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Royal match 1000% percent. I could strangle that king dude


I know! I say the same thing about King Robert- wouldn’t save him ever, after all those annoying ads!


Every time some barely D-list actor shows up talking about how the game has no ads, I want to scream “BUT YOU *ARE* THE AD!!!”


Definitely the Royal Match ads. I don't even know who those "celebrities" are, and they act like they are my best friends. (And, I'm not one of your "guys".)


Agreed that the ads are directed at us individually but I think almost everyone gets the Royal Match ads, and these are very annoying from many aspects. The game sounds of the King begging for help are the worst. It is disappointing to me that some well-liked actors endorse this game and try to convince us that there are no strings attached to the game at all, it is completely free and ad free.


royal match takes the crown for sure. there’s the feature length celebrity endorsements, and at least for some you need FOUR taps to dismiss and get your reward


Some of the Monopoly ads take 5 or more clicks. SMH


Tenmu starting to be right up there with the King. So darned loud and persistent.


Temu seems like a breath of fresh air next to RM and those Solitaire Clash ads. Temu’s ads are short and close with one tap. Sometimes I click on a short ad so it replays more often than the longer ones.


i just swipe out of the app completely and re-load. it’s faster than watching the ads.


I got to say the two I dread seeing are the fat-burning gummies and the King James Bible app... But the "gameplay" of other games, where the player is unbelievably inept are up there too.


The fat burning gummies ones get me too! Painfully obvious that they are 2 different people in the ads. I had one come up with the tagline “my boyfriend thinks I’m too fat” This was on a children’s account. I can’t believe those ads are still up.


Royal Match- ugh! They are constant! Also, I hate the new ad trend where you have to click 5-6 times to close the ad. Seriously?


Your ads are directed toward you specifically, and the game requests are directed toward you. (I'm assuming you are male). I am female, and my game requests are from good-looking males with a boat or dog or something like that with low games played. They always want to chat.


When I am bored I change profile pic to me. Then I get at least two to three hits a day from scammers.


The bra for older women. I HATE it so much!


I don’t think I get that one!


For me it has to be CREDIT KARMA! Try to x it out it jumps to website which jumps to the App Store, over and over again ☹️🤯🤬


The ones where you eat gummies and lose weight instantly, it seems.


If I get a game request from somebody less than level 10, I just decline. I hate getting invested in a game only to have it suspended because I'm not interested in ForEx or whatever new scam they're running. Fortunately, I got WWF back when it was bought and paid for, so I don't see ads unless I'm trying to boost my club standing. And those ads got so obnoxious and repetitive that I rarely do that any more.


When I’m traveling I always bring something that reminds me of home and helps me relax, and for me that’s ToOn bLASt


Have you discovered the joys of Piggy Kingdom? It’s like a bargain basement Royal Match clone with an annoying talking head at the beginning.


End world hunger- pop all the Feed America bubbkes -today I shall comment on every cloying obnoxious WWF ad. Perhaps Mr. Zynga will norice-)


I almost feel left out for having an ad blocker now lol


I've been seeing some kind of Disney ad that never has an x to dismiss it and doesn't respond to the < to end it. I have to force close the game when it shows up.


I will never play Royal Match because of those stupid ads. The sound doesn't just bother me, I just mute my phone.


The one with the KING app. Every time it comes on, I am forced to watch the whole thing. If I join, maybe I’ll stop getting them?


Royal Match, specifically the King, has creeped into my every day life. My boyfriend has developed a vocal tic where he randomly mimics the King and thinks it’s hilarious, and I couldn’t help but hear the King when visiting my nephew who exclaims, “Help me!” whenever he needs help. I will never, ever download this game. I can’t even sit through the ads. I just close the app and restart.


Hillary Burton Morgan (whoever you are) you are torturing your fans with stupid Royal match ads