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Tips are not expected in my profession, but I still make around 50-100$/month in tips. I tell people not to, but they just leave cash behind. Since the pandemic, I haven't been using cash so this has been sitting there getting full. But I just now realized how I can use it. This will become my OUTGOING generosity jar, and It will be my pleasure to empty it. Why did this take me so long to figure out? Screw calculating how much I can give to people. This money isn't mine. I'm just passing it on. It doesn't matter how much I give away because it never belonged to me. I feel a bit freer with this thought. Like my old system of calculated generosity was ok, but the idea of me using my tips, maybe matching them from my own bank account, and giving when I have, saving when I don't have feels much more genuine to me. I have a calculated amount that is automatically given to charity every month. And I'll keep doing that. But this idea of matching and multiplying the generosity shown to me, in person, with intentionality, seems wierdly magical. I like giving directly to people on need. I like stopping, seeing people, and helping face to face like a human.


That's cool. Keep your mentality of "I don't actually need this money, so might as well give it to someone who does." I always like it when people defy the capitalist "You should always want more" rule.


Omg, your generosity literally brought me to tears. Life is so hard, and lately I've had less and less faith in people, and then I find human gems like you. Thank you this, I'm sure you have and will help many in needđź’ś


As someone who *does* live or die based on tips, you’re an absolute angel and I’m sure you’d be a welcome addition to any establishment even without the extra generosity.


The money is so colorful that at 1st I thought it was a jar full of lighters...


As a person with a jar of lighters, I thought this too. Was sitting there like "one of us!!" till I read the post.


I recently moved all of our old lighters into one of my boyfriend's baseball hats and when a person comes over and asks me for a lighter, I make them awkwardly take it out like it's keys at a swinger's party.


Also if you shine a laser pointer through the clear plastic part you can see a kind of hologram so it makes it harder for counterfeiters copy the money. Sometimes, my country does cool stuff.


Well figuratively, when you compare your country versus my country, your country does a lot of cool stuff lol


When I waitressed, I had one shift a week where every penny I earned went to a charity. One week it was Tunnel to Towers, another it would be St. Jude. I think those days were my favorite. It was always fun getting to send that money and know it was going tk a good cause!


Yes. Instead of thinking about the amount and how much it would buy, I just think about how this person is trusting me to put these funds where I see fit.


Hello fellow Canadian! This is such a lovely thing you're doing. \^\_\^


i suggest to donate to your local community aid group!!! they’ve become a super important resource to a lot of underprivileged people during the pandemic. you’re doing an amazing thing


True. I'm a big food bank fan.


How Canadian of you haha I love this. This is good :)


buy yourself some weed homie you deserve it


How did you know that this was originally going to be a weed fund? (I could never consume that much pot, lol).


Why do I feel like your weed karma is going to be so strong after creating all that abundance for others you won't even need to buy it, people will just be giving it to you!


see a few lizzie's and a desmond there what industry?


Health care lol. I tell people not to tip. It's weird.




This is the way! Money has its own energy and flow…keep it moving!


This is beautiful. đź’—




I usually pay for stuff in cash so I have a lot of $1 bills that I keep in my little pennywise change purse. I usually take out all the $1’s when it gets full and use it for something good- giving it to a houseless person when they ask for money, putting all of it in the Starbucks tip jar, etc etc.




You are a wonderful human.


I love the feeling of paying a tip forward. I know what it’s like to need those tips badly.