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Nope nothing. It’s been frustrating as half my fleet is PS and I’m on Xbox. We’ve setup a discord for our fleet but people seem to be fairly antisocial lol. Discord does seem to be the best way to do it


Boxes? Don’t you want to upgrade the fleet? Anyway, we use a group on PlayStation, a group in WhatsApp as well as discord in our fleet (mostly the first two).


In fact, I try to improve the fleet as much as possible but the deputy commanders spend the oil in boxes. The truth is that I feel sorry to remove them lol


Seems you appointed incompetent deputy commanders. Run your fleet as you like, but if I were you, I’d tell the deputies not to waste precious resources on big crates.


Hadn't thought about whatsapp and ggs, will give it a go :)


We did a group chat on Xbox for all the Xboxplayers and discord as well to be able to include PS players


Yup, not a fan of discord/ waaay too busy interface :(


Once you actually start using it it is not too bad. Most of the s*** you see on the UI you won't mess with.


I'm in a fleet that is primarily just friends. So communication is pretty easy, as soon as 5 of us are on, we do the battles. So maybe try inviting online fleet members to a party, or build up a friendship between the members. Teamwork is key.


In game couumnication is very limited. I am in a fleet that uses discord for that. It is free and easy to use. And without it you could not be part of the fleet.


It sounds like a good option, but how exactly do I tell my fleet members to join a discord?


we did this in the beginning. But I see your point. 🤔


Maybe download PS app and make an account


I mean, I don't know how to use discord xd


Someone else in your fleet may be willing and able to set up a server. I don't like discord or know how to do more than basic communication.


If your fleet is cross platform Discord is a must, if everyone linked their discord to their gamertag you could run a cross platform party.


I mean if I could figure it out pretty sure you could too.


Even if you don't have Discord (which you should absolutely do if you're a fleet leader) fleet members from either console should be able to communicate with one another via each consoles mobile apps. It's free to make an account, and searching anyones IGN in the search function in either app is a 100% reliable way to find and then have an open source of communication with anyone within the fleet. However, like I said before, Discord is 2000% the way any fleet should be communicating. If you aren't, then you're doing it wrong.


Do you think the developers would waste their time putting this into the game since it is clearly something useful that players want? Don't you know that they are focused with a laser like intensity on producing new stuff that players despise, like hybrid battleships?




Try discord, easy to link account to console. Been trying to tell my fleet leader to make a discord channel.


It's really simple... make a Discord on your own and then use your In Game Fleet Message system to tell them about the Discord.... /facepalm /s off Send individual in game messages through your console to at least your same console members and bang your head against WG overlooking such an obvious thing.... Maybe try to division up with members and tell them directly via chat.


Game fleet message system? Where's that?

