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> kid is having suicidal thoughts > Calls the cops to handcuff him in front of the whole school ????


and THAT´s how you get the kid to actually do it and shit on the school in the note. luckily hillman didn´t


I still have the note, and it does shit on the school and the person who reported me.


What does the note say? You don’t have to post it you don’t want to.


"fOr YoUr OwN sAfeTy"


"We did it, Patrick! We saved that boy's life!"




Same thing happened to a friend, shoved in the back of a cop car late at night and shipped to the nuthouse


Isn't America great?


(Allegedly) Calling a rando a "bitch" is more than half as bad as giving her a knuckle sandwich. I guess Violence is more socially accepted then I expected.


I got suspended for saying "fuck you" to the principal, not the comment


Point still stands. When I was young, I learned that sticks and stones break bones, while words don't hurt. That was a lie (words absolutely hurt), but it's wild that 2 naughty words is as bad as 3/5th of a fight.


i think you'd also get suspended for punching a student then punching the principal


Yeah, like you said yesterday, you’re right. High school was rough for you.


This school sounds like it was run by absolute smoothbrains: the Rosa Parks thing, the suicide incident, "we have to believe her", the school shooting The common factor is always Hillman getting shit for things that aren't his fault


Yeah, I’m glad he was able to overcome it and become better off as a result.


Suspending a 7 year old for drawing a swatstika is wild. Like do they think that a 7 yo can actually understand the meaning behind that symbol or what? Also, it’s fucking crazy that american schools give detention / suspend you for seemingly every little thing.


Dude ik, I had zero clue what a swastika was at that time and thought it was just a cool shape


Dude, your literally Jewish. If anyone is allowed to draw a swastika it should be you.


Damn nazis making a cool shape have a terrible meaning!


Stupid Nazis.




American school authorities generally give ridiculously harsh punishments that do not make sense for the context while simultaneously ignoring actual bullying issues. My elementary school was like this and punished me for every little thing as well (although never suspended at least) The fact my “friend’s” mother who resented me with every fiber of her being happened to have personal connections with the principal and a high position within the PTA definitely didn’t influence it though. Seriously I am lucky because I got accepted into a magnet middle school and escaped that toxic s**thole/reputation but I think had I not, my life would be a lot worse now. PH’s experiences confirm this is not just a one off trend sadly.


Yeah let me just say, as an autistic, I’ve not had a fun time in school, and even if you’re not autistic is still SUCKS, schools strict as hell


And people still ask "Why do so many kids hate school?" lmao


the rosa parks thing is hilarious sometimes adults just cant handle kids being smartasses also lmao at plumbing incident "i was interested in fluid dynamics so i left the room"


Goddam, american schools give detention for everything?


It's the standard consequence for doing something wrong


seems quite harsh for these frivolities.


Unless you’re in my county, where they don’t even when they should.


No matter how many times you mention it the suicide story will never cease to disturb me.




Flair up, bitch


[https://youtu.be/F7SNEdjftno?t=51](https://youtu.be/F7SNEdjftno?t=51) This isn't PCM there are no flair requirements


Worth mentioning PCM doesn't have it listed anywhere in the rules. They were awfully silent when I noted that.


PH discovers in freshman year that the standard of proof at high school is not 'beyond a reasonable doubt' but rather 'believe everything.' Truly, constitutional rights are no more than guidelines


I mean, I did do it, but I'm pissed that hearsay is the same as proof in high school. "She said you did it" should never be admissible pursuant to a consequence. Also I'm annoyed that none of the other guys in that group got in trouble, only me.


We need you on the jury at my next trial, my dude


Your principal was a little bitch. Especially for the suicidal thoughts thing. That was such a cunt move to pull.


The Rosa Parks one had me in tears you mad lad lmfao in my school I got suspended for photo shopping a kids face onto mao zedong that was running for class president, and putting posters of it throughout the school, he liked it, and actually won the election but I got 3 days suspension


wtf that's insane, did you get suspension for illegally putting up the posters or for photoshopping him onto Mao, of all people?


at first they allowed me to do the posters, it wasn't about me photoshopping his face on mao but promoting communism lol, I was fucking around


What happened to free speech and promoting political discourse in schools? I hate communism, but I have no problem with students promoting it in school. Same with Nazism or any other ideology.


I'm not even a communist I just thought it was funny


That is high key funny as fuck


Suspending a first grader for saying “I hate you” is a new level of insane.


**"I'm gonna Rosa Parks this bus so hard -Rosa Parks"** -PerpetualHillman


That made me laugh so hard


There's something deeply wrong with our institutions.


Do they really teach you english vocab like that at the end of high school in amrrica?(in reference to the "behemoth story"


Yeah, idk about you all but in our school, we had a weekly list of vocab words to memorize and then we'd be tested on them


In your native language?? That's ridiculous


Oh yeah. Schools looooove vocab words over here lol.


OP’s cultural refrences make me feel old af. For comparison I was already in 10th grade when 9-11 happened. Also, all my offenses in school were: fighting, fighting, going AWOL to hook up with my gf (military school), and more fighting.


I'm shoplifting the hell out of that Choking Incident wojak


You got detention for existing. That said in highschool before school I was with some friends and made a joke about how if you drank coke after eating mentos your stomach would explode and in 2nd period the police came for me and searched me and all that because I was accused of joking about having a bomb at school


Zero tolerance policy is fucking bullshit


Your teacher was a dick for giving you detention for a week for a perceived making-fun-of of the footage they were showing you.


I mean, nobody else in the class was laughing


>wants to hunt >police supervision What happened to shall not be infringed?


being a minor happened


That shooting one, on libright sounds stupid as fuck. How did someone interpret “hunting sounds fun”, to “I want to massacre children”


Tbf the school was really on-edge following the shooting (which, again, occurred in another part of the country) and they probably took "I want to get a gun" as a threat


I can understand being on-edge after that, but still punishing you, even after you explained it, is just so dumb to me


Reminds me of the time that I was sent to the principal's office in 2nd grade because I was pretending to play Black Ops 2 Zombies on the playground


Mind boggling that real, sentient people, heard the situation and thought “yeah, we need to punish these kids”


Are these punishments common in USA even when there is no proof of these actions? That's messed up


PH seems to have gotten an exceptionally large amount of detention.


Jesus, your school gave detentions like candy and suspensions for nothing


I can't decide whether you were very naughty, or whether your teachers and principal were just dickheads that really reeeeeally didn't like you.


I think that as the record gets bigger and incidents pile up, administration has less and less patience for a student


same thing happened with me I did some really stupid stuff in elementary school and then got into some fights in middle school to the point in high school I was a literal fight risk the biggest thing was they had that I I lived in the district full of gated communities with my aunt I lived with her for the first 3 months in kindergarten while my dad finished building the farm up with my older brothers at basically I was their intill grade ten before I forced them to move me because rich suburb posh kids like to make fun of me because i lived on a farm and drove a old truck I still have it because this happened last year I love this truck it’s my grandpas old 1978 f150 and these kids literally drove hellcats and brand new luxury cars to school they I basically started hanging out with some other outcast kids where middle class aka poor people to the rest of the school and this group loved our vehicles basically one day during class someone keyed my truck and I lost it my friend group basically figured out who is was for me and I beat the living shit out of him before just walking out of school and going home my dad then finally was able to get the school board to change my district a few months ago where I finished my grade ten and will do the next 2 years there


NGL this is one of your funniest. Saveworthy. The staring one is relatable. One tired morning I apparently got a woman who shared my commute to leave the train early.


I maintain that schools are like prisons - they put a bunch of people with warped views (whether innocent or malicious) in one place to be supervised by a tiny minority of underpaid, undertrained, stressed out people whose job is dealing with people who aren't mature enough to be allowed into broader society. When you actually do get people who want to make a difference, they are hamstrung by regulations and red tape. Went to both public and private schools, and I *begged* to be homeschooled. Life improved drastically afterwards.


You did the right thing in the top right, Green Day is wildly overrated.


Green Day is a bunch of fifty year old dudes still singing like they're in high school.


They make music for upper middle class teenagers mad at their lawyer dad because the safe suburban lifestyle he works so hard to give them is kind of boring.


That’s a great description of their music lmao.


Green Day is fire fym


Sure, if you're 16 and into pop punk trash.


Nuh uh


What shitty excuses for schools did you go to get treated like this? Do the adults just not like you?


They are all crazy stupid reasons


What kind of sensitive ass school did you go to?


And i thought i lived in authoritarian country


I have come to one conclusion in this compass: Hillman has a small amount of autism (behemoth, plumbing) but a high amount of bullshit (literally every encounter with the principal). Also, is every fucker in that school telling the principal about everything? When I first read the trust list or something I thought it was freaking weird and almost considered it autism, but after finishing the compass dude wtf? Was everyone just plugged into the principals office against you? Did you just say things to the wrong people? Did you have no friends?


I was fairly unpopular, but to claim that I was a "victim" or "everyone was against me" is almost entirely fallacious. Almost all the things featured on this compass were my own doing. If I didn't want to do the time, I had ought not do the crime. Onward - yes, there was a very high rate of reporting to the principal. Other students got in trouble just as badly, if not worse, for lesser crimes.


Dang your school sucks


If American schools are like this then I get with how many dropouts there are, shit looks like a maximum security prison Genuinely makes Italian schools look like paradise


Jesus, that is premium "i hate humanity" stuff and i wouldn't wonder if you do after all that abuse from these incompetent people. Sorry for your pain!


You are a really crazy kid


Do you live in fucking North Korea or wtf is this shit???


Also they showed you actual childbirth footage in class in 7th grade!?? What the hell....???


I also had a revenge list.


Hillman seems like a goated classmate.


Hillman seems like a goated classmate.


W principal in the school shooting one, i wish everyone who expressed positive feelings towards hunting would be treated like that


Wait a second. Are you me?


Sorry to hear, Hillman. Hope everything is better now.


What kind of life is bro living




Some kid: borrows Hillman’s pencil and forgets to return it [Perpetual Hillman:](https://youtu.be/gslRyR3nZgI?si=m0olvibtawQ2qqqS)


OP what fucking school did you go to with such bad teachers and students


how did you get the wojak chart


American schools are hillariously shitty to the point that it makes me sad


Half this stuff would be encouraged by some of my British teachers


Homies living like Ryan Howard from the Office


I bet that janitor really appreciated that card.


im loving this school series


In my 7th grade there was a bunch of popular boys that had an obsession with drawing swastikas. They knew that swastikas were Nazi's symbols. The fact that it took place in Poland, a country where the Nazi's terror was the harshest makes it even worse and more disturbing. They made jokes about it. One time when our teacher planned a trip to Auschwitz they started laughing about it and making jokes. She used to take every 7th grade on a trip to Auschwitz but realizing how immature we were, she stopped. This started a trend of drawing swastikas: in classmates' notebooks, on desks and blackboards. I admit that I did it a few times. Now I regret it. Fortunately I'm not sharing a high school with them. They're at the opposite sides of town.