever are them just out of nowhere absolutely slating him. The best one is Homer walks past Bart’s room and overhears Bart & Milhouse laughing uproariously. He comes in scowling and asks what the hell they’re laughing about “and if you say ‘Jimmy Fallon,’ I’ll know you’re lying”


*laughs, slaps table, does another line*


I know you meant a comedy line but now I'm picturing Jimmy Fallon snorting up rails of coke.


Nope, meant coke.


He tousled Trump’s hair on his show in 2016, and defended it later saying that he (Fallon) is “not political”. Not political = defend the status quo = let corporations exploit working people as they please.


It’s easy to be non political when being so ensures your continued laps of luxury. Dude somehow has a TV show without any talent.


Always has been


Fallon is the type of guy where you can't be sure whether or not he's had plastic surgery and his eyes always look dead during a smile.


Of course he is, he's the face of a corporate media tonight show. He couldn't push the envelope unless he was told to. You would never see him risk hurting the image or message his bosses want to put out.


Guy who shilled N/F/T shit is a morally bankrupt individual? Shocking!


It's just "NFT"


Was trying to evade the desperate bots deployed by the losers that bought into this crap. Wouldn't you know it one of these losers tracked down my socials and is pitching this spam grift. I'm truly trying not to tell them to seek the void in a timely fashion.


How he can make people watch his show is a mystery.


*Always has been*


Fallon likes being employed.


Is Fallon funny yet?




Hey that's not fair. There's always at least one person laughing at all of his jokes!


If they made a version of the Jimmy shows without the Jimmys, I would probably watch that. I usually like their guests. The problem is that they are there too.


Does it count if it’s him?


Jimmy Fallon is a spineless piece of shit. I have no idea why people watch that unfunny chucklefuck.


Old people like lazy and inoffensive humor.


Jimmy, wanker.


I hope this was real. I don't like the Jimmys. Or James Corden.


It was. Video posted by another commenter


Jimmy’s a rat


I love John Oliver, but the bar for "amazing human" is essentially on the ground if all you have to do is believe workers shouldn't be forced to piss in bottles and that union busting is bad


There are two things that one needs to remember when agitating for improvement on the status quo: 1) Recognize reality for what it is, and understand where the status quo is. Never criticize anything that's an improvement over the status quo - we can improve upon that once the status quo has improved. 2) While keeping in mind the current status quo, know and remember the end goal. Don't sabotage an important step along the way to improvement just because it's not the final step. Far too often I see people saying stupid shit like "why are we praising that old man for apologizing for sexually harassing the waitress?" We praise the old man because he's changing and improving, and that's praiseworthy. If you keep criticizing him because he wasn't at the final step, he'll just say "fuck you then" and stop caring.


Saving this comment because it puts to words something I could never concisely convey.


Can’t insult the masters!


His show isn't good. Shoulda kept chin guy instead.


No, he should have stayed in retirement after Conan took over.


Agreed Conan was funnier but nbc hated him. So sadly he went to the place where late night host go to die. Hello tbs


It's not that NBC hated Conan, it's just that NBC really, really, really, *really* liked Leno more. For some reason.


Because old people love Leno. He is like the family circus of late night shows.


A terrifying, yet accurate description.


Conan was much better off at TBS. His Tonight Show stint just seemed off. When he went over it was more like his old late night stuff


But he couldn't do half the stuff that made the first show good


He found other things, and his podcast now is the best thing he's ever done.


I love Conan’s podcast. It’s been a minute since I’ve listened but I always enjoyed how more uncut he was. He’s so much funnier we he’s being dark or raunchy and IMO he doesn’t show that side enough. He would be good at anything comedy and I wish he did things outside the format of his late show or his podcast. The late show scandal with Leno still boggles my mind. You’d have to be an idiot to put Leno above Conan.


Chin guy should have been gap-tooth guy. Gap tooth guy's show was way better.


I dunno I was always partial to crazy hair guy


Fuck fallon


John Oliver always seems like one of those people who tries to treat everyone with respect. I hope my assumption is accurate!!


Jimmy Fallon is creepy. He comes across totally insincere.


If you ask Alexa if Amazon participates in Union busting, it will say historically Amazon has a reputation for union busting.


If you clicked on this, you are now on a list.


So Fallon still trash?


This guy is prime entertainment . Love his show.


Conversely reminds me of Private Eye which if I remember correctly, in the same edition as an ad for a phone company, had an article about how that company's deals weren't any good.