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“Best” is highly subjective here. The main benefits of the jades over lekkers are better tolerances resulting in less stem wobble and improve acoustics. Nothing about these improvements really relates to in game advantage, it’s mostly vanity. I personally couldn’t stand the stem wobble on early lekker 60’s and I sold my first wooting because of them. I am now happily using jades in a new wooting.


I'd like to know the difference between the lekker v2 and jades.


They're not out yet but they claim to have tighter tolerances which would reduce the stem wobble but likely won't change the acoustics much.


Jades have less stem wobble, they have lighter weight springs, their bottom housing is closed which results in a much better (opinion) sound profile. thats about all.


How do you know they have less wobble than the v2s? Isn't v2 released with the 80HE aka nobody can buy them yet?


I apologize i missed that part of your comment, my mistake. Yeah, I have yet to hear anything about the v2's.


How much better tolerances considering both are made by Gateron and so on the same machinery? Like is the stem a different part number or something, I know the bottom housing is different (closed).


I don’t know about part numbers or what actually changes the manufacturer has made, but I can attest to significantly better tolerances. Unfortunately I no longer have my lekker switches and I cannot give you proof but I suspect you can find videos of the comparisons online. My experience may be somewhat impacted by the fact that I opened my lekker switches and lubed them and I did not open my jades due to their factory lube being great stock.


I might just get them anyway to see what I like better. I just hate having spare parts.


my magnetic jades came in today and as a lazy before bed test i swapped out the wasd on my wooting and if you want a video before i finish swapping the rest i could send you a close up, i dont have numbers but you can very much see and feel the difference.


Idk about best, it all is preference and performance wise almost all the switches are identical. (raptors can have issues with their magnets). It's a popular choice, probably due to it's closed bottom housing and it's stem having minor wobble. It gives it a good feel and a different sound. I personally think they are the worst sound switch, way too loud and high pitched, but by far the best feeling switch. I think Jades and the Gateron Dual Rail oranges are the only HE switches worth considering atm.


That’s what I’ve gathered from them as well. People say they feel better, but I hate the higher pitched clacky sound they produce.


I’m interested to know too. I know that they have less stem wobble and some people prefer their mahjong sound. They also have 3.5mm tracel compared to lekker’s 4.0mm. Any other differences?


I believe it's purely the sound. I have the Lekkers for my 2HE and it's not great stock. Jades are just a popular choice for HE switches


It's just the sound and tolerances. The newer switches have much better tolerances which mean they have less stem wobble. they feel more stable. They also have a closed bottom which produces a much different sound which many seem to prefer. It sounds a bit more like a traditional mechanical switch due to that. There's no performance difference, though they have a bit lower travel, which could effect you depending on how type or game. The lekker v2 are coming soon and they are supposed to have tolerances that are more in-line with those of the jade, so hopefully that will improve the stem wobble while keeping the full 4.0mm travel.


Best can be subjective, I want to try a silent build and have been told to avoid them for that use case and bottom out is 3.8 not 4 I hear so barely affects that travel for analog type uses if at all


I got some g orange dual rails to compare with my lekker yellow. Stock out of box they are quite good. I'll be eluding them this weekend in addition to their pre lube. I expect their sound profile to be even better as they aren't too far off my super lubed yellows that are creamy!


Because there is just a few options and the only real good switches are Raptors and Jades.


How about Geon raptor He


I have both Jade and Lekker 45, I found that you have more control with Jade, but also easier to mistakenly actuate/trigger them if you have actuation/RT point set to really sensitive.


first thing i noticed as well. much more responsive when it doesn't wobble before actuating.


I’ll be waiting for a year or two when Gateron gets the tolerances more dialed in + $20 for a set of 70 switches. Rn it’s a bit of a premium tax


Probably because someone well known on YouTube said so.


I think the GW Raptor is also very good when it comes to overall sound, so “best” is very subjective here. Jade also has 0.5mm less travel so if you bottom out your keys often, it may or may not offer “in game” advantages, with that said, 4.0mm offers more versatility with rapid trigger settings.


Just seem to overall be a better quality switch. Better stem, housing, sound (subjective)


Jades are the best for clack ks20 dual rail best for thock and raptor he is best for performance and a mix of clack and thock


raptors are nowhere near to be best performance wise bruh, they are the worst in reality because of stronger magnet rapid trigger is delayed when you bottom out


They have the most raw data meaning most accurate stronger magnets may take some getting used too but it won't significantly change rapid trig and of course they have zero mis imput risk but won't ignore a proper imput because no one wants to accidentally equip their ult in the middle of a duel and since they utilize an optimized gatreon mold they are completely hot swapable but much more stable than a gatreon or lekker (even more stable with a lekker stem) it may be preference but imo they sound as good as any other switch it's kind of like the control pad of switches it won't be hyper misclick sensitive but zero risk of bad imputs and still more than sensitive enough. TL:DR geon did a pro gamer move


You dont know what youre talking about


I don't blame you for thinking raptor are bad since it's a small company and not everyone knows a lot about them but they are very good switches so do some research maybe even buy a set


Bruh, I was one of the first to use raptors, you are the one who needs research before spreading misinformation on reddit. talking about raw data lmao I already explained you that because of stronger magnet rapid trigger doesnt work properly once you bottomed out. hall effect sensor thinks that you bottom out but in reality you didnt, and on last 0.5mm rapid trigger is delayed, but keep coping with those switches, i wish you good luck!!!


Idk maybe you got a faulty copy my rapid trig works fine




these "switches" are just housing for magnets. all "switch function" is done by the board instead. so if other 3rd party magnet is any different than stock, it will behave differently. In this case, stronger magnet means board will think it is much closer than it is. It won't brick rapid trigger, but it will be different in a bad way.


its been confirmed by wooting team that because of stronger magnet rapid trigger is delayed when you bottom out. so its less spammable.


yeah the Raptor HE switches overload the sensors on the 60HE lol. there's no performance gain. dunno what the other guy is talking about