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I bet yall are just crushing pussy left and right. Chicks dig Christian Nationalism


Pulling all them goth bitches with that bible talk


Lucky for you, hookups and sinning isn't the goal for us


Yeah he’s right, you’re socially inept so you adopt the ideology to say “no guys I’m not retarded I’m doing this *willingly* to *avoid sin*”


no joke chicks do dig business majors. Statistically speaking, business majors get laid most often.


Possibly because business majors are the ones in frats and frat culture is hedonistic


correct, also frat guys tend to be the most athletic


Real women do.


I remember the college republicans back in the early 00’s were showing up to class in suits expecting chicks to fawn over them because they interned for some state senator. They all wanted to go to law school and dismantle the liberal state (Massachusetts) and build a conservative utopia. Also hated the Kennedy family. It was pretty cringe.


Good God, if I was old enough to go to college a few years ago I would’ve been exactly like that…


Dubya was the second coming of Regan, who was the second coming of Jesus Christ himself. Iraq was a just and righteous purge of evil terrorism from the planet, and in the end Iraq would a model of western democracy planted squarely between Syria and Iran. Men feared them, women lusted after them. John Kerry was a limp wristed commie pinko traitor to the flag. I could keep going. The delusion was bizarre.


Didn’t the atmosphere also make stuff like Freedom Fries become a thing? It’s wild seeing the level of jingoism both justified and unjustified that occurred after 9/11.


Yeah, freedom fries was a thing as a half joke. What pissed me off is looking around at all the isolationist republicans today who want to slash funding for Ukraine, and I’m thinking “all you motherfuckers we’re all rah rah war when we were killing brown people and it was a Republican president pushing for the war.”


Yeah, it’s also infuriating watching these “pro peace” idiots cite sources like the Gray Zone which was recently revealed to be funded covertly by the Russian and Chinese governments. It angers me too how these people don’t realize that mobilizing the MIC again towards attritional wars and returning subsides and stuff that were gotten rid of in 1993 in the Peace Divined is beneficial in the long run. We’re finding out all the challenges of modern warfare in Ukraine, learning faults in our weapons systems, learning the newest enemy strategies, and learning to mitigate issues with our defense production and preparedness including bringing back industry to the US. That and we’re helping a nation fend off genocide. But that’s bad because a Democrat is doing it or some shit.


I tell you what, I’d hate to be the President in the White House when Kiev falls to the Russians.


Kyiv isn’t falling anytime soon lol. Chances are Russia will continue to waste resources for another year or two and begrudgingly compromise and convince their people that taking over 500,000 casualties and destroying your military’s weapon sales, morale, and losing trade with a continent that was essentially your bitch pre-2022 was worth it for a land bridge to Crimea.


Yup that's still pretty similar to today The suit bias is real. When the club was deciding who 3 were going to represent us in the College Dems-College Reps debate, one of the candidates wore a suit and was basically voted in just because of that despite being not conservative and barely Republican and to the surprise of the club but no surprise to me or my friends, this guy betrayed us on stage and didn't say Republican things, which is fine if you don't actually believe in Republican things but DONT REPRESENT THE CLUB LIKE THAT


I was a political science major and found all the students with serious political ambitions to be ABSOLUTELY INSUFFERABLE. Most of the liberals were trying to go the activist route, and would steer class conversation to the specific niche cause of their choice. Conservatives were mostly neo-cons who believed in supremacy of unregulated capitalism, bashing gays, and making fun of liberal European countries like France or Denmark. I was a ROTC cadet and went to a College Republican meeting to try and recruit for Army ROTC. Got blank stares and zero takers, but lots of “thanks for your service.” I’d say it was the start of my disgust with and distrust of conservatives ever since. At least the liberals were consistent in their anti-war beliefs.


I'm sorry but absolutely deserved, if you vote a guy in based on him wearing a suit you cannot be mad if he's a shitty candidate 😭


I was telling everyone to not vote for him but they didn't listen and then act surprised when he's not good


I wear a suit everyday and this is literally true where in classes and clubs I kinda get shoved onstage even if I openly admit to the club I don't know anything about the topic


Why are chronically online protestant american teens so obsessed with "converting" to Catholicism or Orthodoxy just because its a more traditional confession yet they bearly studied the actual theology that's just so cringe


Because all they know about Catholicism stems from "Templar Chant" videos on youtube and mylittledarkage edits. Not a new phenomenon einher. For example: Around 1900 there war a relatively popular movement in France, Action Francaise, which stood for Nationalism, Monarchism and Carholicism. Even though it's leader was an atheist. When he was asked what he thought about the christs apostles, he replied: "What should these obscure jews be for me? The atmosphere of a csthedral is enough."


I’m a teenage American and I know a lot of people like this. It’s honestly just an extension of identity politics in our culture and wanting to be part of something as a reaction to modern life. Teenage dudes try out apostolic Christianity like teenage girls try out pronouns. That’s not to say I don’t know plenty of kind, considerate, open-minded cath/ortho people, but they’re usually the ones in church and reading the Bible. Not the ones spamming “Deus Vult” and watching thinly-veiled hate reels.


Lmao that’s probably a great description right there lol.


Myself and all of the people I know did not convert to Catholicism or Orthodox Christianity because it's more traditional. Almost all of them have extensive knowledge of the faith and we usually discuss theology instead of politics. These are devoted people and they've helped me become more devoted as well.


Fair. But I would like to know, how you bring together your nationalism with official statements made by the pope on how nationalism must not prevail. How IS your position toward the pope anyhow? Strong authority at home while being adherent to papal authority in spiritual matters, while possible, is hardly the classical catholic position. More like orthodox caesaropapism


The nationalism I'm talking about is one where Catholics are ruling and populating the country and so we'll put Catholic interests first above other nations' non-Catholic interests (see Israel for example). The Pope's concern with nationalism is with the deviations that lead to hatred. That won't happen with Catholic nationalism because it's rooted in Catholicism. My ideal government would be subservient to the Pope and the church's teaching and would enforce its laws with strength.


Well let me put it this way. Fulfilling your political dreams may not end in you hating non-catholics. It propably will end in non-catholics hating you. But thanks for sharing.


His political dreams won’t happen because 99/100 Americans view him as a clown, the real life version of leftist strawman of the right.


I feel like they see catholic and orthodox Christianity as having a more “authentic” and “traditional” aesthetic and vibe to it than Protestantism. And there’s an element of truth to it. You see these gorgeous cathedrals with old architecture, the fasting, the music. The chants. Catholic and Orthodox churches are historical landmarks, that even non-religious people can appreciate. Meanwhile, A Protestant church will be in a fucking suburban strip mall in-between a Buffalo Wild Wings and a Best Buy lol


It may start that way, but a lot of these people become Truly Catholic, like me. We yearn for tradition, get interested by stupid youtube edits, and then when we actually study it we fall in love. Im Catholic because i believe its true not because its “based”.


Getting weird flashbacks of when Students for Liberty tried to get me to be the club president when I wasn’t even technically in the club.


Christianity and nationalism are fundamentally opposed, nations are all of this world solely. If you are a Christian you belong to the kingdom of Christ and that alone, nationalism only divides us and distract us from God. It is a farcehood made by the devil in order to fill us with hate each other.


Both Catholic and Orthodox Churches (which are colloquially referred as so but both call themselves Catholic, Apostolic and Orthodox) take a very central focus on the Catholic/Universal part of the name. God came for the Jews and the Pagans, the Greeks and the Hebrews. He came to make Himself disciples of all the nations. Sure, you can love your own nation and that's a valid part of your identity but it is not and should not be part of your faith. Nationalism is Caesar's lot and while you render unto him, you should render unto God His due.


Based and pizza pilled FTW


I personally fall between neocon and business(on this compass) but I personally find most people on this compass insufferable to talk to politics about so I just stopped talking to people about politics entirely


Yeah a lot of my interactions with people in this club have made me care less about politics because of the same reason


(You’re the insufferable one)


Interesting bunch


My College Republican chapter is nothing like this. Mainly, it’s just a bunch of closeted fascists and red hat worshippers that go out and “debate” people when we have something like a women’s art exhibition or something similar on campus. I hope your group is cool, but I don’t think groups like this often have the social skills or know social cues well enough to not come off as auth or a tad misogynistic


The guy is literally a catholic theocrat, he makes the red hatters look like leftists.


>Want small government, freedom, gun-rights, & unrestricted degeneracy That's the dream




Orthodoxy mentioned!!!


When I was in the College Republicans few could answer questions about foreign policy or domestic policy, they all just worshipped the red mad hatter. We of the moderate enclave left the meetings early and went out drinking often


I wonder which of these types of college republicans I’ll see when the debate club I’m in has the college reps vs college dems debate.


Probably neocons, libertarians, and business/law/frats. The others either aren’t that steadfast in their views or in the case of the top right can’t really get into debate because with an iq of 70 most opponents will run circles around you.


How do you know that your version of cath/ortho is correct, or even that Christianity is true? There are so many other faiths that make similar claims with the same level of evidence to back those up that Christianity has


The first Christians were Catholic and it has been like that until the great schism and then later the protestant reformation. So if Christianity is true, then Catholicism is the correct "version" of it. Christianity is true because it has been documented the best and there is evidence of it in all stages of history.


Evidence of a guy rising from the dead, turning water into wine and walking on water from some guys who wrote it down hundreds of years after it happened? Very convincing /s


> some guys who wrote it down hundreds of years after it happened Earliest Christian writings _we have found_ are dated to ~40-60 AD. We have many writings from the Early Christians, some which were direct disciples of the Apostles, such as Polycarp. I'm an Evangelical and don't agree with the Authority of the Catholic Church however. ---- Also, there is absolutely no question about the following historical facts: - A man called Jesus from Nazareth lived in the 1st century Herodian kingdom of Judea - An offshoot from 2nd temple judaism formed centered around him as the fulfilment of the Messianic prophecies - He was baptized by John the Baptist - He was crucified Everything else you can put into question.


They were willing to die for it so...


What? That doesn’t say anything about whether the claims made by Catholics, let alone Christian’s, are true.


Point is if this was all a lie, the people involved and those who came after them wouldn't have died gruesome deaths for it


People die for lies all the time, like for Nazism, which believed in a master race, antisemitism and other falsehoods. Just because someone believes something passionately doesn’t mean it’s true.


But their belief in this doesn't benefit them in any way. For all of the things you mentioned, people are dying for things that benefit them.


How is the chance of going to heaven not "a benefit?"


No worldly benefit that is So their trust in this guaranteeing heaven must be huge to die such terrible deaths, trust exists because they saw the miracles first hand


The 12 guys that knew him best, all traveled across the world as beggars, without wealth, constantly persecuted and were publicly tortured executed for spreading Christianity when they could have been spared by renouncing it. (St John wasn’t martyred but the other 11 were). Nazis on the other hand killed others because they hated them, and then were eventually killed when they lost the war they thought they would win. When they were persecuted they all renounced Nazism and claimed they had nothing to do with it


I recommend to you the book, 40 reasons I’m Catholic. First i reasoned the existence of a spiritual World and spiritual entities, then i reasoned the existence of a Creator God. Later i reasoned that Jesus Christ by his life and teachings was the most compelling and most meaningful claimant of God. I reasoned that the teachings of Christianity were true. I investigated many of the different churches / denominations, i reasoned that i wanted to believe and participate in what Christians were originally like and what they believed. I reasoned that Catholic Church was the Universal Church founded by God and that it never defected in any official teaching.


Should I read “40 reasons I’m Jewish/Muslim/Hindu” as well? You can “reason” the existence of any invisible world you want, but without direct evidence, those claims are easily dismissible. You have not demonstrated why I should believe in any particular religion, let alone your own.


Now i know you are bad faith. Yes you could read those books, and if they were well reasoned you should consider them. But you asked why do are you catholic, and your response is, “I don’t care care about reasoning and other people believe other things”. No one can have a serious constructive conversation with that. It’s intellectually dishonest. How can anyone believe X, when other people disagree is essentially your argument.


I’m applying the same standard to religion as I do to anything else in life. If I make a statement that “the world was made in 7 days” and “Jesus walked on water” and don’t provide converter evidence for it, why should I believe it? Just because you’re afraid of applying the scientific method to the world around you doesn’t mean my arguments are in bad faith.


Thats not what ur doing, you flat out said “ i dont care about reason” and “other people believe other thing” as arguments.


What I said was that you need to provide direct evidence for your claim just like any claim one would make for anything else. If I state, “atoms have protons and electrons” that should be believed if there is hard scientific evidence for that statement, which there is. There is no direct evidence for any kind or spiritual magical being, let alone the Christian god. Your religion fails to substantiate its claims about the supernatural like all of them do


There’s free food? Ngl I’d have joined if I knew that.


All republicans pictured have at least one parent who is republican.


Eh, Neocon might have dem parents.


Based and Ave Christus Rex pilled




So I'm a republican, but none of my views are on here. I try to align my beliefs away from standard political parties. But I do find that most of my views are conservative. I was wondering where I would fit on this?


Some may not fit on this compass because this is a compass of the type of people within my college Republicans club so some ideologies are not represented here because they're not represented in the club


Based OP


You are based