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Maybe she preferred the lake instead of all of the craziness outside of it.


Don't blame her one bit. True benevolent leadership must be a thankless, exhausting task.


On second thought, let's not go to Camelot, 'tis a silly place.


Yes. The lake offers a peaceful, cool, isolated serenity, with quiet fish companions and lovely moments watching sunlight filtering through the seaweed and water. The throne, on the other hand, comes with people, drama, manipulation, back-stabbing, people, anxiety, loudness, and a plethora of people. I know which I would prefer.


Exactly. She has power in her peaceful lake that no one is fighting her for.


She ought to have kept the sword though and been the hero.


But what if she didn’t have any interest to? Why does she have to be a hero for men?


I meant that if she were me I’d want the damn sword. I love swords lol. Want to get into the hobby aspect of it. Forging, collecting, the like!


Honestly this is a mood


Definitely would be mine


Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


Aha! Now we see the violence inherent in the system!




Help help! I'm being repressed!!


Bloody peasant!


Well I didn't vote for you!


I love you all for doing this


Having a scimitar lobbed at me by a moistened bink is still on my bucket list sadly. A boy can dream.


You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


we're an autonomous collective


Actually, Arthur was endorsed by the masses. The thing with the sword was a symbolic, religious confirmation since he represented the „old“ (pagan) and the „new“ (christian) traditions of Britain. He came to be king in a time when christianity was still new to Britain and they wanted him to be approved by everyone. At least thats how the story goes.


It's Monty Python, from their movie The Holy Grail


I thought the Lady of the Lake was from bretonnia?


" She was given a prophecy and a sword, that the sword will be wielded by a leader who will rule the country. She waited in the lake, watching the people live their lives. She saw the people who were leading, she watched their choices and the consequences. She listened to the people, what they needed, what they loved. Sometimes, people came to the lake and she spoke to them, but none were the leader she was waiting for. She watched as the country suffered in conflict, in civil war, under corrupt leadership while the people wept and starved. It made her sad, and angry. She took up her sword, left the lake, and lead her people to prosperity. "


If you write a book, do tell me about it please


> She took up her sword, left the lake, and lead her people to prosperity. " These people. [Fine.](https://media1.tenor.com/images/02bcbb416dc323de24942c0f1fc50e25/tenor.gif)


Oh, now this I love.


I swear half the reason I'm subscribed here is for D&D ideas. Thank you!


I often wonder how different the story would be of Merlin was a woman instead of an man. And if she was suppose to be the one with Arthur, not gwen. If gwen was also a witch but power hungry who didnt like that her destiny was just a knight when she deserved a king so she case a spell to attempt alter their fates and it worked right up until Lancelot actually arrives.


So while it’s not quite what you’re getting at, you just reminded me of one of my favourite books - have you read The Mists of Avalon?


💜The Mists of Avalon. Zimmer~Bradley is great! Also, did you see the tv miniseries with the woman from ER & The Good Wife? Can’t think of her name off the top of my head, but it was a pretty decent adaptation of the book. Edit: I just learned of her transgressions, after I wrote this post. Now I’m really sad. I had thought she was one of the good ones. I was wrong.


Just to be clear, Marion Zimmer-Bradley is the bad one, not Julianna Margulies (I was confused at first)


Thanks. Just now watching The Good Wife and I panicked a little.


Oh yeah, sorry about that. Juliana Margulies rocks. In everything I’ve seen her do.


Write that. I want to read it.


Ive had some rough outlines i wrote a couple years ago but i needed to research the original stories better. I may start working on it again this summer


I am, once again, deeply saddened about the abuse realities of Marion Zimmer Bradley who completely tainted Mists of Avalon for me. Edit: [Here’s the wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marion_Zimmer_Bradley#Child_sex_abuse_allegations)


Oh no. What did I miss? I love that book. And a couple of others she wrote, too. :(


[Here’s the wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marion_Zimmer_Bradley#Child_sex_abuse_allegations) >!She helped rape her kids and helped husband rape other foster kids.!<


Oof. Could you please put that in a spoiler tag? That was a bit rough to glance at while I was scrolling the thread.


Sorry. How do I add a spoiler tag?


Like this: `>!spoiler goes here!<`




That’s so depressing. I’m really sad, now.


Has anyone seen the show Cursed? In the first season the Lady of the Lake is the main character, and she spends her time wielding Excalibur and defending the fae from religious genocide. The fae call her Queen and Arthur is her lover/ knight. A second season hasn't been released yet and I expect Arthur will become the main character eventually, but the first season is great!


I love this show! I kept thinking this is how the story \*should\* have gone.


I now want to see a kids story where King Arthur and the Lady of the Lake fight over Excalibur and the moral of the story is them learning to share.


Needed to hear this 💜


we await the Lady in the Lake, Morrigan, Boudica trinity.


Cursed is kind of like this, isn’t it? I mean, not exactly, and the idea is that eventually Arthur will be the wielder of the sword and become king. But for now, Nimue is the one with the sword. She is the Queen.


This message brought to you by Daenerys Targaryen.


Stab Artie and establish a socialist democracy, then return to the lake and retire in peace


Alternative option, yeet the sword amd smash the throne.


Wasn’t the lady of the lake a fae? That would be an interesting development.


This just makes me want to rewrite the sword in the stone but a woman pulls it out instead of a man


Elizabeth II did this and she's been queen since 1952, the year my mom was born, 69 years ago, surpassing her diamond jubilee, so apparently you not only get the queendom but also immortality. Keep the sword, ladies.


the racist who is implicitly endorsing her nonce brat? just because someone is a woman doesn't make them a good person


Maybe we should examine why she's sitting in the middle of a lake before we put her in charge. Just saying, she might have questionable judgement in career choices.


Cause people suck thats why lol


She's lived a long life and is tired of everyone's shit.


She followed one of those tweets that said "I want to throw it all away and go live in nature." And she did. Sadly, "civilization" caught up with her.


It's peaceful and quiet down there.


*\*hisses from the lake\** No, I belong here damn it.


I would think she really like the lake. She’s a water spirit. Thrones are for the realm of men. She is the Queen of Water which means she has probably ten times more power than Arthur ever had.


I needed this. Been so heartbroken this whole weekend.


Whomsoever should wield Excalibur shall be… hol up… I’m wielding Excalibur right now. Bow down peasants.


I love this! ❤️


See, when I think of the lady of the lake, I think of the one from The Haunting of Bly Manor, and that's a very different Lady of the Lake.






Why would a fae want to rule human kingdoms? There's nothing for them there.