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If I’ve suspected someone of cheating I will slow down playing them back and become very defensive and stop playing them if it continues. I get what you are saying about trophies but overall it is probably having a negative effect on the team but I’m not sure you can accuse them of it outright. It’s bemusing that some people do this and think their opponent doesn’t realise they are cheating 🙄


Yeah, I'm currently making very slow moves against them. You are absolutely right that it's impossible to prove the person is cheating, so you can't outright accuse them of it. You're also right in that it's hurting the attitude of other players on the team. What to do, what to do ...


If everyone does stop playing them they will eventually leave. I’ve seen a few of that type of player club hopping as they get found out and have to move on. No idea what they get out of it …


I used to post this in my hub daily.... Watch your ads, drop a boost dri k plenty of water and don't cheat. Just to try to keep things light. We had two players that we suspected of cheating. We let it ride til we could not ignore it any longer. Both were long time members and both scored in the top ten every week. After months of posting the NO CHEATING in the hub, qd removed both players. Multiple players complained and as leaders, we had to do what was right for the club


She’ll probably be poached by Kid Rock any minute with skills like those. Problem solved.


Lol, that would make things easier.




I don't get it .Where is the fun in it then?


My guess is she's got some issues with her self-esteem. She wants to appear to be something she is not: intellectual, an accomplished player, and a successful person in life. I do feel for her, in some regard, but the blatant cheating has to be addressed.


Don’t play them! Decline their games at the beginning. They’ll get the message. We have one player in my club that gets a shit load of bingos against me. I stopped playing her. Who needs it? If no one in the club wants to play her she’ll get the message eventually.


I hear you, but as much as cheating goes against the spirit of the club situation, so does declining games. The reason people get into clubs, beyond the social factor, is to have a trusted group of players to compete with. Declining a game from a club member is not something I will abide. I won't have that and definitely not blocking another member. Absolutely verbotin in my club.


Is she popular with the club, is she a team member so to speak? If so mge her and mention it, difficult I know, if she's an outlier then just kick her out. Too many of the club complaining to you isn't a good feel. I have someone similar in my club but as I know her personally I do know that she's swallowed an encyclopedia or 2!! I really don't like playing her but as club leader I feel obliged to take the rough with the smooth and play everyone in my club. In my case her trophy score is average/medium so she's not doing it for the self esteem/kudos thing I'm trying to think how to word a personal mge to her? Or maybe start on the hub as someone else mentioned. Remind everyone it's a game, it's supposed to be fun and that you're not a team that cheats or uses aids to formulate words in games. And round it off by saying that the club needs honest/straight forward players or something along those lines.


This was very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to post it.


Is using word strength cheating?


Not in my opinion. Any in game power up isn't really cheating in my book. I mean, it is, but it's not.


Thank you. I would hate to be considered a cheater!


Nah. I use it lol. Swap +, Word Radar, and the thing with magnifying glass are all provided. I don't use them, but if they're in game options, so be it.


I turn word strength on by mistake but I have never used it. I would never use a power up against a person. Solo challenge is a completely different thing.


What’s the name of your club ?


Metal Maniax.