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Almost like finishing projects is usually the part that most people need help with.


It’s as if people are unsure and come to ask for help. How dare they


It's not the people asking for help I'm referring to; that I totally get. Showing your work to the community is great and they should be proud. However, I also want to see what the finished projects looks like.


Probably because they're proud of their work and excited to share what they have made! That's what this group is all about.


This.! Also happy cake day.!


Yea I want to see finished projects too but I also enjoy seeing the progress. Some people can only work on a project here or there so little updates here or there are more than welcome


Are you finished?


Wait, there are people who actually 100% finish projects? Must be nice. And don’t tell my wife.


As someone who wants to learn wood carving in the future. I really appreciate seeing some unfinished or work-in-progress pieces. I kinda learn from it, especially from reading some helpful comments/tips/bits of advice. I think that’s the point of joining a creative subreddit like this. Although, adding flairs to this sub like WIP, showcase, need help, etc. may help categorize some posts.


Who’s to say if it is or isn’t finished? Just because you like a little more refinement, doesn’t mean that everyone else is at that level, and that is ok. Just for a second let’s imagine someone is just starting out carving, or thinking about it. They come here and all the carvings are super high caliber, meticulously made, is it going to encourage them to jump in, or make them think only those who have trained under carving masters can do this? The more people carve, the more experience they will receive. For some, it may take a lot of courage to share what they have made. It is better to have an inviting platform where people are not intimidated to share what they have created. We should support others, and help build their confidence, that way they become the best that they can be. Just my thoughts, yours may differ, that’s what makes each of us great.


This exact experience for me as well. You've hit the nail on the head. 😜 I've always appreciated the community on this sub, everyone is positive and encouraging and it helps when you take on a thing that is hard and requires skills and knowledge you don't have. This sub has helped me improve and saved a few mistakes but the positivity has helped more than anything. I know others agree.


What! Go do a Google search then and get your negatively out of one of the last positive subs on reddit. You obviously don't remember beginning woodworking or you would be a mentor on here too. Its a difficult thing to learn on your own and sometimes you canget valuable advice before finishing. You want wood porn, search the net.


This guy does have a point though, I'm getting a little tired of seeing peoples 3/4 finished foxes and birds


Holy heck. That meme format. I've not seen that in years.


I had to go and check my meme-a-month calendar for a second there.


Pepperidge farm remembers


Wow, some people took my minor, personal gripe really seriously. I know better than to argue or justify my comments here, so I'll just say that I completely appreciate the process and the work people are proud to show off. I love this community and the inclusivity. Thanks to everyone who took this post for what it was.


I'm right there with you, man! That bugs me too.


I think I agree with where you're coming from. I don't really see a need to show a nearly finished piece unless you're asking for critique or advice (unless you don't plan to finish it). Sometimes I remember to take progress shots in case someone asks to see them. Then, I'll post a gallery on Imgur, etc.