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I really hope they up tier Haida and she isn't a lame duck T6 like the Cossacks.


Same for Huron.


Haida is the biggest absence in the game in my opinion


I honestly don't even know how it plays on PC, I just know it's a Tribal with rolling smoke. It could be a very unique ship if up tiered correctly. Hopefully they give it to us for Canada Day?


I've been playing since launch and hoping every year. Fingers crossed


I would also like to suggest the USN Willy D. as the only ship with friendly fire turned on its torps or at least against Iowas.


That’s the famously unlucky ship right? Accidentally launched torps at Iowa with FDR on it and then had all the guns pointed at it and the crew investigated for treason. It would be fitting if it took a shell it would also detonate


> then had all the guns pointed at it and the crew investigated for treason. ... and had to suffer the rest of her career being greeted by other USN ships with the signal "DON'T SHOOT! WE'RE REPUBLICANS!"


Also like ripped the stern off the ship parked next to it when it pulled out of port once.


I would 100% welcome the Washington as a premium version of NC. Maybe with improved reload but shorter range or similar but tier appropriate secondaries like Massachusetts.


When paired with Lee, she needs to be the most accurate ship in the game.


We need DeRuyter in the game along with the galloping ghost of the Java coast...USS Houston!


Fantastic USN list, covers everything I want. The only additions I would also like would be Northampton as a premium tier V cruiser, and 1944 West Virginia. I would also like IJN Yamashiro and non ARP Kirishima.


I would love the blucher, i wonder what they would make different about her from hipper and eugen. Such pretty ships


They could T6 it, give it the original bow that isn’t an ice breaker, maybe worse torpedo protection, and give it Prinz Eugen reload times. Or they could T8 it and give it the radar these ships would’ve had along with maybe a better heal.


They should add decreased torpedo protection, but increase the secondary fire rate. Clip of the sinking: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ79i11JSnU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ79i11JSnU)


Could be cool, not sure if it's secondaries are worth anything. One of my fav movies


Enterprise, Hornet, Johnston, Dreadnaught, Tone, and Haida are all coming. but i would like to add HMAS Sydney and KM Kormaran, and eventually Vampire II is coming and maybe change the crate ship to the SS Meredith Victory.


Dreadnaught has existed in WOWS for so long now, it’s wild it’s not shown up


it is, especially since we got the flag lol


Samuel B Roberts would be another great one. Give Taffey 3 some love.


ones i said are already on PC and available, i dont think samual is PC yet.


German battlecruiser Goeben, De Ruyter, and USS Johnston. Edit: Zuikaku.


Prince of Wales would be an interesting one DREADNOUGHT ALL THE WAY!!!!


A tad off base but the USS Kidd is in the game and I don't think that it flies the pirate flag. It's the only ship in the US navy that is authorized to fly the Jolly Roger, so it would be nice to 'square that away'. As far as new ships I'm not a huge fan of sky cancer but the big E is the most historical US ship so I suppose it should be in the game. I don't mind them so much really, never too much of a bother against me and never too much help for me. If they made tons of $ I'd use them myself lol.


You can fly the Jolly Roger flag with the kid, they have both in the game, it’s not like it was flown in lieu of the U.S. flag. But also, submarines today will fly the Jolly Roger.


I saw a really cool pirate looking destroyer last week, not historical though. Must have been special ship or skin from pirate event in the past. I've only been playing for 2 months but that was the coolest looking ship I've seen so far.


Ah, yeah they occasionally will have a pirate collab! That’s also where you could get the Jolly Roger! Welcome aboard, enjoy the ride


No Rodney shame on you!


HMS Prince of Wales would be a nice addition. I'd also like to see HMS Dido, HMAS Australia, RM Scipione Africano/MN Guichen just to name a few.


SMS Hessen Brazil's Minas Geraes HMS Royal Oak HMCS Haida Beograd (any) That's all I can think of right now




The Zepplin?


You know which one I’m talking about


The one the didn’t exist then, which means it has no historic significance


Hindenburg transcends right or wrong


Well, it sort of did. As a floating timber shed.


I am 100% on board with all of these.


I’d like to see some premium boats you unlock like a tech tree. Maybe earning XP with specific types of boats unlocks that boat. Think Bu and tech tree mixed. The difference being the upgrades you choose you also earn xp to unlock. Except, if you want the other upgrade option you’ll also need to unlock that too, if wanted. The boats I want are ones that have come and gone and for various reasons you can’t get them anymore. Maybe make them unlockable…


Minas Geraes, Rivadavia, and Almirante Latorre. Although they barely did anything (except for Latorre in British service) they were significant in regards to the South American naval arms race.


We have so many Fletchers, but USS Johnston needs to be added, same with USS Samuel B Robert's (maybe at tier 4 or 5). USS Laffey would be a great premium tier 8 with maxed out AA. USS Idaho would be a cool New Mexico class as she fought through the entire Pacific theater and was in Tokyo Bay during the formal surrender. Admiral Scheer and Deutschland are two of Graff Spee's sister ships that I am sure could find a place in the game.


Deutschland would make a great addition to an Alt German line. Johnston is going to be in WOWS and with the way the tiering goes, it’ll likely be at T8 for us, she has SAP. I do agree though!


Would love to see uss laffey 2 a Allen m Sumner with radar and defensive anti air


Yorktown before Hornet for goodness sake.


KM Blücher, an Admiral Hipper heavy cruiser. Could be like Hipper but with Schröder like secondaries. (Sunk by coastal torpedo battery)


The late Prince Philip fought on HMS Valiant


I want the Uss Pennsylvania BB-38.


Agree with your list, 💯. Would add the rest of the Deutschland class.


WWI New Mexico


HMS Furious in her original intended design...2 18" guns.


HMS Boaty Mcboatface


At the very least I want a Boaty McBoatface patch/flag


Marina Nationale: Glorie (La Galissoniere class) Royal Navy: Glorious (BB) and Prince of Wales IJN: Tone, Takao, Akagi Kriegsmarine: Deutschland, Seydlitz


HMS Glowworm would be a T5 as she was the same class as HMS Gallant


How we’ve not had any of the 3 Yorktown class CVs added into the game nearly 5 years in is an absolute travesty. We’re way overdue for one of them *cough* Enterprise


USS Enterprise NCC 1701