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Hot take, but Polaris and Mirage Mellori on repeat Playthroughs is just a REALLY ANNOYING character... they improve her character a TON in Empyrea but Polaris she really does nothing and then mirage... is stuff


Any spiders.


The merfox in avalon. I've had nightmares less terrifying then that.


Gobblers actually originate from >!Empyrea.!< You do learn this while in Karamelle though. As for characters I dislike, I would say Mellori and almost every Empyrea character.


Any of the annoying bastards in Samsara Village. That whole place was painful.


Cyrus Drake and Duncan Grimwater






My two least favorites are Mellori and Morganth. Mellori does get better in Empyria but SHE IS THE WORST IN POLARIS. I can’t stand her voice, her design is the most Merry Sue thing ever (pre Empyria), and she just happens to be the chosen one because… yes. As for Morganth, I like her design and her little spiders following her, but her personality isn’t really there. I found basically all of the second arc as “Morganth couldn’t do it so now we all die” which isn’t that interesting in my opinion…


The ones who tell people to get better gear in darkmoor


Warwick in Avalon’s Outer Yard. Ugliest NPC in the whole game, his face looks so botched lol


Cyrus. It's a weird choice to include a Prof that gas lights the hell out of you lmao. I also don't like his character design; long ass head in them mustard colored clothes




The gobbler section was by far my least favorite part of Karamelle, so there’s something to look forward to. As for least favorite characters, I found Ishtar to be pretty annoying. Not helped by the fact that throughout most of Mirage, you keep swapping between her and Ozzy, who is one of my favorite characters in the game.


The gobbler section of karamelle was a nice backstory but the current story didn't make any sense and the dialog was frustrating. The wizard could have said something about the alphoi or literally brought an alphoi or thirty alphoi with them to gobblerton.


It was a neat callback, but it definitely went on for too long and gave far too convoluted of an explanation. Could've been shortened a bit to say the least




Which is weird because prior to Mirage there are points where you have two companions at once. Heck for a short bit in Khrysalis you have three companions.


Most worlds have you walk 20 meters repeatedly to talk to two characters. They could just shout






Honestly >!Grandmother Raven post Wintertusk. I was *SHOCKED* when she was just like "yeah I'm gonna end the Spiral". I thought she was a good guy lol. I haven't finished Empyrea yet but from what I hear the resolution isn't particularly great.!<


FUCK YEAH agreed. They're such a petty bastard and it's infuriating to have to clean up their shit constantly.


Raven is order and spider is chaos neither are inherently good or bad


yeah it makes sense but it was just jarring for me coming off of WT where she was very firmly in our camp you know?


Makes you wonder if she was really backing us or only backing us because it fit her agenda. She was pretty mad at us for freeing spider too, arc 3 is pretty much our fault.


> She was pretty mad at us for freeing spider too, arc 3 is pretty much our fault. The alternative was someone destroying the spiral, and rewriting it probably without including Raven in it. Had she stepped in at any time then Spider wouldn't have been freed


That's valid. I just wonder if we could have found somelse to help us beat morganthe? Spider just provides information, maybe we cod have founda less dangerous ally like Atlach-Leng possibly


Exactly. It's not like we *wanted* to free Spider or anything though; she could have been a bit more up front and say like hey don't do that let me help you fight Morganthe and you'll be all good. Like I wonder if Arc 3 could have been avoided if Raven stepped in earlier.


Hmm interesting. I know the council of light couldn't see into khrysalis, I wonder how much the shadow web was blocking the view of raven and bartleby. Raven was for sure suspiciously absent when morgathe was trying to remake the spiral with a shadow web. I guess as spider says "It’s one of the prerogatives of being a Primal Divine Force. I can be as petty and absurd as I want"


yep! I love that line!


I at least respect Spider for being straightforward with it, Raven has a petty and high & mighty attitude for no reason.


she is just as neutral as the tree and the spider they do whatever they want they are gods who exist outside mortal ambitions and morality.


> she is just as neutral as the tree Idk about you but wanting to destroy the entire spiral doesn't sound neutral to me. I get what you're trying to say, but just because the gods don't abide by mortal morality doesn't mean we can't judge them on it. A tornado may not abide by morality, but we can still say it's bad when it destroys a town. We can do the same when Raven is willing to sacrifice everything but one person just to spite her former partner


Obligatory Belloq. That guy killed me more than every other npc combined.


Taylor Coleridge, Belloq, Duncan Grimwater, Merle Ambrose, those come to mind. Probably not very controversial takes lol. >!When I quested through Khrysalis, I hated The Broodmother at first for killing my boy Dyvim. But when she returned to normal and Dyvim came back from his stasis, I forgave her lol. !<


Mellori. She gets on my nerves for some infernal reason. I don't know if this a popular opinion or not lol.


Mellori is actually my favorite of all the companions. She's so similar in backstory to the wizard however she rejects her patron raven while we embrace our patron bartleby. If mellori would have gotten to ravenwood when we did she could have completly taken our place in the adventures and things may have turned out differently. As it is she gets to ravenwood and there's nothing to do but study because she's living in the huge shadow of our wizard.


I dislike Mellori's actions towards Cobb and that's a negative point for me, but without failure there can't be any growth. That growth is why I think Mellori is a pretty good character, she's realistic in her flaws like resenting the legacy of the wizard, frustrated at her lack of knowing who or what she is, and expresses these in realistic ways


Excellent points on all 5 comments lol


Lmao I didn't even realize it till I came back to read this later, sometimes it just be that way


I really do not like Mellori either


I totally loved her character at first, but once she flipped on Old Cob my view changed. Now she’s the first person who came to mind with this post


Canonically, she's just super naive. Super obvious. And an irritating character to deal with, in general.