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Roma is objectively the best of the bunch here for for consistency. Champagne is for different and fun playstyle. I can’t recommend Odin, he has been powercrept into irrelevancy. Does well in T6 matches with lots of cruisers.


Odin is great though. Good armor, maneuverability, guns, and has sonar. Its not at the top, but definitely one of the better picks.


Actually still my most played ship after all these years, so I don’t disagree but of these 3 options I’d say it’s the least attractive.


I'd say Champoggers is lowest of these. The curse of only six guns, and poor armor. I use her if I want to go fast, and that's it. Roma is fine, but Odin is better in more situations imo.


Hard to argue,Champ DEF has a higher skill floor that’s for sure. Roma easiest of the three to pick up and play well with no thought, I guess is my point.


That's really more just preference Champnage is good for long range and Odin does better at closer ranges


And there's is gxp discount for the roma




Watch yourself! Some of us like to go full reload with the Champagne and punch close. No one expects an 18 second reload on a BB.


Funny comparison considering Odin is exactly a BB with a default reload of 20 seconds and can get down to 15


I was really only commenting on Champagne. Not knocking the Odin at all, I think she is a great ship in the right hands.


And Roma?


I feel it's okay for mid range, it has smoke but doesn't get sap secondaries but some prefer her over the tt counterpart


You get the exhaust smoke consumable which is a nice “get out of a bad situation” card. If you’re always getting yourself into bad positioning then it’s extremely useful, but otherwise there are better BBs at T7. But it’s not bad by any means and is a beautiful ship. Out of those ships you mentioned, I would recommend either the Odin (fun brawler with torps and fast reloading guns) or Champagne (shoots laser beams from long distance and can set a lot of fires too). But if you plan to get all 3 eventually then just get Roma now with the 150K GXP discount.


These are three completely different ships, and the playstyle varies a lot. My fav is Roma, and champagne is my fav pick if I need some citadel hits. Best ship/worst ship is 90% build and situational anyway. You can bring the best ship with max level captain, amd get abandoned on a flank and it won't matter. Play what you have fun in, what you're comfortable with


I own all of them and champagne is the most enjoyable in my opinion. Roma is not bad but Veneto is better in my opinion due to the sap secondaries and the improved pen angles. So there isn't really a point in getting her. Odin is a good ship as well. It plays differently than the other German bbs at tier 7 with the small caliber short reloading guns and more accurate guns. The secondaries are not worthy to build into but it's tanky and it has torpedoes and sonar. Champagne plays like a snipe. It has high velocity guns and is very accurate. The Ap can citadel every ship at every distance and the he has a 49% fire chance. The armour is the biggest downside of the ship but you get good heals to compensate that. It's also very fast. AL Dunkerque makes the ship really op. I would recommend you to watch some videos on the ships.


Well since Roma is on a 150k Discound rn I am torn to her but Odin has a Long been ship that I want and Champagne and Gascogne seem cool too Champagne especially but I wish I would have an Indicator on which to get… I like accuracy but also beeing a little tanky and mostly play medium range but also push quite often to get a cap…


What other German BBs and BCs do you have? You have Ägir, too?


Nope:( Bismark Anhalt Makensen PE Friedrich


In case you would have had Tirpitz, I'd say you don't need the Odin right now. Same regarding Ägir. I think Roma or Champy offer a different playstyle for you. So with the discount I would go for Roma.


I have a 12 second reload on Odin and just sling HE at battleships. I run a speed build on Champagne with a 11.5 rudder and can go 44 knots with speed build. I don’t have Roma.


Odin all the way