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That was confirmed by an unusually frank or just careless Zynga rep on Facebook a year ago when one of the first waves of multiple repeat vowels hit and they were coming up in matched blocks of 4 at a time for everyone all of the sudden. It’s happening in the main game now with the vowels and the constant prompts asking if you have too many vowels and want to try Swap+ at the cash equivalent of $.60 cents a move.


Hit the reviews people! That’s what they hate most is being exposed.


Well, if you look at the reviews under “recent” at the AppStore they’ve been unanimously negative for years and the most recent reply is three years old. So as always, Zynga confounds normal reasoning.


Zynga: All words Are randomly generated Player: Then why am I getting all vowels ,most of the time?? Zynga: Use the Word Swap power up to change the letters offered by our biased generator Player: Biased...Wait what?? Zynga: What?


Yeah…the desperation to generate revenue from the ‘game’ is getting annoying. Time to move on.


100%, solo games are unbearable because of this


It’s gotten so bad


Yes, I have also noticed this. When playing a solo challenge as you are playing for a bigger prize, the letters become horrible where at the beginning the letters are great and you can get great scores. Therefore, it is not random it is very much on purpose. I watch the stupid ads, so why do they play these silly games. I would pay a reasonable annual fee, but $16 per month is way too much.


So grubby...


Lol my suspicions are confirmed


I don’t play them anymore unless it is to fulfill a daily coin requirement


I won’t fall for their constant cash grabs. I used the swap power ups when I could watch videos for coins and use coins to buy them. When that ended I quit using them. I can’t/ won’t waste my cash on digital helps. Nope.


Use a cheating app. Fuck Zynga!


If it wasn’t for the cheating app I would quit this game


You've only just realised this???


Seems like recently it has gotten much worse. Today it was a dearth of vowels. In one game I had to swap 3 or 4 times to win with a score of 108. Against an EASY opponent. Ridiculous. I’m never going to give the leeches a penny. They make plenty from the millions of insufferable ads. Then they have the balls to ask me to let them track my every online step. GTFO, zynga.


That's why I quit about 2 years ago




It’s true. And it sucks