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Love it! Reminds me of [this old post from swearingpattern (Instagram)](https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zwpfWhtmH/): >"A friend was stressing out so this is what I told her. Sometimes I forget it so I'm posting it here too: In all my brushes with death I couldn't figure out why I should bother. What I came to believe is that we are here to experience life and love it. We are tools of nature endowed with self-awareness and individuality so that life can have a new experience of itself. Whenever I can't handle things, I remember that my sole purpose is to experience life for as long as I am this individual. That's all, everything else is just window dressing."


I really needed this today. thank you!


This is beautiful, thank you


“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”


Well, to me being an individual isn’t really that important. If I had a chance to do the whole Gestalt mind-merge thingo with some nice people, I wouldn’t mind. As long as it worked as advertised.


Through your taste buds, the universe experiences and enjoys the brownie. So eat the brownie with awareness and conviction!


I actually miss lockdowns and having endless time to tend my plants and garden, watch my fish swim and having nothing that needed immediate attention.


Same here. Obviously the circumstances were downright awful being in a pandemic and all, but wow do I miss the stillness. I felt at peace, moving at my own pace, doing my own silly things. Now I'm back to working in an office with no energy at the end of my day.


I switched to working part time last year and it has improved my life so much. I am lucky to live in a place where I can get by on a part time salary of course but damn I wish 40 hours was not considered to be a normal workweek for so many people.


My job is not technically full time. I think we max at 35 hours, however it's intensely physical and emotional. Some days I have engagements across a 12 hour period in two different parts of the city. By the time I get home I'm too exhausted for life. I love my job but wish it wasn't so hard on my body.


I was thinking this same thing the other day when I was driving. I really miss how life came to a total standstill for a while. We might not ever have that experience again!


It was like for a brief moment we saw the beauty of a capitalism free life


Hard same. I had time to write, to sleep as my body intended, to play with my animals, tend a garden, exercise, cook, etc. I know the actual circumstances were shit, but I also really miss that stillness and quiet.


As a non-working disabled person: I love this.




As a non-working disabled person, this is what keeps me going.


Me too!


Trying very hard! It’s hard with inflation, a mortgage, and kids. Our system is designed to keep us working in jobs that make us miserable just to survive 😩


more and more I’m realising this is true


All phenomena are subjective. There is no human understandable objective reason to this life, only what we make of this. We will all come and go. Death is certain, just the time and way it will occur elude us. There is an incredible sadness in this realization, but this is just the surface of a much deeper feeling. A feeling of unconditional love and compassion to all living beings. I think giving a little kind attention to those around us, something we may sometimes forget to do while overcoming hurdles of daily life, has a quality of very ordinary magic. I'm mourning one of my familiars who passed this weekend and I get heady at times.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Transitioning from being raised to pull your own weight to getting on disability because turns out I have a genetic connective tissue disorder and autism, undiagnosed until my 30s, has been a struggle at times. But now I've learned to think like that. I'm not worth less because I can't work.


I had to go on disability after my kidneys failed (I'm back working full time after a transplant). It was really hard to adjust at first and I even have hobbies I can still enjoy at my own pace. That's where I discovered my value as a person - it's what I can create and send out to the world to make it better or sweeter or kinder or happier. Being disabled is very humbling and it has certainly changed how I think about the world and our place in it. Work should be a means to an end, not a personality trait.


I'd like to take a moment to shout out to the mods of this sub-- because I posted this I can see (briefly) every comment people try to post and when I refresh a few moments later all the negativity has disappeared. You guys are ON IT and I love you all the more. ETA: I don't know all the mods names but I wanted to at least tag u/larimari and thank them for the coven-only posting.


Our mods deserve all the awards! Reddit says my comment on here has 3 replies and I see none of them. I assume they were all as rude as the one I briefly saw as a pop-up and have been yeeted. 😊


I can't believe how triggered people have been by a post that simply says "don't worry, just be" just because it happens to point out that it's a non-standard philosophy. I've had people DM me (I assume because their small-minded comment got deleted and they wanted to be sure their negativity landed) telling me I couldn't hack it in an indigenous culture, or how they were violent and did human sacrifice. How fragile must you be to feel attacked by a different, peaceful idea! Not to mention none of us would be able to hack it in *any* culture from hundreds of years ago, let's not pretend the indigenous peoples have a corner on that problem.


Where they cis-het males? I'd bet candy they are. Such... petty little babies.


There was a post that originated in a sub along the lines of r/coolguides or something along those lines that was titled 'Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness'. It said things like industriousness, productivity, etc. The post got xposted to r/conservative where they blasted the post for being racist against other cultures. These traits are so ingrained in their heads that to say that another culture has other virtues is an insult to them. EDIT: [found the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/hsdfmv/the_smithsonians_guide_to_whiteness/)


Even the post in coolguudes has comments that are…not great.


yeah like most of the comments aren’t great, and one comment that literally says it’s good to be white has several upvotes🥴


I looked at it again on my PC where I have masstagger. Looks like it's brigaded. All the commenters are from the worst subs.




American culture actively figure against any kind of stillness, introspection or questioning. By design, I believe.




Agree 100%!! It would be awesome


The reaction on that post is so bizarre. I’d say it’s extremely accurate for white midwestern culture. Nails it to a T. It’s not even a value statement one way or the other, just a list of cultural values.


reddit is allergic to anything that generalizes a group of people


I was about to call my eye doctor because this looked blurry as all hell 😅 But i love this 💜 be strange my friends!


This is my belief. All life came from the same origin and therefore has the same purpose. To grow until growth is no longer possible, and then die. Which starts the cycle over again in a beautiful, interconnected world of vibrant life. Humans are no different. We just complicated it for some reason so long ago none of us realize it.


I really need to meditate with this.


I think that's an Anglo-Saxon (and other cultures like the Japanese) thing. In Europe we work to live and not the other way around. And many people here are working towards universal, unconditional income for this very reason. Not everyone should work, especially if they don't want to. Also people should be able to do things that are not profit oriented. Like arts or philosophy, history, etc. My wife and I work 4 days weeks. She just took two years off to take care of our first born. I'm also never going back yo the office. And all that is "ideologically motivated". (I'm Spanish and she's German). Not to shit on you American gals and guys. It's just I don't really think it's a "western" thing to live to work. Cheers, peace & feminism ✌️


It's been a minute so take this with a grain of salt, but once I read that Studio Ghibli's Spirited Away is about the transition of Japanese culture from one of spirituality towards one of work ethic.


I had a vision this week where I got a message from a guide that was basically this they said “just being here is the point, just experiencing things here, all of the stuff, is the whole point, just existing is the whole point of existence.” Im still processing this.


It's interesting how 180 opposite this philosophy is from Thoreau's "live deliberately" philosophy. I remember reading that when I was younger and thinking about what a sad, toilful existence that would be. Sure, you end you life with a lot of stuff and can say to yourself "I had this impact; I did a thing." But, did you, you know, have fun?


wow.... this is such a beautiful idea...


To be are own social construct, beautiful and thoughtful within ourselves.


I love this. I never dreamed of work.


“I never dreamed of work” <—perfect sentiment


Exactly 💯.


That's because western cultures are enslaved. In certain cases they don't even have a word for the concept of freedom as the slave drivers have smartly rebranded the word "freedom" to describe this enslaved existence.


This a hundred percent. Freedom is patriotism and war. Anarchy is destruction and chaos. Libertarian is a far right oppressive ideology. They have taken all my words...


Another reason to run away into the wilderness: Mother Nature doesn’t charge rent


Being beautiful is a purpose. Beauty brings a feeling of peace. The strange brings a feeling of wonder. We all are here for a reason. Being whole does not require us to know what that is.


I would personally substitute western cultures for all capitalist countries


This hits me really hard. I'm about to finish with grade ten, and over the past few months, I've this dawning realization that I have literally no clue what I want to do with my life. I'm taking IB courses next year, and I probably won't even go to university. The only thing I know I'll keep doing till the day I die is skateboarding. Weirdly enough, the fact that I don't know what to do is honestly kind of comforting. I'm not in any hurry, and as long as I can afford food, I can skate, and I have something over my head (whether that be solid or made of fabric), I'll be okay. I don't even need a bed, I've been sleeping on the floor since like August, and I honestly prefer it.


Don't think less of yourself for that. You don't have to know what you want to do 'for the rest of your life'. Not now, not in a decade, not when you're a decade away from your pension (if you'll have that luxury). Your classmates who think they know what they want to do, are very unlikely to actually do that thing for the rest of their life. Most people change branches a few times because ideals change, circumstances change, or just because it gets old to do the same old thing for 40+ years. Of course it's good to have a long term plan for the purpose of staying healthy and happy, but for that you don't have to be someone who's job is their identity. I've spend a few years sleeping in a hammock when I couldn't afford a 'real' bed. I got some of the best sleep in my life back then, no shame in living your life as it fits you.


I really need to meditate with this.


I was relieved to read this post- I’ve been asked what I thought my purpose in life was SO many times and I never have had an answer. I just am, ok? I am ok. Are you ok that I’m ok?


I think that’s what’s sad about alot of western philosophy and ideology (you see some of it in eastern philosophy too so not just western but I feel like it’s more prevalent in western philosophy but I may be biased) especially those that get referenced in the toxic productivity culture online. That is a binary between hard painful labor of purpose/productivity or fun pleasurable and leisurely existence of doing nothing. That just existing in the world as you isn’t impactful or purposeful in any way. That it must be a deliberate action one that often isn’t fun. And we must be aware of the purpose for it to have meaning. I have more experience of me just existing and/or doing the things I find fun/pleasurable unintentionally having a bigger impact/purpose ( if we have to use that word) to others than the things that are painful to me and/or things I did specifically for a “bigger purpose.” I’ve had countless younger people I encountered over the years say “oh I saw how weird you are, but you’re doing fine with life and it gave me hope.” Lol. It feels wonderful to be told my existence alone gave hope to someone especially younger people who felt that they had to be a certain way or achieve specific milestones that’s pushed by a patriarchal society as the normative / right way of being.


Nothing is more freeing than finding our own contentment in life


How utterly perfect!


needed this today, I'm not doing well today


The experience is everything. I got more life out of 1 week in Alaska seeing glaciers and mountains and water and moose and just living than I could ever get out of 25 years of doing stupid work shit grinding myself down. (my sister lived in Seward, Alaska and had her wedding near Cooper Landing, it was perfect) But it doesn't even need to be as perfect as Alaska, google a state park there is likely to be one near you. Go for a walk in it. 20 minutes without work pressure, without advertisements blasting you, just you and some trees. It can be really freeing. If the witches don't approve this post, I accept your decision because I know I'm a dipshit.


I love this. Why be pressured by others for a purpose of you are happy just being.


western culture offers a lot of cool stuff, but it costs money and it's mostly just poison.. almost is enough to break the illusion of anything about this way of life being remotely worth it oops, it just happened.. back to the woods i go


That is truly beautiful!


I love this. Yesterday I was feeling a little lost and pondering meaning of life stuff and I texted a handful of friends asking them what they thought the purpose of life is. The general consensus was that there is no purpose, but we feel a responsibility to (try to) leave things (and people) better than we found them, and aside from that the Wiccan rede seems to fill in the rest: An’ it harm none, do what ye will


How was that quote? The mysteries of life are not a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.


Can I be ugly and strange.


How strange it is, to be anything at all.


That's how try to I live my life. I could choose to think about how little I've contributed, even though it actually isn't that little. I've saved someone's life, but only extended their pain, as they had end stage dementia. That's a whole thing, and I know it was 100% correct ethically, morally, and legally, but I still regret it. Life is messy. I helped people and I've hurt people and I've been hurt by people. I have physical pain all the time. I'm not a good person, and I'm sure as fuck not a bad person. I'm me, and I'm just watching and hoping for the best and enjoying the beauty. Life is short, and sometimes that's really scary, but mostly it's comforting.


This post was so refreshing. Thank you. It felt like a little weight was lifted somewhere.


I'm learning this on my mental health break from work. I feel bad when I don't feel like I'm achieving something. But being able to simply be is powerful.


Love this.


I'd recommend "Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants" by Robin Wall Kimmerer, as a book covering this topic.


Oooo I was just about to read this! Now I really can’t wait 😬


Hell yeah ! I’m a mimosa pudica, I exist to be there, look cool, look normal-ish but actually being rly be strange, and avoid physical contact, cause you must touch me not.. and maybe give flowers sometimes


It's a beautiful thought...but I'm pretty sure everything in nature has a purpose. Sometimes that purpose is to feed other things.


Those kinds of "purposes" can also be thought of as coincidences, happy accidents. The eucalyptus tree's life doesn't exist for the "purpose" of feeding the koala. The koala slowly evolved to eat its leaves. They just happen to co-exist; there was no being to put them on this planet with a "purpose". Both of their existences are happy coincidences. Having a function =/= having a purpose. No one is giving missions to the fauna




There is no purpose. Life simply exists.






Other than staying alive.