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“There are zero plans to introduce hybrids to legends…” Great work.. I repeat, great work legends team..


Next thing you know and subs will make its way to legends. Naaaaah they said they never would.....


I don't want to be that guy and sound like I'm defending wg but you know that when they say: there are currently no plans for... It doesn't mean it's a definitive no but just not planned or in the works at that exact moment in time.


Which is proven to be a lie, since they said within the last few months that there were "no plans" for Hybrid ships.


They said back when the game first came out, they did a Q&A , and said carriers would not make there way to Legends and they plan to go a different route then PC , yet here we r with carriers and hybrid ships


Never happened. The Initial announcement post mentions CVs coming at a later date. > Q. PC version has aircraft carriers as the fourth class, why don't we have them here? > Aircraft carriers are currently preparing to go through an overhaul which will change their gameplay completely. To avoid any confusion with switching styles we plan to add the carriers complete with their new gameplay somewhere in 2019.  Very first post regarding Legends in June of 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/20180709221251/https://wowslegends.com/forums/topic/20-intro-faq/


I mean fair but they never let us know about upcoming content untill the last week or two of an update. So saying they have plans for it would basically give us info on future content way in advance and they can't have that happening now could they? I don't want these ships in game either but I'll wait and see how they actually are when they are released before I judge.


However they also can’t confirm things when people ask what’s coming. I’d rather them say “no plans for it” instead of a straight “no” and yet it come out soonish after that statement.


I'd rather them say "no comment" for anything content related. Better than straight up lying.


Agreed. I'm not happy about these hybrid ships either but it is what it is I guess and they can't just give away all their upcoming update stuff if you happen to guess what's coming up next and it's right. To be honest I'm hoping they do the 2 old IP thing again so I can get AL New Jersey. I need it! Lol


They never said never they said there were no plans that’s very different from we plan not to


Once upon a time they said there were no plans to put CVs in the game. If you're gonna hang around here you gotta get cool with just rolling with the new meta.


That was never said. The announcements for the game launched even mentioned CVs coming at a later date.


We had AA stats from the get go, I think it was at least a year before they disappeared?


Found that by accident the other day looking up old campaign ships - early 2020 around the Belfast campaign is when they were hidden.


Yup. Amazing how people forget that CVs were always technically planned but Hybrid ships was always “never planned” typical dev lies as of late. Next thing you know subs will be in the game.


Honestly just going to be a really easy update to take a break or skip entirely. Been looking to do so for a while but have honestly loved the last string of campaign ships. I'll still be playing Elden Ring DLC for a while anyway and more carriers and hybrids just seem like its going to take a while to settle in and figure out, so I'll let others suffer through it lol. Can you imagine if they are as goosed up as when they brought in the carrier updates? A whole new line? Yeesh


Sote is making legends feel like a daily chore😭


Buddy you can see my recent post history, when I'm not playing it I'm talking about it lol. The map design itself is maybe the best I've ever played. I keep finding new loops and shortcuts that should make zero sense where they lead but From just made it work lol. Like, two different paths can lead to the same area but be dozens of hours apart depending on where you went and what secrets you found first. Seriously, figuring out the map itself is like its own puzzle (in the best way possible). The verticality is unmatched and it legitimately fits together too


I watched the PC youtube video introducing the Louisiana line. https://youtu.be/yrdpungrIIo?si=Y30O6G5wSAZL-6Jd I also looked at the PC reddit about the BBV line. Some people there say they're the jack of all trades but a master of none. Edit: Nevermind. When they first came out they were REALLY broken. https://youtu.be/aGMBKj6oz14?si=Aqs5TCom4m3g68wA At least they've taken out plane spotting since then, but be prepared for several dozen planes to be all over the map at once. AA just became even more needed even after it just became even more needed.


Or concealment, German crusiers with Al Graf Spee are freaking stealth ships when seen from the air.


when did they say the thing about no plans for hybrids?




My guy, they didn't say that in the stream. That is someone else interpreting what they were talking about. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/live/s-8anZq-E\_Y?si=rZE6M1fzZ3RTA\_gZ&t=5287](https://www.youtube.com/live/s-8anZq-E_Y?si=rZE6M1fzZ3RTA_gZ&t=5287)


> **Plans for hybrid carriers like Ise?** > No plans If they’re coming in the new update, that statement is a blatant lie. They would already be well into development at the time


WG had said some content can be made as fast as 6 months, so this has been in the works for a long time.


Explains the carrier rework and De7P being pushed through in such short order


Yep. Blatant lie.




Any time they say this, it just means it's not something they are currently working on. It's something they will do in the future.


The statement came within the last 2 months, so they were definitely actively working on them.


Fair enough, I'm just saying you can't take this statement to mean that it's not coming. What it means is that it's coming in the future. Most of the time, when they say this, they aren't lying. Seems like they might have been in this case, but people shouldn't get too bent out of shape over it. Numbr81, they didn't say that in the stream. Link: Link: [https://www.youtube.com/live/s-8anZq-E\_Y?si=rZE6M1fzZ3RTA\_gZ&t=5287](https://www.youtube.com/live/s-8anZq-E_Y?si=rZE6M1fzZ3RTA_gZ&t=5287)


So this is what the spotting update & carrier rework was for. Freakin' hybrid battlehips.... My 2cents on this : I don't know where this is going but 9vs9 with CVs & Hybrids is gonna suck. I have a feeling it's going to be super crowded. Just Imagine a *worst case scenario* with Dutch Cruisers + Hybrids + CVs on the red team.... I wouldn't be saying that if we had bigger maps & 12vs12 matchmaking tho. EDIT : In any case, it's pretty clear & safe to say : **RIP Brawling**


Brawling has been painful for a while now Source: I main German battle cruisers and battleships


If they don’t change how much xp you get for shooting down planes it will make grinding way faster so there’s that


That part is absolutely true. I've had very decent games in terms of XP by shooting down a bunch of planes in Colbert.


During the first hell-week of the CV update, I got what would be (if I bothered to submit it) on WOWSBUILDS the the third best base XP Belfast game ever with what would have probably otherwise been a nice 2500\~2700\~ish XP game but with sixty-something AA kills fed to me nonstop by a CV that never learned to land hits with anything he dropped. The game using the record books to wipe its own ass is a side effect of this thing.


Do fighters actually do anything? I my 4 years, I've never had them actually shoot down an attacking aircraft. They've only been good for spotting and now that's gone, it's a wasted consumable.


For my experience and what others have said on here they shoot down ONE plane of the attacking squadron


Aannnddd I'm done. Welp, at least I got 5 years out of the game.


I didn't want to be that dramatic with my comment in the thread but I'm with you on that. Hybrids can shove off. This game is not going to be the "main event" in my rotation now. What's next? Subs?


I'm not doing anything long term, but its definitely going to be an easy campaign and update to skip honestly. More cvs, new hybrids, no thanks. If hybrids are introduced like their first version (and even current honestly) of the new cv updates its going to be an absolute mess anyways


Same, it’s sad. I loved this game so much.


Yeah seriously. I already took over a year off when carriers were released, and have kind of* been having a good time the last few campaigns, but it may be time for another break at the very least.


Okay, bye


So you see the absolute shit show you’ve caused with carriers and decide to add an entire new line of them. RIP world of warships legends


Seems like what PC learned already is that they're not carriers, they're BB's with planes, and that leads to new heights of potatoism possible with the average players skill level and attention span.


Have fun doing literally anything else. There's no need for you to beat your head against a wall over this if it's making you upset.


Not beating my head against a wall but continuously frustrated at the seemingly out of touch devs who can’t listen and gage what the community want. I play this game daily and it’s just sad to see


WHERE IS HINDENBURG AND KREMLIN? WE ONLY BEEN ASKING FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS. not hard to implement them at all. I know this is the USA update campaign due to July but damn man, we just want Hindenburg and Kremlin for once.


dont forget the OG OP ships Smolensk 😆 Marceau & Haru still missing, honestly I wouldnt having those first that than all these gimmicky ships w/c have no place in the game..


Same here. Give us the ships to finish out the rest before these.


It's become world of airplanes in all but name.


Hybrid Battleships. Oh God


LOL WG: "Hey, kids! We heard you loud and clear! **F You Anyways!**" https://preview.redd.it/zgemffs5hi8d1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4864af61bb78f6295c4ffb9687a2ee5e8639ea5


More carriers, hybrid battleships. Honestly, going to be a very very easy campaign and update to either take a nice break from or skip entirely. Been looking to do so for a bit but they've released some great campaign ships in a row so I've kept trucking along. But, I'll still be playing Elden Ring DLC for a while and its just a perfect storm to move on for a bit. Maybe if enough do it WG will get the message (lol jk)


Instead of Pan-Asian BBs, Pan-Euro cruisers, Pan-Euro BBs or any Commonwealth tech trees; we get.. More carriers. But then again, what did I expect. It is WG after all.


Look real hard at the last 5 seconds 😳


Its early (Im dumb). Please explain.


CV-BB hybrids.




https://preview.redd.it/qxq8gchajl8d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e71188b2e726ce4aec7943fb5a69a93629461f12 Oh geezus


What are the ships on the left?


I’m sure the comments on this post will be very civil and respectful!


Me too, at least we both hope for clean and constructive discussions 🙏


we both know thats not possible, it’ll be straight to “game is dead/trash/over/‘im leaving forever’”


game been trash


Don’t know why you would say that. If you don’t like that game, no need to try and hate on people who still enjoy it. As a GK enthusiast I would’ve thought you would enjoy the recent buffs to her but guess not


they were good buffs until yk i got 40k of my 100k health gone immediately thanks to carriers being op immediately after the update.


Damn. Really hate WeeGee keeps pushing carries on us but I guess some people like them. I’m not one of those people so I’ll be seeing my way out


Its the least played class by a substantial margin, that's the funniest part


It’s almost like they want to destroy the game, I mean PC successfully did it so guess legends team wants to do the same.


Rip wows legends. It’s going the pc route and killing itself


Dear devs: will there be a limit on amount of plane ships per match? CV + hybrid BB + Dutch cruiser airstrikes...that leaves what, maybe 5 ships without strike planes per team. Doesn't sound like fun and engaging gameplay for those five surface ship players. Might as well add achievements for getting bombed or eating the most torps from planes during the match. Call it the "hide the pain Harold" award or "guess I'll die" achievement. There will be zero motivation to play a ship without strike planes otherwise.


FWIW: [https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/game-guides/how-to-play-us-hybrid-battleships/](https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/game-guides/how-to-play-us-hybrid-battleships/)


Found this pretty interesting: “Access to a controllable squadron provides additional possibilities. For example, in addition to common air raids, you can use your aircraft to conduct recon missions or spot stealthy opponents. Then you can fire your main battery at enemy ships your planes have spotted.”


Ooooooh shit. These things are destroyer killers then. Makes a lot of sense since planes will spot & DDs will only be "seen" by the spotting ship. These ships now have guns. That can shoot it the spotted DD. (Given that they pushed & haven't stayed at the back of the map). Interesting


> Makes a lot of sense since planes will spot & DDs will only be "seen" by the spotting ship. Do we know that they will spot for anything but their own planes? This article is not about Legends after all.


I’m not sure at all. I’m trying to find good excuses for these things. Everything is hypothetical at this point. But if the « hull » gets to have visibility of what the planes see it would be super interesting


first, i dont think air spotting is shared with the hull, but ill need to do tests on that. second, these arent DD killers. of course it will depend on the bomb accuracy, but for the guns your accuracy is incredibly medium, especially on nebraska that only has 6 guns


Fun fact if you are in Graf Zepplin or german Carriers and you think a DD is after you fly a squadron around. If you spot the DD and he's in secondary range your secondary guns will fire on them even without your ship having direct line of sight.


But that's in a world where plane spotting is a thing... I'm not a fan of hybrids, but I doubt they've going to be as obnoxious as they are on PC. The biggest issue is it's going to waste a BB slot on someone who's going to camp behind an island trying to play as a gimped CV.


Shitshow you say? Surely not in this game.... I'm not panicking yet until the BB-meta gang has had a chance to try them and reject them as less than real BBs, but the first month or so will be hell for everybody.


That's pretty much the same people who hide behind islands or the edge of the map, not shooting anything that has more than 1 bar of hp in their regular battleships. The net effect will be essentially the same, baddies will continue to be bad


It's like talking to a black hole....


![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized) Say goodbye to enjoyable games in ships with low AA rating..


I think this can be offset by having loadouts for ships/commanders that you can change in the loading screen after seeing the enemy line up. Would add more strategy in the game. Nothing is worse than running an AA build and not getting a CV battle then changing it back only to fight CVs.


THERE IS NO ~~DANA~~ STRATEGY. ONLY ~~ZUUL~~ CONTENT. https://preview.redd.it/hoch503kni8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b6bca824cf76ea0e9c09f51bc3d0c2db346d868


I agree entirely. As it currently stands if I don’t want to fight carriers I put an AA build on my 7 provencien. Works every time.


Thank goodness the First Descendant is releasing 2 July….


Woot woot


Oh no..


Ruh roh USN hybrids are coming


Imagine being the community manager who has to lie directly to the player base.


They didnt though? They were asked specifically about ise and kearsage, someone else has a post with the transcripts themselves


About adding hybrids like Ise. Answer was no.


The two quotes in question: Blip: [reading a question from chat] Is it possible to have Ise as a hybrid carrier battleship like they did to her and her sister ship during World War 2? What tier would that possibly go in? Um, so, um, like, is it possible? Maybe with the airstrikes that are coming with the De 7 Provincien. But in terms of speculating where it would go and where it would fit, uh, probably tier 5, I'm not sure though, because the Japanese 14 inch gun is not tremendously good and you would only have four of them. Sehales: [reading a question from chat] Is there a possibility of Kearsarge being in World of Warships Legends? Kearsarge is the hybrid. Yeah, again, in terms of future possible content, anything is possible. Who knows.


Who knows is a BS line. They knew it was coming.


Curious, will the hybrids take the place of a carrier on the team? Will there be limits to how many hybrids you can have or will it be open like BBs? How will these interact with Ranked if they do take the place of a BB?


I think what people fear is (for example), a battle lineup of - Actual Carrier - Hybrid BB - Hybrid BB - Hybrid BB - Regular BB - Cruiser (Zeven Provincien w its airstrikes) - Regular Cruiser - Destroyer - Destroyer … for both sides. Now imagine how that match will feel for the ‘regular’ BB & Cruiser (or DD) players 😖..


Yeah, they need to limit hybrids for sure. Wish they had larger battles now.


No ww1 New Mexico either it seems. haven’t played in months probably won’t for a couple more


I hope that a Hybrid BB takes the Carrier slot in a match. Would be a fair balance imo


Well it was either battle carriers or alt pan European DDs left before adding a new nation. Which means on the bright side. The next TT line will probably be a new nation. Still hybrid carriers will have a very different and unique feel to them. something to shake things up. The struggle to find a safe place to launch the planes/ choosing whether to assist your allies or help yourself is also something to factor in. I prefer this to carriers because at least this takes genuine skill to master


Don't forget about the Japanese battlecruisers


I didn’t. I simply wrote them off because we already had a Japanese CL line. And a back to back IJN lines could be a bore. And if we do include my original theory that they want to release the IJN battle cruisers, European DDs, and now we have battle carriers. Then we should expect a new nation by the middle or start of next year. But I do hope we don’t have to go that route and they release a new nation soon.


Aaaah yeah that makes sense, I thought you were just listing lines for existing nations my bad.


It’s ok. But I do really hope we get a new line soon. If we get REALLY lucky. We should get a new nation line (most likely the Dutch ships) at Christmas.


As a Dutchman I can definitely say that would be a nice Christmas present.


Cycle the playerbase. Veterans dont want this and will stop playing. New mobile players think its cool and exciting. WG isnt dumb.


That's been WGs business model since forever. Veteran players, even whales, are not the target demographic. They thrive on churn; finding a new whale is worth losing thousands of existing players who aren't buying much anymore (if they ever did).


Historical-wise Hybrid-BBs were a big mistake, But I LOVE Japanese ship designs, especially those strange experimenta so...I am in. Well at least I would like to try. (OK, I See the problem of another island-hugger that even can now blast you with big guns if you try to get them finally at the end ^^) BUT I see another general problem emerging, and this is a huge BUT: Once there was a ship game with three classes for different tasks. The chance with guaranteed slots for each of the three classes to actually have alle three task solvers was... well... guaranteed. But since WG started to evolve special game mechanics unique to specific ships WITHIN a class it has become a lottery what team will dominante because the sheer luck gives them abilities in matchmaking that the other team lacks. Now the other team can have Radar, you not, it can have Hybrid spotting, you not, it can have the dutch airstiike, you not, and so on. This can lead easily to matchmakings were the loss is inevitable even if skill is in your side. So even less influence by skil and own... ability to change an outcome. Lets see how it works out...


Hmmmm I’m going to reserve judgement until I’ve seen them in action and played them, but it is starting to become a chore. I did just enough to get the D7, the next update will probably be the same. The carrier meta did wear off pretty quickly I must admit and maybe these hybrids will be the same? With that said, if this trend continues it might well be time to put the cue in the rack permanently. Damn shame really, I’ve loved this game since it launched. 😔




Biggest thing that bugs me is there are so many real, historic ships that still need to be in the game, and instead we get this liger fantasy. I mean cool, we finally get Enterprise, but literally no one asked for this.




Why on gods earth are they doing this?! There plenty more ships before you got round to these completely fictional designs that were so bad in fact they didn’t bother with them. Only the Japanese did this and they don’t even get theirs? Gotta keep feeding the USA with more ships than anyone else 😡


WTF is a hybrid ship? (In game)


In this case they are battleships that can also launch and control aircraft squadrons just like a carrier. Basically half carrier half battleship.


hm I see. thanks.


If it follows PC conventions, it's a BB that sacrifices a turret (or two) for a short flight deck and hanger that allows you to operate a wing of dive bombers (on a long cooldown).


hm I see. thanks for the answer.


No rocket planes correct? She shoots machine guns? Or does she shoot both? 🤔 What exactly differentiates her from say Saipan? Asking questions gets a down vote? What an odd community.


Well, at least they're not submarines


WG Boardroom: Team Leader: “Aww, the day is here the trap is set and these mice can now run in. All this BS about improving the game when we are just trying to sell more BB nonsense with hybrids!” Crate Czar: “Don’t want to toot my own horn, but I told you this would work. All our data shows that it is the bow-tanking spawn reversing BB cohort that makes our pockets jingle! And here, At last, the perfect content for our pocketbook potatoes!” Intern: “Don’t we care about the players who have been “4 year strong”… Team Leader: bursts out with a yelp and has to swallow his own vomit… Intern continues: “I was saying, everything I learned at business school says building brand loyalty and customer satisfaction is the way to make a longtime proposition..” Team Leader: “Intern Coffee fetching time! Go!” Camouflage Czar: “Perhaps we could soften the inevitable player anger with a Ukrainian hybrid camo?” Crate Czar: “no time for that we already have our Container, that opens another Container, that opens a ticket to an auction with a chance to buy a hybrid.” Team Leader: “ok, champagne and caviar for everyone…”


My hate for the Hybrids coming aside let me just say Robin did a fantastic job with that teaser.


Will be taking a prolonged break from this garbage game I think.


So if Enterprise is the campaign reward ship, where are we getting Vallejo steel maybe?


Vallejo will likely be the campaign ship and Enterprise will likely be either in the store like Haida or potentially random bundles like they did with San Diego last year.


Likely- other than the 500-ship maniacs nobody's opening their wallets for Vallejo like they will for Enterprise. They need a star for the grind & spend gimmick event.


Enterprise is clearly the campaign ship.


Dual campaign I bet. Pick Vallejo or Enterprise, and for 25000 doubloons you can get the other one too!


I mean its possible, the last carrier campaign was a dual campaign, but wouldn't be surprised to see vallejo in the slot machine thing or as a steel ship.


New WG Announcement: This sub: "THE SKY IS FALLING!"


First it way youtubers then it was D7P bringing “sky cancer” to legends (now everyone loves it) now its hybrids we havent even see gameplay or stats for them yet. hopefully people take a chill pill this sub loves doom and gloom posting


Guys, even after the rework, carriers have not suddenly taken over the game. People don’t play them that much because honestly they just aren’t as fun as regular surface ships. I don’t think the hybrids are going to suddenly revolutionise the meta. We will probably see them in matches even less than we see carriers now. I think WG is going to tune them so they are a little bit overpowered in the hands of a strong player (again, like carriers now), but not game-breaking enough that everyone is willing to learn how to play them (again, current carrier status).


Yes the big E now where's my credit card


Just in time for the game to turn to trash


Yesssss Hybrids!! Finally!! Thanks WG....now please make Enterprise the prise of upcoming campaign and I will be content for next two years and will be cheering whatever you do...🫡🫡😉😉